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Chapter 33

Chapter 33

After soothing Zhan Yiran, Gu Nanyan let her leave. Throughout this, she didn't glance at Hua Ying'an once, as if she was completely indifferent to her presence.

However, this left Hua Ying'an with a bitter taste in her heart.

She moved her lips, wanting to say something, but Gu Nanyan was already engrossed in her book.

Hua Ying'an had to swallow her words.

She couldn't understand. Did Gu Nanyan truly not care? Not care about her words or her insincere apology? Was she not angry?

Zhan Yiran led Hua Ying'an out the door.

Hua Ying'an couldn't help herself and turned back to look at Gu Nanyan.

This time, Hua Ying'an sincerely wanted to apologize, "I..."

Before she could finish, she was interrupted by Gu Nanyan's cold voice, "Leave."

She was being bluntly dismissed!

Hua Ying'an's face turned deathly pale.

Gu Nanyan ignored her and let Zhan Yiran shut the door.

Gu Nanyan indeed didn't care about Hua Ying'an's previous words, but that didn't mean she was without temper, letting Hua Ying'an disrespect her time and again.

Being lenient once was generosity, but tolerating disrespect repeatedly would be seen as weakness!

Everyone in the kingdom knew the Elder Princess was generous and broad-minded. She didn't care about the chatter in the court, but everything had a limit. If someone kept behaving recklessly, the Elder Princess could also show her wrath.

Being a woman, ruling the government in an era where men were dominant, if she didn't have some means and temper, wouldn't everyone take her for granted?

"Let's go," Zhan Yiran led Hua Ying'an out.

Once outside, Hua Ying'an hadn't recovered from the awkward atmosphere. She tried to explain to Zhan Yiran in a flustered manner, "Yiran, I... I truly wanted to apologize this time."

Zhan Yiran was calm, looking much more serene than before. She nodded, "I know."

Hua Ying'an felt a surge of joy, thinking that Zhan Yiran understood her. However, the next moment, she heard Zhan Yiran say, "Elder Sister-in-law has given you chances, but you didn't cherish them. No one will give you chances again and again."

Hua Ying'an's face turned pale, she didn't expect Zhan Yiran to say such words.

Zhan Yiran wasn't like the hot-headed young girl of the past, firing at Hua Ying'an. Instead, she held Hua Ying'an's hand and spoke calmly, "Sister Hua, it's okay. It's okay if you don't like Elder Sister-in-law and don't want to apologize. But I hope, you won't say those harsh words to hurt Elder Sister-in-law anymore."

Hua Ying'an looked at Zhan Yiran in shock. In such a short period, she had changed so much. It was as if she had grown up instantly, leaving Hua Ying'an disoriented, yet it felt natural.

She suddenly realized that Gu Nanyan was formidable, not the superficially formidable she had imagined, but at a high level. Her methods aimed directly at the core, able to hit the most sensitive part of a person's heart.

Zhan's Mother cared the most about Rui Rui, so Gu Nanyan pleased Rui Rui, winning his affection.

On the surface, Zhan Yiran was a rebellious young girl, but in reality, she was deprived of love, yearning for someone to discipline her. So, Gu Nanyan disciplined Zhan Yiran, making her admire Gu Nanyan.

This woman was too formidable!

Formidable enough to shock one's heart.

Hua Ying'an liked Zhan Lingfeng, she liked the Zhan family, she wanted to marry Zhan Lingfeng.

Hua Ying'an had always thought that Gu Nanyan was a vain, gold-digging woman with poor character who was not worthy of Zhan Lingfeng. Therefore, she naturally wanted to drive Gu Nanyan out of the Zhan family.

But now, Hua Ying'an realized she was wrong.

Gu Nanyan was not the kind of person she had thought. In fact, she was even better than she had imagined.

She was beautiful, elegant, neither humble nor arrogant, intelligent and composed. She treated Zhan Yiran with pure kindness, and more importantly, she had won the unanimous approval of the Zhan family. She could easily influence the thoughts of the Zhan family members.

Before coming here, Hua Ying'an thought it would be easy to deal with Gu Nanyan, but things far exceeded her expectations.

Hua Ying'an lowered her head, momentarily lost.

What should she do? Give up on Zhan Lingfeng?

No, she wouldn't give up. Why should she give up the man she has loved for twenty years?

She met Zhan Lingfeng first, she loved Zhan Lingfeng first, they grew up together, and no one knew Zhan Lingfeng better than she did.

The greatest wish of Hua Ying'an's life was to marry Zhan Lingfeng. Asking her to give up was like ripping her heart out.

Hua Ying'an's expression gradually firmed up, and all the hesitation and confusion in her eyes disappeared.

In that case, let's compete fairly!

Hua Ying'an didn't believe that her twenty years of feelings with Zhan Lingfeng couldn't compete with a woman who hadn't even met face-to-face.

Although Hua Ying'an was confident in herself, Gu Nanyan was too powerful. She had only been married for a few months, but she had already won over Zhan's Mother and Zhan Yiran.

The current situation was very unfavorable for Hua Ying'an, she had to think long-term.

When both of them came downstairs, Zhan's Mother saw the two and asked, "Have you apologized to Nanyan?"

Hua Ying'an gave a forced smile, not knowing how to respond.

Zhan Yiran came down, hugging Zhan's Mother's arm and swaying, "Mom, don't ask anymore. How awkward for Sister Hua."

"Alright, I won't ask." Zhan's Mother indulgently shook her head.

Zhan's Mother had lived for several decades and had a lot of life experience. She didn't take the quarrel between Gu Nanyan and Hua Ying'an to heart. She considered it just a squabble between young girls that would be fine once they talked it out.

She hadn't seen Hua Ying'an for a long time, and Zhan's Mother missed her very much. She grabbed her hand and looked her over, "Ying'an, stay for lunch."

Before meeting Gu Nanyan, Hua Ying'an indeed planned to stay in the Zhan household for a few more days.

But now, she was very hesitant.

Gu Nanyan clearly had the hearts of Zhan's Mother and Zhan Yiran, and was in a dominant position. If she stayed, and Gu Nanyan expressed dissatisfaction with her, or used some tactics, it would surely make Zhan's Mother and Zhan Yiran dislike her.

Hua Ying'an wanted to go back and do a thorough investigation of Gu Nanyan. Knowing herself and her enemy would lead to victory in every battle.

But Zhan's Mother insisted on keeping her, and Hua Ying'an couldn't refuse. She had to agree to stay.

After staying, Hua Ying'an was very uneasy. She feared that Gu Nanyan would express her displeasure in public and drive her away.

This was a great opportunity, and if she were Gu Nanyan, she would definitely take advantage of her strong position to completely eliminate her opponent!

The lunch was prepared very sumptuously, including Hua Ying'an's favorite seafood.

"Ying'an, I remember you love seafood the most. These were just air-flown in today, make sure you eat plenty later," Zhan's Mother said with a smile.

Hua Ying'an, hugging Zhan’s Mother's arm, acted spoilt, "Auntie, you're so good to me. You love me the most. I wish you were my mom."

"Silly girl, in my heart, you and Yiran are the same, both my daughters," Zhan's Mother lovingly stroked Hua Ying'an's face.

Just then, Gu Nanyan came down from upstairs and saw this scene.

Hua Ying'an's heart tightened, worried that Gu Nanyan would be jealous.

However, Gu Nanyan didn't even glance at her. She just nodded at Zhan's Mother: "Mother-in-law."

Her voice was cold, somewhat distant, as if she wasn't very close to Zhan's Mother.

Seeing this, Hua Ying'an felt a moment of joy. Could it be that she had guessed wrong? Zhan's Mother wasn't that nice to Gu Nanyan.

Yet, the very next second, Zhan's Mother let go of her in a flash, and instantly ran to Gu Nanyan's side, holding her hand, with a worried face, "You've been reading all morning again? You shouldn't always read, it strains your eyes. Young girls should go outside more often.

Let Yiran and Ying'an accompany you, they are the most fun."

After saying this, she turned to Hua Ying'an, "Ying'an, consider it a favor from your auntie, when you have time, accompany Nanyan, be nice to Nanyan."

Hua Ying'an forced out a smile and said, "Sure thing, I'm always free, just afraid Miss Gu doesn't like me. Just now you said I'm like Yiran, both your daughters, I'm afraid Miss Gu will be jealous."

"No, she won't." Zhan's Mother quickly said, "You and Yiran are my daughters, while Nanyan is the precious jewel of our Zhan family, the most valuable."

Hua Ying'an: "......"

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