How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 99

Chapter 99. A warrant has been issued (7) + Since ancient times, the hawk is weak against invasion (1)

“By the way... it's later than expected.”

I received a report that Arell's troops are moving slowly.

Most of them are heavy soldiers, and they have to be slow to advance with mobile watchtowers at all times.

“Even so, isn’t it too late?”

From the reports of the skirmishers, it seemed that the pace of the advance had slowed down for some reason.

“no way??????

I have a slightly foreboding feeling.

Possibility of noticing an ambush.

But just because you noticed, what can you do with their movement speed?

Even if you notice and try to move first, it's enough if you run away from this side first.

Fortunately, Arel's unit showed up on the expected course.

“Wait carefully.”

It will calmly wait until it is within reach before launching an attack.

No matter how strong the defense is, there is no choice but to take some damage from surprise attacks from all directions.

The Knights of the Three Kingdoms Alliance thought so.

However, it was only after the surprise attack that I realized that my judgment was wrong.

After confirming that the main force had come within range, the knights of the Three Kingdoms Alliance ordered an attack.


As soon as the instructions were given, the archers fired their longbows and the wizards chanted magic without rest.

No matter how quickly you cast Dispel, it is impossible to block all of them in a surprise situation. Even if magic is blocked, only arrows will not be able to escape.

However, his prediction was completely wrong.

The wizards failed because of their dispel, and even the arrows they shot were completely blocked by the shield magic they cast in advance.

“Have you been preparing from the beginning?”

He swallowed a groan and judged quickly.

Prepared for a surprise attack more thoroughly than expected.

Even if he charged like this, it would only lead to the same mistake as in the previous battle.


It's better than losing soldiers for nothing.

Immediately accepting that the surprise had failed, he ordered a withdrawal.

The judgment itself was correct.

If that was a distance where a surprise attack could be made from a distance, of course there was no way that Arell's unit, which had a longer range than them, would not be able to counterattack.

Arrows and magic fly quickly.

“Withdraw as quickly as possible!”

At least, I tried to minimize the damage and withdraw.

However, their retreat was soon blocked.

The retreating soldiers were repeatedly caught in the trap and could not even escape properly.

The soldiers who couldn't escape were swept away by the rain of arrows and magic one after another.

“A trap?”

It is also generally used when hunting animals or hunting.

It's only a matter of tying your feet, but in this situation, it's very annoying.

The words ‘what kind of guy is this?' couldn't come out of my throat.

“It's just a simple trap that's usually used for hunting. Originally, there is no difference between killing animals and people.”

It was because the person who set up the trap while saying that appeared.

At some point, Arel's unit and a separate unit were approaching, blocking their retreat.

“'Our lord said, ‘There's no way we can go back safely after arguing on our own.'”

Seina led a small group to block the advance of the retreating Triple Alliance troops.

“Kuh! If you block it, you will just break through.”

A knight of the Three Kingdoms Alliance drew his sword and charged at Seina.

Perhaps he was also an aura user, and the sword he pulled out radiated a blue aura.

With this in mind, I swung my sword with the determination to defeat her with all my might and retreat.

“Enemy knights… even if they’re girls, they won’t lose!”

Without hesitating whether he was confident in his martial arts, he charged Seina and struck down his sword.

“It's too obvious an assault.”

Seina lightly dodged the enemy's sword and, in reverse, punched his side with his fist.

The fist, imbued with an aura of density incomparable to that of the enemy knight, at once crushed the affected area with armor.

The impact spread to the inside of the armor, and the beaten knight vomited blood and fell out.

The shock must have ripped through the intestines, and the knight of the Three Kingdoms Alliance trembled and drooped.

The soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance who lost their commanding knight panicked and tried to run away.

As long as the knight was attacked, there was no way that ordinary soldiers who couldn't use Aura could defeat her in hand-to-hand combat.

“I'm sorry, but I can't let you run away.”

Seina clenched her fists and threw herself to deal with the fleeing soldiers.

Other ambush too.

The troops led by Asha were attacking the retreating knights and soldiers in reverse.

“No big deal.”

Asha murmured as she removed the enemy's blood-soaked spear.

Asha took care of the knights who rushed in to create a gap to retreat, and the rest of the soldiers were dealt with by her soldiers.



So, from now on, my troops will pour out long-range attacks without a break.

Behind them, the troops led by the two knights blocked the escape route and punished them thoroughly.

“I will not return today.”

I muttered as I looked in the direction where the enemy unit was ambushing.

“Last time, I just fought head-on, so I didn’t bother to block the retreat, but a surprise attack is different. Wouldn’t it be polite to pay back thoroughly enough?”

If the opponent is aiming for the back of the head, this side needs to hit the back of the head three times to get it right.

As I muttered, I was sorting out the reports that kept coming back to my head.

Last time more than half of the large army was destroyed.

This time, he annihilates the ambush unit.

If you step on it thoroughly like this, you will gradually become more and more reluctant to touch us.

I'm about to appeal that this side's nature is dirty.

Rather than avoiding things that are inherently filthy because they are afraid of them, they avoid them because they are dirty.

‘Is it both in this case?'

If you appeal to him as a poisonous species that repays surprise with more, he will try to move more cautiously.

that's what i want

Rather than fighting fiercely, he insists on making the opponent annoying to touch him whenever possible.

In the end, the troops of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, who had ambushed Arel's troops in an ambush, were completely annihilated that day.

* * *

After that, it didn't take too long for the Ernesia Kingdom army to recapture the border fortress.

Once his morale was high, he pushed the momentum and drove the enemy at once.

Immediately after recapturing the border fort, the Army of the Three Kingdoms attacked several times, but failed to achieve any significant results.

In particular, they couldn't get through to Arell's unit, which was secretly holding a base at an important point.

If you ignore it, before you know it, Arell's troops are inflicting great damage on the forces of the Three Kingdoms Alliance.

From the point of view of the enemy, it was quite annoying.

Even if I tried to contain it somehow or try to break it down with all my might, it was difficult to defeat it.

Even if he ordered talented knights to capture Arell's unit, believing that it would not be possible with ordinary soldiers alone, their capabilities were not reached by the knights of Arell.

Although the skills of the two female knights close to Arell were also excellent.

Above all, the presence of the second princess, Kania Ernesia, was overwhelming.

Once, somehow, the Knights of Death tried to disrupt the lineup of Arell's troops by making a reckless charge.

Before they could even pass the shield, they were swept away by Kania's sword.

Among the knights of the Three Kingdoms, most of the strong men above a certain level were driven there to deal only with the rampaging sword masters in the southern area, so there was no one on the northeastern front that could match Kania.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance Army, which had been so inferior, was gradually losing its strength, and the charter was already tilting one-sidedly.

The point at which the victory or defeat of the battle on the Northeastern Front, which had been going on for several months, was almost certain.

At this time, the casualties of Arel's unit were only 121 dead, 142 seriously injured, and 192 lightly wounded.

It was an overwhelming achievement compared to the troops of other lords who suffered up to half of the casualties in the fierce battle.

Since ancient times, the hawk is weak against aggression. (1) The continuous victory of the Ernesia kingdom army would be an auspicious event for them, but from the point of view of those who hold the opposite position, there would be no less welcome news.

It was about the Three Kingdoms Alliance, which was at odds with Ernesia Kingdom.

They had to taste the feeling of bitter water continuing to flow in their mouths in the middle of the day.

And somewhere, the sound of them putting their heads together and struggling is now being heard in full swing here.

The general command base of the Three Kingdoms Alliance Forces.

Basically, it is a place where the leaders of the Three Kingdoms Alliance, who have different positions, gathered and colluded to lead this war to success.

Three people who are in charge of this place in the end.

Duke of Elgizen of the Kingdom of Damaniel.

The leader of the Merman Empire's knights, Kelbian Angelban.

And Grand Duke Adran Sefen of the Principality of Sefen.

These three are the heads of the three countries, each responsible for coordinating the military forces of the three countries.

They were having a hard time trying to come up with a solution in front of the news of the ongoing defeat.

“Huh.... They say the world doesn't go your way, but I thought it would be this difficult.”

Duke Elgizen sighed deeply.

As if agreeing with his sentiment, Kelvian was nodding his head as well.

Reports from the southern and northeastern fronts, respectively, simply gave them a headache.

Although there are things that continued to struggle in the South.

The most unexpected thing was the northeastern front.

After capturing the border fortress of Ernesia Kingdom, they decided that it was only a matter of time before they could clear the road to the Northeastern Front.

However, when he came to his senses for some reason, he returned the fortress he had taken away.

It was embarrassing to them too, but it was the reality.

It was thought that they would be able to successfully penetrate the front line by pushing the relatively inexperienced first prince, but somehow they drove back the forces of the Three Kingdoms Alliance again.

This must be the way you ruined a winning battle.

“At this rate, I will have no face in seeing Your Majesty.”

Both of them are in a position to have been given the final command of the military directly by the king of their respective country.

In any case, I have to go back to my home country to report the current situation of the war, but what kind of face should I do?

The other one was silently glancing at the two sweating and worrying about the future.

An Adlan detergent pen from the Principality of detergent pen.

At the time, he was a man who had been granted the Seze Penryeong, which was just a fief, and made numerous achievements in less than 10 years, was called to the fief, and eventually became a duchy.

For him, the atmosphere here was not very pleasant.

‘I don't like it.'

Adran Sefen, who had been watching the attitude of the two people who seemed to be in a hurry to see themselves rather than the situation of the war, tried to bite his tongue, but stopped and instead told the two of them.

“Isn’t it still too early for you two to be impatient? The war is not over yet.”

Unlike the other two, Adran did not transfer the command of this war to his subordinates, but wanted to direct it himself.

Relatively, there is a position that the Principality of Sezepen is a small country, but above all, there was a meaning that he would directly command it as it was a serious war.

Let Adran quietly admonish you.

The two of them were embarrassed when they realized that they didn't look very good.

“...The Grand Duke is right.”

“Above all, don’t we still have enough time?”

Even though I was pushed back while taking my time, I just kept repeating the word in my mind.

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