Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 50: “Ancient Mystery”

Chapter 50: “Ancient Mystery”

Just as Matthew began to speak, the small golden bell on Horace Slughorns desk chimed nine times, signaling the late hour.

Of course, but not for too long! the potions professor responded with a gentle smile, his mouth still filled with a piece of pineapple compote.

After all, its already quite late. I assume you wouldnt want to be caught outside when the lights are turned off. Slughorn added, his tone lighthearted.

Yes, sir, but the lights wont be turned off until ten oclock So, if you have a moment, I would like to ask you something, Matthew replied, his voice tinged with eagerness.

Then ask away, my boy, ask away Slughorn encouraged, taking a small sip of wine, the redness of his cheeks more noticeable.

Matthew cast a glance at the relaxed and slightly rotund figure of the professor in the armchair before him, his mind focused on the task at hand. Without hesitation, he spoke softly, choosing his words carefully.

Its about my roommate, Draco Malfoy Matthew began.

Draco, oh, poor boy, I remember him well! Slughorn interrupted, his voice filled with regret. He licked the icing off his fingers and sighed.

Such bad luck for him. He had that accident right at the beginning of the school year, and hes been in the school hospital ever since. He hasnt even had the chance to attend any of our parties Im just hoping that Professor Rosiers acquaintance can help him Professor Slughorn said with a sad tone.

Yes, Im sorry about that, Matthew sympathized, Im just curious about what happened to him during that time.

Slughorn, seemingly in a good mood, perhaps due to the delectable pineapple compote or the festivities of the evening, glanced at Matthew, his response holding both rejection and intrigue.

We usually keep such things under wraps Professor Rosier doesnt want the truth to spread throughout Hogwarts, as it could adversely affect our teaching. Slughorn explained his words hinting at secrecy.

Matthew understood the delicate dance being played. Slughorns reluctance was clear, but there was an undercurrent of willingness to share information.

Youre right, Professor. Such matters mustnt be disclosed to outsiders, Matthew agreed quickly, playing his part. But Im not an outsider. Draco Malfoy is my roommate.

He paused for a moment, his voice dropping lower, laced with vulnerability.

During the time he was attacked, I was the only person in the entire dormitory. My roommates were sent to the hospital, their fate uncertain. I was terrified, fearing that at any moment, like Malfoy and the others, something horrifying would befall me silently.

As he spoke, Matthew wiped the corner of his eyes, portraying his anguish.

Professor Slughorn, I implore you to tell me what happened. I swear I wont breathe a word to anyone. Its the least I can ask for, to find some peace of mind and be able to sleep at night

Slughorns gaze softened, and he regarded Matthew with genuine sympathy. Poor boy, I understand the pressure youre under. I truly do.

No, you dont understand, Matthew countered, shaking his head. I desperately wanted to forget what happened that night, but whenever I entered a crowded place, someone would approach me and ask about it. Being the sole survivor in the dormitory, they were curious, and it frightened me. You have no idea how desperate I felt. There were times I even contemplated climbing to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle and jumping out of the window

Professor Slughorn quickly interjected; concern evident in his voice. Oh, you mustnt entertain such thoughts! If you were to jump, youd end up in the school hospital for at least a week Or perhaps even two

He paused, observing Matthew closely. Do you need me to get you a towel, my boy?

No, no, that wont be necessary, Matthew assured him, quickly wiping his eyes with his sleeve, not forgetting the fact that Slughorn had just licked his finger.

Very well! Slughorn sighed softly. I might as well tell you the truth. Its not something particularly worth keeping secret

Matthew sat down, fully engaged, his ears attuned to every word. If he werent in the middle of a conversation, he might have even reached for pen and paper to take notes.

Matthew, are you familiar with dark magic? Slughorn asked earnestly.

Dark magic? Matthew blinked, caught off guard.

Of course, thats the old name for it. Nowadays, its referred to as Dark Arts Professor Rosier should have covered it in her class, Slughorn clarified, adjusting his wording.

Yes, but the textbook still uses the term dark magic, Matthew acknowledged.

Slughorn nodded and proceeded to reveal the information Matthew sought.

Thats because of the Wizards Examinations Authority, the old guys headed by Griselda Marchbank! Professor Slughorn shrugged and explained.

They are very old, very prestigious in the wizarding world Although they have obeyed the new Ministry of Magic in name, they have never really identified with Gellert Grindelwald. But they can only cause more or less trouble for Hogwarts. After all, the source of textbooks is subject to the control of the Wizarding Examinations Authority

Of course, in the eyes of Professor Grindelwald, they are just clowns dancing by their graves, Slughorn added, his words carrying a deeper meaning. However, the entire magical world, after all, is not dictated by Headmaster Grindelwald! Professor Slughorn explained furiously, before recollecting himself.

Matthew didnt quite grasp the full significance of Slughorns words, but he nodded in vague understanding.

Okay, lets get down to business! Slughorn continued, changing the subject. Lets talk about dark magic Matthew, do you know the scariest form of dark magic?

Matthew hesitated for a moment and then whispered, I seem to have read about it in an after-school reading about Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Its called the Unforgivable Curses, right?

Slughorn smiled widely. It seems I made the right choice in inviting you to join the club. Your extracurricular reading is extensive!

I just prefer the quiet atmosphere in the library Matthew replied, slightly shy.

Okay, Professor Slughorns expression turned serious again. The Unforgivable Curses? They are indeed terrifying, but they are far from being named the most terrifying

In reality, the most fearsome dark magic lies in the oldest and most mysterious spells They are indescribable, beyond the comprehension of normal wizardry, a realm of mysterious magic!

As Professor Slughorns voice trailed off, his body involuntarily trembled.

So Matthew furrowed his brow and continued softly, Draco Malfoy was injured because of this mysterious dark magic?

Professor Rosier thinks so, Professor Slughorn replied. She has extensive experience in dark magic research, so I trust her judgment.

Then, was someone using this mysterious dark magic on Malfoy? Matthew inquired, feigning ignorance.

That is unlikely. I have great confidence in the safety measures of the Slytherin common room. Therefore, both Professor Rosier and I believe that the occurrence of the attack was likely caused by an object related to the mysterious dark magic

Its not uncommon. Dracos father has always been interested in that sort of thing. Its a secret, so Draco might have accidentally come into contact with it Professor Slughorn said with a hint of regret in his voice.

Matthew felt he was getting closer to the truth.

But is this object related to the mysterious dark magic still in the Slytherin common room? Matthew asked cautiously.

Hahaha! Slughorn burst into laughter. You neednt scare yourself, my child. I thoroughly searched your dormitory and its surroundings. Theres no chance anything slipped through the net!

Could it be the item left the Slytherin common room? Matthew asked, seeking confirmation.

What do you think it is, a paper airplane? Slughorn spread his hands, smiling, Thats impossible, my child. Hogwarts has a comprehensive system for detecting black magic items. Powerful protective measures prevent anyone from freely carrying around a used black magic item without detection

Moreover, Hogwarts has strict rules regarding space. Without the headmasters consent, any transfer of objects is prohibited. Teachers, including ourselves, are not allowed to apparate within the Hogwarts campus not to mention transporting a black magic item! Professor Slughorn explained proudly.

So, what is happening? Matthew inquired, his brow furrowing.

According to our conjecture, the mysterious dark magic item Draco encountered was likely a very weak one It exhausted all its power after attacking Draco Malfoy, which is why we couldnt find it, Slughorn explained. In fact, thats the only possibility!

Then, if it were a powerful mysterious dark magic item? Matthew asked, his voice trembling.

You can only pray you never encounter something like that unless youre a powerful wizard like Professor Grindelwald, Slughorns tone grew serious. Its not merely scary; the word terrible falls short. Its something a normal wizard should never touch It slowly erodes you, affects you, and even assimilates you before you even realize it.

So if I mean, if Draco Malfoy had been exposed to that thing, what would happen? Matthew asked in a low voice, his voice trembling.

It was only natural for an eleven-year-old child to feel fear when confronted with such horrifying concepts.

I would have to kill him, Slughorn said sternly.

Kill kill him? Matthews mouth hung open, his words stammering.

Yes, though it sounds cruel, it would undoubtedly be the best outcome for that boy, Professor Slughorn continued. Even if I dont, Professor Rosier and even Professor Grindelwald would do it!

Death is not the most terrifying thing, far from it! If you truly come into contact with the indescribable mysteries, you will face something even more terrifying than death Professor Slughorn said in a sorrowful tone

It sounds terrifying Matthew forced a smile. He attempted a light-hearted comment, So, in the future, if we encounter something like that, should we run away immediately?

Run? Slughorn chuckled mockingly. You cant escape from true mystery because when you stare into it, its also staring back at you

At that moment, Matthews face turned pale.

Oh, my boy, did I frighten you? I should have comforted you instead! Slughorn apologized. Dont worry, those truly ancient and mysterious things are extremely rare. Its highly unlikely youll ever encounter them

The object Draco Malfoy came into contact with was just a simple form of mysterious dark magic item. It has surely vanished from Hogwarts Otherwise, we would have found it! So, relax, dont concern yourself with these mysteries, and focus on more interesting things!

Professor Slughorn reassured Matthew with a loud voice trying to cheer him up.

Gradually, Matthews complexion improved, and he nodded. Thank you, Professor!

Remember what I told you, but keep it to yourself, Slughorn cautioned, waving his hand.

I wont say a word, sir, Matthew Wickfield replied and left the office.

As he walked away from Horace Slughorns office, his face still bore an extremely pale expression.

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