Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 62: “The Vampire Professor”

Chapter 62: “The Vampire Professor”

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the students of Slytherin and Ravenclaw left one after another.

Hermione cast a worried glance at Matthew as she exited the classroom.

Unfazed, Matthew reassured her with a comforting expression. Despite her concern, Hermione had to leave.

Only Matthew and Professor Trocar remained in the classroom

a few minutes later.

Comp composed and calm, Matthew initiated the conversation by expressing his curiosity about the Professors condition.

What seems to be troubling you, Professor? Matthew asked in a steady voice, remaining seated in his chair.

Professor Trocar took a seat across from Matthew and acknowledged his question. The Full Body-Bind Curse you demonstrated is impressive, Matthew. Do you often practice it?

Yes! Just like the Professors said, that spell is the only thing a freshman could hope for when their life is in danger. Matthew honestly admitted.

Professor Trocar smiled, Very good! I initially thought you only gave your best in the Transfiguration class. As a young Wizard, talent might be important, but the beauty of hard work is equally as fruitful. He expressed his admiration for Matthews dedication.

Matthew quickly dismissed the Professors praise, I do not deserve such praise, Professor!

However, Professor Trocar reaffirmed his admiration Perhaps. These days in the classes I teach, you are the only student I see putting effort into continuously honing your talent. I am really grateful to be your teacher. He said proudly.

As their conversation progressed, Matthew asked Professor Trocar, Professor, does the Full Body-Bind Curse works effectively on a Being?

Im afraid not, Matthew most Beings are naturally resistant to magic, and this Curse ranked as one of the lowest and simplest protective spells. Casting it upon them would only lead to a poor result. Professor Trocar explained.

Do Vampires have magical resistance as well? Matthew inquired with a rugged look.

Naturally, although not as strong as a werewolf. Still, they would be a formidable opponent when the night comes; a young Wizard like you wont be able to seal their movements. Professor Trocar warned Matthew.

Well, how much do you know about Vampires then, Professor? Matthew asked smugly.

Professor Trocar was caught off guard by Matthews question and shook his head.

He explains softly, I think the world has a big misconception about Vampires every vampire was once an ordinary Muggle or Wizard; its a torture that no one cant simply ima Professor Trocars demeanor turned serious before Matthew cut him off.

Did you embrace those feelings then, Professor? Matthew asked once again, leading Professor Trocar to where he wanted.

Upon hearing those words, Professor Trocar is visibly shocked. Still, he continues without realizing Matthews intention with the question.

Professor Trocar explains, The ritual imposed a curse on a child, subjecting them to a life lived under that Curse. Wizards feared Vampires because they feared the ritual, which led to the aggressive hunting of Vampires by Wizards. While some Vampires acted heinously, most were unfortunate individuals trying to navigate the world under the burden of their Curse

The changing attitudes of Wizards towards vampires over time. Although conditions had improved in recent years, and vampires were living more openly with Wizards, discrimination still persisted, and vampires faced constant scrutiny. Until the first Wizarding war when a Wizard senselessly killed a Vampire and was penalized with a mere 100-galleon as a fine! Professor Trocar finishes his explanation with a furious look before he recollects himself.

Then Professor, are you a Vampire? Matthew mustered the courage to ask.

Professor Trocar finally realized the whole point of these questions, he was surprised, but he wore a wistful smile after.

When did you find out? Professor Trocar asked, still with a smile.

In Professor Rosiers class, when she was teaching us about Vampires, Matthew answered.

It was only a matter of time before a boy of your talent figured that out; vampires have obvious characteristics, after all. Professor Trocar somehow feels proud when he is found out by Matthew.

Professor Trocar acknowledged Matthews observation and glanced at him with a significant meaning. He then transformed his appearance, revealing his fangs.

Since you know Im a Vampire, why would you dare to stay in a room alone with me? He glanced at Matthew fiercely.

Matthew remained unfazed and unafraid, My friends are waiting for me in the Great Hall, so if I were missing, surely it would raise suspicion for them. That wont be a smart move, right Professor?

Professor Trocar agreed, retracting his fangs, What a marvelous way of thinking, Wickfield! As weve talked for the last hour, wouldnt you mind listening to another story?

Of course, Professor! Matthew replied excitedly.

The cold empty classroom somehow feels the warmest inside Matthews heart when ironically, he is in front of a dangerous Being. Still, he could feel even if he were bleeding, Professor Trocar would help him instead of sucking his blood out.

This is a tale that unfolded many years ago in a Romanian village. It revolved around a deranged vampire who derived pleasure from abducting children from nearby villages, assimilating them through the first embrace, and subjecting them to a life of torment

The story takes a significant turn when the vampire captured a ten-year-old Wizard, leading to a confrontation with the childs enraged father killing him. It was too late when the father found out his son had already been embraced. His little son has now turned into a Vampire. Professor Trocar tells the story with a solemn expression.

He pauses momentarily before continuing, The poor little Wizard, or little Vampire at that point. Was left alone by his father after seeing he already turns the poor thing didnt give up, he wandered from one village to another looking for food

because of how frail a newly turned Vampire is, the boy cant fight at all he simply wishes for a harmless animal to pass him, or he would scrape leftovers, thankfully because the influence of a Vampire was still weak, he could stomach normal Human food and stand under sunlight on the first few days. If not for that, that poor thing would be long gone

Struggling to pass day by day, he was dying he gets thinner and weaker as he could not find any source of food to satiate his hunger. Professor Trocars expression gets grimmer as the story progresses.

He smiled at this point, his eyes filled with happiness and hope as if the story he told was ending happily.

A man stood before him one day, and the boy recognized the man. No one wont recognize the man in front of him because of the fame that spread before him. It was Grindelwald he extended his hand towards the boy, the boy was scared, instinctively retreating because he thought Grindelwald was there to kill him.

Grindelwald slit his wrist and told the boy to drink; the boy was puzzled about the whole situation. Grindelwald comforted him and said that no matter what had happened to the boy, he was still a Wizard! All Wizards shall reign supreme!

Matthew attentively agreed to listen to the story, allowing Professor Trocar to unravel a haunting chapter from the past, revealing the intertwined fate of the vampire, the child, and the infamous Wizard.

Grindelwald then sent the boy to Durmstrang Institute, where the boy excelled at his studies before they expelled him because they found out he was a Vampire

Professor Trocars unfinished story ended there, leaving a sense of intrigue in the air. His voice remained calm and devoid of resentment or sadness as if he were merely recounting a story from long ago.

So Matthew hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Can you listen to me tell a story, Professor Trocar?

Of course! Professor Trocar nodded, curious about Matthews story.

A long time ago, Hogwarts hired a werewolf teacher Matthews voice was soft and contemplative.

I dont recall Hogwarts ever hiring a werewolf teacher! Professor Trocar interjected, momentarily confused.

This is just a story a story Matthew clarified hastily. The werewolf teacher, much like the little vampire in your tale, was bitten by a werewolf when he was young. But he was taken in by a great Wizard, who helped him become an excellent Wizard in his own right

At Hogwarts, his classes were prevalent, and he was well-liked by the students. However, less than a year later, he was dismissed from Hogwarts

Professor Trocar opened his mouth to say something but remained silent, intrigued by Matthews narrative.

Because someone perhaps other professors who couldnt understand him, or maybe ordinary students the news that he was a werewolf reached the newspapers, and Hogwarts had no choice but to expel him Matthew continued with a smile. Thats the story I made up, Professor Its relatively simple, nothing more!

Professor Trocar seemed touched by Matthews story, his expression softening slightly.

What else do you want to tell me? Matthew asked, meeting the gaze of Professor Trocars eyes. You asked me to stay here for more reason than telling me that story, I assume?

Matthew quickly noticed the change in Professor Trocars demeanor and realized it was time to address the real reason behind their meeting.

Professor Trocar returned to his usual appearance and spoke in a low voice, No, its a warning You must be cautious. Hogwarts is currently a dangerous place!

While Professor Trocar expected Matthew to be frightened by this revelation, Arent you afraid?

Matthews face remained calm and composed. Principal Grindelwald has assured us that Hogwarts is safe, he replied nonchalantly.

Professor Trocar was taken aback by Matthews response but couldnt help but smile. Nevertheless, you must still be careful, he insisted.

I understand, Matthew nodded appreciatively. Thank you, professor!

Youre welcome Dont leave the common room without caution, dont walk alone in the corridors, and avoid being alone with others, Professor Trocar cautioned, his tone filled with concern.

Ill remember, Matthew assured him. But may I ask another question?

As Professor Trocar stood up, he replied, Of course, Matthew. What would you like to ask?

Professor Trocar Matthew hesitated for a moment, then gathered his courage. Do you prefer to drink animal blood or human blood?

Professor Trocar regarded Matthew with interest, acknowledging the boldness of his question. Matthew quickly added, If this question invades your privacy, you need not answer.

There were once many of my kind who believed that human blood, particularly the blood of Wizards, was more satisfying But in the end, they all perished! Professor Trocar responded, choosing not to answer directly.

Matthew had more questions to ask, but it seemed he wouldnt get the chance.

Just then, the classroom door swung open with a loud bang, revealing Hermione standing in the doorway, accompanied by Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw House.

Granger! Professor Flitwick gasped for breath. Why have you brought me to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom?

Apologies, Professor, Hermione quickly apologized, panting. I made a wrong turn.

The situation outside seemed somewhat awkward, and the atmosphere within the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had become similarly uncomfortable.

It seems our question-and-answer session has come to an end, Matthew, Professor Trocar spoke first. Thank you for the little story.

With that, he waved his hand, signaling for Matthew to leave. Matthew exited the classroom, feeling a tinge of regret.

In truth, there was one last question he had refrained from asking Professor Trocar.

That question was

How does Ronald Weasleys blood taste? In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the students of Slytherin and Ravenclaw left one after another.

Hermione cast a worried glance at Matthew as she exited the classroom.

Unfazed, Matthew reassured her with a comforting expression. Despite her concern, Hermione had to leave.

Only Matthew and Professor Trocar remained in the classroom

a few minutes later.

Comp composed and calm, Matthew initiated the conversation by expressing his curiosity about the Professors condition.

What seems to be troubling you, Professor? Matthew asked in a steady voice, remaining seated in his chair.

Professor Trocar took a seat across from Matthew and acknowledged his question. The Full Body-Bind Curse you demonstrated is impressive, Matthew. Do you often practice it?

Yes! Just like the Professors said, that spell is the only thing a freshman could hope for when their life is in danger. Matthew honestly admitted.

Professor Trocar smiled, Very good! I initially thought you only gave your best in the Transfiguration class. As a young Wizard, talent might be important, but the beauty of hard work is equally as fruitful. He expressed his admiration for Matthews dedication.

Matthew quickly dismissed the Professors praise, I do not deserve such praise, Professor!

However, Professor Trocar reaffirmed his admiration Perhaps. These days in the classes I teach, you are the only student I see putting effort into continuously honing your talent. I am really grateful to be your teacher. He said proudly.

As their conversation progressed, Matthew asked Professor Trocar, Professor, does the Full Body-Bind Curse works effectively on a Being?

Im afraid not, Matthew most Beings are naturally resistant to magic, and this Curse ranked as one of the lowest and simplest protective spells. Casting it upon them would only lead to a poor result. Professor Trocar explained.

Do Vampires have magical resistance as well? Matthew inquired with a rugged look.

Naturally, although not as strong as a werewolf. Still, they would be a formidable opponent when the night comes; a young Wizard like you wont be able to seal their movements. Professor Trocar warned Matthew.

Well, how much do you know about Vampires then, Professor? Matthew asked smugly.

Professor Trocar was caught off guard by Matthews question and shook his head.

He explains softly, I think the world has a big misconception about Vampires every vampire was once an ordinary Muggle or Wizard; its a torture that no one cant simply ima Professor Trocars demeanor turned serious before Matthew cut him off.

Did you embrace those feelings then, Professor? Matthew asked once again, leading Professor Trocar to where he wanted.

Upon hearing those words, Professor Trocar is visibly shocked. Still, he continues without realizing Matthews intention with the question.

Professor Trocar explains, The ritual imposed a curse on a child, subjecting them to a life lived under that Curse. Wizards feared Vampires because they feared the ritual, which led to the aggressive hunting of Vampires by Wizards. While some Vampires acted heinously, most were unfortunate individuals trying to navigate the world under the burden of their Curse

The changing attitudes of Wizards towards vampires over time. Although conditions had improved in recent years, and vampires were living more openly with Wizards, discrimination still persisted, and vampires faced constant scrutiny. Until the first Wizarding war when a Wizard senselessly killed a Vampire and was penalized with a mere 100-galleon as a fine! Professor Trocar finishes his explanation with a furious look before he recollects himself.

Then Professor, are you a Vampire? Matthew mustered the courage to ask.

Professor Trocar finally realized the whole point of these questions, he was surprised, but he wore a wistful smile after.

When did you find out? Professor Trocar asked, still with a smile.

In Professor Rosiers class, when she was teaching us about Vampires, Matthew answered.

It was only a matter of time before a boy of your talent figured that out; vampires have obvious characteristics, after all. Professor Trocar somehow feels proud when he is found out by Matthew.

Professor Trocar acknowledged Matthews observation and glanced at him with a significant meaning. He then transformed his appearance, revealing his fangs.

Since you know Im a Vampire, why would you dare to stay in a room alone with me? He glanced at Matthew fiercely.

Matthew remained unfazed and unafraid, My friends are waiting for me in the Great Hall, so if I were missing, surely it would raise suspicion for them. That wont be a smart move, right Professor?

Professor Trocar agreed, retracting his fangs, What a marvelous way of thinking, Wickfield! As weve talked for the last hour, wouldnt you mind listening to another story?

Of course, Professor! Matthew replied excitedly.

The cold empty classroom somehow feels the warmest inside Matthews heart when ironically, he is in front of a dangerous Being. Still, he could feel even if he were bleeding, Professor Trocar would help him instead of sucking his blood out.

This is a tale that unfolded many years ago in a Romanian village. It revolved around a deranged vampire who derived pleasure from abducting children from nearby villages, assimilating them through the first embrace, and subjecting them to a life of torment

The story takes a significant turn when the vampire captured a ten-year-old Wizard, leading to a confrontation with the childs enraged father killing him. It was too late when the father found out his son had already been embraced. His little son has now turned into a Vampire. Professor Trocar tells the story with a solemn expression.

He pauses momentarily before continuing, The poor little Wizard, or little Vampire at that point. Was left alone by his father after seeing he already turns the poor thing didnt give up, he wandered from one village to another looking for food

because of how frail a newly turned Vampire is, the boy cant fight at all he simply wishes for a harmless animal to pass him, or he would scrape leftovers, thankfully because the influence of a Vampire was still weak, he could stomach normal Human food and stand under sunlight on the first few days. If not for that, that poor thing would be long gone

Struggling to pass day by day, he was dying he gets thinner and weaker as he could not find any source of food to satiate his hunger. Professor Trocars expression gets grimmer as the story progresses.

He smiled at this point, his eyes filled with happiness and hope as if the story he told was ending happily.

A man stood before him one day, and the boy recognized the man. No one wont recognize the man in front of him because of the fame that spread before him. It was Grindelwald he extended his hand towards the boy, the boy was scared, instinctively retreating because he thought Grindelwald was there to kill him.

Grindelwald slit his wrist and told the boy to drink; the boy was puzzled about the whole situation. Grindelwald comforted him and said that no matter what had happened to the boy, he was still a Wizard! All Wizards shall reign supreme!

Matthew attentively agreed to listen to the story, allowing Professor Trocar to unravel a haunting chapter from the past, revealing the intertwined fate of the vampire, the child, and the infamous Wizard.

Grindelwald then sent the boy to Durmstrang Institute, where the boy excelled at his studies before they expelled him because they found out he was a Vampire

Professor Trocars unfinished story ended there, leaving a sense of intrigue in the air. His voice remained calm and devoid of resentment or sadness as if he were merely recounting a story from long ago.

So Matthew hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Can you listen to me tell a story, Professor Trocar?

Of course! Professor Trocar nodded, curious about Matthews story.

A long time ago, Hogwarts hired a werewolf teacher Matthews voice was soft and contemplative.

I dont recall Hogwarts ever hiring a werewolf teacher! Professor Trocar interjected, momentarily confused.

This is just a story a story Matthew clarified hastily. The werewolf teacher, much like the little vampire in your tale, was bitten by a werewolf when he was young. But he was taken in by a great Wizard, who helped him become an excellent Wizard in his own right

At Hogwarts, his classes were prevalent, and he was well-liked by the students. However, less than a year later, he was dismissed from Hogwarts

Professor Trocar opened his mouth to say something but remained silent, intrigued by Matthews narrative.

Because someone perhaps other professors who couldnt understand him, or maybe ordinary students the news that he was a werewolf reached the newspapers, and Hogwarts had no choice but to expel him Matthew continued with a smile. Thats the story I made up, Professor Its relatively simple, nothing more!

Professor Trocar seemed touched by Matthews story, his expression softening slightly.

What else do you want to tell me? Matthew asked, meeting the gaze of Professor Trocars eyes. You asked me to stay here for more reason than telling me that story, I assume?

Matthew quickly noticed the change in Professor Trocars demeanor and realized it was time to address the real reason behind their meeting.

Professor Trocar returned to his usual appearance and spoke in a low voice, No, its a warning You must be cautious. Hogwarts is currently a dangerous place!

While Professor Trocar expected Matthew to be frightened by this revelation, Arent you afraid?

Matthews face remained calm and composed. Principal Grindelwald has assured us that Hogwarts is safe, he replied nonchalantly.

Professor Trocar was taken aback by Matthews response but couldnt help but smile. Nevertheless, you must still be careful, he insisted.

I understand, Matthew nodded appreciatively. Thank you, professor!

Youre welcome Dont leave the common room without caution, dont walk alone in the corridors, and avoid being alone with others, Professor Trocar cautioned, his tone filled with concern.

Ill remember, Matthew assured him. But may I ask another question?

As Professor Trocar stood up, he replied, Of course, Matthew. What would you like to ask?

Professor Trocar Matthew hesitated for a moment, then gathered his courage. Do you prefer to drink animal blood or human blood?

Professor Trocar regarded Matthew with interest, acknowledging the boldness of his question. Matthew quickly added, If this question invades your privacy, you need not answer.

There were once many of my kind who believed that human blood, particularly the blood of Wizards, was more satisfying But in the end, they all perished! Professor Trocar responded, choosing not to answer directly.

Matthew had more questions to ask, but it seemed he wouldnt get the chance.

Just then, the classroom door swung open with a loud bang, revealing Hermione standing in the doorway, accompanied by Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw House.

Granger! Professor Flitwick gasped for breath. Why have you brought me to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom?

Apologies, Professor, Hermione quickly apologized, panting. I made a wrong turn.

The situation outside seemed somewhat awkward, and the atmosphere within the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had become similarly uncomfortable.

It seems our question-and-answer session has come to an end, Matthew, Professor Trocar spoke first. Thank you for the little story.

With that, he waved his hand, signaling for Matthew to leave. Matthew exited the classroom, feeling a tinge of regret.

In truth, there was one last question he had refrained from asking Professor Trocar.

That question was

How does Ronald Weasleys blood taste? In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the students of Slytherin and Ravenclaw left one after another.

Hermione cast a worried glance at Matthew as she exited the classroom.

Unfazed, Matthew reassured her with a comforting expression. Despite her concern, Hermione had to leave.

Only Matthew and Professor Trocar remained in the classroom

a few minutes later.

Comp composed and calm, Matthew initiated the conversation by expressing his curiosity about the Professors condition.

What seems to be troubling you, Professor? Matthew asked in a steady voice, remaining seated in his chair.

Professor Trocar took a seat across from Matthew and acknowledged his question. The Full Body-Bind Curse you demonstrated is impressive, Matthew. Do you often practice it?

Yes! Just like the Professors said, that spell is the only thing a freshman could hope for when their life is in danger. Matthew honestly admitted.

Professor Trocar smiled, Very good! I initially thought you only gave your best in the Transfiguration class. As a young Wizard, talent might be important, but the beauty of hard work is equally as fruitful. He expressed his admiration for Matthews dedication.

Matthew quickly dismissed the Professors praise, I do not deserve such praise, Professor!

However, Professor Trocar reaffirmed his admiration Perhaps. These days in the classes I teach, you are the only student I see putting effort into continuously honing your talent. I am really grateful to be your teacher. He said proudly.

As their conversation progressed, Matthew asked Professor Trocar, Professor, does the Full Body-Bind Curse works effectively on a Being?

Im afraid not, Matthew most Beings are naturally resistant to magic, and this Curse ranked as one of the lowest and simplest protective spells. Casting it upon them would only lead to a poor result. Professor Trocar explained.

Do Vampires have magical resistance as well? Matthew inquired with a rugged look.

Naturally, although not as strong as a werewolf. Still, they would be a formidable opponent when the night comes; a young Wizard like you wont be able to seal their movements. Professor Trocar warned Matthew.

Well, how much do you know about Vampires then, Professor? Matthew asked smugly.

Professor Trocar was caught off guard by Matthews question and shook his head.

He explains softly, I think the world has a big misconception about Vampires every vampire was once an ordinary Muggle or Wizard; its a torture that no one cant simply ima Professor Trocars demeanor turned serious before Matthew cut him off.

Did you embrace those feelings then, Professor? Matthew asked once again, leading Professor Trocar to where he wanted.

Upon hearing those words, Professor Trocar is visibly shocked. Still, he continues without realizing Matthews intention with the question.

Professor Trocar explains, The ritual imposed a curse on a child, subjecting them to a life lived under that Curse. Wizards feared Vampires because they feared the ritual, which led to the aggressive hunting of Vampires by Wizards. While some Vampires acted heinously, most were unfortunate individuals trying to navigate the world under the burden of their Curse

The changing attitudes of Wizards towards vampires over time. Although conditions had improved in recent years, and vampires were living more openly with Wizards, discrimination still persisted, and vampires faced constant scrutiny. Until the first Wizarding war when a Wizard senselessly killed a Vampire and was penalized with a mere 100-galleon as a fine! Professor Trocar finishes his explanation with a furious look before he recollects himself.

Then Professor, are you a Vampire? Matthew mustered the courage to ask.

Professor Trocar finally realized the whole point of these questions, he was surprised, but he wore a wistful smile after.

When did you find out? Professor Trocar asked, still with a smile.

In Professor Rosiers class, when she was teaching us about Vampires, Matthew answered.

It was only a matter of time before a boy of your talent figured that out; vampires have obvious characteristics, after all. Professor Trocar somehow feels proud when he is found out by Matthew.

Professor Trocar acknowledged Matthews observation and glanced at him with a significant meaning. He then transformed his appearance, revealing his fangs.

Since you know Im a Vampire, why would you dare to stay in a room alone with me? He glanced at Matthew fiercely.

Matthew remained unfazed and unafraid, My friends are waiting for me in the Great Hall, so if I were missing, surely it would raise suspicion for them. That wont be a smart move, right Professor?

Professor Trocar agreed, retracting his fangs, What a marvelous way of thinking, Wickfield! As weve talked for the last hour, wouldnt you mind listening to another story?

Of course, Professor! Matthew replied excitedly.

The cold empty classroom somehow feels the warmest inside Matthews heart when ironically, he is in front of a dangerous Being. Still, he could feel even if he were bleeding, Professor Trocar would help him instead of sucking his blood out.

This is a tale that unfolded many years ago in a Romanian village. It revolved around a deranged vampire who derived pleasure from abducting children from nearby villages, assimilating them through the first embrace, and subjecting them to a life of torment

The story takes a significant turn when the vampire captured a ten-year-old Wizard, leading to a confrontation with the childs enraged father killing him. It was too late when the father found out his son had already been embraced. His little son has now turned into a Vampire. Professor Trocar tells the story with a solemn expression.

He pauses momentarily before continuing, The poor little Wizard, or little Vampire at that point. Was left alone by his father after seeing he already turns the poor thing didnt give up, he wandered from one village to another looking for food

because of how frail a newly turned Vampire is, the boy cant fight at all he simply wishes for a harmless animal to pass him, or he would scrape leftovers, thankfully because the influence of a Vampire was still weak, he could stomach normal Human food and stand under sunlight on the first few days. If not for that, that poor thing would be long gone

Struggling to pass day by day, he was dying he gets thinner and weaker as he could not find any source of food to satiate his hunger. Professor Trocars expression gets grimmer as the story progresses.

He smiled at this point, his eyes filled with happiness and hope as if the story he told was ending happily.

A man stood before him one day, and the boy recognized the man. No one wont recognize the man in front of him because of the fame that spread before him. It was Grindelwald he extended his hand towards the boy, the boy was scared, instinctively retreating because he thought Grindelwald was there to kill him.

Grindelwald slit his wrist and told the boy to drink; the boy was puzzled about the whole situation. Grindelwald comforted him and said that no matter what had happened to the boy, he was still a Wizard! All Wizards shall reign supreme!

Matthew attentively agreed to listen to the story, allowing Professor Trocar to unravel a haunting chapter from the past, revealing the intertwined fate of the vampire, the child, and the infamous Wizard.

Grindelwald then sent the boy to Durmstrang Institute, where the boy excelled at his studies before they expelled him because they found out he was a Vampire

Professor Trocars unfinished story ended there, leaving a sense of intrigue in the air. His voice remained calm and devoid of resentment or sadness as if he were merely recounting a story from long ago.

So Matthew hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Can you listen to me tell a story, Professor Trocar?

Of course! Professor Trocar nodded, curious about Matthews story.

A long time ago, Hogwarts hired a werewolf teacher Matthews voice was soft and contemplative.

I dont recall Hogwarts ever hiring a werewolf teacher! Professor Trocar interjected, momentarily confused.

This is just a story a story Matthew clarified hastily. The werewolf teacher, much like the little vampire in your tale, was bitten by a werewolf when he was young. But he was taken in by a great Wizard, who helped him become an excellent Wizard in his own right

At Hogwarts, his classes were prevalent, and he was well-liked by the students. However, less than a year later, he was dismissed from Hogwarts

Professor Trocar opened his mouth to say something but remained silent, intrigued by Matthews narrative.

Because someone perhaps other professors who couldnt understand him, or maybe ordinary students the news that he was a werewolf reached the newspapers, and Hogwarts had no choice but to expel him Matthew continued with a smile. Thats the story I made up, Professor Its relatively simple, nothing more!

Professor Trocar seemed touched by Matthews story, his expression softening slightly.

What else do you want to tell me? Matthew asked, meeting the gaze of Professor Trocars eyes. You asked me to stay here for more reason than telling me that story, I assume?

Matthew quickly noticed the change in Professor Trocars demeanor and realized it was time to address the real reason behind their meeting.

Professor Trocar returned to his usual appearance and spoke in a low voice, No, its a warning You must be cautious. Hogwarts is currently a dangerous place!

While Professor Trocar expected Matthew to be frightened by this revelation, Arent you afraid?

Matthews face remained calm and composed. Principal Grindelwald has assured us that Hogwarts is safe, he replied nonchalantly.

Professor Trocar was taken aback by Matthews response but couldnt help but smile. Nevertheless, you must still be careful, he insisted.

I understand, Matthew nodded appreciatively. Thank you, professor!

Youre welcome Dont leave the common room without caution, dont walk alone in the corridors, and avoid being alone with others, Professor Trocar cautioned, his tone filled with concern.

Ill remember, Matthew assured him. But may I ask another question?

As Professor Trocar stood up, he replied, Of course, Matthew. What would you like to ask?

Professor Trocar Matthew hesitated for a moment, then gathered his courage. Do you prefer to drink animal blood or human blood?

Professor Trocar regarded Matthew with interest, acknowledging the boldness of his question. Matthew quickly added, If this question invades your privacy, you need not answer.

There were once many of my kind who believed that human blood, particularly the blood of Wizards, was more satisfying But in the end, they all perished! Professor Trocar responded, choosing not to answer directly.

Matthew had more questions to ask, but it seemed he wouldnt get the chance.

Just then, the classroom door swung open with a loud bang, revealing Hermione standing in the doorway, accompanied by Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw House.

Granger! Professor Flitwick gasped for breath. Why have you brought me to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom?

Apologies, Professor, Hermione quickly apologized, panting. I made a wrong turn.

The situation outside seemed somewhat awkward, and the atmosphere within the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom had become similarly uncomfortable.

It seems our question-and-answer session has come to an end, Matthew, Professor Trocar spoke first. Thank you for the little story.

With that, he waved his hand, signaling for Matthew to leave. Matthew exited the classroom, feeling a tinge of regret.

In truth, there was one last question he had refrained from asking Professor Trocar.

That question was

How does Ronald Weasleys blood taste?

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