How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 96

Chapter 96. A warrant has been issued.

For them, war would be all about fighting to the death by fiercely holding a sit-in or whipping soldiers harshly.

Soldiers are consumables.

never main power.

The real attack is to use knights and wizards.

The swords of the knights can easily cut through even the thickest iron plate, and if a knight has attained a higher level, he can easily annihilate a platoon single-handedly.

Wizards are also weapons that each have terrifying power.

Compared to them, there was no problem even if the soldiers who had no choice but to fight plainly were sacrificed.

That way of thinking is deeply rooted.

I just sighed inwardly and said nothing else to them.

You don't have to convince me

It doesn't matter.

Even if they are interested anyway, it will be difficult to operate these immediately.

First of all, I just need to prove the usefulness of my method by watching our Yeongji Army in action.

“Then let’s start a full-scale war now.”

I murmured as I turned to the enemy side where the forces of the two countries of the Three Kingdoms Alliance were gathering.

I don't know who it is, but I dare to regret making me come to this place.

As soon as the reinforcements of each lord, including Arell, set up a base, the enemy invasion resumed the next day.

In order to break down each territory, the enemies divided their forces and pushed in almost simultaneously.

Among them, about 50,000 enemy troops rushed to suppress the 23,000 troops of Arell's Territory Army.

The army rushing in like a swarm of ants gave the illusion that a light earthquake had occurred just by simply advancing.

“...It's rather disgusting because it's like that, isn't it?”

Arel evaluated the strength of the enemy and instructed the knights and soldiers to face it calmly and not be afraid.

“Take it as we discussed beforehand.”

As they had been trained, Arell's soldiers set up camp and prepared themselves to face the swarming infantry with shields and saemundo cars smelted by the dwarves.

The enemy soldiers were puzzled when they saw the soldiers covering their bodies with weapons they had never seen before like shields.

“At least they are cowards who cover themselves! Never mind, crush it and throw it away!”

The commander of the enemy Triple Alliance laughed at Arell's soldiers for being on the defensive.

To them, war is to bravely charge, confront, and slash and win.

That is the attitude of a brave knight.

Of course, if you're at a disadvantage, you'll have to defend yourself.

However, this side of the capital is overwhelming, so what's the use of trying to defend and hold on?

“Even a genius is useless on the battlefield!”

laughed so much

Judging that it would not be a big deal, he ordered the soldiers to charge.


Enemy foot soldiers rushed in all at once, screaming as if shaking the surrounding area.

23,000 to 50,000.

If you simply fight infantry against each other, you will be crushed by the numbers.

However, Arel calmly waited and waited while listening to the reports of the observers in the rear.

And finally, let the enemy's vanguard advance close to a certain distance.


exclaimed succinctly.

As if the longbowmen stationed at the watchtower had waited, they let go of their bowstrings.

The arrows shot by 7,000 archers are close to 7,000 even if they are fired only once.

Truly a rain of arrows.

In addition, the performance of the bow has been greatly improved, so the range is unmatched when compared to other archers.

Perhaps he hadn't thought that he would be intercepted with arrows from that distance, but the first wave of enemy soldiers who had been charging were swept away in a rain of arrows.

However, the enemies were not afraid of the rain of arrows and did not shrink.

Immediately brought a shield, and if there was no shield, there were enemies who attacked through the rain of arrows using the dead ally as a shield.

And they tried to somehow break through Arrel's display and break the stance.

Even after charging at best, it was not easy to break through because the wall was thoroughly hit with a large shield.

This shield was also a special product that the Dwarves made even when they couldn't sleep well.

It is not easily penetrated.

Even if he tried to forcefully cross the shield somehow, he could not easily try to enter because he was pierced by the spear blade that constantly extended beyond the Saemundo car.


Those who are advancing despite being hit by arrows are pierced by the spear blades and cry out in agony.

The sound reached Arel's ear, who was directing from the back row.

He muttered with a bitter face for some reason.

“It is a war after all. Resent your foolish commander.”

He continued to hold on like this and instructed to cut down the enemy's strength step by step.

It is difficult to break through Arell's camp with ordinary infantry alone.

The knights of the enemy country came to a conclusion at once.

“It's a wizard! Destroy the avant-garde with magic!”

If it is difficult to break through with the abilities of ordinary infantrymen, you can use unusual power.

Stopped the advance of the soldiers and put forward the wizard corps that were waiting in the back row instead.

“It’s a pity to use it like this, but I can’t help it.”

The enemy commander smacked his lips as if it was a waste.

On the battlefield, a knight who uses an aura is more feared than a soldier, and a wizard is more feared than a knight.

The magic cast by the high-ranking wizard is literally a weapon of mass destruction.

Even if soldiers or knights try to interfere, they cannot easily approach the wizard in the chaotic battlefield.

Wizards are those who deliver the best blow to enemies on the battlefield.

Even so, the reason why the wizard was not put forward from the beginning.

This is because wizards are valuable talents and there is a limit to how much mana an individual can use.

If you use it recklessly, you won't be able to use magic when it's really important.

However, now ordinary soldiers cannot defeat Arell's soldiers.

That's why they decided to boldly operate the wizards.

“Don't be afraid to use magic!”

The wizards are casting magic as a group in the display according to the command.

The mages who were in charge of attacking in the avant-garde were on average 4 classes.

No matter how much I put up my shield, I won't be able to withstand it.

It is meaningless in the face of a power greater than that even if you try to play tricks.

He smiled with confidence of victory and shouted to shoot the magic he had cast.


But nothing happens.


But it has no effect.

“What happened!”

Somehow, none of the wizards were using magic.

No matter how much I ordered, not even one common fireball was fired.

“Could it be a betrayal?”

Are wizards disobeying orders?

no, that's a crazy idea.

There might be someone who has a different intention, but even so, isn't it strange that all the wizards here don't use magic?

“What happened?”

“...It's Dispel!”

When he grabbed one of the wizards and went to work, he too broke into a cold sweat and told the truth.

Due to the wide-area dispel, all of the mage's chant are now being nullified.

“Dispel? Are there wizards over there?”

Zelkian hurriedly glared at Arell's troops.

Someone was standing on top of the watchtower.

A mobile watchtower loaded with archers.

At the top, a female wizard with black hair and a mantle was quietly chanting a dispel.

“It's not surprisingly difficult. It's to the point where I'm even suspicious that the wizards over there may have learned magic in vain.”

Arell's exclusive mage.

Dia Lecki muttered while chanting dispel from the top of the watchtower.

Right now, she and the other watchtowers are chanting dispels with wizards riding on them.

However, among them, it was by far the one who wielded the most far-reaching influence.

Dispel, which cancels other people's magic, is especially well-known for delicate chanting, and no one can use it better than her.

She alone is showing about ten times the efficiency of other wizards.

“First of all, I ordered you to continue chanting the dispel, so I will follow.”

Dia additionally chanted Dispel.

Enemy wizards try to avoid the effects of dispel and use magic, but she continues to interfere every time.

“You can't use magic while avoiding my eyes with only that level of crude skill.”

She quietly sneers at the level of the enemy wizards and continues to use Dispel.

Recently, while receiving theoretical instruction from Arel, Dia finally entered the 6th class before the war.

It seemed that there was no magician on the enemy side capable of stopping her Dispel, which had reached Class 6.

As a result, the magic of the Three Kingdoms Alliance became useless.

“Are you just going to stay still!! Do something!!”

Enemy commanders are furious at this fact, yell at the wizards, and tell them to somehow pierce the dispel and use magic, but to no avail.

It's just pointless waste of mana.

“Even so, the wizard over there won’t be able to use any special attack magic.”

Arell's wizards who use Dispel will also consume a lot of mana.

Although the ability to completely block the magic of the wizards of the Three Kingdoms Alliance is amazing, it will be impossible for the wizards of Arell to be more active than that.

A wizard belonging to the Three Kingdoms Alliance predicted that.

But predictions always suck.

AoE dispels were finally stopped.

The magicians of the Three Kingdoms Alliance have already spent a lot of mana in vain, so it is difficult to properly use the chant anymore.

But it will be the same for the opponent.

And that expectation is wrong.

This time, numerous sparks, lightning, and ice fragments began to appear above Arel's display.

“Magic!? What happened! Didn't you say you wouldn't be able to use that one?”

I screamed.

“It can’t be…. No matter how much mana you have, it’s impossible to use this level of magic after using Dispel…

. noticed.

He strengthened his eyesight with the remaining mana and observed them.

“Demon magic stone?!”

I was astonished when I saw the high-purity magic crystal embedded in the wands of Arell's wizards.

They also don't have infinite mana.

That's why Arel gave high-purity magic stones to the wizards and used them to keep mana.

It wasn't just a magic stone either.

A high-purity magic crystal obtained through slightly illegal means.

And they are now rolling around in sacks at the feet of wizards.

“It can't be! Why does a lord have such an amount and purity of magic stones?”

In general, magic stones are thoroughly managed in the Mage Tower.

Even in the Three Kingdoms Alliance, each of the two countries, except for the Principality of Sezefen, has its own magic tower.

In addition, there was a secret agreement between the magic towers to thoroughly monopolize magical items and blessings, including magic stones.

I never would have supplied that amount of magic stones to a single lord.

Even if they secretly traded before then, the price would not have been too high.

It is not simply obtained through a day or two of improvised preparation.

“What kind of a human being is their lord?...

The enemies were tongue-in-cheek at the thorough response of Arell's soldiers and the over-preparedness to the point of wanting to go too far.

But you can't just admire it.

The magic that had already been chanted started pouring down on the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

The magic bombardment, once begun, shows no signs of ending easily.

On this day, the Triple Alliance lost 30,000 of the 50,000 troops sent to attack Arel.

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