How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 123

Chapter 123. Mercenary's Village (2)

Seina Garil's hometown.

There is a village called Nachepanil.

The location is at the place where you come out after crossing the mountain range at the southern end of the kingdom of Ernesia.

It's almost like it exists near the border.

50 years ago. Settled there, they built a village and have been living there ever since.

It is said that there is not much interaction with the outside world because it is far from the city, except for regular peddlers coming and going.

It's a place where you have no choice but to be teleported because of the location.

Last time, I gave Seina a few special teleport scrolls and sent her to talk about the negotiations, but it didn't seem to go well for some reason.

More than a failure, this time I have no choice but to go myself.

Although Seina couldn't speak directly, she encouraged me to give up negotiating with them.

If I give up easily, my pride will cry.

I set out to go gearco.

I would like to get their cooperation if possible.

So I decided to go and talk to him again.

We moved to the plain outside the village by relying on Dia's teleport magic.

If possible, I wanted to move into the village.

It was because there was no map of Seina's hometown, the coordinates were vague, and it was safe to land on a plain where nothing was possible due to distance reasons.

“I’m sorry for making you use long-distance teleport in succession.”

“....No problem.”

Dia didn't show any sign of fatigue, and answered rather bluntly.

She said that she could use the teleport scroll because it was just the two of them, but she dared to follow her this time too.

“I don’t know what will happen, so it’s best for me to go too.”

I guess it was this reason that I was worried about my safety.

Well, it's so far away, and it's near the border, so it won't be strange if anything happens.

But you don't think there's anything to worry about?

Anyway, Seina is going as a guide and escort, and the destination this time is her hometown.

“Dia might be right this time.”

It's just that Seina agrees with Dia's opinion for some reason.

“what do you mean?”

Come to think of it, there was something that bothered me.

When I announced my intention to go to Seina's hometown myself, he carefully tried to dissuade me.

And after going back to her hometown, Seina somehow seemed to be worried about something.

“Sena, did something happen?”

“...That's what I mean. Actually, I should have told you in advance, including that....

Actually. Because I ran out before I even heard it.


It was when Seina was embarrassed and was trying to say something.

Dia, who was staring at somewhere, frowned and took a few steps in front of me.

“...I'd like you to step back for a moment.”

The fact that Dia, who always looked around from behind me, suddenly stepped out means that there was something.

Let Dia chant a spell by stamping the tip of her wand on the floor.

A circular electric shock wave spread out roundly.

Then, a large number of people suddenly appeared in an empty place and were electrocuted, screaming, and rolling over before passing out.

They've been in ambush since we arrived.

“You are rude to dare to hide in front of Arell-nim.”

Dia muttered as she looked down at them coldly.

“What are those guys?”

“Ah… did I do it again?”

Seeing them, Seina sighed in embarrassment.

I thought for a while about how to react.

In fact, I was noticing it right away.

As soon as we get to the plains, we cast an invisibility spell and there are people lurking around us.

Invisibility magic seems to have been used as a magic tool, but the skills of those who use it were quite high.

Judging by their presence, there were a few hidden people with at least the level of beginner level Aura Expert.

And yet, I kept quiet because I judged that they would not pose much of a threat.

Looking at Seina's reaction now, I somehow guessed their identities...

“Are these guys from your hometown, by any chance?”

“I am not sorry. I've said it once. I think you misunderstood something.”

Apparently, he didn't seem to be hiding to give me a surprise welcome.

Seina let out a long sigh and told me to wait a moment before stepping up to one of the fainted people and kicking him in the side.

Then, when he came to his senses, he said something in a rather violent tone.

Seina seemed to be questioning him about something.


They keep talking about something in a language they have never heard before.

“…Arell-sama? Where is that language from?”

“Come to think of it, Seinane’s villagers were originally a mercenary tribe from another continent, right? It's probably the native language.”

When Dia was curious about the language she was hearing for the first time, I explained as I guessed.

It's the first time I've heard of that, so I don't know what you're talking about right away.

However, judging from the tone of voice and the faces of the people speaking, it seems that Seina is arguing about something and criticizing it.

When the man said something as if he were making excuses, Seina argued again and kicked him.

‘???? what?'

It sounds a bit harsh to simply chat with people from your hometown, right?

While wondering, Seina returned as if the story had ended.

The villagers were also starting to retrieve equipment and go back.

Did the story go well?

“Sorry to have kept you waiting. There must have been a bit of a misunderstanding... It seems like they mistook us for something else.”

Something else?

hmm? what?

“Come to think of it, what was Seina talking about earlier?”

I couldn't hear the details because I was excited and jumped out.

“Actually, I should have told you sooner, but…

Seina was embarrassed and continued.

“Right now, the situation in our village is a bit embarrassing. That's why I can't accept any requests.”

What's going on?

“It is called Avenna Garil. I am in charge of the village chief.”

It was an old man who seemed to be in his late 60s who said that.

“I'm sorry that I can't treat Arel separately.”

He apologized like he was really sorry.

I don't really want fancy hospitality when I came here by surprise, so it doesn't matter.

“Grandpa was too heavy.”

“Keep your mouth shut, Seina. You are out of habit.”

He spoke to Seina in a somewhat stern tone and ordered her to remain quiet.

“Um... the thing about your surname is to cover Seina...

” This old man is my grandfather.”

“This spoiled child is my granddaughter.”

Both of them answered as if they were terribly sorry.

“I am truly sorry for not having enough of my granddaughter.”

“No, not to that extent. Seina is excellent and helps a lot, so it's not that much...

Anyway, that's how it turned out.

Seina was the granddaughter of the village chief's family.

“Why didn't you tell me? That the village chief is Seina's grandfather?”

“Ah… that’s what I mean.”

“I didn’t tell Seina because I didn’t want to trouble Arel-sama.”

Instead of the perplexed Seina, it was her grandfather Avenna who spoke.

What are you talking about? Is there something wrong?

Let me show you that I really don't know.

Unlike when dealing with Seina, Avenna asked me with a slightly relaxed atmosphere.

“Looks like you didn’t listen?”

“I thought it would be quicker to hear from here, so I didn’t ask on purpose.”

Come to think of it, Seina kept trying to explain something to me.

Um, is it my mistake for not listening to her?

Come to think of it, did you say that this town is not in a situation to accept my request?

is there really something

It's hard to even talk about wanting to hire them.

“Then there is nothing to hide.

I will tell you the truth.”

Avenna spoke slowly to me, still feeling somewhat uneasy.

“Currently, we cannot afford to accept any requests.”

“...Is it simply that you don't like the request? Or do you mean something else? Which one?”

Come to think of it, I was also concerned about the whereabouts of the villagers who were monitoring us at first.

It sounds like you're on the fence about something.

“I'm sorry, but we are currently not in a position to accept requests due to a problem.”

“…is something going on?”

“It's not worth talking about.”

Why don't you bother to tell me?

It didn't show it outwardly, but somehow it seemed like an unexpected atmosphere.

is there something

“No big deal.”

It sounds like you're worried about something like that.

Feeling suspicious for some reason, Dia, who had been watching me quietly while I thought for a while, stepped forward and asked a question for some reason.

“...Well, it seems that the atmosphere in the village was different from before.”

“Previous? ....Right. What about you?”

“Dia? Are you familiar with that person?”

“...I stopped by this place for a while after I came out of the Mage Tower.”

“That could be…

Come to think of it, I heard about Dia when she was first hired by us.

Dia said she didn't know the location of Fahilia, so she went down south at first.

“Did you come all the way here?”

“ wasn't until I came here that I realized I was in the wrong place.”

A little embarrassed, he replied.

I never thought it would go all the way down to the south...

It seems that it really went all the way to the border.

When I teleported just in case, I always made sure to mark the coordinates properly, but that seemed to be the correct answer.

“The atmosphere of the villagers was also strange. I was too wary of the outside world.”

As Dia pointed out, until we arrived at Avenna's house, the villagers were oddly wary of us.

At that point, Dia must have felt a sense of incongruity.

“...Come to think of it, I've heard that a lost wizard came to the wrong village many years ago. I remember losing my wallet and almost getting in trouble.”

“I will ask for correction. It's just a little bit misguided.”

Dia asked not to misunderstand and said with a slight blush.

“For some reason, it was said that the magic tools we use were easily seen through. It's only natural that there was a wizard like this.”

“It's not to the extent of bragging in front of Arell-nim. Anyway, the atmosphere seems to be different from the town I remember back then. Is it not?”

When Dia pointed it out, Avenna kept her mouth shut. It looks like a straight line.

“I see what happened. Won't you teach me?”

“Huh... But, I can't cause Arel-sama a nuisance.”

“It doesn't matter, tell me. If there is any problem, I will help you.”

It's not like they don't like us for no reason.

If so, shouldn't we hear why?

At first, Avenna tried to decline my consideration, but then, when Seina noticed that she was fine, she let out a sigh, as if she hadn't been able to win in the end.

“All right. Even if you listen to one, it won’t be a problem to solve.”

“I'll listen and decide.”

I'll have to listen to it first.

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