How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

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Around the time when the doll viewing with Lia and Lillia was ending.

Andras quietly stood up and began to speak.

"Ahem, now we will bring the gift we prepared."

Along with Andras, Alfred also stood up from his seat. The two of them left the room and returned dragging a large object covered in cloth.

The object was so big that it barely fit through the door, and curiosity appeared on everyone's faces.

Speranza, who just received her dolls, also looked at the cloth-covered gift.

"Andras and I worked hard to make this. We hope you like it, Speranza."

"Speranza, would you like to check it out for yourself?"


Nodding her head, Speranza ran towards the two of them.

Alfred handed her the edge of the cloth, and without hesitation, Speranza pulled it off.


What appeared was a modest-sized desk.

"A desk?"

"Yes. It seemed like the desk Speranza had been using was getting a little small. So, we decided to make a new one."

"When making this desk, we used a type of wood that's incredibly valuable."


At first glance, it didn't look any different from ordinary desks, but upon closer inspection, a unique aura could be felt.

Especially, the faint scent of wood emanating from the desk was unique. Just smelling the scent of wood was enough to feel calmer.

"We used timber from the forest owned by the Schnarpe Family. Its unique scent has a concentrating effect, so it's used for valuable furniture."

"I have one at home too. Everyone in our family uses that desk."

A hint of pride could be felt from Andras's explanation. Despite its ordinary appearance, it was indeed made from a very precious material.

"The scent is really nice."

"It is."

Ashmir and Urki showed interest in the desk. Their reaction was quite different from when they saw the doll gifts.

Speranza also seemed to like it, examining the desk here and there with a slightly flushed face.

"Speranza, why don't you have a seat?"

I took Speranza's hand and helped her sit in the desk chair. The desk seemed a bit big for Speranza, but considering her growth spurt, it seemed quite fitting.

Most importantly, it seemed like the star of the gift was really happy.



When she opened the drawer, it was filled with various writing tools, notebooks, and Speranza's favorite snacks.

Each compartment of the drawer was filled to the brim, looking like it would last until her next birthday.

"By the way, the gifts in the drawer were prepared by Ryan. He couldn't attend the party because he was busy, but he really hoped you'd like them."

Andras mentioned that the gifts inside the drawer were prepared by Ryan.

Hearing that, I felt a mix of gratitude and embarrassment.

I remembered when I dragged the busy Ryan here and there with Kaneff's vacation companion pass'.

Thank you, Ryan. I promise to pay you back for your kindness.

I conveyed my gratitude to Ryan in my heart.

"Speranza, do you like the desk?"

"I love the pleasant scent of the wood. I can't wait to read a book here."

Speranza gently brushed the surface of the desk with a delighted smile.

Andras and Alfred high-fived each other, celebrating their successful birthday gift.

Next, Ashmir and Urki approached Speranza with a small wooden box.

"This is a gift from the Angel realm."

"Happy birthday, Speranza."

Urki opened the small box and presented it to Speranza.

Inside the box was something that looked like pottery, similar to an instrument often referred to as an ocarina'.

Speranza tilted her head curiously as she peered into the box.

"What's this?"

"It's an instrument made from clay. It's also called a clay flute."

Ashmir personally placed the necklace attached to the clay flute around Speranza's neck.

"When you blow into this part, sound will flow out through the holes."

"Like this?"

Immediately, Speranza brought the clay flute to her lips.

-Squeak, squeak!

She blew as hard as she could, but only the sound of squeaking air escaped.

Disappointment clouded Speranza's face when the proper sound didn't come out.

Ashmir gently smiled and comforted Speranza.

"That's because you haven't learned how to play it properly yet. With a little training, you'll be able to produce beautiful sounds in no time."


"I'll teach you slowly."

I thought it would be a special gift since they said it was from the Angel realm.

While I was thinking to myself, Urki quietly approached and whispered to me.

"Senior Sihyeon, that's not just a simple clay flute gift."


"Giving an instrument to a child in the Angel race signifies a promise to protect the child until they grow up."


"Yes. The act of gifting an instrument also carries the promise that if the child plays the instrument when they need help, Angels will come to find them, no matter where they are."


I had no idea such an important meaning was embedded in it.

I never expected such a significant meaning in what seemed to be a simple instrument gift.

Staring blankly, Urki whispered to me again.

"Don't feel too burdened. We came here wanting to help you. We thought that keeping Speranza safe would be the best way to help."

Not knowing how to respond, I scratched my head for a moment before replying awkwardly.

"Um thank you."

"Not at all."

Despite my brief expression of gratitude, Urki responded with a bright smile.

Around the time Speranza began to produce decent sounds with the clay flute with Ashmir's help, I took out the gifts that I had received from Elden village one by one.

One was from Locus and Kroc.

Another was a gift prepared by Terzan.

First, I gave Speranza the birthday present from Locus and Kroc.

What was in the wrapped box was a small music box.

When the top of the music box was opened and the switch was turned on, beautiful music flowed out, and the paper dolls in the center rose and danced to the music.

It was such a detailed and cute gift that it was hard to believe that Locus and Kroc had prepared it.

Speranza enjoyed the music of the music box over and over again, seemingly fascinated by it.

Next was the turn of the gift prepared by Terzan.

I put the gift wrapped in thick white wrapping paper on the table.

As I was about to unwrap the gift, which I was personally most curious about, Andras quickly intervened.

"Sihyeon, wait a moment."


"The contents might be dangerous, so it would be better to open it more carefully."

Kaneff agreed with him.

"Andras is right. She's such a unique thinker that we don't know what she might have put in there."

"But it's a gift for Speranza. I'm sure Sister Terzan prepared it thoughtfully."

Despite Lia's words, Kaneff firmly shook his head.

Suddenly, in a situation where Terzan's gift was treated as a hazardous item, someone's murmur came from a corner.

"It's not dangerous"

"Huh! Terzan."

"Sister Terzan."

"Hmm, hmm!"

Terzan was holding a food plate and making a sullen expression. As I hadn't noticed her presence either, I asked in a slightly trembling voice.

"Ter, Terzan. When did you arrive?"

"A little while ago I was quietly eating because I was hungry."

As she said, there were traces of a meal on the food plate.

"If you're worried about the gift, I can just take it.

"No, Terzan. Please don't."

"That's right, Sister. Mr. Kaneff and Andras are just speaking without knowing anything."

With that, Lia sent a cold glance towards the two men. Kaneff and Andras shuddered and quickly averted their eyes.

"Is this my gift?"

Speranza, who had approached unnoticed, poked the wrapped gift and asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Can I open it now?"

"Do as you wish, Speranza. It's a gift brought for you."

Upon hearing that, Speranza immediately began to unwrap the gift. Because it was so tightly wrapped, Lia and I had to help her.


The tightly tied part was finally released, revealing the content. Inside the wrapping paper was a fruit the size of a melon with a blue skin.

And a very sweet fragrance spread from around the fruit.

The fragrance was so sweet that just by smelling it, one could taste the sweetness in their mouth.

"Huh! What's that?!"

"Andras, do you know what this is?"

"I'm not certain, but could it possibly be the Fruit of Life'?"

Andras asked in a trembling voice. Contrary to his unusual reaction, Terzan nonchalantly nodded her head.

"Yes, that's right. I just picked it yesterday."

"I can't believe it. It's really the Fruit of Life"

"Andras, what is Fruit of Life? Don't just be surprised on your own, give us a proper explanation."

After regaining his scattered breath for a moment, Andras smoothly began to explain about the Fruit of Life.

"There are a few forbidden places in the demon world that are not easily accessible, among them is a swamp filled with deadly toxins. It's a place where one's life can be in danger just by getting close."

"Is it like the Forest of Silence' we went to before?"

"That's correct. The fruit grows in that swamp over a very, very long period of time, absorbing the surrounding toxins, and that is the Fruit of Life.'"

Upon hearing the phrase "absorbing toxins," I scrunched up my face.

"Doesn't that make it dangerous?"

"On the contrary. The Fruit of Life' has the ability to purify even the most potent of poisons. It is potent to the extent of being described as a cure-all in some records."

Unable to hide his excitement, Andras looked at the fruit on top of the wrapping paper with a completely changed gaze.

After hearing the explanation, I felt somewhat extraordinary about it

"Terzan, are you sure it's okay to give us such a precious thing?"

"It's a fruit that can't be stored for a long time, so there's no use in saving it. And"

Terzan made a short smacking sound with her tongue, seemingly savoring the taste.

"That thing is incredibly delicious."

CH 388-397 (Happy Birthday my dear daughter) $2CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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