How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 147 How To Save A Life

Katherine got to Floid's table and she was already walking toward Floid angrily, but before she could get any closer, Alucard stood in her way. She glared at Floid in anger! How dare a mere butler stand in my way!?

"Order him to move,"

Katherine commanded Floid to tell Alucard to move out of the way but Floid was in the middle of his meal and he didn't bother to even look at her. Katherine felt her anger growing even more when Floid ignored her! She shouted at him again and Floid released a silent sigh. He can't even eat in peace without a bitch screaming at him. Floid stopped eating and looked at her with a raised brow.

"Do I know you?"

Katherine snarled! This bastard!

"Where is my butler!? What did you stupid butler do to him!? If you think I won't have you arrested for this then you better get ready! I'm Katherine Shaw and I'll make sure your entire family rots in hell if you mess with me!"

Katherine was livid and angry because she didn't know what else to do. What the hell happened to her butler? It didn't make sense for him to suddenly disappear like that! The only thing that would make her butler not return by now was if he was dead. That means that Alucard killed her butler for no reason at all! All her butler did was bring a bottle of wine for Floid as a greeting and Alucard killed him!? What sort of madness is that!?

Katherine wasn't a demon and she didn't know that killing was common among demons. Demons didn't care about preserving life like humans. But to Katherine, it was very strange for her butler to be dead! She couldn't even imagine them killing her butler for something so small!

Katherine was about to scream at Floid again but what happened next shocked everyone in the restaurant into silence!


A heavy slap resounded across the room and Katherine's face shot to the side! Her left cheek was burning with pain and she could tell that it was already swelling! She looked up in shock and stared at Raven! What the hell are you doing?

Raven just arrived at the restaurant a few moments ago and he saw the commotion that was happening! He didn't intend to intervene at first, but he could not let this go on any longer. He waited for Katherine to stand up fully. His own bodyguard was already holding Katherine's butler in place so that the man wouldn't be able to interfere. Once Katherine stood up, she was about to speak!

"What the hell do you think you're -!!"


Another slap blasted into her cheek before she could speak! Raven took a deep breath as he grit his teeth in annoyance! This time, Katherine didn't dare to open her mouth again! Raven begged her inside of his mind to just shut the fuck up! Raven didn't want to do this, but he didn't have any choice. It wasn't until she finally shut up that he spoke to her.

"Pack up your things and leave,"

Katherine could feel tears coming to her eyes. She has never felt this sort of humiliation in her life! Who the hell does Raven think he is?? Do you know who I am?? Do you think I will just let this go!? Just because you run this hotel that doesn't give you the right to treat me like this!

Katherine was a very vindictive woman! She wouldn't rest until her enemies were destroyed and Raven has just become one of her enemies! She doesn't care if she has to tear this hotel down to get her revenge!

Raven was larger than her in Trad and he was also richer than her but Katherine didn't care! Money wasn't the only way to measure your riches in Trad! Katherine knew a lot of people and she had a lot of contacts that she can use to get revenge!

Raven noticed the intense anger in Katherine's eyes and he bent low and spoke to her in an angry tone.

"I am doing this for your own sake. So just pack your things and leave the hotel now. I'll send the bill to your father,"

Raven didn't care about how angry she was but Katherine needs to get out of here immediately!

Once Raven mentioned her father, Katherine stilled in shock and she grits her teeth as she turned and walked away from the scene. There weren't many things that Katherine feared in this world, but her father was one of them. She already suffered humiliation and her father would not be happy if she makes this matter any worse than it already is. She would have her revenge, but it would come later.

"Let's go!"

Katherine shouted at her butler and the man shrugged off the hands of Raven's bodyguards with a glare! He fixed his suit in anger and quickly made his way toward his mistress. Once they were gone, Raven turned to Floid with a shaky smile.

"I hope you weren't troubled by her. I apologize for any inconveniences,"

Floid gave Raven a blank stare as he took another bite from his stake. This sneaky bastard. Why did you save her life?

No one else in the restaurant saw it but there was a reason why Raven decided to interfere the way he did. When Katherine was threatening Floid, Alucard had pulled out a knife from a spatial space behind him and Raven knew that if he didn't step in at that time, Katherine would be dead right now. What Raven did was a gamble. He tried his best to appease Floid while also making sure that Katherine left this place with her life. Katherine didn't know how close she came to dying at that moment and if she did, she would be thanking Raven! There is no way that Katherine or her bodyguard will be able to fight against Alucard and hope to survive. It will only end with their death!

Only very high-ranking knights can use the [Spatial Space] spell because it is an SSS-class skill. In fact, Raven has never seen anyone below SSS-class that has that spell! That means that Alucard is at least SSS-class! And Raven didn't know how strong Floid was, but there is no way that Floid is weak!

A single spell from an SSS-class could level his entire hotel and Raven wasn't ready to gamble his livelihood on the chance!

Raven swallowed nervously when Floid didn't speak. Raven knew that what he did was a gamble. Was Floid angry that he interfered? Or was Floid appeased by how I handled it? Floid used his fork to point to the chair opposite him and he told Raven to take a seat. Raven blinked in surprise and he slowly sat down. He didn't expect Flood to suddenly invite him to sit down. Floid went back to eating and Raven sat down nervously as he waited for Floid to say something.

"You saved her life? Why?"

Raven smiled nervously when Floid said this. Raven was very uncomfortable with how Floid was talking. Floid was talking as if killing someone isn't a bad thing! He is saying it as if I am the strange one because I tried to save her! Shouldn't people look out for each other? It is wrong to just take a life like it is nothing!

"I don't have a reason for saving her. I just didn't need the unnecessary trouble in my hotel,"

Raven knew that if he said he saved her because it was the right thing to do then he might also be killed. Floid doesn't look like the sort of person who sees right and wrong in the same way that other people do. To him, killing might not even be a big deal at all!

Raven was right. If he had said anything about humanity or kindness, Floid would have gutted him there and then. Floid hated that pretentious nonsense that humans spouted when they are trying to be self-righteous. You saved her because you feel it was the right thing to do? Bullshit. Stop acting like you would have still saved her if you had something to gain from her death. Regardless of what humans think, they don't do any good deed for the sake of others. They only do good to satisfy their ego. They are simply trying to justify their selfishness by acting like charitable people.

When Floid spoke again, the question he asked caught Raven completely off guard.

"Do you know the king of Trad?"

Floid looked directly at Raven while cleaning his mouth with a cloth. Floid liked Raven's answer and that rose Raven a little higher than the rest of the sheep in this world. Raven was a cautious person and Raven was trying not to get on Floid's bad side right now so Floid decided to use Raven to learn more about the king. Floid could've learned about the king from anyone, but he would rather use someone like Raven since Floid could tolerate him. Right now, Raven was the only human that Floid hasn't thought of killing in the first two seconds of meeting him!

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