Hitman With A Badass System

Chapter 109 - Ultimate XP Farming Trick III

"An orc with a summoner trait" Standing atop a branch, Micheal scanned the orc and identified its trait. The orc wore ragged robes and the robes had mud and bloodstains on them.

While the Netherel horde was walking towards the orc, Michael kept looking around the place to see if there's anything or anyone stronger than him nearby. The Orc was only at the Body Refining stage level 9 and the strongest Netherels were only at the level Body Strengthening stage level 5.

If he fought as Lucifer, no one in the Body Strengthening stage could survive the battle with him and if he fought without using Fear toxin or Death Range, only Body strengthening stage level 9 and 10 could fight him head to head.

However, now that he had enough Experience points to reach the Body Strengthening stage level 3, no one in the Body Strengthening stage could win a fight against him after he reaches the Body Strengthening stage level 3.

As he was watching the orc from above, he saw a small journal in the Orc's hands and realized the Orc is chanting the lines in the journal.

"Come my children, kneel…. before me" The Orc's voice was rough and animalistic, just like in the movies. To Michael's surprise, the entire horde of Netherels kneeled down.

"I did it! hahahahaha" The Orc's mad laughter echoed through the silent hills and forest. In its eyes, Michael saw pride as well as anger.

"Father, brother I'll avenge you. Soon, I'll plague the world with undead and kill every single one in the Guardian Guild"

"This day gets better and better"? Seeing the orc could summon and control the Netherels, Michael already planned to start a Netherel farm and hearing that the orc has a hatred towards the Guardians was like a cherry on top.

"System, can we take this orc outside without getting detected by the Guardians?" By looking at the wounds on its body and what it just said, Michael figured out that the Orc's life is in danger. He didn't give a damn about the Orc's well being but if he could save the Orc from the Guardians, he could use the orc to level up rapidly. Therefore, he wanted to stop the Orc from doing anything stupid like going to war with the Guardians and take Orc to the Abyssal where the orc could stay safe and summon Netherels for him to kill. Plus, the Abyssal may be the safest place to summon Netherels without getting detected by the Guardians.

Of course, Michael would make sure they won't find out anything about his little secret activity in the Dark forest with the help of the System.

"Oh oh" Suddenly Michael detected another presence nearby and it wasn't a Netherel. When he turned in the presence's direction, he noticed a dark red-haired youngster rushing towards the bonfire with a long spear in his hand.

"Is that the guy who was with Noah before?" Michael saw this youngster before when he dashed into the portal, he was with Noah and Alicia.


(An hour ago)

Inside a worn-out cabin, there was a group of youngsters sitting on the floor.

"Damn it Noah, I told you we should look for treasures instead of that Orc"? Norvin, the golden babaroo curled up against Maisy's chest and complained.

"I heard Ghost and some disciples of Aragoth picked all the rarest herbs in the sky garden," Abel sighed thinking about those precious herbs, and said.

"Capturing that Orc is our first priority, Abel. If we don't, there will be another Slyhaven Massacre" Abel and the others didn't talk back after hearing Noah's serious voice while only Maisie looked confused,

"Big Brother Noah, what's Slyhaven Massacre?" There was an awkward silence for a few moments before Alicia opened her mouth,

"Slyhaven was a village far away from Kethen. A few weeks ago, someone summoned Netherels from this realm "

"Why?" asked Maisy before Alicia could finish her sentence.

"We don't know but the Guardians suspects that the one who summoned them was practicing an evil ritual. The one who summoned picked two places and summoned the Netherels, River town in Bredia and Slyhaven in Kethen"

"Apparently River town was just a distraction to keep the Guardians away from Slyhaven," Abel said gritting his teeth.

"The Netherels attacked the village and massacred every single one of them. When the Guardians and the Baron's men came, it was already too late" Just by hearing the story, Maisy felt sad for the villagers, and then, her little face reddened in anger towards the culprit who summoned the Netherels.

"Did you get the vile creature who was responsible for their death?"

"The ones who summoned the Netherels were three Orcs. Peyton and Xanali killed the two of them but the last one escaped. We must capture the last Orc and investigate it to know more about their plans and how did they manage to summon the Netherels from this realm to the outside world in the first place" Noah said and before Maisy ask another question, he continued,

" Guardian Captain Gerard believes the third Orc somehow entered the Nether Realm and since only Body Refining cultivators can enter here, we have to search and capture the Orc before there's another massacre"

"Oh that's what you were talking with him," Maisy said as Noah nodded.

"Big Brother you should have said this earlier, I will help you scour through this entire Nether Realm with you to find that Orc" Maisy stood up as she put her hand on the chest and said. Noah smiled at the little girl, "I know you will Maisy"

"Big Brother, what happened in River town?" After hearing about the Slyhaven, Maisy wanted to know what happened in River town because even though Abel said it was a distraction, she wanted to know what happened to the Netherels that went to River Town.

"They were all killed by Ghost" Abel answered Maisy as Alicia scowled when she noticed a tinge of admiration in Abel's eyes.

"He did not kill all of them, he just stupidly started a fight with Netherels without thinking about the people in River town or waiting for the Guardians to arrive. Do not admire him Abel, he's a selfish bastard, you saw what he did to that man who tried to take shelter in the cave" Alicia spoke with a cold look on her face.

"That's not what the River town people think of him, they say he saved him from the Netherel attack. And also, I don't admire him, I just wish he doesn't turn up to be another bad guy, the world has enough bad guys as it is"

"I don't know he's bad or not but he's definitely not a good person "

"Stop it Alicia, what did he do to you? You're just jealous that he's better than your sweetheart" the golden babaroo let out an evil grin and teased Alicia.

"Shut up monkey!"

"I'm sure Big brother Noah can kick his ass any day" Maisy proudly said as everyone turned their gaze at Noah to hear his answer.

"I honestly don't know" After seeing him kill a group of youngsters on the Phoenix island and how he vanished after facing Julius, Noah wasn't sure that he could defeat him. Deep down, Noah knew he's a better swordsman than him yet, Noah also knew that it's only temporary as Ghost doesn't have what he does.

"You're just playing with me big brother, I know you can beat him, hell if I get the chance I'll show him who's the boss" After the fight with the Lane family and the pills and potions gifted to her by Noah, she was able to reach the Body Refining stage level 8 in a matter of days. Coupled with her cultivation level and her innate ability, she was damn confident that she could face any Body Refining stage cultivators except Noah and Alicia.

In her eyes, only Noah and Alicia were powerful and people like Ghost are just overrated. Noah just smiled and didn't answer Maisy as he was thinking about the Orc.

His train of thoughts was stopped when he saw Abel stand up to leave the cabin, "what are you up to?" asked the golden babaroo.

"Did you forget what I said to you before?" he said and showed his wrist to the monkey. On his forearm, there was a star-shaped mark and in the darkness, it glistened

"This is the mark of God, no Netherel or any evil forces can sense my presence"


"Let him go Alicia, this is the reason I brought Abel here. Only he can go search all the caves and shelters for that Orc"? Noah interrupted Alicia. At first, they worried about Abel's safety but after Noah explained the effects of the mark, they agreed to let Abel go outside.

"If you face any trouble that you can handle, use this" Noah tossed Abel a circle talisman.

"A long-range teleporter talisman, where did you get this?!" Looking at the glistening talisman in his hand, Abel asked in surprise.

"Xanali, now go find the Orc so we can focus on finding treasures" Noah waved him off as Abel left the cabin to search for the Orc. At this moment, Abel did not know that the Orc is not the only one he's going to find.

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