How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 91

Chapter 91. The beginning of the war (3)

I can definitely see this meat quality in my eyes.

This guy will be delicious.

“I'm looking forward to it.”

Dia also agreed with my view, probably thinking the same way.

“I don’t know why everyone doesn’t want to eat this.”

The long-awaited meat has arrived.

I don't monopolize the grace of meat.

So, I seduced my sister and the female knights to have lunch together today.

Seina, led by the soldiers, is too busy today.

Asha was uncomfortable, saying, “Eating rabbits...

is a bit...”.

My sister also felt reluctant to eat monsters.

Chit still, is this because she is a princess?

That's why Dia is the only one in the audience tasting this meat today.

“I can eat rabbits or whatever.”

Dia, who has been through all sorts of hardships since childhood, seems to have no objection to eating monsters.

After all, you have qualities as a gourmet.

“I can eat anything delicious, so please don’t worry. Even if it looks like this, before I was hired by Mr. Arell, I lost my way and survived only with bugs and poisonous mushrooms in the forest.”

“...No, shouldn't I be honest with you? Are you still fine after eating that?”

“The wizard's camouflage is special.”

To be precise, it would be correct to use mana to protect the stomach wall and organs.

No, before that, you just have a good stomach.

what? Is this a line miss? I feel like I brought a survival king rather than a gourmet?

More than that, I'm just eating something delicious, and I'm not eating this in the mood of something good or bad, right?

What are you doing?

After all, it's always fun to do whatever you do when you can talk to each other and chat in moderation.

With this feeling, I'm going to welcome Gogi-nim for the first time in a while.

So, shall we bake this guy? Or do you want to start cooking in earnest?

Huhuhuhu What to do with this cute guy?

I laughed happily as I looked down at the big-eyed rabbit meat.

In conclusion, it was definitely worth recommending with confidence to the village chiefs.

Even if you just bake it, it's awesome.

Even if you cook and eat it simply, the quality is different from other meats.

Certainly my eyes were not wrong.

As if my tongue was always right, Dia's eyes brightened right on the spot as soon as she put the snow rabbit meat in her mouth.

Just the two of us, we quickly ate the snow rabbit meat.

Are you happy? After all, meat is the truth.

Now I must have eaten so much that my stomach exploded. What should I do?

Well, you can go back like this and take a leisurely nap.

Now that I'm back in the kitchen, let's do something a little different.

“Arell? What are you trying to do?”

“Just think about it for a moment and try to make something.”

While saying that, I nodded to Dia and pointed to a corner of the kitchen.

“Dia? Could you pick up a bag of flour over there? Oh, and the dried fruits on the shelf over there.”

With just one instruction, Dia moves what she needs with magic.

In particular, it is ideal as a kitchen assistant because it moves only with magic power, so it does not generate dust.

I was cooking with the recipe written in advance and pasted on the wall in moderation.

“But does Arel-nim usually do this himself?”

“Did you think it was a joke?”

“Isn't there usually a job for the lord to stand in the kitchen himself?”

“Are you saying that now even after eating the meat dish I cooked a while ago?”

Come to think of it, Dia hadn't seen me cook since I came here until today.

“I developed all the recipes and foods sold at my store?”

“Come to think of it, I think I heard that.”

And this is a fact that neither my sister nor the female knights know, but when I was a little younger and living in the concubine, there was a time when I would go to the kitchen on fictitious days to have the exclusive chef at the time cook a dish to suit my taste.

Now, as the recipe I developed is becoming popular, I no longer have to stand in the kitchen.

do you miss At that time, I forcibly fed it to Ranpil, the concubine guard knight, in order to make up for the failure of making it as a test.

Even if it was a failed dish, it was really fun to eat it with a smile even if I was forced to stick it out with a twinkle in my eyes.

I miss you.

But that was a story from several years ago.

Now I don't stand in the kitchen at all.

This is all thanks to the seasonings I distributed. Long live the seasoning tooth?.

“Actually, I didn’t say this. If everything didn't go according to my plan. There was a time when I thought it wouldn’t be bad to hide away and live as a cook.”

It's an assumption that the royal palace's political world is more shit than I imagined and I couldn't be in an environment to suck honey.

“...It's surprising.”

To be precise, I would set up a large restaurant and I would just hang up the recipe and have the chefs take care of it.

Of course, that's just a one-time assumption.

I'm stable as a feudal lord now, and I'm enjoying my life now, so I don't have a family like that.

I finished cooking while chatting with Dia.

“What Arel-nim did today is a bit unusual. Isn’t that what you normally eat?”

“If I was going to eat all the time, I just made it cook.”

Anyway, today's goal is to develop cuisine.

Coincidentally, this morning, I suddenly remembered something, so there was something I wanted to complete today without putting it off until later.

“If you harden it like this and bake it! End with this! Are you done?”

“Ooooooh! You are wonderful.”

No... Please don't clap your hands just for taking it out of the oven.

Are you ashamed

I put what I had finished on the table.

It's similar to bread, but it's a square dough and baked form.

“By the way… was the cookie what Arell-nim was trying to do? It looks like you put a lot more into it.”

“No, to put it bluntly, the process is similar, but a bit different.”

They are higher in calories than regular cookies.

The nutritional value is too high because there is a lot of sugar and dried fruits and various things inside.

If I ate something like this as a snack, anyone other than me would surely gain weight quickly.

“I made it with the feeling that it was a portable food that soldiers could quickly eat on the battlefield.”

“Is it portable? It already exists.”

“I know.”

But it was terribly tasteless.

The portable food that ordinary soldiers eat is just a salty flour cookie that gets dirty when chewed.

“I have eaten. It didn't feel that bad, though.”

That's because Dia-san, who eats poisonous mushrooms, is amazing.

Even the active duty knights acknowledged its tastelessness.

Of course, since you have to eat on the battlefield, you must have prioritized only the necessary nutrients rather than prioritizing the taste.

But I'm not the kind of person who would accept something like that.

“Above all, I might have to eat.”

When the war situation gets busy, will there be time to cook?

No matter how lord you are, there will be times when you have to eat the same thing.

In the past, when my sister Kania took me to practice swordsmanship, my sister and I ate what normal knights eat.

It wasn't even an exhibition back then, and I had some free time, so I ate stew and bread.

It was terribly tasteless.

The stew is stale and fishy, and the bread is hard.

Well, at that time, since it was training, they must have been fed the same thing as the others on purpose.

But such a terrible experience is enough once.

Do you think you will eat something like that twice?

In preparation for that time, I wanted to develop a portable meal that would taste as delicious as possible.

In fact, in addition to this, I am also thinking of a meal that feels like combat food, which is recreated similarly to common dishes and heated using magic.

Even on the battlefield, we fight while eating delicious food.

This is the method of the Arel-style corps.

Even in a situation where life comes and goes, you can't neglect to eat.

“How does it taste?”

I tried feeding it to Dia to see if it would suit the tongues of the people here.

Dia, who ate the portable food I made, nodded calmly and said.

“...When I got lost in the woods, I thought how nice it would be to have something like this.”

....That's why I can't even laugh at your hardships.

“But the food to be eaten during the war… Didn’t Arel-sama not have a mobilization order?”

Dia seemed quite puzzled at the sight of me suddenly thinking of a table to eat on the battlefield.

Except for the oldest brother, there is rarely a situation in which a mobilization order can be issued to the royal family.

Above all, the world has a stronger feeling that I'm just a smart young sage rather than a warrior, so there's no reason to invite me to the battlefield.

“Wouldn’t it be better to have it prepared just in case?”

And even if it's not a war, as long as you're the lord, you might be able to go on an expedition to hunt monsters.

There is nothing wrong with devising this beforehand.

“...Yes, it's just in case.”

I murmured softly.

“Perhaps Arell-nim….

Dia seemed to have realized something after seeing my reaction, but she didn’t bother to say anything.

At this point, she must have noticed how I feel about the current situation.

Oh, I was talking about something funny for a while.

I stretched out to change the mood and got ready to cook another dish this time.

Yes, let's eat while we can. that's the best

After the first engagement, the forces of the Kingdom of Ernesia and the forces of the Three Kingdoms clashed fiercely several times afterwards.

Both the intruding side and the defending side made no small sacrifices, and a bloody battle continued.

Soldiers climbing the walls to capture the fortress, and soldiers desperately trying to stop it.

After the first skirmish, there were not a few corpses stabbed by spears under the walls.

Eventually, to capture additional fortresses, the Three Kingdoms Alliance dispatched about 70,000 more troops each.

This time, the forces of the three countries were all mixed.

It was simply that the fact that 70,000 came later meant that it took time for the Merman Empire's forces to join the Northeastern Front.

As 70,000 troops each pushed into both border fortresses, the existing troops began to struggle to respond.

However, inferiority meant that only the troops of the lords who guarded the fortress were at a disadvantage.

The hope of overturning the offensive was shown when the kingdom army was additionally reinforced to shake off the invasion in earnest.

next king's successor.

The first prince, Ernesia the First, had personally led an army to Pelvan Fortress in the northeast.

“It was said to be the defense of Count Pegil, but to have endured that many enemies until now. You worked hard.”

In the meeting room inside the fortress, Cheil was knelt in front of him and was congratulating the lord, who was bowing, for his solid defense.

“I just did what I was supposed to do.”

Count Pegil never got excited and answered calmly.

“Your Excellency, are you going to launch a counterattack right away?”

“exactly. It wouldn't be good for the war to continue any longer. We are ready to launch a counterattack even tomorrow.”

Jeil sternly stated his intention.

After saying that, she turned her gaze to the other nobles with a slight smile on her lips.

“I would like to say…. Wouldn't it be okay though?”

Jeil politely asked the nobles who led the soldiers like him.

Since this is the first time he participated in the war, Jeil did not insist on his own, and had advanced to this place while seeking the opinions of many people with more experience in the war.

Her ego is important, but she recognizes her lack of experience and is willing to ask for opinions without hesitation.

At his not overly arrogant attitude, the nobles sent friendly glances and agreed with his will.

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