How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 101

Chapter 101. Since ancient times, the hawk is the medicine against aggression. (3) After all, what I am calculating now is the calculation of the process and result of the death of a person, whether an ally or an enemy.

I am not alone in making these calculations.

Or rather, maybe I'm the least worried about it.

I'm just devising to keep my comfortable daily life and keep inside the fence in order to maintain my status quo.

But what about the others who are now entering this war?

The Three Kingdoms Alliance is just trying to invade for profit and to disrupt our kingdom's dominance.

And all of us who oppose him have their own goals, so we desperately try to set up blood in our eyes and make a contribution.

How many of them went to the battlefield thinking purely about the safety of the country?

Even the lords, who were passive at first, severely whipped the soldiers and encouraged them to kill even one more enemy when the war situation improved.

for the ball

Already, they are frantic for the merits that will be evaluated after the war is over rather than defending the country.

The purpose of even the oldest brother directly participating in this war is because he wants merit worthy of the next throne.

Even my older brother has such a desire.

yes it is greedy

Whether it is good or bad, human beings wage wars like this because they have greed in the end.

Like these greedy people.

Humans are creatures that grow with greed and do not hesitate to do anything for greed.

And that desire is endlessly upward.

I keep looking up at the sky and trying to reach it somehow.

That's why he greedily puts money, power, and corpses under his feet.

That's how it builds up step by step.

I want to go to a higher place like that.

‘I doubt how much I can build with it.'

Well, apart from that, isn't I in a position to complain?

It's because I can't help but be greedy.

But do they really know?

No matter how much you pile underneath, wherever you are.

In the end, the scenery of the sky you look up at never changes.

I have to be so greedy and look upwards.....

In the end, what remains is.....

“...What are you struggling with on a normal day?”

As I was in the middle of my thoughts, Asha was walking toward me saying something absurd.

“They say they are sentimental.”

I was going to pretend to be there, but thanks to Asha's meddling, I thought about it in the middle.

“It’s been quiet lately, so I thought I’d take a nap. Asha, do you want to skip school too?”

I moved my body slightly and made an empty seat where I was lying down, tapping the wooden board.

Well, can't Asha accept my invitation?

It's just a silly joke I throw, as always.

Now Asha will nag me to work diligently like always.

ok it's as planned

However, Asha tilted her head for a moment.

“Huh, then.”

Isn't it coming toward me?

what? Are you really going to take a nap together?

It is said that the environment changes people, so perhaps Asha was also awakened to the true taste of polka dots because she was busy with the war.

At the unexpected action, I stood in a daze for a while.

Meanwhile, at some point, Asha gently caught my cheek with her fingertips.

It doesn't pinch, it feels like it's being stretched out a bit.

It's been a long time since I felt this.

It's been a while since Kania noona when I was a baby.

“…Did you really think I would lie down with you?”

Asha said in a slightly astonished tone.

What is this doing?

When I glared at her, Asha removed her hand from my cheek.

“I won’t tell you not to slack off, but the other soldiers are watching, so please keep your face.”

face? What is it? Are you eating it?

“If you throw away dignity, your body becomes comfortable. If you don't believe me, would you like to try it?”

Asha smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“I still have a lot of work to do, so I decline. I still have a lot of things left to direct.”

“You don't yet know that the most loved commander among tsk tsk soldiers is a guy who hangs around in moderation.”

“I don’t know, but I do know that such an army is already ruined.”

He answered my joke in the same half-playful way.

In two years, Asha has become much more flexible.

In the past, when I was so open-minded, I would nag and say things like proper royalty.

In fact, even the prank from before was really unexpected considering her atmosphere in the past.

After all, a person's personality improves when he has more room. by the way

“Well, I’m sorry to ask now, but are things all right on the front line?”

“yes. It doesn't seem like they've been attacking lately.”

When I asked Asha, the Three Kingdoms Alliance was not attacking very aggressively.

Are you only avoiding our Yeongji army?

I wanted to, but it seemed that the attack on the front line itself had weakened.

Compared to when the border fortress was recaptured, it was as calm as the sea without waves.

This silence has been going on for six days already.

You see, this seems to have been withdrawn once?


“It would be nice if the war ended like this.”

Asha spoke honestly about her current feelings in a bittersweet tone.

There was no way she would be happy with a war in which people continued to die like this.

Listening to her candid impression of common sense, I thought about it for a while.


“.. Did these bastards make up their minds?”


“No, because I want it to be too quiet.”

I was worried.

Just in case, I brought a griffon fry, rode it up, and looked around.

Asha dissuaded him saying it was dangerous, but there was something he had to check with his own eyes.

“…is it really me?”

And the suspicion was confirmed.

When I came back down to the ground, I put on a look of genuine regret.

“I hope the war ends soon. Well, I agree... but I don't think that's going to happen right away.”

I got up and got up.

Nap time is over here.

I thought it was a little better because I felt less bloody.

It also seemed to be here.

“Call Seina. I have something to tell you two about the future situation.”

“Hey~ Here’s a sudden quiz. What is the policy of the Three Kingdoms Alliance in the future?”

Inside the barracks, after Asha called Seina, I asked the two knights a sudden question.

Apparently, they have relatively little experience in the battlefield, but this is Asha's first time participating in a battle, and Seina has only been mobilized in small conflicts.

That's why they can't foresee the future situation yet.

For that reason, I would like to take this opportunity to teach them about the future situation.

My sister has no aptitude for that in the first place, and Dia is a wizard.

Therefore, knowledge related to war is going to give two people an intensive fast-paced lecture.

“...Aren't they attacking again?”

“But they are back now.”

After hearing the report from Asha, I personally checked with the other lords.

And I was sure.

At present, the Triple Alliance forces have drawn back the front line.

They made the main force fall back, leaving only the minimum assault force to keep us in check.

“I'm sure you're not trying to surrender.”

“There can be absolutely no surrender under the present circumstances. Do you know why?”

“…is it because of pride?”

When Asha answered, I nodded my head saying the answer was correct.

In this war, it is the forces of the Three Kingdoms Alliance that have been declaring war and putting up ridiculous justifications.

Once they start a fight, they cannot cancel it.

It's free to bring in troops, but it's not free to go out.

That is, even if the war situation worsens differently than expected.

“Of course, it’s human nature to want to leave me out when things get tough. But now,

you can't say, ‘Oh, that cause was actually our misunderstanding.'

That's why groups are annoying.

If I'm having a hard time alone, I'll beat him up.

In this case, especially the people will notice.

From what I've heard, the Three Kingdoms Alliance side is the emperor, and all the high-ranking people openly show their faces and make fun of them.

They made all sorts of hoaxes.

They called us ‘evil'.

But if they gave up the war just because they were counterattacked a little, would the people really trust them?

Of course, public opinion will be manipulated to some extent.

That too has its limits.

“So the war can never end under the current situation.”

In particular, the Triple Alliance still has room for military and supplies.

There's no reason to panic and run away just because we're starting to smack.

“Then why are they now withdrawn?”

“That's right, student Asha. That's a good question.”


I joked, but unfortunately it didn't seem to work.

Actually, the words that will come out after this aren't pleasant to hear, so I tried to be humorous somehow.

It's no use listening to it.

let's just say

Now let's get into spoilers.

“The Three Kingdoms Alliance will unconditionally enter into a general mobilization order.”

All troops to be pulled will be pulled.

“…Isn’t that dangerous?”

After thinking about it for a while, Seina asked a question with an unwelcome expression.

The number of troops brought by the Three Kingdoms Alliance so far is close to 700,000.

Well, since the troops were divided into two fronts, the actual number is 350,000.

But still more are coming.

Even now they weren't power.

This can't sound good.

“How long will it be?”

“....well? If you think about it roughly, wouldn’t it be three times as many as the current 2.5 times?”

In particular, the population of the Merman Empire is quite large.

The slavery rate is also high.

If you're determined to squeeze, you can squeeze more than us.

Of course, it would be an improvised unit to fill the number of people rather than a trained corps.

But quantity over quality.

If quality is not likely to be satisfied, it is effective to compete with quantity.

If you overwhelm it with a large army that is more than two or three times, can you really pass it off as a joke?

Actually, this is a serious story.

I thought I was going to defeat the main unit.

In fact, several times more large armies come after him.

“It's my personal prediction, but you can say that this is what will happen.”

As much as I had never been wrong in my assertion until now, the complexion of the knights became serious.

“The bigger problem is that no one takes this seriously.”

Even on the Northeastern Front, where we are now.

The lords are showing a reaction that they are going to win almost all of them.

It seems that even the oldest hyung-nim is not paying attention.

Are the Three Kingdoms Alliance fools?

It is because I am confident that I will not take care of the back of the back with a far-fetched argument in the first place.

“At least on the current front, you can assume that it will be pushed back unconditionally.”

No matter how strong our current defense is, it is difficult to stop such a large army.

There's nothing we can't do, but if that's the case, we have to be prepared for some damage.

More than anything, I don't feel the need to go that far.

According to my initial assumptions, the flow of the war situation when I am not there is to struggle to recover the front only after being driven at least to the vicinity of the royal capital.

It's now that I somehow blocked it.

“OMG.... Isn't it dangerous?”

Seina said as if she was tired of just imagining it.

Hey, even if I imagine it, it's gross when I think about the coming of a large army three times the size of the current one.

“By the way, Arell-nim is surprisingly carefree?”

I noticed that I wasn't too embarrassed when Asha pointed out a problem like this too late.

yeah i'm not embarrassed

A professional from his past life never loses his composure even when an army of over a million swarms.

It's strange that I'm on the front line where I assumed I'd lose in the first place without saying anything.

And what I've assumed now is the scenario when I'm not there.

Do you know what I've been preparing all this time for?

I have decided on a policy to deal with it.

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