How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 133 How To Punish Fools

After the household members entered and took their place beside Floid's throne, Floid finally entered the room while walking behind Dragonnel. Dragonnel walked one step ahead of Floid as a protective measure to make sure that none of the council members there could touch Floid. Dragonnel made sure that he kept his eyes on the three undead that were standing in the throne room. It was obvious to Dragonnel that the three council members were annoyed. Kronos tried his best to keep his frown off his face, but the other two couldn't keep their faces stoic and they could only openly frown as they watched Floid.

Floid wore a simple white shirt and white trousers. His white hair was a little damp and that gave Kronos the impression that Floid just got out of the shower or bathroom. Did he really make us wait for two hours because he was in the shower!?

Kronos couldn't believe it!

Floid walked past his household and they all bowed low to greet him. Once Floid went up to the chair and took a seat, he fixed the undead council members with a bored stare. Kronos and the other two members of the undead council were finally standing opposite Floid and Kronos could only notice how unapologetic Floid looked. Floid kept them waiting for more than two hours but it didn't look like he cared at all. It was obvious that Floid would have kept them waiting for longer if he was busy and there was no way he would ever apologize about it.

The silence in the room stretched on for a while and Kronos wondered if Floid was waiting for them to talk first. Kronos finally took a step forward and he spoke up.

"We greet the demon lord. I and the other members of the undead council would appreciate an explanation for our presence here. We understand that Dulla acted out against the demons and she was seen as an enemy of the demon lord, but we have already explained to you that the undead were not aware of her actions in any form. We disown all of her actions and they are not related to us. So, why are we here?"

Floid put his left elbow on his armrest and rest his cheek on his fist as he stared at Kronos. Once Kronos finished his mini-speech, he waited for Floid to say anything. Kronos let his eyes wander from Rosavellt to Alucard and the rest of the household before they finally went back to Floid. Floid was still silent and Kronos wondered if he said something wrong. None of the household members looked angry. Since none of the members have attacked him, that means that he hasn't said anything wrong yet. But why is Floid so silent? Just say something.

Floid finally leaned back and spoke.

"1 million grams,"

Huh? Kronos was visibly confused as he looked back at his two council members. What the hell was Floid talking about? Did he want them to bring something to him? Floid continued without even noticing the confusion on their faces.

"As punishment for your invasion attempt, your people will no longer be exempted from taxes from this moment onwards. The undead that live in the underworld will be mandated to pay a total sum of One million grams of Mana stones every year in taxes,"


One of the council members shouted at the top of her lungs and she almost took a step forward, but the oppressive aura from every single household member there forced her to stop! The look on her face was livid! The council members couldn't believe that Floid would have the balls to do something like this!

Kronos was also shocked! He always knew that Floid would punish them for Dulla's mistake, but he never thought that Floid would take things this far! Isn't this too much!? He was trying to punish the entire underworld for the crimes of a single woman! And how in the world are they supposed to give him a million grams of Mana stones!? That means they are meant to give him more than ninety thousand grams a month! The entire underworld could only produce a two hundred thousand grams a month and if they gave him thirty percent of that, then they would lose a lot! What is Floid trying to do here!?

Floid was just staring down at them with boredom. He gave that woman that shouted before a very cold look and Kronos feared that Floid would try to kill her, but after a while, Floid looked away and turned back as Kronos spoke.

"Floid -"


Kronos stumbled as he felt an immense bloodlust hit him like a truck! Alucard and Rosavellt were the ones that released their bloodlust at the same time and Kronos realized that he shouldn't have used the demon lord's name without permission. Alucard spoke up coldly.

"Refrain from exhibiting your stupid tendencies in front of my lord, Kronos. If a mistake like this is made again, it will not be forgiven,"

Kronos put his hand up in a placating manner and the bloodlust was released so that he could breathe normally again. Kronos sighed in tiredness as he tried to organize himself properly again. This wasn't going how he wanted it to. He looked back at Floid and started again.

"My lord, I understand your anger regarding the actions of the rouge and I understand that there has to be a fitting punishment for her crimes. But do you not think this is unfair? The actions of one woman shouldn't be the deciding factor in how you punish an entire race! There are people in the underworld that don't even know who Dulla is! This decision could cripple our entire economy!"

After Kronos finished his rant, Floid was silent for a few more seconds. Floid really didn't want to respond at all but it seems that Kronos was a fool who didn't understand the concept of punishment.

"If that is your argument that I have never met a more foolish person in my life, Kronos,"

Kronos felt a little anger inside him because Floid called him foolish but Floid ignored it and continued.

​ "My predecessor once had a war with your race. A war where most of your kind should have been eradicated from the face of Rivalle. But due to unknown reasons, he decided that it would be better to let you live rather than destroy every last one of you. I accepted this fact after Rosavellt told me about it and I decided to let my predecessor's decision stand. But you fools do not learn. You not only allowed your fool of a prince into my kingdom to attack a member of my household, but you also sent in the fiance of the said fool to come here and threaten my people as well?"

Floid leaned forward with an annoyed expression on his face. Kronos didn't even think of speaking because he could sense that Floid was genuinely angry. Ever since Kronos saw Floid, Floid has never shown genuine anger before and Kronos now knew this was a very serious issue. The demon lord is planning to cripple them.

Floid continued in a louder voice

"You were once demons, but for some stupid reason, you decided to betray your own people and join the enemy. Don't you remember the punishment that demons give to traitors? Don't you think I am in my right to destroy all of you once and for all?"

Floid watched as Kronos took a step back and Floid knew that Kronos was finally understanding. This wasn't just about Dulla anymore. This was about everything they have done all this time. The undead have been a thorn in my side for far too long and it is time to pull them out. I won't allow these fools to keep doing whatever they want anymore. If they won't learn, then I would cut them down and watch them break.

"The land you live in is demon land, and I have every right to drive you out and take that land for myself. If I wish to do that, I can promise you that not a single one of you would be allowed to survive. I will wipe out every last one of you without remorse. But I won't do that because I believe your people will still prove useful to me. Instead, from now on, you shall pay taxes. A million grams of Mana stones a year."

Kronos couldn't accept it. He looked back at his council members and he could see the anger on their faces as well. They were already angry because of how the demon lord made them wait, but now they were only angrier because of his sudden declaration. Why would he try to punish all of them for the crimes of just one woman!? It didn't make any sense!

Kronos took in a deep breath and released it slowly. He had to be calm here or else he would lose his temper. I have to try and salvage this as much as possible.

"My lord, I understand your decision and we accept -"

"Kronos! What are you doing!?"

One of the council members suddenly shouted at Kronos from the back and Kronos turned and gave her the coldest stare he has ever given anyone in his life! Shut the fuck up and let me talk!!

The woman grit her teeth and moved back to allow Kronos to talk. She didn't think they should give Floid anything at all! Why should they pay taxes to this boy that doesn't even know anything yet? They needed those Mana stones far more than him!

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