Hollow Ascension

Chapter 14: The Strike Begins

Chapter 14: The Strike Begins

The next morning, the guildhall had a different atmosphere. It was colder, heavier. Kael stood by the entrance, observing the way adventurers moved through the space. Their steps were hurried, their voices sharp with tension. He watched as the bronze and silver ranks gathered in tight clusters, their faces grim with resolve.

It had begun.

The adventurers had followed through on their plan. News of the strike had spread overnight, sending ripples of uncertainty throughout the guild. The lower ranks were refusing to take on any new missions, demanding a meeting with the leadership to discuss their grievances. Kael watched it all unfold, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

This was the moment he had been building toward. The discontent he had stoked now blazed openly, a fire threatening to consume the guild's fragile order. The nobles and high-ranked adventurers couldn't ignore it anymore. They would be forced to respond, and in doing so, they would reveal the depths of the power struggle within the guild.

Kael moved silently along the wall, staying within the shadows cast by the high windows. His Stealth Ability thrummed beneath his skin, keeping him unnoticed amidst the chaos. He was the ghost in the guildhall, listening, observing, and preparing for the next step.

Near the center of the hall, Garreth Stoneclaw stood, his face a mask of controlled fury as he addressed a group of adventurers. Beside him were several silver and gold-ranked members, their expressions ranging from concern to barely concealed disdain.

"This ends now," Garreth barked, his voice cutting through the noise of the hall. "This guild will not be held hostage by a handful of malcontents. You will all return to your duties immediately, or face expulsion from the guild!"

A murmur of shock ran through the crowd, but the scarred woman from the day before stepped forward, her jaw set with defiance. "We're not your slaves, Garreth," she retorted. "We risk our lives out there while the guild hoards supplies and panders to the nobles. We demand a fair share, and until that happens, we refuse to take on more missions."

Kael watched as the tension in the hall ratcheted up, the air thick with the scent of impending conflict. Perfect, he thought. He needed to stay in the shadows now, guiding the chaos without drawing attention to himself.

Garreth's eyes flashed with anger, and he took a step forward, looming over the woman. "You are members of this guild," he growled. "You follow its rules, or you leave. There is no room for rebellion here."

The woman stood her ground, her gaze steady. "Then maybe it's time for a new guild," she said, her voice loud enough to carry across the hall. "One that doesn't abandon its members in their time of need."

A ripple of whispers spread through the crowd, adventurers exchanging uneasy glances. The notion of a split within the guild was unthinkable, yet now, it was being spoken aloud. Kael could see the cracks widening, the fragile unity of the guild breaking apart under the strain of the strike.

"Enough!" A new voice rang out, sharp and commanding. Kael's eyes flicked to the back of the hall, where a figure stepped forward, flanked by two other nobles. Lysandra Valen, one of the most influential nobles within the guild, swept into the room like a storm.

Her eyes, cold and piercing, scanned the hall as she approached Garreth. Dressed in finely tailored armor that hinted at both wealth and power, Lysandra carried an air of authority that silenced the murmuring crowd. "This chaos has gone on long enough," she declared. "The nobles will not stand idly by while the guild tears itself apart."

Kael tensed, his gaze fixed on Lysandra. So, this is how they plan to handle it, he thought, his mind racing. The nobles were making their move, stepping into the conflict to quell the uprising and reassert control. This was exactly the reaction he had hoped to provoke.

Garreth inclined his head slightly to Lysandra, though his expression was hard. "And what do you propose, Lady Valen?" he asked, his voice edged with wariness.

Lysandra turned her gaze to the gathered adventurers, her eyes like ice. "This rebellion ends now," she announced. "The nobles will agree to a meeting to discuss your grievances, but there will be no further strikes or protests. You will return to your duties while these matters are addressed."

The crowd stirred, uncertain. Lysandra's words were an olive branch, but they came with an implicit threat. The nobles would listen, but only if the adventurers ceased their defiance immediately.

Kael slipped further into the shadows, watching as the scene played out. He needed to assess the crowd's reaction, to see how the lower ranks would respond to this sudden turn of events. The scarred woman hesitated, glancing at Finn and the others around her.

"We'll agree to the meeting," she said finally, her voice tight with anger. "But if you're just placating us with empty promises, we won't stay silent."

Lysandra's eyes narrowed, her lips curving into a thin smile. "You will be heard," she replied, her tone smooth but laced with steel. "And the guild will decide how best to address the concerns you have raised. But mark my words—further insubordination will not be tolerated."

Kael's mind whirled. This was a delicate balance. The nobles were offering a temporary concession, a meeting to placate the lower ranks, but it was clear that they intended to retain their grip on power. It was a strategy designed to buy time and defuse the immediate crisis.

He slipped away from the hall, moving toward the back exit. This was his chance to dig deeper, to uncover more of the nobles' plans. The strike had pushed them into action, and now they would be forced to reveal more of their strategies and priorities.

[Stealth Ability: Activated]

His form blurred into the shadows, his presence fading as he moved soundlessly through the corridor leading to the upper levels. He had learned from his previous eavesdropping that the nobles often met in the smaller conference rooms near the back of the guildhall. If he could get close enough, he might be able to gather crucial information on how they intended to handle the unrest.

The corridors were quiet, the stone walls dampening the noise from the main hall. Kael approached the closed door of one of the conference rooms, his heart pounding steadily as he strained to hear the voices within.

"...need to be firm," a voice hissed, low and urgent. "They're testing our resolve. If we give them too much, they'll see it as a sign of weakness."

"They need to be managed," another voice replied, this one smooth and cold. Kael recognized it as Lysandra's. "We can't simply crush them; it would create more dissent. We offer the meeting, listen to their complaints, and then redirect their focus. We'll make it seem like changes are happening while keeping the real power firmly in our hands."

Kael felt a thrill of vindication. So that's their plan, he thought. The nobles were going to play politics, offering hollow concessions to pacify the lower ranks while maintaining their control behind the scenes.

"They'll believe they've won something," Lysandra continued, her tone dripping with confidence. "And in the meantime, we'll tighten our hold on the guild's operations. By the time they realize what's happened, it will be too late for them to act."

Kael slipped away from the door, his mind racing. This was exactly the leverage he needed. If he could expose the nobles' strategy to the lower ranks, it would reignite their anger and push them into even more drastic action. The strike had been the beginning, but now he needed to fuel the flames of rebellion further.

He moved silently back through the corridors, returning to the main hall where the tension still hung in the air. The adventurers were dispersing, their faces a mixture of hope and wariness. The promise of a meeting had bought them a sliver of hope, but Kael intended to shatter that hope in due time.

"Let them think they have a chance," he murmured to himself as he stepped into the hall. "Then reveal the truth and watch them break."

As he made his way through the crowd, he caught sight of Finn standing off to the side, his expression grim. Kael approached him, allowing the Stealth Ability to fade as he came into view.

"Looks like we got what we wanted," Finn said, though his voice lacked enthusiasm. "But I don't trust them. This meeting feels like a trap."

Kael nodded, his eyes scanning the room. "You're right to be wary," he replied quietly. "The nobles are masters at giving just enough to keep people in line. But this is still an opportunity. We need to keep the pressure on, make sure they know we won't be satisfied with mere words."

Finn looked at him, his eyes searching for something in Kael's face. "What are you thinking?"

Kael hesitated for a moment, then leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. "We need to gather information on the nobles' plans. If we can expose their intentions, show the others that this meeting is a farce, we'll have the momentum to force real change."

Finn nodded slowly, a spark of determination igniting in his gaze. "Alright. I'll spread the word. We'll be ready."

Kael watched him walk away, his mind already turning over the next steps. The nobles thought they could manipulate the situation to their advantage, but he would ensure that their scheming would be their downfall.

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Instigate Full Rebellion]

The System's whisper filled his mind, and Kael felt a cold smile stretch across his lips. This was only the beginning. The game had entered a new phase, and he intended to play it to the very end.

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