Hisshou Dungeon Unei Houhou

Chapter 6

Where did last times big story go? Meta appearing. Dont mind.

Lets ask in reverse, if you guys were fighting while risking your life, would you stop attacking if like in movies the enemy starts crying their eyes out.

You might ask why am I frivolously talking like this? Its simple.

[G company take the prisoners to where the 2nd squad is stationed for holding. The remaining two squads will resume their normal duties while taking precautions against any enemy reinforcements.]

All objectives cleared. Capturing successful. Ally casualties zero. Complete Victory.

Eh, where did the level difference from the beginning go? This is that lesson isnt it where things dont always go 100% in the world.

Well let me tell you what transpired in the post-op debriefing.

Accomplishing primary objective took 3 minutes.

Its already at the level of preparing a bath. (I didnt get this) []

The three from the primary objective and the 2 from the secondary objective where presented before causing be to at loss of words. But after that the operation transition went by smoothly.

Let me explain the events that occurred at 1st interception point alpha.

It took place at the center crossroads of the first floor.

There G companys 1st squad was used as a decoy to lure the enemy in and attract their attention.

Starting of the battle was delayed slightly because their goals werent as clear as they could have been.

In a way it helped us out since we could accomplish the secondary objective by capturing the two slaves.

The primary objective was successful as the enemy was caught in the crossfire in the middle of the crossroad. Of course there werent any guns or anything like that.

The third phase of the plan occurred as the enemy was surrounded by my subordinates.

Eh, where was this military operation from? Fantasy right? No, no, its like something I saw in some light novel where the monsters were free to move around preventing the enemy to attack them efficiently.

Well, anyhow, they finally realized that falling in this situation was part of the plan and that they just got trapped.

[Oi, this is]

[ The goblins.Curse, can I count on you?]

[Leave it to me, give me 20 seconds]

No, no, you guys are already trapped. Both the front and the sides have the 3 squads from G company and behind them is 1 squad of the S company.

But that wasnt all. Dont you guys remember? The slime exclusive hole that I had already made.

And so, the slimes attacked from the ceiling, latched on to the magicians face interrupting his incantation. While also choking him just as planned.


[Shit, dont move curse!!]

The other two moved to support the magician. The other two also had slimes latched onto their faces. This strategy was posted in the forums.

The modernization of the slimes group battle strategies Part 2

110: Anonymous

I thought they wouldnt be able to read the atmosphere but they replied seriously.

Burying themselves in the opponents lungs and mouth so they couldnt breathe.

If they attack from the ceiling, theyre pretty much unbeatable against humans arent they?

To make it work perfectly you would need to make sure the opponent doesnt have his guard against enemies from the ceiling, so a diversion is needed.

111: Anonymous

Well if youre thinking about this seriously, then the most efficient strategy would be this. Most living things eyes and mouth are near each other so if you could block them, you pretty much win.

.I guess even against a Maou, this could earn me victory.

112: Anonymous

No, no, as you would expect that wouldnt work.

After all its a Maou. Using some sort of magic they could just block the slime off. Its the same with a Hero right?

113: Anonymous

I dont know so I cant say for sure that it wont work. You dont if any of this would work in reality. Whether its blown off or not. Ah, but the question would be what would happen if the slime used was the type to have core?

114: Anonymous

In that case, you could cover the respiratory organs using most of the body and then extend the core away to another place so the the opponent would be in a daze trying to get it off his/her face while the core would stay safe.

Thats how the conversation went. Forums are pretty scary-. I understood this when I used the slimes.

The result being

[Ga, bo,bo]


[Go, bo, bo,b]

The primary objective was accomplished so easily that I moved these 3 to the secondary objective. Successful capture. From now on, lets use these convenient slimes to manage this dungeon. (Slimes are OP in this and the novel about the man picked up the gods)



The two women who were left there didnt seem to comprehend what just happened. Well, while Im waiting for them to be brought to me, I have better my own issues.

The operation was too perfect, If you think it would proceed normally like this, it would turn into a very serious situation when an operation fails. Its always my turn! I have to bear it. (?)

In different way, I have the Ive done it now feeling. Of course, I couldnt purposely cause the operation to fail. Right here, I have to properly instruct the solders.

[Nevertheless, this times results will raise the standard of our dungeon.]

While saying that, I arrived at the hospital (ward).

The 3rd floor has not only my room but various facilities that I thought would be useful.

(Well even if I say its a hospital, compared to Japan its just a room)

After all since I havent been earning DP, the room just has simple beds.

Its at the level of wooden beds with straw on them.

(I had no choice but to do it patiently, after all its only been 9 days)

I wanted to make a place for sleeping for the subordinates but they seem to be making their own living quarters on the second floor.

While thinking about various things, I arrived in front of my goal.

Kon, kon, kon, kon (knock, knock)

Even if Im in a different world, Im not about to bend my pride or manners.

Although, I already seem to have broken some of those promises.

When there was no answer, I entered into the room causing the two girls to stare at me.

[Just what the heck are you doing?]

[Herge-samaplease fall back]

Thinking this situation would proceed favorably would make me seem to be too optimistic, but I cant move forward unless I talk.

[Lets see, would please listen to what I have to say?]

Now then, Shall I try my best?

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