Hollow Ascension

Chapter 82: Into the Maw

Chapter 82: Into the Maw

The forest grew darker as Kael led the team toward the northern clearing, the trees closing in around them like the walls of a tunnel. The mist clung to the undergrowth, swirling around their ankles with each step. Despite the cold, beads of sweat lined Kael's brow. The air itself seemed to pulse, thick with the residue of ancient magic, a faint hum that reverberated in the bones.

Lena walked at Kael's side, her eyes scanning the shadows between the trees, her grip firm on the hilt of her sword. Elda followed closely behind, holding a rune-engraved stone that glowed softly in her hand, a faint light to guide their way and push back the Hollow's creeping influence.

"It's quiet," Lena muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Too quiet. The forest feels... unnatural."

Kael nodded, his gaze fixed ahead. "The Hollow's energy has seeped into this place," he replied. "We're walking into a fragment of its power. Stay alert and close to the group. We don't know what to expect."

Elda stepped forward, her eyes narrowed as she focused on the glowing rune stone. "The energy here is concentrated," she said, her voice tense. "The Hollow has anchored part of itself in this clearing. We must proceed with caution."

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Investigate the Clearing: 20%]

The forest opened abruptly, giving way to a wide clearing bathed in an eerie, shimmering light. The ground was marked with swirling patterns, faintly glowing symbols etched into the earth. They spiraled outward from the center, where a cluster of jagged stones jutted from the ground, encircled by a dim, flickering light that twisted and bent as though alive.

Kael held up a hand, signaling the team to halt. The air in the clearing was thick, heavy with a power that made it hard to breathe. The energy here was palpable, a force that pressed against their senses, sending shivers down their spines.

"This is it," Elda whispered, her eyes fixed on the glowing stones. "A focal point of the Hollow's power. It's... alive in a way, pulsing with the same energy we felt in the valley."

Kael took a cautious step forward, his gaze locked on the stones at the center. "We need to study it," he said quietly. "But do not touch anything. We're here to observe and learn, not to provoke whatever lies within."

The group moved forward slowly, spreading out around the edge of the clearing. Lena's eyes flicked from shadow to shadow, her posture tense as she scanned for any sign of movement. The clearing was unnervingly still, the only sound the faint rustling of leaves in the cold breeze.

Elda knelt near one of the glowing symbols, her fingers tracing patterns in the air above it. "These markings are ancient," she muttered. "Older than anything we've seen before. They're channels, conduits for the Hollow's energy to flow through the land. It's using this place to sustain itself."

Kael frowned, his eyes narrowing. "Then this is a part of its network," he surmised. "A piece of the puzzle that connects back to the Hollow in the valley. If we disrupt these channels..."

"We could weaken the Hollow's grip," Elda finished, glancing up at him. "But it's not that simple. These channels are deeply rooted in the earth's magic. Disrupting them could have... unforeseen consequences."

Kael nodded, considering her words. "A risk we might have to take," he thought. "But not until we understand more."

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Investigate the Clearing: 40%]

Lena moved closer to the stones at the center of the clearing, her eyes fixed on the twisting light that encircled them. "There's something... wrong about this place," she muttered. "It feels like it's watching us."

Kael approached her, his gaze locked on the stones. They were rough and uneven, covered in faintly glowing symbols that seemed to shift and move beneath the surface. The air around them was colder, sharper, as if the clearing itself resisted their presence.

"We need to gather as much information as we can," he said, turning to Elda. "Can you sense anything specific from the stones?"

Elda nodded, though her face was pale. "The energy here is... turbulent," she replied, closing her eyes as she concentrated. "It's like a heartbeat, pulsing outward. This place is an anchor for the Hollow, a point where its power concentrates before spreading out into the land. If we disrupt this anchor, we might weaken the Hollow's overall influence."

Kael's eyes narrowed as he studied the stones. "Then we need to find a way to sever that connection," he said. "But carefully. We can't risk unleashing whatever power lies within these stones."

Elda opened her eyes, a spark of determination lighting within them. "I'll need to set up a ritual," she said. "Something that binds the energy here, isolates it from the Hollow's network. It won't destroy it, but it might sever its link to the larger force."

Kael nodded. "Do it," he instructed. "We'll stand guard while you work. Be quick—we don't know how the Hollow might react to our interference."

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Investigate the Clearing: 60%]

Elda began her preparations, moving swiftly as she arranged talismans and rune stones around the central cluster. The soldiers formed a perimeter, their eyes scanning the forest's edge for any sign of movement. Lena stood at Kael's side, her gaze never leaving the clearing's center.

"There's a tension here," she murmured, her voice tight. "Like the calm before a storm. The Hollow knows we're trying to disrupt it."

Kael nodded, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. "Then we stay ready," he replied. "This is our chance to strike at its core, to force it to show its hand."

Elda's chants filled the clearing, a low, rhythmic hum that vibrated through the air. The light around the stones flickered, dimming and brightening in response to her words. The ground beneath them trembled faintly, a deep, resonant pulse that sent shivers through the team.

"Hold steady!" Kael commanded, his voice carrying over the rising hum of magic. "Stay focused on your positions!"

The light around the stones grew brighter, swirling faster as Elda's incantations intensified. She raised her hands, her eyes glowing faintly with the energy she channeled. The runes on the stones began to glow, casting sharp shadows across the ground as the clearing vibrated with an unseen force.

Then, with a blinding flash, the light surged outward, spreading across the clearing in a wave that knocked Kael and the others back. The air grew thick with the scent of ozone, crackling with residual magic as the glow around the stones dimmed, flickering uncertainly.

Elda staggered, catching herself on the ground as she gasped for breath. "It's... disrupted," she panted. "The anchor has been severed, but the energy is unstable. We need to leave—now!"

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Investigate the Clearing: 80%]

Kael moved quickly, helping Elda to her feet as he signaled the team to retreat. "Fall back!" he ordered, his eyes sweeping the clearing for any signs of retaliation. "Move, now!"

The group began to withdraw, their movements swift and controlled as they made their way back toward the forest's edge. The clearing behind them crackled with energy, the light around the stones dimming and brightening sporadically as if struggling to regain stability.

Lena kept pace with Kael, her eyes darting nervously around the trees. "Do you think it worked?" she asked, her voice tight with urgency.

Kael glanced back at the clearing, his jaw set. "We disrupted the anchor," he replied. "Whether it weakens the Hollow remains to be seen. But we've struck a blow, and now we need to regroup and assess the impact."

As they reached the forest's edge, the clearing behind them fell into a tense silence, the flickering light of the stones fading to a dull glow. The air was still, but the underlying hum of magic lingered, a reminder that they had not yet escaped the Hollow's grasp.

Elda leaned against a tree, her face pale and drawn. "We've severed its connection here," she managed between breaths. "But the energy will seek to re-establish itself elsewhere. We need to monitor the valley closely for any signs of its return."

Kael nodded, his eyes scanning the path ahead. "We've bought ourselves a moment," he said. "But the Hollow is far from finished with us. We need to use this time to understand what it truly is and how we can confront it on our terms."

Lena took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "Then let's move," she said. "We need to get back to camp and plan our next steps. The Hollow may be wounded, but it's still a threat."

As they retreated into the forest, Kael felt a surge of determination. They had disrupted the Hollow's grip, if only temporarily, but it was a start. "We're not just holding the line anymore," he thought. "We're taking the fight to the Hollow itself."

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