His Dearest Wife

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Rose represents the hot love, the bright color, almost bewitch all women's heart.

Lin's breath became stifled, and the heat in his body became even more amazing, rolling wave after wave.

What's wrong with her? How can you have a feeling of dry mouth and surging heart?

Lift eyes, in front of the tall straight figure, more like a beam of current, to her heart, can't stop.

Feng Yu sat down at the predetermined position with his legs overlapping at random. The young master's temperament was no doubt revealed, but he was more evil and charming, making it impossible for people to escape from his deep eyes.

He looks like a fire wrapped in his eyes, staring at the girl sitting opposite her, and like a vicious wolf, staring at his delicious little prey, hoping to swallow it in one gulp.

The atmosphere is unspeakable romantic, but it is also full of ambiguous atmosphere.

The waiter brought water and a bottle of unopened red wine.

Lin Miss looking at the liquor, trying to calm his heart, calm, to calm down, what is this?

This is a trap for men to seduce women. If they are really trapped, it will be over. Miss Lin, don't think about it any more. It's just a meal.

Just when Lin Xiangxiang brought a water cup and kept drinking water to moisten his dry lips, a few beams of light suddenly came from the small dark stage behind him. The next second, the beautiful voice of the violin played, matched with the soft voice of the piano.

Miss Lin's little hand holding the cup suddenly pinched tightly. When she turned her head, she found that someone was playing on the dark stage just now.

The melody is touching and touching, which makes people feel dizzy, blush and heartbeat.

"Do you like it?" Feng Yu's beautiful thin lips rose and his tone was low.

Miss Lin also stepped up the suction of two saliva, which pretended to calm asked him: "these are you deliberately arranged?"

"Yes, it's for you." Feng Yu spread his hand gracefully and looked at her with more burning eyes.

Lin mei'er frowned and was about to say something. Suddenly, a bunch of roses was sent to her by the waiter.

That fusion of blue and red and pink rose bouquet, let Lin miss completely opened his eyes.

This man

Can you stop challenging her willpower? She really can't resist.

"What are you doing? Just a meal. It's too expensive." Miss Lin is a little confused, but he still holds a trace of reason and says in a soft voice.

Feng Yu said lightly: "as long as you like, what I do is worth it. Don't tell me, don't you like it?"

Miss Lin was already nervous, because his ambiguous and warm words almost fell.

"If you If you really want to make me happy, why don't you Do my grandfather a favor. " Lin miss holding the rose, to be enchanted by the charming fragrance of the flowers, but at the thought of their own request in Fengyu, reason and sober up, frightening mouth way.

Feng Yu was enjoying the world with her when he heard that she mentioned her grandfather. He brushed his face: "what's the matter with the old man?"

Miss Lin Leng for a moment, Feng Yu even called grandfather an old man, really impolite.

"My grandfather has a batch of imported goods that have been blocked by the customs. He has been walking around, but he hasn't been able to get through. The goods still haven't been released. He wants to borrow your relationship..."

Feng Yu cut off her words: "he means to trouble me constantly. I really think that if I marry you to me, I will do everything for him?"

"No No, my grandfather really can't think of a way to ask you for help. " Lin miss heart a flustered, afraid he was angry, quickly explained.

"In this world, there are things that can't be solved every day. If I can be really busy, should I be tired to death?" Feng Yu Jun Rong immediately looked ugly three points, tone also no longer just temperature, show some ruthless.

Lin missed the moment dumb, it seems, this time is not to help grandfather.

"If it's really that difficult, forget it. I'll let my grandfather think of another way." Miss Lin gave up, she is also a person with self-esteem, asked, people do not agree, she has no face to continue to ask.

"Why don't you beg me again?" Feng Yu saw that she just let it go, and her face was even colder: "maybe you ask me again, and I will promise to help your grandfather."

Miss Lin Mei Mou a stiff, open big, coagulation man's gloomy handsome face, two small hands twisted together, pinched tightly: "I don't ask, because I don't want to make you embarrassed, also have no face to continue to ask."

"Are you so patient with me?" Feng Yu is really a bad man to wait on. Anyway, he doesn't like what Lin Xiang says.

Lin sighed: "of course I have patience. If you are not angry, I will..."

"I'm not angry with you. It's your greedy grandfather." The color of Feng Yu's eyes was cool, and his tone was indifferent.Lin miss small face pale colorless, subconsciously licked a lower lip piece: "my grandfather's business, is not my business?"

"If you want my help, give me a baby!" Feng Yu suddenly asked.

Miss Lin heart trembled, two small hands stiff pinch, cold sweat straight up, flustered: "can you change a request?"

"No!" Feng Yu's cold reply.

"Then I'll let my grandfather think of another way, and I won't trouble you." Miss Lin is completely defeated. Having a baby is a life-long event. She can't afford to gamble.

Feng Yu's face was even worse, and he pushed the wine aside: "open the bottle!"

Not far away, the waiter quickly took the wine down. After a while, the wine bottle opened and the fragrance overflowed.

Lin Xiangxiang is restless. He looks at the man pouring a glass of wine. After taking a sip of it, he drinks it again. After drinking three cups in a row, Jun's face turns red slightly.

"Miss Lin, is it so difficult for you to have a baby? How many things do you want me to do for you before you are willing to be my woman? " Xu was drunk and not in a good mood. Feng Yu's tone was a little irritated, and his eyes glared at her.

Lin Xiangxiang looks a little pale. She turns her little face to one side and her eyes are slightly red: "it's a matter of a lifetime to have a baby. I want to think it over carefully before I make a decision. If I have a baby, I have to be responsible for him, but now I can't even take responsibility for my own life. How can I take care of my child?"

Feng Yujun's eyes are slightly stiff. Her words are reasonable.

After all, this woman has no sense of security.

"I've got the certificate, and you're doing it too. What worries do you have?" Feng Yu doesn't understand. Is this sense of security enough?

Lin Xiangxiang also had some resentment and said: "you are right. We are married, but you don't love me and I don't love you. Our marriage is a trade. You use me to humiliate the Lin family. My grandfather asked me to marry you. I am a chess piece."

"I don't love you? Who said that? " Feng Yu's expression became subtle and his voice became low.

"Do you need anyone else? Anyone with eyes can see it. " Lin longed for breath.

"Then you must be blind!" Feng Yu sneered.

Lin was completely angry: "how do you curse?"

Feng Yu stood up, slightly drunk to her side, regardless of all the people around, raised her chin, thin lips impolitely sucked down.

Grinding her soft lips, constantly sucking, plundering, repeatedly entangled.

"Well Go away Lin Xiangxiang became angry and pushed him away. The wine fragrance between his lips and teeth was printed on her lips.

"I love you, understand? Fool Feng Yu stepped back, but did not leave her lips. Instead, he stood in her ear and expressed himself in a deep and hoarse voice.

Miss Lin was shocked all over, like being electrified, stiff and unable to move.

"Feng Yu, you're drunk. Go back to your seat." Miss Lin deeply took two breath, light said.

Feng Yu sneered: "you're right. I'm drunk. Otherwise, if I want to be sober, I won't admit my mind so simply."

Lin Miss square inch chaos, a pair of beautiful eyes randomly blink: "I don't believe you will fall in love with me, I don't have that charm."

Feng Yu saw her face of self mockery, no longer said anything, sat back on the position: "if you really want to divorce me, I can promise you."

Lin miss the whole person a stay, completely silly eyes: "you want to divorce me?"

Feng Yu's thin lips pulled slightly and said sarcastically, "didn't you suspect that I had ulterior motives to marry you? Now I'm divorcing you. Guess what I mean? "

"How do I know?" Miss Lin was both surprised and happy, but also had a sense of inexplicable loss.

"Divorce is to give you free choice. Remarriage is the witness of our love. You should consider whether to divorce again or leave now." Feng Yu said coldly.

"Remarriage?" Miss Lin is about to be confused by his words. If you are divorced, will you remarry again?

It's a lot of trouble. Why don't you leave.

No, no, she will be free after divorce, and her grandfather will not use her to trouble Fengyu any more.

But If she really divorced, would her grandfather drive her out of the Lin family and never recognize her granddaughter?

"After three minutes of thinking, I finally decided that I would not leave." Feng Yu seemed to be teasing her. Her thin lips rose, and her mood got better.

"Ah..." Lin miss the whole person is not good, she just really seriously consider this matter, but now this man is a joke, this is playing with her?

"Eat Feng Yu made a gesture to the waiter. The roast steak was served on the table, with pasta and fruit. It was very appetizing.

Miss Lin stares at him angrily. He's full of gas. How can he be in the mood to eat? This bastard is too flat.

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