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Chapter 37

In truth, Hua Ying'an didn't quite understand why Gu Nanyan was being so kind to her.

She ran up and asked, "Miss Gu, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Am I being nice to you?" Gu Nanyan was slightly taken aback, unsure of how she had been kind to Hua Ying'an.

Hua Ying'an pressed, "You cared about whether I had allergies, didn't you?"

Gu Nanyan's gaze was indifferent. "You've misunderstood. I wasn't concerned about you specifically. It's just basic hospitality as a host. After all, it would be quite rude to serve harmful food to a guest."

Hua Ying'an was stunned but continued to ask, "Then, what about just now when you were teaching and advising me?"

Gu Nanyan remained silent.

She hadn't intentionally set out to advise Hua Ying'an. As an elder, seeing a younger person with potential, she had merely offered a few kind words of guidance. It wasn't anything significant.

But she couldn't exactly explain this reason out loud.

After a moment, Gu Nanyan spoke, "Because you're good at peeling crabs."

"Is it that simple?"

"Yes, it's just that simple!"

Hua Ying'an could hardly believe it, but regardless, Gu Nanyan had indeed given her a reminder, and she felt she should repay the kindness.

"Well, if you like how I peel crabs, I'll always peel them for you from now on. Whenever you want to eat them, I'll peel them for you."

Hua Ying'an made this solemn promise.

Gu Nanyan seemed indifferent, nodding casually.

Meanwhile, Zhan Lingfeng, leading a group of elites, had been working tirelessly day and night to finish their project ahead of schedule. They managed to return a day early.

They arrived at The Zhan Family Courtyard just in time for dinner.

Zhan Lingfeng was very concerned about Gu Nanyan's situation. Hua Ying'an had a nasty temper and was quite skillful, plus she had a good relationship with his mother and sister. If she truly wanted to make things difficult for Gu Nanyan, the latter would surely suffer.

He wondered if Gu Nanyan had listened to him and left to avoid trouble.

Zhan Lingfeng indeed didn't like Gu Nanyan, but she was, after all, the rightful mistress of the Zhan family and his wife. It was his responsibility to protect and defend her.

Moreover, she had given him a gift.

Thinking of the small clay figurine that looked exactly like him, a warmth spread through Zhan Lingfeng's eyes, and an indescribable feeling welled up in his heart.

The multi-million dollar Rolls-Royce slowly drove into the courtyard, stopping at the villa's entrance. As Zhan Lingfeng got out of the car and was about to walk towards the door, he saw a group of people unloading what appeared to be books from a vehicle. There seemed to be thousands of them.

Could Zhan Yiran have bought these? But why would she buy so many books?

Zhan Lingfeng raised his hand, summoning a servant to inquire about the situation.

"Sir, these were sent by Miss Hua," the servant replied.

Hua Ying'an?

Zhan Lingfeng frowned. "What is she up to? Why send so many books?"

"They're for the madam, sir. Miss Hua heard that the madam likes to read, so she specially ordered these books. This is just the first batch; there are several more to come." The servant's eyes sparkled, admiration overflowing when mentioning the madam.

Zhan Lingfeng was bewildered, doubting his own ears.

Hua Ying'an buying books for Gu Nanyan? Had the sun risen in the west?

Zhan Lingfeng knew Hua Ying'an's nature well. She didn't allow any woman near him. A few years ago, when the daughter of a family friend kept finding excuses to get close to him, Hua Ying'an had her sent abroad as soon as she noticed.

How come she was now buying books for Gu Nanyan?

Zhan Lingfeng walked into the house with a furrowed brow. He had returned in a hurry this time and hadn't notified the family, so no one in the Zhan household knew he was back.

Only the servants at the door saw him and hurried forward with slippers and to take his coat.

"Where's Mother?" he asked.

"The Madam and the others are in the dining room, sir."

It was dinnertime, and the living room was empty. Zhan Lingfeng didn't let the servants alert his mother; he headed towards the dining room himself.

Before he entered, he heard an argument from inside. It was his sister Zhan Yiran's voice, "I'll do it, I'll peel it, not you!"

Hearing this, Zhan Lingfeng worried that a fight might break out. He quickened his pace and strode into the dining room.

What he saw upon entering left him stunned.

The woman sitting in the middle chair looked just like the woman in the photos – it must be his new bride, Gu Nanyan.

She was leaning back in her chair, her right hand supporting her cheek, looking relaxed.

His little nephew, Rui Rui, stood on her left, clumsily using chopsticks to put food on her plate.

On her right was Hua Ying'an, head lowered, focused on peeling crabs. Every time she finished peeling one, she would place it in the bowl in front of Gu Nanyan. She even adjusted her peeling speed according to Gu Nanyan's eating pace, seemingly worried that if she took too long, the crab would get cold and be less tasty.

Then there was his sister Zhan Yiran, trying hard to squeeze next to Gu Nanyan but unable to do so, her cheeks puffed out in frustration.

His mother sat across from them, beckoning to Zhan Yiran, "Don't squeeze over there, sit next to me."

Zhan Yiran pouted, "But I want to sit next to my sister-in-law."

The scene before him was both absurd and harmonious, leaving Zhan Lingfeng unable to process it for a long moment.

Could this really be happening?

It was too unbelievable!

As if sensing someone's arrival, Gu Nanyan slightly raised her head, looking towards Zhan Lingfeng.

A face so beautiful it could make one's heart skip a beat suddenly entered his vision. Zhan Lingfeng had seen Gu Nanyan's photos and even watched her movies. He knew she had a pretty face.

But Zhan Lingfeng had seen many beautiful women and hadn't found her face particularly attractive. He had even thought her heavily made-up appearance in photos looked rather vulgar.

However, seeing her in person now, Zhan Lingfeng realized that photos and videos couldn't capture her true aura.

Gu Nanyan wore no makeup, her face bare. Perhaps due to lack of sleep, there was a hint of dark circles under her eyes, and she was wearing ordinary loungewear.

Yet her whole being exuded an intensity that was hard to look at directly, a noble aura, stunningly beautiful and refined.

Zhan Lingfeng was mesmerized.

The others noticed Gu Nanyan's movement and followed her gaze to see Zhan Lingfeng.

"Brother!" Zhan Yiran exclaimed joyfully, rushing over.

His mother also ran over excitedly.

Hua Ying'an and Rui Rui both stood up.

Only Gu Nanyan remained seated, her head slightly tilted, as if appraising Zhan Lingfeng.

Zhan Yiran hugged her brother excitedly, then quickly introduced him, "Brother, you haven't met your sister-in-law yet, have you? Come, come, this is your wife."

His mother chimed in, "Yes, yes, go meet your wife."

Zhan Lingfeng shifted his gaze to Gu Nanyan, expecting her to come over.

But she still didn't move.

After a moment, she extended her right hand towards Zhan Lingfeng and spoke, "Help me up."

Her tone was so matter-of-fact.

Zhan Lingfeng was taken aback. No woman had ever dared to order him around before.

Zhan Yiran's heart tightened. She wanted to go over and support Gu Nanyan, but was stopped by a single glance from Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan continued to look at Zhan Lingfeng.

Their eyes met in mid-air, and finally, Zhan Lingfeng was the first to concede.

He thought to himself, "Let it go. What's the point of arguing with a woman, especially when she's my wife?"

He walked over, intending to take Gu Nanyan's hand, but just as he reached out, Gu Nanyan pulled her hand back.

"Remember, next time come earlier. My arm is sore from waiting," she said.

"When you're coming home, let me know in advance. The moment you arrive, come to my side and support me."

"In a moment, I'll have Yiran write down a list of my preferences and send it to you. From now on, you need to bring me gifts when you come home."

Before Zhan Lingfeng could react, Gu Nanyan had already laid down several house rules.

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