How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 103

Chapter 103. Since ancient times, the hawk is the medicine against aggression.

Now I'm so engrossed that I don't even realize it.

The lord was also unconscious for a few seconds.

But it is impossible to stay still like this.

I shouted, holding on to the mental cord that I was barely trying to escape.


Attacking the large army now rushing in is nothing more than an act of suicide.

Even if it wasn't him, even if someone else was in command, the only option would be to retreat.

“Quickly retreat! Send a messenger to the fortress!”

If you do not prepare to face that great army, you will be crushed before the violence of numbers in an instant.

Trembling at that fact, I had to scream for retreat several times.

Total 1.5 million.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance took out all the troops they could pull out and tried to crush the defenses of the Ernesia Kingdom with overwhelming numbers.

The large army, numbering 1.5 million, was divided into halves and began pushing simultaneously on the northeastern and southern fronts.

In the face of a large army that could only be described as ignorant, the best course of action for the Ernesia Kingdom army was to quickly form a defensive line before they came right in front of them.

The only thing that could not help but be fortunate was that we were able to quickly enter the defense thanks to some preparation after listening to the opinions of those who predicted the all-out offensive of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

“You have to endure it somehow.”

Jeil tried to remain calm even in this situation and asked the lords to concentrate on defense.

“The border fortress cannot be taken away again now.”

Everyone, including him, realized that if they started to be pushed back this time, no matter how many times they retreated and reorganized their troops, it would be difficult to stop them again.

Previously, if you endured for a while, reinforcements would come to you.

This time, there are no more troops or resources to squeeze out.

If you can't stop it, it's over.

Somehow, we have to catch the ankle of that large army in the current defense line.

“That's why it's impossible to hold a sit-in unilaterally...

With a large army like that, there's a possibility that you'll be trapped by the enemy's numbers and you won't be able to do anything either.

It was clear that the Triple Alliance intended to do the same.

It was intended to overwhelm the current defense line with ignorant numbers and sweep through it like a wave.

“It must be stopped.”

The best was emphasized over and over again.

On the other hand, the atmosphere on the side of the Three Kingdoms Alliance was full of morale, but it was relaxed. Each front had about three times the strength of the current Ernesia Kingdom army, so of course they were full of confidence.

“If this is a large army, it’s rather a tactic and nothing else.”

The commander of the Three Kingdoms Alliance smiled bitterly as he ruminated over the current strategy in his head.

Nothing much.

For now, just drive with the number of people and capture the defense line of the Ernesia Kingdom army.

That's it.

Since they had not been able to prepare a means to attack the strong defense right away, they were determined to eventually break it down by force.

The minimum policy is to simply crush each enemy unit with at least three times the number of troops.

That's it.

simple ignorance.

Since there are a lot of people on this side, it's like a tactic or something, just advancing before it becomes a terrifying attack.

“It feels comfortable to be in a position to command a large army.”

He sincerely sympathized with the enemy.

What if you were in a position to defend yourself in front of such a large army?

Just imagining it is terrifying.

On the one hand, I felt fear at the intention of those in power who wanted to trample a country even while doing this.

‘Does this mean that I really want to see blood?'

There is no doubt that the leaders of the Three Kingdoms Alliance are full of venom, threatening to wipe Ernesia off the map.

‘What is it? Anyway, this is the winning position.'

Relieved that he was truly in command of this large army, the commander of the Three Kingdoms Alliance led an army of 70,000 to face the enemy forces that were about to be defeated.

It was a unit that openly formed a defensive line with a two-wheeled vehicle equipped with a shield and a strange blade.

When I checked the flag, the flag symbolizing the territory of Pahilia and the flag of the Kingdom of Ernesia were hung at the same time.

Are they... the third prince's troops?”

heard the rumors

Arel Ernesia's army, which started this war.

And the army that made us lose more than half of our 50,000 troops that were attacking in the first war.

That's why he was repeatedly asked to be careful from his superiors in this operation.

And he was even ordered to destroy them properly.

‘Does it really mean it was filmed properly?'

In his own mind, he gave the order to advance with a feeling similar to sympathy for the enemy.

Arell's army is about 23,000.

It's solid for a lord's army, but it can't be swept away just by sweeping through it.

“Defend. Hong is funny.”

No matter how thoroughly they devote themselves to defense, will they be able to withstand the weight of a large army that differs by three times the amount?

Deeming it impossible, the commander ordered an attack against Arell's forces.

A horn announcing the advance sounded, and a large army of 70,000 charged into the defensive line of 23,000.

“First, wizards, chant magic!”

Knowing the enemy's bow's range was short, he ordered to chant magic to block the rain of arrows and attack magic to break the enemy's shield.

The magician is also accompanied by three times the usual number.

It was because he had read all the reports about the last defeat.

That's why, even when the magic of allied wizards was completely erased, they just clicked their tongues but didn't panic.

“...Hmm, is it dispel after all?”

I was already convinced that magic almost didn't work.

The only reason why I had the wizards with me was to test it just in case.

As expected, Arell's army is deploying a strategy using a large amount of magic stones.

“How many rotten magic stones are overflowing?”

I wondered if it was time to fall off, but I was still using dispel and attack magic to see if there were still magic stones left.

In fact, the wizards, including the commander, as well as the knights and soldiers all sweared in their mouths.

“It was meant to be, anyway. Defeat the mages and advance only the soldiers.”

Magic doesn't work, so there's no reason to force wizards into the line of fire.

It is purely soldiers who are sacrificed.

But he insisted.


Without hesitation, the commander called for the soldiers to rush into the defenses of Arell's army.

Although the counterattack may be painfully sharp, it was assumed that it could be defeated by pushing with numbers.

Of course, a lot of allied soldiers would also be sacrificed.

‘But what does that mean?'

Knights and wizards, who are valuable forces, cannot be sacrificed meaninglessly.

But with soldiers, it's different.

I don't know if it's a little bit of a waste.

However, I did not feel the need to save.

Assuming the current situation, the majority of our soldiers are currently occupied by former slaves from the three countries.

Even if you die, no problem.

He even promised in advance that if he survived, he would pay an appropriate price.

If he fled, he was threatened with severe retaliation.

That's why the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance rushed recklessly even though they knew they would die.

Many soldiers are pierced by arrows and swept away by magic, and die miserably.

The screams are swallowed up in a riot.

The soldiers of the Three Kingdoms, half seized with fear and madness, run unconditionally towards the shields of Arell's army, just like mad.

“okay! Jump in like that! Get there somehow!”

No matter how hard the defense is and how difficult it is to approach, there is nothing you cannot attack as long as you somehow reach it.

Although this one is also not worth the damage.

Lost slaves After the war is over, you can make up for it as much as you like by capturing slaves from the enemy.

You just have to win.

‘...Yes, as long as I win, it's enough.'

They desperately clung to Arell's army to the point where you could feel how desperately the Three Kingdoms Alliance was now trying to win the war.

With this, you can break one of the most annoying lines of defense.

I was so sure.

‘Then why don't they try to retreat?'

It bothered me.

I don't know what kind of person Arell Ernesia is.

Rumor has it that he is still only 16 years old, but since he is known to be smart, he must have known that the current situation would not be resolved simply by holding on.

And yet, for some reason, Arel's army never backs down.

‘If it's a common sense judgment, shouldn't we retreat?'

Even if you take damage if the defense line is disturbed there, retreating is probably the best way to preserve your troops.

However, despite continuing to fight hard, Arel's army showed no intention of retreating.

‘Is it okay to just hold on? But what are you going to do after that?'

I don't understand, but I can't soften my momentum now just because I'm worried.

Rather, it would be more certain to push hard as much as it is suspicious.

‘I don't know what he's aiming for, but I'll break it down before that.'

But that was a mistake.

If I had any doubts, I should have thought about it a little more.

The commander of the Three Kingdoms only realized that when he inadvertently looked at the top of Arell's army.

It was just a coincidence that I saw it.

“???? that one?”

I could see some black dots above them.

As the dots quickly approached, I noticed what it was.


Arrows were flying from the back of Arell's army.

“But how!!”

No matter how good the bows and arrows and sharpshooters are deployed, it is impossible to fire arrows from behind the ranks of the troops.

That's common sense.

But isn't the arrow shot from afar flying towards the allies rushing past Arel's army?

However, it was not the time to be astonished at the range.

It wasn't until after the rain of arrows hit the allies and confirmed the results that he noticed the real serious problem.

Because it was shot from so far away, it was difficult to determine properly with the naked eye, so it was only after it was hit that it was known.

The flying arrows were bigger than normal ones.

It was the size of a sturdy soldier's waist.

“What kind of ridiculous size is this!”

While in amazement, large arrows pouring down like rain swept away allied soldiers rushing in an instant.

There is nothing to do with blocking the power that comes from the ridiculous size with a shield or blocking it with the corpse of an ally.

It was more like a giant stake than an arrow.

The arrows that fell while breaking through the blocking foot even pierced the ground.

Only then can I charge and fall asleep.

There was no room to break through.

“What the hell is that arrow! How many bows do you need to have such an attack! Could it be magic?!”

He asked while grabbing the collar of not only his subordinates but also the wizards.

I hoped that someone would explain the identity of that rain of arrows.

He also lived in the battlefield for a long time.

However, I had never heard of a rain of arrows pouring down with such unreasonable momentum.

And the pouring rain of arrows is gradually encroaching on the lines of the allies.

I didn't know how far the final range was, but it was a frightening moment, wondering if it was flying to where I was.

And sure enough, one of the arrows flew near him and stuck.


I almost reflexively shouted retreat, but he managed to keep his mouth shut.

According to common sense, it is impossible to blow away 70,000 people with just a barrage of arrows.

Above all, isn't the number of arrows finite?

If that's the case, even if it's fierce, it's something you can endure.

It was assumed that it would not matter if most of the soldiers were lost anyway.

And, as expected, the shower of arrows stopped once.

“Yes! Yes, it was only a momentary threat...

He was about to call out to advance again.

I couldn't tell you the end.

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