How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 116

Chapter 116. A match?! (3)

‘The important thing is that it's just the beginning, right?'

Rolling around in the room, looking back at the achievements one by one, I struggled with satisfaction.

Money is also piling up.

The territory also expanded.

If so, can I put the ignition key in the full-fledged ‘development plan' that I hoped for?

‘Then what should I do last...?'

There is one more thing that needs to be firmly established ahead of the full-fledged construction of my own paradise.

‘It's my turn to touch the finance industry.'

It must have accumulated a fortune. There are many other potential foundations.

If that's the case, I'll have to lay the groundwork so that I can put the kingdom's money line under my feet.

I realized one thing about this war.

Maybe because I decided to live comfortably in this life, I was a little relaxed.

That's why I neglected to cause a war recklessly.

It was a mistake that was not like me.

If I had been really determined, I would have taken steps to prevent even dreaming of war before it broke out.

‘As expected, I have to prepare in advance as much as possible.'

It's tiring to live each and every one worrying about who's going to target my back of the head and butt.

If so, wouldn't it be better to build a position where you can strike back at any time no matter what happens?

But still not interested in power.

Judging from the fact that the nobles in the kingdom are still politicizing each other, their power is really useless.

If you want to aim for it, you have to get your hands on the real power.

It's the finance business for that.

‘He who holds the money rules the world.'

money = power.

This formula holds true in most societies with at least a certain level of civilization.

Whoever holds the flow of money in their hands will rule the world.

And if I dominate the economy, whether I achieve world peace or ruin the world, it's all up to me.

Occasionally there are fools who try to rule the world by force, but that is all futile.

In the end, unless you're a nerd who wants to live alone in a world that's turned into ashes after making it into a primitive society or ruling it out, in the end you won't be able to compete with someone with money.

I'm not interested in the king, but I'm quite interested in the real people who play and eat.

It's more about money than politics.

Money is the most powerful weapon in a civilized society.

In fact, if you get hit with a bunch of money, it hurts.

‘Considering what I'm going to do there, it should have that much influence.'

Perhaps, if the current situation is maintained, threats large and small will continue.

If I coped with all of them one by one, I would have hair loss due to stress, right?

So this time, I was about to properly change my weapon of finance.

‘Is it a bank after all to be made for that?'

With my current authority, I can proudly come up with a plan to establish a bank.

And what follows is monetary reform.

Currently, most of the neighboring countries, including the Kingdom of Ernesia, mainly use gold coins, silver coins, and copper coins.

Of course, each country has a different market price for gold and silver coins, and there are various types.

I'm going to take this opportunity to hold them properly with my hands.

Currency reform is a great force.

Ironically, the right to issue currency in the first country I lived in, the United States, was held by a single entrepreneur, not by the state.

In effect, those bastards controlled the world's money.

I want to take this opportunity to live like them.

‘It's also a loss not to take this opportunity.'

war boom.

The continued success of products I developed.

The waves of money continue to churn like crazy.

Even if I don't do it anyway, there is no doubt that sooner or later someone will lead the currency reform.

If that's the case, wouldn't that mean that there wouldn't be much of a problem even if I stepped up and pushed him instead?

There are also things I need to catch.

‘If we miss this time, a bigger fight could break out...

The past actions of the Three Kingdoms Alliance were more sensitive than I expected.

If that's the case, there's a good chance that other guys won't see us as well.

There is no guarantee that the enemy is only foreign.

If we don't block it properly here, we can't throw away the possibility that a world war will break out over the Kingdom of Ernesia, where money continues to flow, and this time, including not only the three countries, but also those who have rolled in from all continents or beyond.

Before that, it takes control of finance in advance and builds up new products and new technologies based on that.

And if you build up your strength with the money raised like that, you won't make the mistake of taking it lightly and attacking like before.

Worried that the world will attack our country?

this! If so, you can do it like this.

We just need to make the world kneel at our feet.

All you have to do is conquer the world with little money.

It's a simple logic.


I just want to live comfortably, I don't want to plunge the world into a whirlwind of war.

It's cumbersome, but it can't be absolutely necessary.

‘Then I need someone to do the job first.'

In fact, it's not impossible to cook and eat everything by myself... But again, I want to live comfortably.

The goal is to leave all the work to someone you can trust and suck honey on top of him.

‘I need an expert who can stand out there.'

There is also the fact that it is much more comfortable to put someone in front of you than to openly reveal your face.

Fortunately, the financial industry itself already has talented people.

The problem is how to convince him.

I'm not the type of person who will be tempted to just try to convince you to go to the bank, so I'll have to prepare an appropriate lure.

When you're thinking about which bait to throw.

A sound came from the communication tool I had on my desk.

‘Are you my mother?'

Each person you contact has a different ringing sound, so you can tell who it is just by listening to it.

But what is your mother doing at this time?

Puzzled, I activated the communication tool.

“Arell are you doing well?”

“Yes, I am always doing well. But what are you doing?”

“It's no big deal. It's just that Arel, you are already 16 years old.”

A mother who rhymes by saying strange things.

....For some reason, a chill runs down my spine.

Strange forebodings swirl in my head.

My right hand is throbbing, telling me to turn off the communicator!

However, since the other person was a mother, I couldn't bear to do such a thing, so I just listened quietly.

“Yes, I am already sixteen years old.”

“Shouldn’t we find a girl who will be betrothed to our Arel soon?”

I doubted my ears for a moment.

yes? I beg your pardon'?

“???? engagement?????? What?”

“Don't worry. The candidates were selected in advance by His Majesty and Mom.”

That's not what I'm worried about.

However, at this time, I was unable to speak with my mouth wide open.

“Come back to the palace sometime soon and see the match.”

Do you meet?

no what do you mean? Mother! What a match!! It's a match, hey hey hey!!

I found it strange that my mother didn't answer as I let out the screams of my soul.

“oh? Arel? Are you listening?”

“…Yes, I am listening very well.”

At times like this, I feel resentful of the excellent performance of this communication tool.

You can't pretend you didn't hear what has already been properly conveyed to your ears.

“Meeting... isn't it too sudden?

“His Majesty also said it was the right time.”

Well, it's customary, but since the coming-of-age ceremony is celebrated at the age of 14, there's nothing strange about choosing a fiance around that time.

I heard that the oldest brother also decided on his fiancé at the age of 15 and had a wedding as soon as he turned 20.

Moreover, since he is a member of the royal family, this issue will be firmly established.

It's not for nothing that Kania-nee has been struggling with this issue in the past.

I couldn't understand my sister's feelings at the time, but now I feel desperate.

You were trying to avoid this.

I'm sorry I couldn't empathize with you back then.

Kania noona who is gone now.....

“Uh... Mom? Surely not everything has been decided, even the fiancée?

Certainly, this is sudden for me as well.

Of course, I knew that my fiancé would be decided someday.

But I never thought it would come out of nowhere at this time.

I haven't even spread the wings of a free single yet!!

Well, it wasn't a nuance to get married right away, so it was clear that it was only a promise for the future.

But the question is, ‘Who is that opponent?'


“His Majesty only narrowed down the recommended candidates. Actually, I thought about deciding first. After all, Arel, shouldn’t we listen to your opinion?”

“It is a wise statement.”

thank god. I guess I haven't decided who it is yet.

If so, there is still hope.

* * *



“It's something to celebrate.”

Upon hearing the news of my engagement, Asha Dia Seina clapped at the same time.

There is also a schedule issue in the future, so it is necessary to inform the close people of this fact in advance, so this is the reaction that came back as soon as it was announced that day.

Even the servants who are still working pass by, listen and clap.

Is this something to celebrate?

Well, it's something to celebrate.

“That’s right. Thank you....

It's strange. Why do I feel depressed the more I receive congratulations?

After all, it's not the first time they've been engaged or married.

Of course, it's a process that I've been passing through in my past life.

But why does this time feel so sad?

I wonder if it bothers me because I decided to have fun with this life without any problems.

“Who is your opponent? Are you also the daughter of a prestigious family?”

Asha asked with interest.

“That's about it, but actually, it hasn't been decided until the end yet.”

Until the recommended candidates, my father and mother carefully selected them, but even after dropping them one by one, ten candidates remained.

“A sword with ten members... Wow~ The royal family isn't that great.”

“I tell you, not all ten of you are engaged? I'll just pick one of them.”

When Seina sent a respectful gaze in a strange way, he corrected her misunderstanding.

I don't want to ask what's so great about it.

“It’s definitely one person.”

No matter how royal you are, you can't imagine taking ten fiancées at the same time?

....But for a moment, I almost thought, ‘That's fine!'

“It seems like you’re going to choose the last one out of ten and proceed with the engagement story. So far, it’s just a recommendation between adults.”

Well, it's natural since you can't hold an audition to decide on a fiancee.

If you do something like that before then, then I will do whatever I can to stop you.

More than anything else, if you do something like that, you might just kick the blankets for a whole month because you're embarrassed.

“The problem is to decide on the fiancée.”

At the end of a phone call with my mother a little while ago, I asked for the final candidate choice.

Fortunately, I was so obediently given the right to decide, as if I had expected it to come out like that in advance.

In fact, since Kania noona had an accident, there must have been an intention to respect her opinion to some extent.

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