How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 88

Chapter 88. A harbinger of war (4)

Kania quietly closed her eyes, drew her sword, and corrected her image while holding it straight.

Not a single fingertip or muscle in his face moves, and he concentrates all his mind to detect only the mana circulating within himself.

The only thing moving would be her aqua-colored hair that swayed whenever the wind blew.

It looks defenseless, but in reality it is not.

Her mind is now concentrated within herself, but her senses are just as keen.

Even if someone approaches in this state, I am confident that I can detect who is coming just by the sound of footsteps.

‘...Mana.... Circulation of mana different from before.'

Following the guidance of Arell, who is her half-brother and taught her the theory of the sword from a young age, she is conscious of stopping battles and working hard to circulate mana.

I never doubt the theory my brother advocated.

I'm not smart enough to understand all the theories he's talking about, but I know that my younger sister is struggling to make her stronger.

All that remains is to see how much you can practice.

I have already given up on understanding with my head.

In short, you just have to learn a different way by feeling.

If so, it may be an ignorant way to repeat it until it works, but it actually worked.

At first, I couldn't catch it, so I had a hard time, but gradually I learned to sense it as if I was catching each thread that was scattered in the air.

And now, as long as you are conscious, you can capture the sensation that Arel insisted on.

“As it is, the aura on the sword...

Kania muttered slowly, concentrating the circulating mana on the sword.

Until now, when mana was blown into it, an air current was naturally formed by the pressure of the wild mana, and it ran wild like a storm.

That's why she had quite a hard time controlling the power.

However, it is different now.

The silver side of the sword she holds is dyed blue, but no harsh wind blows.

After concentrating, Kania slowly opened her eyes.

Before long, he confirmed the sword stained with blue aura with both eyes.

The feeling is quite different from the knights deploying Auras on their swords so far.

The sense that it was not exhaled, but assimilated by circulating the aura itself into the sword.

Perhaps because of that influence, compared to other Aura users, her sword now has a blue light, but that light doesn't radiate from all directions.

It must be the condensation of light.

But just because it's not loud doesn't mean it's less powerful.

Now that you've developed your aura, it's time to test it out.


With her aura deployed, Kania swung her sword at the target set up in the training ground.

It is lighter and faster than before.

Also, it was as if the sword was the arm itself, and it seemed to envision what it was cutting into.

Kania's sword blade lightly cut the target.

As if that wasn't enough, he tried several swordsmanships after that to test his power.

Not only cutting what you want, but also destroying beyond the target using sword skills.

As far as adjusting the output itself, it has changed significantly compared to before.

“it's okay!”

Kania looked down at the sword and clenched the other fist.

Now that I've fully mastered my senses, even if I'm excited to this extent, the aura on the sword doesn't dissipate easily.

Words can't explain it, but this feeling right now must be the state that Arel has been explaining to herself all along.

The moment I was so sure, I heard footsteps behind me, followed by small claps.

Even if you just listen to your steps, the level of your physique is clearly imaged in your head.

It's obvious without saying who it is.

As Kania turned her head, Arell was clapping and moving towards her.

“Now it seems that you have learned the right level for your current sister.”

* * *

Geniuses are amazing.

I sincerely admired my sister's talent.

It was not enough to simply properly bring mana to a level suitable for the state, so he brought his sword skill to the next level.

It should be called black steel, not black steel.

It doesn't simply emit an aura like the knights do, but overlays the aura itself on the sword to bring out pure destructive power by itself.

If I could tell a story about her to people I met in my past... previous lives, they wouldn't believe it.

Of course, skills are still on a different level from those I knew.

It's been a while.

However, it is a different story if someone who has only been learning the sword in earnest for about 5 years develops the sword skill.

I used all means to apply, but even taking that into account, the current speed is fast enough.

If there was a limit on the speed of getting stronger, I would have been able to get a ticket long ago.

me? I'm off topic in the first place.

Anyway, with this, my sister can fully prepare for the situation that will happen in the future.

Now, all that remains is for them to prepare as they do, and for others to faithfully carry out what I have instructed them to do.

What am I doing?

Now that I've done everything I need to do, I'm going to take a nap.

He was content with the fact that now, when war broke out, all he had to do was ask to be woken up.

In the meantime, the nobles in the kingdom were dubious about the possibility of a war.

It is true that the movement of the three kingdoms is questionable.

It also acknowledged that the source of the information was reliable.

In addition, the king also acknowledged the possibility of war and sent an official letter to each lord to prepare.

It's something that anyone with a little bit of head can think about.

However, the response of the lords was not very active.

It's not that I ignored it and didn't prepare for it.

Recruiting new soldiers from among the territories, and training and equipping existing soldiers.

In addition, it gives warnings to prepare for war, such as directly asking each knight.

There was only one and that much.

The lords' countermeasures were too passive to be called full-scale preparations.

Everyone has a desire to deny the worst situation, saying, ‘Isn't it A?'

And what if a war doesn't happen even though you prepared properly?

At most, the stockpiled goods will become a treasure trove, and purchased weapons will end up in the warehouse.

Either way, it means money is broken.

Of course, the lords were not very active.

However, the king's official letter cannot be ignored.

Therefore, most of the lords pretended to be preparing for war on the outside, but on the inside they spent their days as usual.

Among them, there is a lord who is determined and ready.

Even though it was a very small number, there were those who read the future and made solid preparations for a short period of time.

Among them, anyone who has prepared the most thoroughly will point to Arele Ernesia.

It bought as many as 50,000 slaves, ordered weapons in earnest, and also stockpiled food harvested within itself as full-fledged military rice.

Some lords pointed out that Arel's actions were too hasty.

Some said it was a foolish judgment by a young lord who was still young.

However, Arel's response to them was firm.

“It is just in case. Wouldn't that be a good thing if it didn't happen?”

Even if you lose, you see it yourself.

Isn't it something for others to see?

In short, that's what it meant.

Ten months after the official letter came down, rumors began to circulate among the people in earnest.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop it until the end.

There are always wise people among the people.

Since it was a full-fledged Three Kingdoms Alliance, such information was not leaked, but there were people who saw the actions of the lords and read the war theory.

Sometimes, there were people who directly asked the lord.

To them, most lords asserted this.

“There will be no war, so be at ease. Be safe and go about your normal life!”

He assured the residents as if he believed in something invisible.

Will war really happen?

Sometimes, when you go into a tavern in any city, there are people who make a bet with it.

But few of them sincerely believed that a war would break out.

Most of them just wanted it to end in nonsense.


I finally heard the news.

* * *

Capital of the Merman Empire.

The palace, located in the center of the capital, is open to the public only on special occasions so that they can enter and exit right in front of it.

It is only open for events or when it is time to announce some important fact.

When the emperor of the empire directly appears in front of the people!

And right now it is open to the public.

Rumors had already been heard that the emperor would appear in person and announce something important, and the people gathered in front of him.

People staring at the balconies protruding from the upper floors of the palace in an orderly manner in front of the knights' control and the magicians' protection.

From those who are curious about seeing the Emperor himself, who is said to be difficult to see, to those who are waiting for the fact to be announced.

Everyone was waiting for the emperor to appear soon.

Had I waited for two or three hours?

After noon, someone walked out of the balcony.

He was the leader of the imperial knights, not the emperor.

He gestured to the knights and instructed them to silence the people.

“Please, I hope that no one will disrespect the Emperor.”

The leader of the knights, who puts an aura on his voice and gives warnings and advice to the people without any special magic tools.

After a while, along with the sound of the trumpet announcing the appearance of His Majesty, an old man wearing a crown adorned with splendid decorations and a large cape appeared.

Emperor Chederan Amret Janil of the Merman Empire.

Although he was not an old man with big muscles like the king of Ernesia Kingdom, he also had an aura that strangely attracted people just by simply standing, befitting a leader who notified a country.

Some would call it the quality of an emperor.

“Long live the Emperor! Long live the Merman Empire!”

The people praised the emperor and the empire in unison.

The emperor quietly raised his hand, and the cry soon died down.

“Thank you for waiting. Citizens of the Empire.”

The emperor's voice resonated in the plaza.

Unlike the leader of the knights, he used a pre-installed magic tool.

After that, the Emperor begins to give a general speech.

At the end of the speech, which lasted about 20 minutes, the greetings were over and it was time to get to the point.

“Today I have a declaration to make to the people and to all the nations of the continent beyond this land.”

A major announcement made directly from the mouth of the Emperor.

Everyone listened to it.

It is undoubtedly an unusual fact.

“Before that, let me introduce the people who will be sitting with me today.”

When the emperor glanced at the throne, he hurriedly looked back and instructed his men on what to do.

It is probably telling those ‘those to be with' who are already waiting to come out.

He would not be an ordinary person since the emperor himself said he would share this seat.

And when they revealed their faces, the people opened their mouths as one in astonishment.

“The King of the Kingdom of Damaniel and... the Grand Duke Sefen!?”

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