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Chapter 40

In the end, Zhan Lingfeng couldn't resist and fled in a panic.

The next morning, everyone went to the restaurant for breakfast.

Zhan Lingfeng, thinking about last night's events, hadn't slept well, tossing and turning with his thoughts all night.

Gu Nanyan was also pondering the matter, but unlike Zhan Lingfeng, she didn't dwell on it for long. After a brief consideration, she had already formed a few theories.

During breakfast, she looked at Zhan Lingfeng, intending to talk to him.

However, as soon as Zhan Lingfeng caught her eye, his face turned red, the blush spreading down to his neck. He abruptly stood up and said, "You all go ahead and eat. I have some matters to attend to at the company. I'll be going now."

With that, he hastily left, his retreating figure resembling someone fleeing in panic.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, watching Zhan Lingfeng's back as he left, lost in thought.

Their interaction didn't go unnoticed by Hua Ying'an, adding to her sense of loss. She felt there was no need to persevere any longer; continuing to hold on would only torment all three of them.

But before completely giving up on Zhan Lingfeng, she wanted to have a deep conversation with Gu Nanyan.

She hoped that Gu Nanyan could understand Zhan Lingfeng better and treat him more kindly.

After breakfast, Hua Ying'an found Gu Nanyan in the small study.

"Miss Gu, may I have a word with you?" she asked.

Without looking up, Gu Nanyan gestured towards a chair and said, "Sit."

Hua Ying'an gazed deeply at Gu Nanyan.

She truly was beautiful!

No matter how many times she looked at her, Hua Ying'an was still amazed. Gu Nanyan possessed a unique aura, combining the majestic dignity of someone who had everything under control with the serene detachment of one who had seen through the ways of the world. It was a paradoxical and captivating combination.

Initially, Hua Ying'an had felt nervous, unsure of how to begin. But upon seeing Gu Nanyan, her heart miraculously calmed. There was something about Gu Nanyan that had a stabilizing effect on people.

She lowered her head and began speaking slowly, "Miss Gu, do you know what Zhan Lingfeng likes?

His favorite fruit is oranges because they're easy to peel and don't waste time.

He likes to drink Blue Mountain coffee, and he prefers it iced.

He likes the color black; almost all of his clothes are black.


Hua Ying'an went on and on, as if trying to say everything she knew. It was as though she was bidding farewell to her past self.

Gu Nanyan listened attentively to Hua Ying'an's words. When she finished, Gu Nanyan spoke, "You really like Zhan Lingfeng."

Hua Ying'an gave a self-deprecating smile. Yes, she did like Zhan Lingfeng very much, but what did it matter? No matter how long or how deeply she liked him, it was meaningless. Zhan Lingfeng simply didn't like her.

It was time for her to give up.

Just as Hua Ying'an was about to speak, she suddenly heard Gu Nanyan say, "Do you want me to give him up for you?"

Hua Ying'an was stunned. She looked up at Gu Nanyan in disbelief.

"What did you say?" Hua Ying'an thought she must have misheard.

Gu Nanyan lifted her eyes slightly, closed the book in her hand, and said seriously, "Isn't that why you're telling me all this? You want me to give him up to you?"

"No, no, no, that's not it," Hua Ying'an hurriedly shook her head. "Love can't be handed over like that. I just wanted to tell you these things, hoping you would remember them and love him in my place."

Gu Nanyan's gaze swept lightly over Hua Ying'an as she spoke slowly, "Miss Hua, the things you mentioned could be done by any servant. You've placed yourself in a servant's position. How could Zhan Lingfeng possibly love you?"

Hua Ying'an suddenly bit her lower lip, a flash of disagreement crossing her eyes. She didn't agree with Gu Nanyan's words.

Ignoring her reaction, Gu Nanyan continued, "Let me ask you, do you know what his dreams are?

Do you know what kind of music he likes best? And why?

Do you know what kind of paintings he likes?

Do you know what he fears the most?

You've known each other for many years, grown up together, yet your understanding of him is only surface-deep, things anyone could observe. Any servant, after taking care of him for a while, could discover these things.

You haven't truly entered his inner world.

Your joys don't resonate, your sorrows don't connect.

In this world, there are those who remain strangers after a lifetime together, and those who become intimate friends upon first meeting.

You've known each other for over 20 years, yet you're nothing more than familiar strangers.

Miss Hua, if you like Zhan Lingfeng, then compete for him openly and honestly. I would respect your frankness.

Why are you putting on this act of self-pity and feeling wronged? Who are you trying to impress?

Are you seeking my sympathy?"

Hua Ying'an's face suddenly turned pale. A storm of emotions surged within her, as if her entire worldview had been overturned.

She had always thought her feelings were deep and sincere, but today, Gu Nanyan was telling her that her love was worthless.

"Strangers after a lifetime, strangers after a lifetime..." Hua Ying'an murmured, and then burst into laughter.

She laughed at her own foolishness, and also at how late she had come to understand.

After her laughter subsided, Hua Ying'an's eyes shone brightly as she looked at Gu Nanyan. "Why are you telling me all this? Aren't you afraid that after I understand, I'll go back to pursuing Zhan Lingfeng?"

Without even glancing at Hua Ying'an, Gu Nanyan replied directly, "You don't even dare to be yourself. How could you have the courage to change everything from the past and pursue Zhan Lingfeng anew?"

Hua Ying'an's pupils dilated dramatically. It felt as if she had been stripped bare, standing naked before Gu Nanyan.

She felt utterly humiliated and was about to say something when suddenly, enlightenment struck her.

She understood Gu Nanyan's intention. Gu Nanyan wasn't mocking her; she was trying to wake her up.

Hua Ying'an's eyes suddenly turned red, and then tears began to fall uncontrollably. She both cried and laughed.

"Gu Nanyan, you're really annoying! I really dislike you!

How can you be so good? How can there be someone as perfect as you in this world, making me look petty and shameful in comparison, leaving me no face to compete with you?

But you're not entirely perfect. You have one flaw – you're too kind.

I'm your love rival, you know? I'm supposed to be competing with you for a man. Why are you being so nice to me? You've awakened me, helped me shed my disguise, break free from my shackles, and become brave. Aren't you afraid that I might really go and compete with you for Zhan Lingfeng?"

"You won't," Gu Nanyan said, her eyes filled with understanding as she looked at Hua Ying'an.

Hua Ying'an was taken aback. Gu Nanyan's trust warmed her heart.

But always being one step behind Gu Nanyan didn't sit well with her, so she deliberately contradicted, "Not necessarily."

Hearing these words, Gu Nanyan suddenly lowered her eyes and smiled.

She rarely smiled. Usually, her face was expressionless, neither laughing nor showing any emotions.

This smile was like a spring breeze brushing across a lake, causing gentle ripples. It was like a lotus flower on the lake's surface, stunning yet gentle.

Hua Ying'an was stunned, holding her breath involuntarily. As she gazed in fascination, she heard Gu Nanyan's soft voice.

"A Hua Ying'an who hides her true nature might destroy someone else's marriage, disregarding others' feelings. But a Hua Ying'an who bravely embraces her authentic self would absolutely never do such a thing!"

Gu Nanyan declared emphatically, word by word, "Because the real Hua Ying'an is courageous and strong. She is her own support system and doesn't need to draw energy from external sources, let alone rely on a man."

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