History's Strongest Son-In-Law Living With The In-Laws

Chapter 573

573 The enemy’s Army was completely annihilated! The war is over!

The three commanders of the great Ying Kingdom once again felt as if they had been struck by lightning. They looked at the scene in shock.

It was a one-sided massacre with an unprecedented casualty rate. He looked at the light spots that filled the sky. It was possible that every light spot would take a life.

What kind of weapon was this Kasaya?

It wasn’t an ancient crossbow, nor was it an ancient war crossbow, because they couldn’t shoot that far, nor could they be so accurate, nor could they shoot so fast.

Although it didn’t look as impressive as the miniature dragon power, Ying Wuchang and the others knew that it was the scariest weapon. Everyone was equipped with one, and they didn’t need to learn much. They didn’t need the soldiers to be very strong either. As long as they could aim and pull the trigger, it was enough.

The pattern of the war was going to change completely. The previous battles with cold weapons and even bows and crossbows were completely overturned.

After a long while, Ying Wuchang roared, ” “Raging tide city is so strong, what did you do before? What were you doing before?”

Hehe, you only see that the current raging tide city’s Army is so strong, you only see that these nightmare stone rifles are so strong.

However, before the nightmare stone rifle, Shen Lang’s Arsenal first produced the original flintlock, then the flintlock, and then the paper shell line rifle.

However, due to the appearance of the ancient crossbows and arrows, the Army was already lagging behind before these guns were equipped.

So, raging tide city produced batch after batch of rifles, but before they could equip the Army, they had all been abandoned and wasted.

However, this process wasn’t in vain. The Arsenal of raging tide city had accumulated a lot of experience in manufacturing guns, especially tungsten steel barrels and tungsten-plated warheads. They also had advanced production lines, nightmare stone plasma flame production lines, steam engine machine tools, and so on.

After a few years of accumulation, the nightmare stone rifle was finally released from the laboratory and could be mass produced.

It wasn’t just the nightmare stone rifles, but also the fleet of raging tide city. They knew that these large warships would be backward, but they still had to build them.

How much did Shen lang sacrifice in order for the combination of the technological civilization and the ancient nightmare stone civilization to bear fruit? He had taken the initiative to be captured, steal Dragon’s regret, and even asked to fight with Ying Wuming. All of this was to protect the development of raging tide city.

He hoped that one day, raging tide city would become truly powerful and would no longer need him to take risks and deal with them. These troops could rely on their own strength to destroy the enemy and not wait for Shen lang to use his cheat.

Now, he had finally done it!

When the Maxim machine gun was first introduced to the world, the British Army only had 50 people. Four maxims defeated 5000 enemies and killed more than 3000 people. In 1916 Germany, with the whip of death formed by the Maxim machine guns, eliminated 60000 United Kingdom troops in one day. However, these battles were far from comparable to the battle today.

On the raging tide city’s formation, more than a hundred small Dragon’s power, three hundred cannons, a few hundred nightmare stone machine guns, and tens of thousands of nightmare stone rifles intertwined to form a true hell killing formation, without any blind spots.

Ying Wuchang and Ren tianxiao’s strategy was very simple. They would surround the raging tide city’s Army and then charge at the risk of heavy casualties.

It would take at most 30 minutes to charge a distance of more than 3000 meters. How many rounds of cannon fire could the raging tide city Army fire? how many rounds could the small Dragon’s power fire? At most, it would only result in one-third of the hell Legion’s casualties. The hell Legion wouldn’t collapse and flee because of casualties, because they weren’t ordinary troops.

His thinking wasn’t wrong, but he didn’t think that the raging tide city Army had even crazier killing weapons.

The lethality of these nightmare stone machine guns and rifles was already amazing at about two thousand meters. It was even more powerful than a few hundred cannons and more than a hundred small-scale dragon power.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The cannons on the raging tide city’s position exploded tirelessly, throwing out an astonishing number of nightmare stone magnetic bomb.

The most elite special Forces Warriors of the great Ying Kingdom were paralyzed by their ancient armor again and again. They had just run a few dozen meters before they were fixed in place or ran at the speed of ordinary soldiers.

It wasn’t just the special Warriors ‘ancient armors that were paralyzed, but also a large number of ancient crossbows, ancient war crossbows, and all the ancient weapons and equipment were affected and paralyzed.

“Your Highness, the casualties are too great.” should we retreat? ” Messenger LAN Shishu asked. let the ordinary legions stay behind and cover the hell Legion’s retreat? ”

Ying Wuchang gritted his teeth and roared, ” “Retreat? To retreat at this time? Impossible, it was impossible! Raging tide city’s new weapons were powerful, but their individual combat power was extremely poor. As long as they rushed into the formation, they could be completely annihilated. Even if 10000 of us charge in, we’ll still be able to win.”

“Charge! Charge! Charge!” Ying Wuchang roared.

“Kill, kill, kill!” Ren tianxiao of stupa mountain roared.

The great Ying Kingdom’s Army of hundreds of thousands braved the earth-shattering artillery fire and charged forward with all their might.

At this time, the ancient crossbows, ancient war crossbows, and ancient bows were all disabled. The only way was to rush into the enemy’s position and kill them all.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

The Mad tide city’s 50000 strong Army didn’t stop playing the death Rhapsody. The net of death covered the area.

in a short period of time, the great ying kingdom’s army was covered in countless corpses.

The Special Forces Warriors were very strong and would never back down from battle. The hell Legion was also very powerful, and they wouldn’t cower in fear of casualties.

However, the ordinary Army of the great Ying Kingdom wasn’t so brave. Even though they were far more powerful than an ordinary Army, they would still collapse if more than one-third of them were killed or injured. Now, nearly half of them were dead or injured.

The key was that it was too despairing. This two to three thousand meters distance was completely a killing array of hell, and there was no hope of winning or living at all. The net of death that the raging tide city Army had woven was too dense.

Finally, the ordinary Army of the great Ying Kingdom collapsed and began to turn around and flee for their lives.

“Don’t run away, don’t run away, or else I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you!”

The supervision team of the great Ying Kingdom wasn’t joking. They really started to kill.

But it’s meaningless, can your supervision team kill as many people as the raging tide city Army? If we run, we still have a way out, but if we continue to charge forward, we’re basically dead.

Of course, in Ying Wuchang’s heart, these ordinary troops were just cannon fodder. They were there to block the cannon fire for the hell Corps and special Warriors.

But now, they had all fled, directly throwing the Army’s formation into chaos.

Ying Wuchang was infuriated, but it was completely useless. No matter how strong the supervisory division was, they only had a few thousand people. How could they stop the escape of over 100000 people?

However, Shen lang was also very angry. once you guys escape, the encirclement is in chaos. You guys can’t line up and wait for us to kill you. This greatly reduces our efficiency.


After the chaos on the battlefield, the great Ying Kingdom’s 100000-plus people finally fled.

The only ones left on the battlefield were the Special Forces and the hell Legion, but there were less than 100000 of them.

Of the 150000 soldiers of the hell Legion, half had already fallen.

In this battle, the great Ying Kingdom had dispatched 500000 soldiers. Nearly 200000 were injured or killed, and nearly 200000 had escaped.

At this time, all the artillery and attacks of the raging tide city Army had been stopped. The meaning was clear. The hell Legion and special warrior Legion of the great Ying Kingdom, hurry up and get into formation. How are we going to kill them when they are so scattered?

Ying Wuchang was riding the ancient Vulture and flying in the sky. His heart was bleeding.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his heart. Ordinary armies were a pile of sh * t. At the critical moment, they could do nothing but ruin things.

Next, he was faced with another choice. Should he escape or continue to fight?

Ying Wuchang and Ren tianxiao looked at each other. LAN Shishu then said, ” “The hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers have already fled. If the hell Legion runs now, they’ll be seeking their own deaths.”

Originally, he had thought that the killing moves of the raging tide city Army were only the small dragon power and cannons. These weapons were too heavy and couldn’t be moved. However, he did not expect them to have a nightmare stone rifle. It was only 30 pounds, and the bullets were much lighter than arrows.

The first batch of great Qian soldiers from raging tide city were all Nirvana Warriors, and they could still walk as if they were flying with 300 pounds of weight.

How many bullets could he carry with a load of 300 pounds? Furthermore, the nightmare stone rifle’s bullets did not require gunpowder or shells. It was just a long bullet head. It was not difficult to make and could be mass-produced in astronomical quantities.

Lance was right. If they ran now, they would be leaving their backs to the raging tide city Army. The enemy was holding nightmare stone rifles and shooting from two to three kilometers away.

“When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win!” Messenger LAN Shishu said,”although we only have 70000 to 80000 people, and only 800 special Warriors are left ...” However, our combat power is still far above the raging tide city Army. As long as we charge into the raging tide City Camp and engage in close combat, we will definitely win!”

At this time, the three commanders had completely unified their will.

so, should we continue to surround them from all sides, or should we gather together and attack in one direction? ” Ying Wuchang asked.

“Surround and attack.”

“Surround and attack.”

Because raging tide city’s firepower was too dense and terrifying, once they attacked in a concentrated manner, they would simply be a target. The more scattered, the better.

this battle has reached the most desperate moment, ” Messenger LAN Shushu said. but I think we might win!

“Special Forces Warriors, don’t rush in rashly and hide in the hell Legion,” Ren tianxiao said. After we regrouped, we’re three thousand five hundred meters away from the enemy. This distance will only take six minutes for the hell Legion!”

in other words, we will have to withstand six minutes of artillery fire. According to the firing speed of raging tide city, we should have to withstand about seventeen rounds of artillery fire. Ying Wuchang said, ” 17 rounds of cannon fire. A portion of them are nightmare stone magnetic bombs. There are also some green flame bombs. There will be a total of 7000 bombs falling.

our troops are already sparse, ” Ren tianxiao said. these 7000 cannonballs can probably kill half of us.

“In addition to their strange weapons, 50000 people fired at the same time,” Lance said.

in other words, even if we charge into the raging tide city’s camp, there might be less than 10000 people left, or even fewer, ” Ying Wuchang said.

The few of them nodded in silence, because after these few battles, they also understood the lethality of the weapons of the raging tide city Army.

10000 people charging into the raging tide City Camp, can we win? ” Ying Wuchang said.

The audience was silent for a long time before the Special Forces general said, ” “I can win.”

“We can win!” The hell Legion general said.

Lance said, ” we don’t even need 10000 people. As long as 800 Special Forces Warriors are alive and charge into the raging tide city’s camp, and they are scattered, we can win. 800 Special Forces Warriors, with nightmare stone warblades, can kill the entire raging tide city Army.

it’s decided then, ” Ying Wuchang said. we’ll scatter the 800 Special Forces Warriors into the hell Legion.

“We definitely won’t retreat or run. Even if we have to defeat the entire Army, we must win this battle.”

“Use everything you have to kill all the bastards in raging tide city!”


With the order, the scattered hell Legion and special Forces Warriors assembled again.

800 special Warriors wearing ancient armor mixed into the 80000 hell Legion. The 80,000 soldiers of the infernal realm still formed a large square encirclement, but they were extremely scattered.

Within the raging tide city’s camp, they still maintained a thin, square-shaped formation, quietly watching the last 80000 people of the great Ying Kingdom assemble.

“Charge! Charge! Charge!”

annihilate the raging tide city Army! Annihilate the entire Army!

Following the orders of the three commanders, the great Ying Kingdom’s 80000 soldiers of the hell Legion charged forward madly. The speed of their charge was completely different from before.

He could reach an astonishing speed of more than ten meters per second, far surpassing the record of short-distance running on Earth.

A distance of three to four thousand meters would take at most six minutes, six minutes!

“Fire! Fire! Fire!”

On the raging tide city’s side, all the small dragon power and 300 cannons were fired.

When the enemy was within 3000 meters, all the nightmare stone machine guns and rifles opened fire.

Once again, the terrifying net of death was formed.

The hell Legion’s armor was extremely powerful, and it had been nearly invincible before. However, in the face of the nightmare stone rifle and Hellfire cannonballs, it had completely lost its defensive power.

boom boom boom boom boom boom! the Hellfire cannonballs exploded, and astonishing green flames swept out. The terrifyingly high temperature instantly melted and twisted the hell armor, and the hell Warriors inside died tragically.

Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish Swish ” the bullets of the nightmare stone rifle were all coated with tungsten. Although it was only a little bit of tungsten at the front, it was enough to break armor.

The indestructible Hell’s armor was easily torn apart, and a huge hole was pierced through the hell Warriors inside.

“Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!”

Ying Wuchang and Lance’s calculations were correct. Within six to seven minutes, the raging tide City Camp could fire 20 rounds of cannons and throw out close to 8000 artillery shells of all kinds.

The great Ying Kingdom’s hell Legion suffered terrible casualties for almost every meter they advanced.

But they still charged forward without hesitation, braving the rain of bullets.

The scene had already become tragic. The hell Legion was the hell Legion, and they didn’t fear death.

Their strategic goal was clear, which was to cover the 800 Special Forces Warriors. Even if they died, it would be worth it. As long as the 800 Special Forces Warriors could rush into the raging tide city’s position, it would mean victory.

As the hell Legion drew closer ...

Shen Lang’s face twitched.

“Your Majesty, the situation is not good. It may be worse than we thought,” Jin Jun said in a low voice.

Shen lang calculated quickly. If this continued, there would be about 20000 soldiers from the hell Legion and 800 Special Forces soldiers charging into the formation.

Even if it wasn’t twenty thousand, it was at least fifteen thousand!

The hell Legion from the great Ying Kingdom and stupa mountain was too ferocious and fast.

Even if only 10000 soldiers rushed into the camp of raging tide city, it would bring unimaginable consequences. The individual strength of the new soldiers of great Qian was also very strong, and they also wore secret armor. However, their combat power was far inferior to that of the hell Legion, let alone the special Warriors of stupa mountain.

Even if they won in the end, they would probably suffer close to half of the casualties.

These 50,000 soldiers were the seeds of the great Qian Empire. They couldn’t bear such a large number of casualties. The Army was going to attack Qianjing city directly.

He really didn’t want to do this, but he had no other choice.

This was an ancient energy core! Even if it had run out of energy, as long as he could find a charging point, it would still be useful.

Indeed, Shen lang already had more than a hundred ancient energy cores, but every one of them was still very precious.

He really couldn’t bear to blow it up like a bomb!

But he had no other choice. He couldn’t let the hell Legion charge at him on a large scale.

Shen lang gritted his teeth and slapped down on the four long-range nightmare stone controllers.

Then, the world fell silent.

And then,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, a shocking flame burst out from the ground. It was in the shape of a mushroom cloud.

In the North, South, East, and West, under the feet of the great Ying Kingdom’s hell Army, four miniature ancient energy cores suddenly exploded. Although they were miniature, they still weighed an astonishing four to five tons, equivalent to two hundred tons of TNT.

The power of the explosion could completely destroy everything within a radius of one kilometer.

In an instant, the entire earth shook violently.

The light that burst out instantly surpassed the flames of the sun.

Even though it was not as powerful as Dragon’s regret, the explosion of the ancient energy core was still far more powerful than a Hellfire Cannonball that weighed several tons.


The few hundred snow Condors of the great Ying Kingdom couldn’t withstand the terrifying shock wave at all. They vomited blood and fell from the sky.

Although the raging tide City Base was more than three kilometers away from the center of the explosion, they could still feel the terrible storm.

The entire sky and earth were rumbling!

Ying Wuchang and the others were riding on the ancient vultures and flying very high, so they were fine.

However, they could only watch helplessly as four shocking fireballs exploded, and countless hell Legion Warriors disappeared.

Their Special Forces Warriors were also sent flying like straws.

The power of the explosion of these four small energy cores was equivalent to the release of two thousand Hellfire cannonballs at the same time. How powerful was that?

Ying Wuchang’s eyes were about to crack as he roared, ” “Shameless, shameless, shameless!”

what a despicable and shameless rage tide city. You guys think you can’t win, so you directly detonated the ancient energy core?

hehehe, the great Ying Kingdom can do it too. It’s a pity that you didn’t bring the power of the Dragon and can’t throw the energy core.

Of course, Shen Lang’s side could not throw them. Therefore, they had to bury the energy cores underground and detonate them.

Less than half of the original eighty thousand soldiers of the infernal realm were left.

The Special Forces Warriors were extremely strong. Even in an explosion of this level, many of them could survive, but at least two to three hundred people were injured or killed.

What should he do next? What to do?

Escape? Retreat?

A difficult problem was placed in front of Ying Wuchang and Ren tianxiao. The original plan of 80000 soldiers was reduced to less than 40000. Can I still charge?

detonating the ancient energy core is the last resort of raging tide city. This proves that he is afraid of us. he’s afraid that we’ll rush into his position. He knows that once we do, he’ll definitely lose. Ying Wuchang spoke in a crazed manner.

“So even if we have 40000 people left, as long as 500 to 600 Special Forces Warriors are fine, we can still win this battle, we can still win!”

as long as we can destroy the raging tide city Army, any price is worth it.

this is the first battle since the establishment of the great Ying Kingdom. We can only win!

charge! Charge! Charge into the raging tide city’s camp and kill them all!

Ying Wuchang roared in anger and even threw Ren tianxiao to the side. One couldn’t help but say that every single person in the Ying clan was a ruthless person.

With this order, the remaining 40000 soldiers of the hell Legion and more than 500 Special Forces Warriors got up from the ground and shook their heads desperately to resist the feeling of vomiting.

Then, he continued to charge forward!

This was truly heroic and touching. Even though they were enemies, the hell Legion was still moving.

The remaining 40000 people continued to rush towards the raging tide City Camp from all directions.

Now, it was 40000 soldiers surrounding 50000 soldiers.

“Fire, fire, fire!”

At the raging tide city’s position, all the firepower was poured out. They would not become stingy just because the enemies became fewer and sparser.

Everyone knew that even though the enemy only had 40000 men left, the battle had entered its most dangerous moment.

If these 40000 soldiers were allowed to charge into the camp, it would mean disaster, or even failure.

The net of death formed by the terrifying firepower erupted once again.

Although most of the cannonballs had already exploded into empty air, most of the bullets had already hit the air.

However, such a dense Hell’s killing array still forced the last 40000 soldiers of the great Ying Kingdom to pounce on the ground.

Death, death, death!

Charge, charge, charge.

The great Ying Kingdom’s 40000 men continued to close in on raging tide city’s camp, and their numbers continued to decrease.

It was truly as tragic as a moth flying into the fire.


Six minutes later!

The great Ying Kingdom’s Army finally arrived in front of the raging tide city’s Army.

However, there were less than three thousand people left.

Of the 80000 people, almost half were killed by the four energy cores.

Out of the 40000 people, 90% of them had died on this journey of a few thousand meters.

In the end, they still succeeded and charged into the raging tide city’s camp.

Of the three thousand soldiers, the hell Legion had two thousand seven hundred and the Special Forces had three hundred.

Charging into the raging tide city Army’s camp, they could start a massacre and engage in close combat.

The hand-to-hand combat that they had been dreaming of had begun.

Of course, that wasn’t all. Even at close range, the new army of the great gan Lord dynasty still opened fire.

“Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!”

However, all the cannons and the small dragon power had lost their effect.

Three hundred stupa mountain Special Forces Warriors rushed into the raging tide city’s camp, raised their ancient battle swords, and started a massacre.

But soon they received orders to not kill, but to destroy the small dragon power in raging tide city.

Ying Wuchang knew that the Army of the Furious tide city was about to enter the Qian capital. This small scale dragon power was too terrifying, and the long-range firepower was too fierce. They had to destroy it. Even if they were going to lose this battle, they had to destroy these killing weapons.

Immediately, 300 Warriors in ancient armor rushed towards the small dragon power formation in the middle.

The 130 miniature dragon powers were all neatly placed together.

300 stupa mountain Special Forces Warriors charged into the core of the formation like lightning and brandished their nightmare stone warblades.

One second, at most one second, they would be able to completely destroy these small dragon powers.

However, they did not have a second left!

Shen Lang’s entire body was covered in a strange and flirtatious armor. He rode on the Super and flew into the sky. His powerful mental energy mixed with the power of the heart of the dragon and exploded like an energy bomb.


In an instant!

The 300 Special Forces Warriors of stupa mountain were all frozen in the air, not moving at all.

Shen lang finally felt extremely exhausted. His mental energy had reached its limit.

Previously, he had just been desperately trying to wave and squander as if he felt that his mental energy would never run out. And now, the Kasaya was finally running out.

However, this scene was still extremely breathtaking.

A total of 300 Special Forces Warriors were all frozen.

In the next second, the 80 Special Forces Warriors on Shen Lang’s side charged forward like lightning. They waved their nightmare stone sabers and slashed.

Slash, slash, slash Suan ni

Foolish, LAN Bao, tu da, and tu er, these four super fierce generals, waved their ugly and heavy gold weapons and smashed them at the stupa mountain Special Forces Warriors.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang!”

This is truly heartache. How precious are these ancient armors? I wonder how long it’ll take to repair them after you guys have smashed them into such a state.

But no matter what, LAN Bao, tu da, and tu er, these three super fierce people, were finally satisfied.

In just three seconds, the 300 special Warriors of the great Ying Kingdom were all dead.

Then, these super fierce men raised their heavy black Gold rods and rushed toward the hell Army.

Dozens of Special Forces Warriors of raging tide city also brandished their nightmare stone warblades and rushed toward the hell Legion.

After another minute!

The 3,000 soldiers of the hell Legion of the great Ying Kingdom had died silently.

At this point!

This battle had completely ended. Of the great Ying Kingdom’s 500000-strong Army, apart from nearly 200000 who had escaped, the rest had been completely annihilated.

The 150,000 elite soldiers of the hell Legion and the 3000 Special Forces Warriors were all dead.

The raging tide city’s side had won!


[ note: with the first chapter, I’m very close to tenth place. Benefactors, vote for me and let me rush over! ] The pastry shed tears of gratitude!

Thank you, star soul 007, for your 10000 Yuan tip.

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