Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 84: Betraying Allies

Chapter 84: Betraying Allies

In the late night, cries of agony echoed through the Sardinian camp.

Misreporting military intelligence is a punishable offense, and if losses were claimed to be heavy, there must be actual losses.

No worthy leader is without ruthlessness, and one who commands troops must not be too kind-hearted. Having climbed to his position, Major Will is certainly not someone who is soft-hearted.

In order to justify the situation to his superiors, Major Will had no choice but to intensify the offensive in the afternoon.

The veterans of the Sardinian Kingdom displayed great courage, showcasing a stronger sense of nationalism compared to the Lombardians. The afternoon battle intensified and grew more brutal.

When tallying the casualties, Major Will waved his hand and added all the losses to the morning battle. Over three hundred deaths and over eight hundred injuries could barely be considered heavy casualties.

The senior officers of the Second Division, led by Major Will, managed to justify their circumstances, but the morale of the troops reached an all-time low.

There is no harm without comparison. Italians are adept at learning, especially the seasoned soldiers in the army. They quickly absorbed the advanced strategies of their comrades.

When there are more people involved, maintaining secrecy becomes challenging. The “Battlefield Survival Manual” quickly spread among the troops of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Perhaps due to the prevailing spirit of camaraderie, these soldiers enthusiastically embraced this set of tactics for surviving on the battlefield.

Even Franz’s unconventional theories gained widespread acceptance. At some point, a new sentiment emerged within the Sardinian military: “Don’t sacrifice yourself for the capitalists.”

Italy’s long history of division has led ordinary people to forget their identity as Italians. Instead, they have come to identify themselves as Sardinians, Genoese, Lombards, and so on…

What benefits does unification bring to them? It’s clear that the capitalists are the ones who profit the most, as a unified Italy provides them with a larger market for exploitation. Meanwhile, these soldiers who bleed and sacrifice for the cause of unification gain nothing!

The Kingdom of Sardinia’s nationalism has awakened, giving rise to various conflicting ideologies. Italians are adept at deep thinking, and as they ponder more, they start to consider their own interests.

Unknowingly, the military of the Kingdom of Sardinia has undergone a transformation, gradually distancing itself from its once valiant and skilled nature.

This is also a tradition in Italy, commonly referred to as the “three-minute enthusiasm.” Once they witness bloodshed and sacrifice, their passion is extinguished. “The Battlefield Survival Manual” merely provides them with a convincing rationale to justify their actions.


Marshal Badoglio, the Supreme Commander of the Venetian-Sardinian Army, was still unaware that his troops were undergoing a remarkable transformation. He was currently troubled by the plea for help from the Tuscan forces.

He genuinely appreciates the active performance of the Tuscan army. In a war like this, enthusiastic individuals like them are needed as cannon fodder.

"A frontline report has arrived, saying that the Tuscan army is under attack by the main Austrian forces and seeking our assistance. What do you think we should do?”

A middle-aged officer furrowed his brow and said, “Lord Marshal, the Tuscan forces are approximately thirty kilometers away from us. Considering the time it takes for the message to reach us, the battle should have taken place half a day ago.

If we dispatch our troops immediately, it will still take at least a day for them to reach the battlefield. Regardless of whether we can catch up or not, it would disrupt our military deployments, making it difficult to fight subsequent battles!”

Clearly, he was not willing to rescue the Tuscan forces.

Allies, aren't they meant to be betrayed?

Besides, when did the Kingdom of Sardinia truly become allies with Tuscany?

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As long as the Kingdom of Sardinia aims to unify the Italian region, it will eventually clash with the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Sending them help at such a time would be aiding an enemy, wouldn’t it?

“Jackson, that doesn’t seem right! If we refuse to assist the Tuscan forces, it will create severe diplomatic issues. The Papal States and the Kingdom of Naples will also feel betrayed, and we will be left to fight this war alone!” another middle-aged officer objected.

“Cansandos, this war is in our home ground. These allies can’t be relied upon.

The Kingdom of Naples did send an army of 40,000, but where are they? The vanguard they sent, does it even constitute a regiment?

While the Tuscan soldiers have shown enthusiasm, we all know that their commander is an arrogant fool who lacks even the slightest military knowledge.

What can we expect from such unreliable allies besides causing chaos?

And that one division from the Papal States, we all know they only have slightly over 7,000 soldiers. They have been dragging their feet along the way, do they even have the intention to fight?” Another middle-aged officer, Jackson, voiced his opposition.


Marshal Badoglio nodded in agreement. It was clear that they couldn’t rely on their allies for military support. Austria held too much influence among the Italian states, and despite pressuring other nations to join the war, they contributed very little.

Now, the situation in Italy was further complicated by the conservative factions in the Papal States and Naples seeking restoration. It was possible that their allies would withdraw from the conflict at any moment.

“Your points are valid. Let's send a message to the Tuscan forces, urging them to hold on and await reinforcements. We will dispatch our troops as soon as possible!”

Without a doubt, Marshal Badoer was betraying his allies. They said they would send troops as soon as possible, when exactly?

If they truly want to rescue the Tuscan forces, they should march day and night to deploy troops now instead of wasting time here.


At the front line, General Macheld of Tuscany is no longer the spirited and confident leader he once was. Covered in dirt and with his soldiers, they are now undergoing a “strategic retreat.”

This battle cannot be fought. The Tuscan army’s combat capability was already weak but the enemy forces were also twice their size. After a few hours of resistance, they were crushed.

General Macheld, accompanied by a group of battered and defeated soldiers, turned and fled without looking back. Losing the war is one thing and there was no shame in losing to the Austrians. But he didn’t want to stay behind and become a prisoner.

As a thorn to the king, if he were to fall into the hands of the Austrians, there might be a chance for a prisoner exchange or he could end up being eliminated. Macheld would not dare to test the king’s integrity.

“General Macheld, Marshal Badoglio has instructed us to hold our ground and reinforcements will be deployed as soon as possible!” a young officer exclaimed with excitement.

“Did the Sardinian forces actually set out immediately upon receiving our plea for help?” Macheld inquired anxiously.

“No, they held a military meeting for about an hour, and then they said they would deploy as soon as possible. By now, they might have already set off,” the young officer replied with uncertainty.

Macheld’s expression changed drastically as he quickly reacted to the situation. He gave the order, “Command the troops to increase their pace. Our allies are on their way. Let’s meet them ahead!”

Allies? It’s nothing but a bunch of nonsense. Such evasive answers might deceive those naive youngsters, but it won’t work on seasoned veterans like Macheld.

Speed is of the essence when it comes to rescuing people, just like putting out a fire. Would there be time for slow meetings?

Since no allies are coming, it’s only natural to hurry up and get moving. Boosting morale was also essential.

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