How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 133

Chapter 133. I like the city better than the countryside. (3) Actually, among the territories given for the achievements made in the war this time, there are some mines that have been judged unexploitable and neglected.

Among them, there is a place where you can mine a large amount of the stones I just showed you.

Existing lords lacked the skills to mine this stone, so it was just a place that seemed useless to them as a desolate rocky mountain.

then i have to write

It is believed that even if only the stones there were used, it would be enough to be used not only for the walls, but also for the roads and buildings inside the city.

Wouldn't it be possible to cut additional stone statues?

If possible, should I ask you to make a stone statue with my image engraved on it?

Well, I'm going to discuss those decorations later.

“There will be no problem as we will additionally process it magically.”


I explained that even the magicians were mobilized, and they seemed satisfied.

“However, Arell-nim, for what purpose do you intend to build this city?”

The master builder tilted his head as he examined my plans.

“...If I'm not mistaken, I don't think we just want a city where people can live safely.”

“that's right. I'm going to make this city a place for tourism in earnest.”

In the first place, I want to build a full-fledged city because I want to play.

The function as a residence is also important.

What I struggled with more than that was how many things to play for me.

It is, of course, a city for tourism.

While drawing the rough structure of the city to be built in the future, I divided the territory of Fahilia into three main areas.

One is simply untouched forests and nature.

Another is the factory area where special products are developed. I plan to get my hands on it in earnest while building a city here.

And the most important tourist city.

“I thought about whether it could be used in another direction, but this way was the most suitable.”

I am not willing to use it purely as a factory.

It's not like I'm going to die just making money for the rest of my life.

In developing new products, these days, I focus on what I want to eat and what I need.

Best of all is tourism.

This one I can make as much as I can with my hands.

In the first place, the pure white earth covered with snow can be regarded as a decent scene in some way.

Above all, if I make it, I can play.

All that remains is how much can you refine and find value in this empty land.

If this is also me, there is no problem.

“Are you sightseeing…?”

“Even if it's sightseeing, this side also requires a lot of work, so I'll give you the details later when the time comes.”

First of all, I told you to know that.

“I thought you might not be able to afford the manpower for the construction, so I’m thinking of entrusting the work to our residents and slaves… Any complaints?”

Manpower was still being considered as a way to utilize it.

After all, simple labor is not the domain of artisans.

No one had any complaints about that.

After that, the meeting went on for quite a long time, such as consulting on the detailed construction schedule or discussing whether there was anything more needed.

After several rounds of review, the first shovel was opened without any problems with the urban construction project.

then? Now all I have to do is leave the rest of the construction and minor work to the craftsmen, and what am I going to do now?

While humming, he activated a magic tool installed in a corner of his office to do something he hadn't been able to do before.

Then, a bluish light radiated out, and eventually it was fixed in a square like the shape of a door.

The form of this door is just for the purpose of easy-to-understand display, and does not mean much.

When activated, it has the ability to move to the location where the same type of magic tool is installed.

It can be seen that it has the same effect as the teleport magic circle that leads to the royal palace.

Considering that it is only the size of a corner of a room, it can be seen as a more groundbreaking device.

However, it is not a commercial product, but a prototype that is still under research.

“Now then, where shall we start a worthwhile day today?”

I grinned and jumped into the open gate.

Then, what unfolded in front of my eyes was a scene in a room with a distinctly different atmosphere and purpose from my office a while ago.

There are no paperwork that will make your head hurt.

All sorts of books, sodas in the food storage unit, sweets I've developed, and all sorts of things.

And a wide and comfortable bed that looks good to lie down on.

“This is My Room No. 3!”

This is my secret place!

It is a secretly sucking honey!

Basically, I'm lazy when I'm lazy to my aides, but I'm usually recognized as a sincere and fruitful lord.

Of course, since I've been with them for several years, they must have noticed that my nature has subtly changed.

But they still know that I usually work properly.

I was deliberately letting myself think that way too.

Normally, I was playing around in my office or private labs under the pretext of research.

Then all of a sudden... I had this thought.

‘It's not pleasant!'

Of course, a bed to rest when tired.

And you can roll around as much as you want, such as secretly hidden snacks.


Being human is a tricky being.

Once you are comfortable, wanting to be more comfortable is the desire.

If I want to hug you, I want to lie down.

I want to sleep when I lie down.

I don't want to wake up when I sleep.

okay! I want to be more comfortable, active and lazy than now!

Maybe because of the war, I was secretly stressed, but recently my desires have been properly ignited.

As a result, we concluded that we needed a room where we could play more comfortably.

‘...But it can't be made openly in the castle.'

You can make it to make it.

Because the castle is wide and the money is overflowing.

It's just that until now I've been secretly sucking honey, and I've never been out in public.

What is the image of me that people in neighboring countries, including the kingdom, think of me now?

Make all sorts of useful goods and make them a hit.

to organize the economy by creating banks.

Truly a rare cool boy.

That's me, Arell.

Saying ‘I want to lie down!', make your own playground in the castle.

My mysterious image is crumpled.

My image is precious, so that shouldn't happen. Fans are disappointed.

There is a reason for that.

There is also a point that the royal family does not look very nice in the eyes of the public even if it is known that they live an excessively luxurious life.

I also care a little about public attention.

....As far as my claws go.

but that's the complaint

My image is precious, but it is unacceptable that the quality of my life is diminished by worrying about it.

For that reason, I felt the need to secretly create a space where I could rest more comfortably.

And every man needs a place where he can rest alone and not be disturbed by anyone.

I desperately wanted my room of peace of mind that no one would find out.

And as soon as he returned from the war, he secretly planned and started production.

As a result, I succeeded in creating a space for me to rest in several places.

‘For some reason, it reminds me of my childhood romance....

It felt like a child was making a secret base, so my heart raced.

From the middle, for some reason, I got excited and started paying attention to useless details.

It wasn't just about the fidelity of the play space.

Safety was also taken into consideration.

A strength that can never be destroyed from the outside.

It can also be used as a sitter for protests when the need arises.

Not only was it simply designed with high strength, but it was also reinforced dozens of times with high-level magic that Dia hadn't even known about yet.

It must be the strongest secret space in the world.

It can be guaranteed to be harder than the bank safe in Ernesia Kingdom.

“Because I'm probably the only one in this world who can destroy this.”

I tapped the neatly wallpapered wall.

To be precise, it's impossible to destroy this without having the same level of strength as me.

At least not in all physical and magical aspects, unless you are a being who is immersed in destruction, you can't even make a flaw.

No trespassing worries!

Only I know the location.

Rest assured no matter what you bring here!

In addition to this place, we plan to provide additional places where you can enjoy a different and pleasant rest for each mood.

“Then let’s get to know each other today. Would you like to waste your time?”

I jumped onto the bed with the happiest smile in the world.

This bed is also a luxury product that was made to order with difficulty, considering everything from the wood that becomes the frame to the stability and scent.

There is one spring I designed myself.

Could it be that you are not comfortable?

Also, the more expensive the bed, the more comfortable it is.

“Next time, let’s prepare one in an area with a hot spring.”

As a pastime, I checked the fact that there are several hot spring water veins flowing in Pahilia.

Of course, in order to use it later in the urbanization plan, I am only preparing it now.

Still, the best place I can keep secret.

“Thinking like that, I still have a long way to go. As I let go of my mind and became at leisure following my instincts, the things I regret next came to mind one after another. ‘

First of all

... the problem is that there is little to enjoy.' I was only focused on making money.

It was the most regretful thing that there were few games that I could enjoy.

The Middle Ages are also a problem.

Whether it's magic or elemental magic, I like everything.

But there's little to play with.

Because the satisfaction of human desire is directly proportional to the level of technology of that era.

It's no wonder that the technology here doesn't meet my standards yet.

Yes, let's say that there are few amusement facilities in the manor because the city has not yet been completed.

But wouldn't it be possible to start something else?

‘...First of all, this is it.'

I glanced at the books lying on the bedside and sighed.

They were thrown around and rolled around the room, but all of these books are magic books.

It's an expensive magic book that an ordinary wizard would desperately save money to buy and cherish for the rest of his life.

‘Not funny.'

To me, it's nothing more than a wad of paper that I read loosely for interest and tossed out with the crumbs of cookies.

At first, it was interesting to learn the magic system here, so I had fun researching and improving it.

Recently, I got fed up with that even to a certain extent.

Dia is doing most of the magic development anyway.

Occasionally, when Dia is about to surpass her level, all I have to do is throw one or two new spells that I prepared in advance.

Other than that, most of the books I read for leisure are not technical books, but most of them are cultural books that aristocrats would read.

A typical example is an introductory book on swordsmanship that I wrote myself.

....but it's still not selling.

After all, books are not for everyone.

I guess so.

The original book is precious.

There were problems that the printing technology was not properly established and that the quality of the paper was low.

It's paper. As things produced in my territory became widespread, that was a solution.

Even so, the only books I can get are magic books or technical books.

Other than that, sometimes a book with a little strange content like beans sprouting in a drought.

Or, books only for the enjoyment of wealthy aristocrats are occasionally published.

Most of them are just handwritten, so it's far from the concept of magazines or colorful books that I want.

..It's not that I'm disappointed because there aren't enough erotic books.

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