Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 56: Dragon Rescue

   "Yes, I saw it." Professor McGonagall also understood the seriousness of the matter at this time, with a serious expression on his face.

"Anyway, I'll go there first. You'd better go to Professor Dumbledore and find him. In addition, the command of the principal's office is... Zizi Honey Candy." Professor McGonagall exploded with a curse after speaking. He turned over and jumped from the window on the third floor with a domineering attitude that was not suitable for his age.

   "Professor McGonagall!" Hermione rushed to the window anxiously, watching Professor McGonagall fall quickly from the sky, and then landed smoothly after waving his wand.

   "It's really cool, it's a floating spell, how about we try it too?" Ron said with envy.

   "This is the third floor. If we don't have time to cast the spell, we will fall to death!" Harry had to remind him.

   "Let's go to Professor Dumbledore as soon as possible." Although Professor McGonagall rushed to support her, Hermione was still a little worried. Only Dumbledore could give them enough security.

   "No, I heard what I said just now."

Just when Hermione was about to lead the team, Dumbledore's figure suddenly emerged from the shadow on one side, looking at the forbidden forest in the distance. There was also a slight movement on Gujing Bubo's face, obviously. What happened in the Forbidden Forest has exceeded his expectations.


   At this time, there was a burst of noisy sounds deep in the originally silent black forbidden forest.

After a while, a huge figure more than two meters high came out of the bushes with difficulty, and the patchy clothes on his body were stained with blood, and a strong smell of blood drifted in the forbidden forest. in.

   If it is normal, the predators hidden in the forbidden forest have long been wandering around, but now except for the slight noise made by Hagrid, the silence can only be heard by insects.

   "Huh..." Hagrid panted heavily, holding the wooden stick he had found halfway as a weapon in his hand, leaning against a big tree, and staring at the front closely.

   In the shade of the trees, a figure shrouded in black robes slowly approached, and Hagrid, who was already unable to walk, threw the wooden stick in his hand forcefully.

  As a half-blooded half-giant, Hagrid's power is naturally far beyond ordinary people, which is one of the reasons why he can smoothly tame many magical creatures.

   The thick wooden stick brought a fierce wind in the air, but it was a pity that such a method seemed meaningless to a vigilant and powerful wizard.

   "Fall to pieces!" The black-robed wizard just waved his wand randomly, the wooden stick exploded in mid-air, and sawdust all fell down one after another.

   "Who are you? Why are you attacking unicorns in the forbidden forest?" Hagrid said angrily with red eyes.

   The black-robed wizard did not answer, nor was he stupid enough to explain to Hagrid the reason for hunting the unicorn. He just lifted his wand gently, pointed it at Hagrid, and whispered in his mouth.

"Avada Kedavra!"

   A gloomy green light lased towards Hagrid at an extraordinary speed, and Hagrid, who had read the spell from the black robe wizard’s chant, fell into deep despair.


   A series of memories appeared in Hagrid's mind like a revolving lantern. Just as Hagrid was about to wait quietly for death, a white and gleaming figure rushed out like lightning, blocking the middle.

   "No!" Hagrid screamed with a sullen expression.

   But no matter how Hagrid roared, he couldn't change the facts. The green light hit it straight, and the white figure stopped abruptly and fell to the ground.

   That is a unicorn...

Even as a powerful top-level magical creature, after a death curse, vitality is fading quickly, and life is about to come to an end. The white mane is stained with blue blood, but even so, it is still strong. Struggling to stand up.

   Hagrid was already in tears, and wanted to climb over to check the unicorn situation, but his body had already lost a trace of strength.

   Kino, who was wrapped in a black robe, was a little trembling, because the voice of the Dark Lord resounded in his mind.

   "Trash, even a beast can't be killed." Voldemort felt that this was the most dish he had ever brought, and Avadaso, who hit him in the front, didn't kill the target immediately for the first time.

   Kino was very wronged. This is obviously because Voldemort has absorbed too much life force in these days, which has caused the power of magic to be weakened a lot...

   But facing the Dark Lord who controls his own life and death, Kino didn't dare to complain, so he poured his anger on Hagrid in front of him.

   Hagrid hadn't been for this reckless idiot who suddenly popped out when he was hunting the unicorn, he would have succeeded, so how could he have lost so much time?

  So Kino ignored the unicorn whose life was passing by and was about to die. Instead, he walked slowly towards Hagrid, admiring the powerlessness and despair in Hagrid’s eyes.

Kino waved his magic wand and was about to end Hagrid's life with Avadaso again~www.mtlnovel.com~ When he raised his hand, he saw that Hagrid's eyes suddenly burst with a different brilliance...turning from despair At the end, I was shocked.. With the corners of his mouth trembling slightly, Kino could faintly read the words he wanted to say.


   "Don't want to use this little trick to deceive me." Chino disdainfully, he has seen too much of this little distraction.

   Besides, where did the dragon come from at Hogwarts?

   "Look at the sky, you idiot!" Voldemort's voice appeared in Kino's mind again.

   Although there is a cloak, Voldemort's perception ability is greatly reduced, but he can still detect an attack that is about to threaten his life.

   At the moment Voldemort spoke, a clear dragon roar entered Kino's ears. By the time Kino turned around, it was too late, only to see a hot flame getting closer and closer to him.

   Voldemort violently seized control of Kino's body, and the disgusting and weird snake face had turned to the front for some unknown time, and it was closely attached to Kino's face. The two faces overlapped like a weird appearance.

   Even so, Voldemort had no time to reach out and wave his wand, and he was swallowed by flames...

Amidst the flame dragon's breath, a purple magic barrier suddenly lit up, barely isolating the flames, but the scorching heat and billowing air wave made Voldemort afraid to relax at all, not to mention the hastily released magic barrier has gradually cracked There are signs of collapse.

Fortunately, the flame breath lasted for only three seconds, and it was over. Just as Voldemort was relieved, a huge dragon head suddenly appeared in front of him. With the huge force of diving, it instantly broke through the barrier, and this weird body was destroyed. Flew out...

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