His Dearest Wife

Chapter 687

Chapter 687

In the surveillance video, his figure walked decisively and firmly, as if he had really forgotten her.

"Maybe he has something urgent to deal with all of a sudden? You might as well go home and have a look. "

"Yes, I believe he will go home. I will wait for him at home." Ji Youran suddenly sees another hope.

"I'll go back with you." Chu Yingying feels guilty for her and just wants to accompany her to find Ji Han.

The capital.

There is a sacred place.

This is a castle like house, located in an expensive private forest, magnificent building like a giant dormant in the depths of the forest.

This is a private house and a manor villa.

At this moment, the lights in the hall of the house are turned on, and the light diffuses in little by little, showing the expensive and luxurious decoration inside little by little. Everything is very valuable.

The figure of the man is very long, close to the figure of one meter nine, with light on his back. His features are strong and dark, but the momentum of the king can not be ignored.

He is the master of the castle, Fengli.

There are too many thoughts in a man's mind, which makes his brain AChE. His slender fingers hold his forehead, but walk leisurely to a telephone. His slender fingers press a series of numbers at will.

The number rang for three seconds, and someone answered, "Hello!"

"I'm back. Are you all ok?" Low magnetic male voice light inquires.

"Boss, is that you? Is it really you? I'm not dreaming There was a man's voice that was so excited.


"We found your fighter, but it has been burned to ashes. We always thought something happened to you, boss. Do you know? Do you know how long we've been looking for you? Where the hell have you been? Are you all right now? "

"I'll see you later." With that, the man cut off the phone. Feng Li's slender body was sitting lazily on the leather sofa. His slender legs were overlapped, and his eyes were cold. He still remembered the day when his fighter plane crashed on March 15. Now, it's June. How did he spend these months? Who saved him?

He thought of the girl holding his hand in the ward. Although he didn't see her face, he must have something to do with her in recent months.

In the villa.

Ji Youran is sitting on the stairs of her home, looking at the sunset again. Against the despair of her eyes, she can't be more sad, just like the abandoned kitten, she suddenly has no courage to live.

Beside her, Chu Yingying looks at her, blames herself and feels ashamed. She doesn't know how to help her, but she finally understands that the man named Ji Han was saved by her a few months ago, not his boyfriend, but just her bodyguard. Now, he is missing.

"Miss Ji, do you think he will come back? You've been waiting like this for three days, and if you don't eat or drink, your body can't stand it, or You have something to eat first, and we'll keep waiting. " Chu Ying Ying looks at her and asks in a low voice.

Ji Youran's voice began to cry, and she nodded firmly: "he will, he will come back, I believe he will definitely come back, he promised me that he would not leave me, he is the most honest, he will..."

If she is so firm, God will cruelly tell her that the people she is waiting for will never come back.

A few hours after Feng Li made the phone call, a huge gray plane landed on the tarmac behind his villa. Compared with the gray helicopter next to him, the plane was twice as big, like a giant. It was extremely aggressive.

Six black luxury SUVs stop dominantly at the gate of the courtyard of the forest castle. From the first car, there is a man in his early 40s. On the other side, there are young men. Behind them are ten serious looking bodyguards.

At this time, the castle door slowly to both sides open, a figure from the garden step out.

He was wearing a straight black shirt with dark lines, a slim trousers, two extremely proud long legs, and a calm and dignified manner.

And his face, even the word "amazing" in front of him, appears pale and powerless. Under the ink hair, a face is so handsome that it can't find any flaw. With his appearance, the two men at the head rush past in surprise.

"Big brother." The young man called out urgently. His name was Feng lie. He was a descendant of Feng's collateral family. Now he is also Feng Li's cousin, because he liked military affairs since childhood. After knowing that Feng Li also liked this aspect, he always followed him to help him.

"Young master." Wang Feng is happy to shout.

"Here we are." A light response, the man slightly narrowed the deep eyes such as ink, "tell me what I'm not in."

"Brother, where have you been? You know we've turned the world over and we can't find you. "

"I'll talk about it later. I just want to know what happened that day.""After you disappeared, my uncle stopped the military exercise. Later, I learned that in the military exercise, the opponents were disguised by several mercenaries of M country. Their target was to attack you. After your plane crashed After that, dad was so angry that he immediately stopped all the supplies and ordered He ordered you to go back to the company immediately to take over the business of Fengjia, and the army was immediately taken over by the Black Hawk after you left, depriving you of the identity of the person in power. " The young man complained angrily.

The corner of Feng Li's mouth stirred up a gloomy and evil smile. "What belongs to me, no one has the right to take it away."

"Boss, I'm just waiting for you to take charge of the overall situation."

Only ten minutes later, a line of black SUVs turned back to the airport again.

On the road, the man's eyes narrowed and fell on the surrounding scenery. There was no trace of his life in the city in his mind. The memory of these months was only blank for him.

"Brother, where have you been in the past six months? What's the matter with your head injury? Are those bastards still alive? Still chasing you? "

"My last memory is the plane crash. At that time, I thought there was a parachute, but in the end, I found that there was no parachute. At that time, the situation was extremely dangerous. If I didn't jump, I might not even have room to survive. So I chose to jump. What happened later, I really don't remember. In short, someone saved me."

"So these days, you don't know how you live?" Feng lie asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I'm alive, I'll pay double for those who make me suffer." The man's gloomy eyes burst out a strong sense of killing.

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