How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 741

- Gaiden Episode 108

Gaiden Episode 108

“But you do say that in front of the enemy... …

The courage to openly reveal hostility to me, who is in command of the enemy, is worthy of praise.

He is a human who originally came up with the idea to separate the divine beasts. Is it natural

‘In any world, in any environment, there will always be such a person... …

Personally, I like it, but I can't take it lightly.

I picked and chose what to say next.

‘If I have to turn around and try to coax it, I'll just buy a vigilance.'

If so, what you have to say is fixed.

“Tell me right away.”

The light of the boundary shines in the guy's eyes. The other humans are frozen and shivering.

It's bittersweet. My heart is not much different from yours. But even if you appeal, you won't be able to prove it.

All I can do is make a practical statement.

“Then I will help you. I will let you come out of the underground and live on the surface.”

This was the idea from the beginning.

Until now, my policy was based on the fact that it was an environment where only Shinsoo existed.

What if there are other races? the pants you want.

What I think is symbiosis.

… … but.

‘Isn't this acceptable?'

I had to sigh when I saw their eyes.

It is the gaze of complete refusal.

Just looking at it, I started to have a rough feeling that I couldn't hear a good sound.

“Don’t you like it?”

When I ask, they just give a silent response.

It is neither laughing nor angry.

It's still.

“There is nothing to consider.”

Mel answered very plainly.

“From the beginning, we had no choice.”

However, that choice would not be very pleasant.

“We drive out you bastards who are no different from monsters. There is no other way.”

No one is shaken, as if other humans agree.

death-defying struggle.

“So they're all going to die?”

“It doesn't matter. It's as if he's already dead.”


I stared into his eyes.


“I've been hiding in the ground, avoiding your eyes for a long time. Would you call it alive?”

“So you have to see the end?”

“Even now, children die because of your presence. Those who have lost them do not understand.”

It means you have to see the conclusion.

“Above all, we can bring you down. Now I'm starting to realize how!”

Doesn't sound pretentious. It is not considered to be speaking in anger.

I don't know how to make it possible, but it's probably the way they threw away their comfort.

“I can’t.”

Persuasion sucked.

“I said I wanted a decision… … If so, would you accept it?”

“joy. You speak well. no… … Are you in a position to speak so arrogantly?”

“I don’t mean to be arrogant and sleepy.

You're asking honestly. I want to ask if it will be okay after a decision is made.”

I just lie down and can't get in.

If that's the case, you have no choice but to physically defeat it once and accept surrender.

It's a barbaric way, but sometimes it's a law that is sure.

“red. After a struggle, whatever they choose will be their freedom.”

He said that he would not stop him from even surrendering.

That's it.

“If you want to see the final decision… … I can't help it. If so, feel free to give it a try.”

I proudly said that I could attack at any time.

“I'll accept the fight whenever you like.”

“You are arrogant.”

“I don’t mean that. I just understand your motives.

and… …

I face them and show them a wicked smile for the first time.

“Because it’s better to light a fire and put it out at once, since the embers will grow later.”

If it's a fight that's going to happen anyway, it's easier to explode it all at once the first time.

“Surprisingly… … I'm really surprised.

The head of those monsters is a tyrant beyond imagination. … … Are you really like them?”

“Think whatever you want.”

I left the scene without giving a clear answer to that question.

After watching the existence that claims to be the head of the divine beast fly away with the momentum to pierce the sky.

The humans carefully let out a trembling breath.

“… … I thought you were going to die.”

“What the hell is that monster?!”

“It came out of nowhere... …

They did not come out only with courage.

At first I thought they were coming to attack.

If the monster had rampaged, it might have had an effect underground.

Then, Mel, the leader leading them, said he would step forward himself.

I told them it was dangerous, but they didn't listen.

And now he just sits still and stares at the sky.

“Mr. Mel?”

“I don’t like it.”

After staring at the sky for a long time, what he muttered was that small word.


“It's disgusting that you're pretending to talk about monsters now... …

In that little word, there is so much resentment that I can't bear to relieve it all.

He, like other humans, is also a person who has lost someone precious to him because Shinsoo exists.

“If you wanted to tell the story… … At least it had to be done before the child died. monster.”

I have no desire to forget grudges and compromise.

Of course, not everyone sees it that way. There are also those who carefully ask for opinions.

“… … But are you really going to keep fighting?”

“What. Are you going to surrender?”

“That is… …

“Don't forget Why did your wife die... … It's not just you guys. Why are our compatriots and families suffering this pain!”

Mel pointed to the city where the monsters resided in order to shake off the hesitations of the hesitant humans.

“Because of those damn monsters! Do not believe in coexistence! It must be to drag us out and stomp us to death in one fell swoop.”

like a worm

He trampled the hordes of little bugs crawling under his feet.

as if it were them.

“Don’t believe the hateful sounds!”

He shouted as if he would not accept a weak conclusion at all.

“Don't forget! what kind of beings these guys are. How are we supposed to live just because they exist!”

And with hateful eyes wide open.

“There is only one road. Either they destroy me or we disappear. That is all.”

Thinking over the bittersweet issue of

hatred , as soon as I returned to the base, I instructed the divine beasts who were waiting for me.

“Anyway, that’s how it happened, so get ready. You don't know when you'll hit me.”

Naturally, the guys were quite agitated this time.

[A fight.......]

[Are you serious?]

They don't really like fighting.

Even when I was in the middle of overthrowing them, they were beaten unilaterally without attacking first... … .

Even more so, hearing about human beings from me makes me even less reluctant.

Who would believe it if common sense tells you to fight a being that is as tall as your feet?

“Even if it's a child, if you show hostility, you have to take a corresponding stance.”

[Passing by!]

[Above all, even if they attack, they can't be a threat to us!]

“… … well how about That's what you're saying because you don't know much about human beings.”

Those guys don't know the true value of other creatures. In particular, they do not know the fear of humans.

Resentment is especially frightening.

“Remember. Beasts and monsters have always been hunted by humans.”

And we are the monsters this time.

“So, if you remain complacent as you thought so far, you will definitely be hunted.”

‘Cause I've been living like that

So this time, I have to say the opposite.

“So, prepare for it and we will subdue them.”

Perhaps the time has come.

I was convinced of that and urged the divine beasts to prepare for a response.

And as I was sure, the humans took action to drive out the divine beasts.

Instead of a declaration of war, it was the first attack.


Explosion and subsequent collapse.

‘As expected, the main warfare is terrorism... …

Since it is small, it will be easy to hide, and there is a trick that has survived so far.

You're going to use it to attack.

‘The goal is to touch our side's supplies and ruin them.'

A creature that must be eaten even by gods. So, target and destroy the place where food is stored or other facilities.

A method that is possible because civilization has been built.

‘There was also a subtle effort in the blasting method... …

If this is the intention, then the man is quite resourceful.

‘… … It's such a waste.'

It would be easier to work together if we didn't fight.

I regret that fact, but I can't blame him for being ignorant.

Emotional problems cannot be ignored.

Sometimes, there are things that need to be concluded with certainty.

[Humans are attacking!]

The divine beasts were quite surprised and waited for my instructions.

I have already told them that this situation will happen and I have told them how to deal with it.

There is no fuss or anything to do. The worst case is that these guys disperse.

“As I said before, stay calm. Remember. If they disperse or fall from the herd, they will be hunted right away.”

Having said that, I shut my mouth once more.

actually dubious

Yes, buildings can be destroyed. Terror is possible. But what about more than that?

Need a final blow?

‘Means to kill Shinsoo... …

Not at all. I also thought that a few were theoretically possible.

But what did they prepare for? I can't be sure of the conversation at that time.

‘Write something... … And if you're going to attack... …

It must be now!

I jumped at once to the place where the divine beasts were gathered and hit the floor with both hands with all my might.


The air reverberates, blue light shimmers, and a blue barrier is built in the air.

A wall of energy that uses pure mana, not the energy of divine beasts.

And right after that, countless small things twinkled in the sky and poured down.


“As expected, this!”

I clicked my tongue as I watched the arrows ricochet and scatter in the air.

The tip of the arrow is made of a strange mineral.

And when the black light shone from the mineral, the gods instinctively shuddered.

to feel threatened

Those arrowheads that fell on the floor were chii-i-i-i-i-i-i! It makes an ominous sound and burrows into the floor.

[Is it an aura that harms us?]

[How ominous... … 』

The gods shuddered.

Just in case, it was good to use the technique using pure mana, not the energy of the divine beast.

Like other divine beasts, I believed in my own characteristics and used my strength, but I must have been pierced at once and hit by that arrow.

‘… … Yes, this is a countermeasure.' Looking back, I was suspicious. Why didn't he know the signs of the humans that exist underground?

Above all, the spirits of divine beasts erode on the ground, but why is it not there in the basement?

There is a substance underground that blocks it.

‘Perhaps by chance... … No, it must have been inevitable.'

Since there are too many divine beasts, if their energy erodes the inner core of the star, you don't know what will happen to the star itself.

That's why, naturally, a substance that can block it must have been created.

It is also natural.

‘That means... …

The next number was expected.

“Everyone get ready! The bastards are coming!”

[Is it the same arrow as before?]


I have to use an arrow so I can kick it out quickly.

Although harmful, it does not amount to a lethal weapon.

but… … .

“It will be enough to steal your attention.”

Confidence based on experience.

At the same time, signs appeared from all sides. All signs of small humans.

“I am really surprised… … Has the resentment penetrated to that extent... …

I have no choice but to get a little tired of this time.

The humans who had infiltrated the city jumped in and launched a direct attack.

“Cut down the monster!”

“Kill that monster with our own hands!”

Accompanied by a shout, a small presence leaps toward the huge Shinsoo without the slightest hesitation.

Those humans directly attacked the divine beasts. Wearing a cloak that blocks their energy, black light shimmers in the weapons they wield, including swords and spears.

That's a replacement weapon.

“Respond as instructed!”

Of course, it was assumed that he would attack directly, and he was trained to some extent.

Especially how to fight beings smaller than you.

However, the new beasts are only busy defending or avoiding them.

Even so, short-term education cannot reach a sufficient level.

First of all, I haven't reached a technically sufficient level like myself.

It was barely enough to defend against weapons wielded by humans.

Even that gradually gnaws away. If you go that way, you won't be able to avoid sacrifice on this side.

“I can’t do it. Fight back.”

After that, I can't ignore it any longer. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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