How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 77

Chapter 77. What I need for war (5) Although I'm a selfish bastard, at least I won't feed myself at the expense of the people under me.

Even if it's a slave.

That's the absolute rule I made up my mind while setting goals in life to suck honey.

Of course, I don't know about things that are not mine.

So that means we won't let the slaves freeze to death or starve to death.

Actually, 50,000 is a lot.

Of course, about 20,000 of these can be used as soldiers.

The rest are families of slaves who will settle in the village and work for them.

Still, 20,000 troops.

There is a difference of about 4 times the number of soldiers managed in the territory so far.

In the days of 5,000 people, at best, it felt like a territory autonomous unit, but if it goes beyond 10,000 units, it feels like a plausible military unit will be completed just by standing up.

Is it the name of the Allel army?

If they were trained in earnest and given Dwarf armor and weapons, they would be able to destroy a tolerable territory.

.... If there was no risk of war in the first place, I would not have thought of making a brigade this far.

Even if I make it, I was planning to do it 5 to 7 years later.

Now, if I put my mind to it, I've gained the strength to overthrow Tayoungji.

There will definitely be troublesome things.

There's a good chance that there will be some aristocrat who will raise a problem with me after this.

But I can't help it.

Obviously, if a war breaks out, there is a possibility that a considerable number of enemy soldiers will flock to our territory.

Because it was me who instructed me to make the problematic product.

Of course, the goal of the three kingdoms is likely to include a plan to kidnap or eliminate me.

If that assumption is true, if the front line is pushed back immediately after the war, there is a possibility that 200,000 troops will rush into our territory.

When preparing for that time, 20,000 is the minimum required number.

If I get to that point in the first place, I have no choice but to sneak out under the water.

Taking that into account, it is 20,000.

I was really self-respecting and self-respecting, so I compromised to this extent.

“By the way, these numbers are definitely spectacular.”

“Arel? No way....

Now my sister noticed why I didn't go back to the manor right away and tried to take over the slaves myself while wasting time crying.

You are astonished at the big picture.


I clenched my fingers and admitted.

“Sometimes I wanted to lead a large number of people and march.”


Do you see that there is? You're in good shape!

.... that's all it really is.

Appearance of fashion is very important to the lord.


Leading 50,000 people is no easy task.

Originally, the distance that would have taken four days if we traveled alone took 10 days as a group.

If forced marching, the speed would be matched, but it would be difficult if the slaves were tired.

It is a speed that takes into account a sufficient rest period.

Still, it was rewarding to come back to the manor with such a leisurely group of people.

It is very heartening to see the soldiers on duty at the gate guarding the borders of the territory wide open in amazement.

Ah, how long has it been since you looked like this?

What is the reaction when you surprise someone and how you feel when you see their face?

Truly beautiful!

Of course, seeing me happy with this, my older sister looked at me with sincere sorrow.

It's a hobby, please respect it.

“Isn’t that too much?”

“sister. Imagine. From now on, my sister will lead those 20,000 soldiers.”

My sister is puzzled when I suddenly bring up this story.

“What did that mean?”

“Imagine the appearance of a knight leading 20,000 soldiers! The look of my sister!”

My sister's eyes went blank, as if she were really imagining it.

“… that might be good.”

My sister clenched her fists and her eyes lit up.

It's obvious what you're imagining.

Huhuhuhu She is a very easy sister to persuade.

Well, he's the one who's been influenced the most by me, so of course, at times like this, he gets along.

by the way.

Whoop whoop If the soldiers react like this, I can't wait to see what our aides will do.

* * *

As I expected, all of them gave a great response.

“Ah... I should have followed him...

but Asha seemed to feel sorry for not being able to stop me.

It's like a mother lamenting that her son bought a pet without thinking and came back.

“.... This. Not much.”

Even Seina couldn't say anything.

“What are they going to do with their food?”

Dia. is that what you're worried about?

Don't worry, we have plenty of food!

My aides are shocked at first, but then they almost drag me into the castle and ask if it's really okay as it is.

Seeing that these girls, who had been surprised by everything I did until now and didn't say much, surely means that it's not unusual for the army to suddenly increase this much.

“... No matter how prepared for war, wouldn't it have been better to increase it after more accurate information?”

“No, even if I think about it any longer, the conclusion won’t change.”

To Asha, who was worried, I made an affirmation.

“War always happens. And maybe Fahilia is the second or third place for them to smash.”

In fact, I feel relieved if I increase the troops more, but there is a problem with handling the back.

“don't worry. Have I ever done anything wrong?”

Even though I have acted according to my desires and committed eccentricities, I have never done anything wrong.

My principle of action is 80% of my eccentricity and 20% of the cause for everyone!

They should know that better than me.

“.... All right. Then I won't object anymore.”

Asha also understood that.

“First of all... I'll have to come up with a plan to train the slaves.”

As if she was dizzy just imagining it, Asha tried to think of what she had to do first, causing a slightly astringent twitch at the corner of her mouth.

“By the way, I'll do the selection of the slaves myself.”

Normally, I would have left it up to them to take care of it, but this time, for the sake of the safety of our territory, I intend to take full responsibility.

Slaves were brought to the manor, and for several days they were given time to unpack and enjoy the cool air.

Most of all, you must be tired from the long trip, so give yourself time to rest.

After waiting for their strength to fully recover, I summoned 20,000 of them to the training ground to be future soldiers.

I stand proudly in front of 20,000 people.

It seems like he has become a general leading a large army.

Surely this is enough for one division's troops?

Oops! Anyway, now I'm going to show them my first dignity as a lord


In front of the slaves I put up, I clearly taught them what to do in the future.

“I promise you this one thing. As long as you wholeheartedly protect the territory with all your heart and soul, I will never regret coming here.”

I will inevitably make them the best troops to fight the war in the future.

So stay tuned.

Especially since I've already thought of the hellish training course.

I will definitely make you into the fierce dogs of hell.

It should be hidden as much as possible.

For now, I will only show you as a benevolent and wise lord.

Wait for it hu hu hu hu hu hu.

I giggled on the inside, but on the outside, I continued my speech.

Even so, my eyes were scanning all the slaves gathered at the training ground.

Now my insight inside is in operation.

Seeing as many as 20,000 people at once is an act that seems to dry my eyes a little, but that doesn't mean that I will interview 20,000 people one by one, and when the interview is over, the war will start, so I will take a look at it at once.

Don't underestimate my keen eye and body vision.

Just by looking at it like this, I have the confidence to sort out the boulder among 20,000 people.

In the first place, what I want to see is not that difficult.

In order to transform 20,000 slaves into brave soldiers in the future, leaders are needed to lead each other among them.

So what you're looking for is leadership.

If you set the search with leadership and turn it.

Oh my goodness.


In my eyes, I saw a man with a light that would be okay.

Huhuhu, that guy looks like he's lost.

I licked my lips while muttering nonsense in my heart, afraid that someone might misinterpret it.

Then he had just given instructions to remember the slave.

* * *

End of speech. After dismissing the slaves again, I ordered a servant to call for the man I had my eye on.

After a while, the servant returned with the man.

He is a young man who looks to be in his 30s with a fairly strong physique.

Unlike the others, he shows quite a strange strength in his impression, so he must be the perfect talent to lead other slaves.

“Whoa, whoa, did you come? What's your name'?”

I already know, but at times like this, pretending not to know is the atmosphere.

yes what is your name

“My name is Hermond.”

Being a slave, there is no surname that is tantamount to a family name.

Hermond. yes Hermond.

“Do you know why I called you?”

“...Unfortunately, I don't know.”

I am sincerely sorry.

I think I know what kind of guy he thinks of me.

In fact, since most nobles have irrational personalities, this kind of reaction is common.

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I called you because I have something to tell you.”

If possible, I want to appeal I'm not scared, but I also want to take care of the dignity, so I pass.

Let's just keep things simple.

“I'm thinking of making you the commander of the newly formed unit.”

“... I'm the commander?”

He was surprised as he had never imagined that he would give such an order.

“ah. don't worry. I'm not asking you to take it all on.”

In addition to that, I also paid attention to those who were slightly less qualified than that.

But I'm going to leave the job of integrating them to this guy here, Hermund.

“Ha, but I wonder if I can really take on that heavy responsibility…

” “Well, I’m going to give you training and education accordingly. Don't worry about that. However, I will train a little harder.”

There was not much time left before the war.

High-speed education... No, I should teach it through the teaching assistant course.

“What do you do?”

“I will follow Arell’s command.”

As a result, it was decided to leave the overall management of the soldiers organized by slaves to Hermund.

Now the rest are individual slaves... No, I should say soldiers now.

where will they be placed

And you have to make the most of your limited time to develop them into skilled soldiers.

I'm not going to teach them myself, but I still need to write a basic training manual.

.... This must be busy.

Once again, I gnashed my teeth at the heads of the Three Kingdoms Alliance without knowing their faces.

Come and see the opportunity that is really in my hands.

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