His Dearest Wife

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

But he was surprised by another person. He was checking out in a shopping mall and buying ordinary daily necessities. At this time, a girl suddenly came to him in the video. She seemed to be picking up something and came to him in a hurry to pay the bill. She ran too fast and almost ran into him. However,

he reached for her and caught her. Although she didn't get a picture of her face, it was a shame He is sure that this season is leisurely.

Feng Li looks at the picture of getting along with the girl in the video. He can't believe that the man in the video is himself.

How could he have been so approachable?

This is absolutely detrimental to his dignity as an heir.

After watching more than ten videos, he can be sure that Ji Youran has been looking for him and has feelings for him, which are all real things that have happened.

In the video, he, who has lost his memory, dotes on her, but now, Feng Li really doesn't want to admit this fact.

Close the computer, Feng Li slender fingers to help the forehead, some headache, at the same time, but also some uncomfortable, see another self, a completely strange self, make him depressed.

"Young master, it seems that Miss Ji is destined to be with you." Weining said with a smile.

"Fate?" Feng Li's eyes glanced at him in a complicated way.

"Send someone to a city immediately to eliminate all the records of my life. I absolutely don't want to see these pictures again."

Weining was slightly stunned. He thought that the young master would have some interest in this season when he saw these videos. Unexpectedly, the young master is 27. In fact, it's normal to make a girlfriend.

However, it is obvious that his cognition is wrong. The young master seems to reject the amnesia, and even intends to erase the traces.

In the ordinary guest room, Ji leisurely sits on the sofa, hugs the pillow, with a dull face, as if the soul is out of the body.

Chu Yingying began to take care of her food and daily life again. She sighed to her like an old woman, "Hello! I said Ran Ran, can you finish the breakfast on the table first. "

" I can't eat it! "

"If you can't eat it, you can have some. Do you think that letter will be because you can't eat it?"

Ji leisurely a face distress way, "don't mention him! I have a headache

"All right, we'll leave tomorrow, so that you won't lose heart here."

"Warm, don't Don't... " Ji Youran saw her with a mobile phone and immediately stopped her.

Chu Yingying looked at her: "what? Don't give up

"At least I haven't figured it out yet?"

"However, don't deceive yourself. Even if he thinks of it, he will come to you immediately, but now the living one is Feng Li."

Ji Youran thinks Yingying is more and more poisonous, but at the same time, it is also a rational blow to her heart, which disillusiones her self righteous expectations.

"You're right. If he becomes Ji Han, he will come to me. He will." Season leisurely ring arm, murmur of say.

"Well, don't be in a daze here. Let's go out and play." Yingying finished, also don't give her noodles, plan to take her out to eat some delicious.

Ji Youran is forced to go out by her, and comes to the hall in a row of elevators.

They just stepped out, cold, the front of the elevator door also opened, with, Feng Li with his two assistants stepped out.

Ji Youran side head, he is also turning his head, eyes unexpectedly touch together.

, she was as like as two peas in the cold season. She had a look, expecting him to call her as low and gentle as before.

Just as she imagined, Feng Li stopped for a few seconds, turned over, put one hand in her trouser pocket, and walked towards her like a torch.

Ji leisurely blinked, fixed the figure, waiting for him to come.

Chu Yingying is also the first time to witness Feng Li herself. Her awe inspiring momentum makes her want to escape. She thinks that this kind of man can't be separated from the world.

But in order to protect Ji Youran, she still insists on the fear of soft legs and stands beside Ji Youran like wood.

Ji Youran is gaping a pair of watery big eyes, looking at this man to approach.

The man's eyes twinkled with a smile, a simple white shirt on him, elegant and comfortable, more and more foil her timidity.

He was very tall. In the past, he would cooperate with her. Every time he talked to her, he bowed his head or bent down. However, now, although he hung his eyes, he was in a completely different oppressive posture.

"What a coincidence."

The man gave a deep smile.

Deep as the sea's eyes look at her face, can't imagine, he will be like a man at home and her life for half a year.

Ji Youran is obsessed with looking at this face. She hopes that he will become Ji Han next second.

She knew Ji Han.

Seeing that she did not answer, he asked again, "where are you going?"

Season leisurely rational return, after all is not her that he, think of last night and his unhappy parting meet, she light way, "have nothing to do with you."He is always respected by others, only he is qualified to be indifferent to others.

How dare a woman ignore his words like this?

This kind of feeling really super uncomfortable, he squinted, cold hum: "I remind you, although you saved me, and I live, but it does not mean that you can be disrespectful to me."

"You know I saved you and lived with you. Why can't I be nice to you?" Ji Youran asked.

A second and red eyes, biting his lips, said, "if it is him, he has never been fierce to me."

Feng Li suddenly murmured, "I'm not him."

When he warned again, he saw that Ji Youran closed his eyes tightly, and tears came down from the corner of his eyes, pitifully fragile.

Feng Li's eyes stagnated.

If you want to say something, you will swallow it in your throat. What's more, you will be hit by something on your chest, and you will feel that you can't say it clearly.

After Ji Youran calmed his heart, he looked up at these cold eyes and said in a loud voice: "of course you are not him. Ji Han is a hundred times stronger than you, but now he is dead in my heart, so If you're not him, please don't talk to me anymore. "

With that, Ji leisurely pulls Yingying beside him and strides to the door.

Behind him, Feng Li has a pretty face and looks at the woman who yells at him but runs away.

What she said just now made him feel worse. He dares to say that he is dead.

It's really disrespectful to him.

"Young master..." Behind him, Weining was surprised.

Feng Li, with his proud long legs, sat in his car with a gloomy face.

Ji Youran and Yingying run all the way to the street. Ji Youran gasps for breath. Unexpectedly, there is a feeling of great happiness. Yingying also praises her.

At this time, at the gate of the hotel, three black cars roared past them.

Ji Youran looks at the black car, and his eyes are somewhat lost. On this day, the two girls played in the evening again. After a day's relaxation, Ji leisurely was in a better mood.

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