How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 65

Chapter 65. Dia Reki (7) + There's nothing more fun than playing with fire (1) You used a teleport scroll to escape?

Then, just use the teleport scroll to chase after him.

When fleeing, he had already memorized his magic power, so he could quickly find the location.

What I didn't order to just chase.

Because I decided to get rid of it without anyone noticing.

Of course, no one knows this but himself.

Soon his body will be reduced to ashes and he will be declared missing.

It is better to get rid of the rats and birds without knowing it than to punish them with a formula.

The Mage's Tower will protest his actions, and the Mage's Tower will try to find him, but he won't be able to find it.

Most of all, if he goes back to the Mage Tower, he might say something and try to touch Arell's exclusive wizard again.

For her sake as well as for Arel himself who needs her ability, that incompetent teacher should no longer exist in the world.

By the way, the decision was made in a very futile way.

I thought I'd defend it at least once.

Arell was a little regretful.

“I was expecting to be able to practice the magic I learned so much, but even that is disappointing.”

He was going to test the magic he had learned while watching Dia, but he couldn't stand the magic he cast even once, the first time in his life.

Really trash.

Arel sincerely laughed at him.

“Go back. If you leave your seat longer than this, they will notice.”

Arel tore the scroll again and returned to the castle.

The flames had already completely died out, and only the ashes that remained were blown away by the wind.

* * *

As if there were no more doubts about Dia, Kania noona apologized for doubting her.

It seems that he has come to understand some, if not all, of the circumstances that brought him to this point.

“it's okay.”

Dia also seemed not to care about being suspicious.

No one objected to her working as my exclusive mage.

In the case of Dia's garbage teacher, he collected evidence of his trespassing on the territory and of trying to get his hands on me, and protested to the Mage Tower.

The Mage Tower said they would find him and punish him severely, but he couldn't find a human who didn't already exist.

Unless they find it, they will have no face raising their heads against me.

I'm going to put that to good use someday.

In my office, I was leaning against a chair and reading a book of magic.

It is also necessary to build a theory in earnest.

When I reached out to pick up another book, the book I was about to pick up naturally came to my mind and moved to my hand.

“Because I can’t do this anymore.”

“You said it was okay, so it’s okay.”

The problem of Dia taking too much of my laziness was solved by Kania-sister giving her careful attention.

He told me to pay attention so that I don't become lazy at least for the minimum amount of assistance.

Life relying on chit magic was really comfortable.

I'm a little sorry.

“Arell-sama, is there really no problem if I stay with you?”

Dia suddenly asked.

In a way, it might be her fault that she came out of the Magic Tower on her own, and in the process of cleaning things up, she chased after useless things.

“not really. it's not your fault I don't care.”

However, I have no intention of taking responsibility.

In any case, a fairly excellent wizard came into hand.

I didn't lose anything, so it doesn't matter.

“I see... Arel's mercy. You will reflect on yourself for caring about trivial things.”

“no. Please change that attitude.”

I'm really ashamed because I'm so genuinely moved that I don't think much of anything?

Excessive loyalty is burdensome for me too.

I just want you to protect the aspect of my exclusive mage.

Certainly, when I accepted it without much thought, I didn’t mind it, but hearing it after others pointed it out made me feel ashamed.

“What are you going to do if your fantasies about me are shattered later on?”

“No worries about that.”

Dia smiles softly and assures her it will never happen.

“You really are a benefactor I can respect.”

He's a wizard who respects me too much...

I've lived a long life, so there's a lot going on.

There is nothing more fun than playing with fire (1) The weather is quite nice today.

Compared to other times, the sky is clear and the cool breeze is only lightly blowing the snow.

It's a really good day for magic.

“Chain Lightning.”

I snapped my fingers and cast a spell, and blue lightning flashed from my fingertips.

The projected lightning strikes the target tree at once and blows!

Along with the sound of sparks popping, the trees that were struck directly by lightning were charred.

“Fire Lance.”

Then fire the spear.

The wood, properly roasted by the lightning, was completely charred and crumbled.


I checked the burned tree and immediately chanted the following incantations.

“Ice Storm Lightning Storm.”

A storm of ice and change mercilessly lashes out in front of my direction, pulverizing objects within range without mercy.

‘There is no problem with each attribute magic.'

After that, I wondered if he would scatter magic around him as he pleased for about 30 minutes.

“Whew~ This is good enough.”

I nodded my head in satisfaction as I looked at the completely devastated and flat place.

A feeling of moderate exertion.

This sense of properly using the mana accumulated over a long period of time has a sense of fulfillment.

More than anything.

I took care of myself to a certain extent, but it was a little cool to use my strength for the first time in a while.

“At this level, I won’t be criticized for not being able to use magic anywhere.”

I learned how to use mana by watching Dia use magic almost every day.

Also, while listening to her theoretical commentary, he conquered the magic system here one by one in his spare time.

As a result.

Currently, my level as a mage has reached class 6.

Achieved this much in less than a month.

Perhaps if the wizards here knew this, they would probably beat them on the spot out of a sense of shame.

But wouldn't that be such a foul?

This isn't the first time I've learned magic.

Many times in my previous life, I learned the magic of that world and used it to my heart's content.

It is still in the 6th class because I have to learn the theory again according to the system here.

In fact, the amount of power I currently have is different from that of a normal 6th class wizard.

Even today, I practiced magic the whole time, but I didn't feel any fatigue.

Rather, it feels like I have released something in moderation, as if I was jogging in moderation.

I can't be this tired

So-called I am a walking mana tank.

It's also a large capacity that can't be reduced by most magic.

If I wanted to, I could stay in the air and bombard it with magic all day, then go home humming.

At this point, I am like a living, breathing bomber.

“... What was it that I was so excited about?”

I scratched my cheek as I stared at my secret practice field, which was utterly deserted.

When I first came here, there were a lot of trees and rocks, but after practicing with them as targets, it became almost flat.

This is near the end of the Pahilia estate.

It was a small flat land on the other side of the ice mountain range that blocked the outside of the territory.

There are no people around here, and it's generally difficult to reach, so monsters don't come often.

‘I want monsters to come.'

I want to experiment with power against monsters.

The only way I got to this point was by using the teleport scroll.

Some of the scrolls I bought from Payan have recently been tinkered with, and some have been set so that they can travel to secret locations I have marked.

When you practice magic here and return, you immediately return to the scroll.

To be honest, if someone sees it, they'll foam at the mouth saying it's a huge waste of money.

‘I can't help it..... It's embarrassing when other guys see this...

Unlike other times, you have to pay attention to the eyes of the people around you during magic practice.

This is because even the simplest spells, if they are attack magic, make a certain amount of loud noise and light.

Above all, it would be strange to say that I, now socially known as a magic eunuch, can use magic.

So even if it seems like a waste to practice in a place where others won't witness it, you have to come out and practice in a secret place like this.

Theory alone has its limits.

I can't help it because I'm anxious if I don't use it myself to see if I've learned magic properly.

I have an alarm system in my office with various magic tools so that if someone finds me, I can return immediately.

At least I won't get caught with this level of practice unless I blow up the entire mountain range here.

Anyway, the results of today's practice are very satisfactory.

“For now, this should be enough.”

Of course, the theory continues to study.

At least today, if I have this much strength, there will be no obstacles to what I want to do.

“Then shall we do it soon? Heck heck.”

I stretched out my hand giggling like a kid thinking of a mischievous prank for the first time in a while and quietly focused my mana.

“Should I repay the light of the past?”

I clenched my fist with the feeling of crushing the blue light in my hand.

The gathered mana is scattered and the light fades in vain.

“is not it? Aunt Elia?”

You don't have to put up with it any longer.

I really looked forward to tonight and muttered as if I was going to die laughing.

If there was a mirror here, I guarantee that my face reflected there would have been smiling more like a villain than ever.

Yes, for today, I want to properly become a villain.

* * *

After practicing, I went back to the office to rest for a while, leaned back in my chair, and thought.

Queen Elia.

Elia Prace.

I already know well enough that the lady is quite annoyed with me.

And I, too, was annoyed by that lady the whole time.

Right from your first birthday.

The way he looked at me as if he were touching a wriggling caterpillar was really the worst first impression.

Of course, if it were only that, I would have lived without caring about her.

But the lady kept trying to keep me in check.

At first, I would have led the embezzlement case simply out of ill feelings toward my mother, and after that, when my genius became known, I tried to keep the crown prince in check.

The reason I came to Fahilia was the work of that lady and her parents' family.

It is common knowledge that all nobles know that her parents are already enjoying all sorts of benefits by using the power of the queen.

‘Elia. Four years have gone too far.'

I don't care at all whether you seek power or gain any advantage or how rotten you are.

In the past, I would turn on the light in my eyes and step on each and every trivial thing. I think there was a time when I felt very fresh myself, but now it is different.

I also use what I eat to make a living.

I understand that power and position are really good things.

But if you aim it at me and try to harm me, it's different.

In particular, the fact that I gave off an openly suspicious atmosphere in front of my mother last time was the decisive factor in my decision.

“I'll have to punish you a little.”

I won't forgive you if you cheat on me and those around me.

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