How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 17: Movie Theatre Event

Chapter 17: Movie Theatre Event


We should stop here for today. You guys both worked very hard.

I fell back on my back as soon as the tutoring ended, and took a glimpse at Tetsuya.

During the entire break time he wanted to hear a compliment about his shorter hair, so I should say something that would get me points with Miyuki too.

Its good that you got rid of that stuffy hair.

Tetsuya scratched the back of head as if he was embarassed.

This was the first time I cut it short since I was a kid, so I am not used to it yet.

Ill give you a tip, since you know nothing.

Well even if you try it itll end up being flimsy anyways

Put gel on the side of your hair.

Ah, should I? Can you reccomened me a brand?

Ones without gloss. Get the ones that last a long time.

Ill try it.


Can I use the bathroom?

You can go do it at the subway station bathroom.

You dont even have to ask. Just go use it.


After looking at Tetsuya get up and head to the bathroom, I helped Miyuki put the books in her bag.

Thanks, Matsuda-kun.

I am helping him so he disappears faster.

I know thats a lie. But Matsuda-kun. Why were you staring at your phone during break time?

Cant I do it?

Its not that you cant I was curious because you werent acting like you normally do.

So you were constantly looking at what I do?


Im gonna buy a car. So that I can ride it when school starts again.

Its because I want to drive to school while touching your breasts and thighs.

We also have to travel. Without Tetsuya ofcourse.

She blinked with her large eyes and laughed awkwardly.

She acted as if she was surprised that I said I was going to purchase an expensive car like it was nothing.

This is one of the charms of wealth.

But if I only flaunt my wealth, Miyuki would think Im just an unsightly guy who likes to spend money.

So its good to show off naturally.

Ah A car?

Are you gonna nag me again? Theres no rule against driving to school.

I-I wasnt gonna nag However Matsuda-kun, do you have a liscense?

Yeah. But Ive never used it.

When did you get it?

Before I enrolled in the academy, I made some time and got it.

Is that so

After putting the rest of Miyukis books in the bag, I looked towards the bathroom.

Tetsuya hasnt come out in a while.

If he doesnt turn on the vents Im gonna kill him.

Now that I looked at the calander, it was approaching August.

That means, its about time to begin preparing for an event.

To start this event, there was a prerequisite.

You needed to go on a date with Miyuki.

Two days after taking the picture, Miyuki should have had a positive change in her heart.

Yesterday, she sent the first message, and we happily conversed for a long time Lets try it.

Yo, Hanazawa.


Its boring teaching me all the time right?

Its not boring. Why?

Well I just feel kinda bad.

The corners of Miyukis mouth rose up slightly.

I think Im seeing a lot of new sides from Matsuda-kun recently? Im really fine. Its fun teaching because Matsuda-kun has been following along very well.

Is that so?

Yeah. So you dont have to worry. If you are really sorry, do you want to buy me some ice cream tommorow?

Ice cream? Do you have a flavour you wanna try?

Any flavour is fine with me.

Her elegent smile is too charming.

She seems like a noble lady. I want her to be mine already.

In that case, lets watch a movie after tommorows tutoring and we can get ice cream afterwards.

Movie? Im fine with it Ill ask Tetsuya-k

What are you talking about Im saying just the two of us should go.


Miyukis mouth opened slightly from shock.

She just blankly stared at me. She must have been extremely surprised.

I smiled at her as I spoke.

Theres a theatre close to your neighbourhood. Ill head there. After the tutoring session, just go home and rest. 8PM is good right?

Huh? Eight OClock? Its alright

So that Miyuki couldnt speak anymore, I pushed the bag towards her.

She put on the bag with an astonished look on her face.

I got up and headed towards the shower.

Then thats that. Thanks for teaching me today, and Im gonna shower so go home with Tetsuya when he gets out.



Miyuki, who was putting her face in her pillow, took a deep breath in and turned around.

Maybe it was similar to a large rock falling into calm waters and making large waves?

Recently, because of Matsuda, she felt very weird.

Watching a movie? Tommorow? Just the two of us?

Is perhaps he asking me out on a date?

He didnt seem like he was taking it too seriously, so it didnt really feel like she was being asked out on a date.

But then why did he specifically say just the two of us?

Since it was the first time she recieved such a request, it was hard to figure out his intentions, especially since Matsuda spoke as if he was informing her of the event instead of asking.

When she thought of it like that, she got a little angry.

I mean Couldnt you have asked it in a nicer way?

Miyuki muttered to herself as she picked up her phone.

She opened the texting app, but stopped herself from texting Matsuda.

She had no idea what to send.

Just what did you mean earlier? felt a little embarassing to ask.

But if she didnt just say it directly, the idiot Matsuda wont understand what she means

She wondered on what to do for a while, then ended up sending a random meaningless message.

[Its hot]

Even after 30 seconds, her phone was still quiet.

Miyuki stared at her blackened screen, feeling a little disappointed,


Matsuda sent a reply.

[Im cold.]

A little provokative. But it fits the person named Matsuda perfectly.

She let out a small laugh at the concise text, and tapped on her phone keyboard.

[If you sleep with the AC on you might get a cold.]

[Its ok because I have a thick blanket. What are you doing rn?]

[Im just at home. Did you pick a car yet?]

[Im still looking, but Im not sure on which car to buy. Lets look at it together before the movie.]

Now that the topic of the movie came up, should she just ask?

No. Matsuda might find it burdensome, so It might be just better to let it go.

[Alright. But what movie are we gonna watch?]

[A fun one.]

[So you havent picked yet huh?]

[We just have to pick now. Do you have a genre you like?]

[I dont have one in particular. So Ill leave it to Matsuda-kun. Did you practice what we learnt today?]

[Im going to sleep.]

Looking at how hes dodging the question, he must not have practiced.

If he gets a low score on tomorrows pop quiz, shell have to discipline him in that tone he doesnt like.

[Before I started teaching you, you said you would try hard Matsuda-kun. Go practice.]

[Just let me be for today. Why are you so cruel?]

[Its all for you, Matsuda-kun.]

[Dont you have to have days where you rest?]

[Didnt you rest during the weekend?]

[ Do I really have to practice?]

If she told him to, he probably would go do it.

She wanted to tell him to practice as a punishment for making her all confused But shell let him go for today.

[You dont have to. Just focus tommorow.]

[You keep toying with me recently, and I cant take it anymore. Come to that playground. Lets fight.]

[Sure. Im always ready, so call me when you get there.]

Miyuki spent a long time joking around with Matsuda.

Even when they talked about random things, it was fun when it was with Matsuda.

The time flew by really quickly. It made her feel disappointed.

She finished conversing with him, and looked at the small star stickers on the ceiling.

Even though she put them up with Tetsuya as a kid, they still showed no signs of beginning to fall off.

In that moment, Miyuki wondered what if Tetsuyas personality was like Matsudas, someone without a brake.

Tetsuya saying lets go watch a movie like it was already a done deal Doesnt fit him in the slightest.

What if Matsuda was innocent like Tetsuya?

Also doesnt fit at all.

If you think about it that way, they were both polar opposites.

Even though they should have been like water and oil, seeing them get closer made her happy.

It must be all because Matsuda is being sincere.

Just like how she is gradually changing her opinon of him, Tetsuya must be doing the same.

Slowly getting past all their past troubles, she hoped that they would get even closer in the future.

While thinking of a bright future, she was reminded of what happened yesterday, and opened her gallery.

The picture she most recently took with Matsuda was right there.

She touched the picture to zoom in, and stared at Matsudas face.


It wasnt a joke. He was really good looking.

Matsudas thick lips were slightly raised.

As if it was the best picture of his life, his face seemed to glow.

If he knew how to make that kind of face, why does he normally go around with a frown on his face

Miyuki involutarily twitched her lips as she swiped to the next picture.

Then the picture she took with Tetsuya at the barbershop appeared.

Maybe not as much as Matsuda, but he was still pretty cool.

However, just as she thought before, his old hairstyle was better.

When she quickly looked over at her pictures, other than the few pictures with her female friends, it was all picture with Tetsuya.

They took this many pictures together.

Next time, she wondered if she should take a picture with all three of them.


Miyuki, who was silently looking at old pictures, felt her eyes beginning to close.

The only sound in the room was of her fan.

Listening to that sound, Miyuki fell asleep.


Miyuki, do you want to go to the arcade before we go home?

Tommorow afternoon, Tetsuya asked Miyuki after the tutoring session.

She looked at the clock, then at me, before replying.

Then maybe well play for an hour and go home?

She was thinking about the time of our date.

Looking at them, Miyuki must not have told him that we were watching a movie together.

Miyuki and Tetsuya have no secrets between each other.

However, as of recent, they have been hiding more and more secrets.

For example, like what I did at the festival

If it was the same as before, Miyuki would tell Tetsuya what happened, and they would have tried to figure out what I meant together.

But she didnt.

Even now, she hid the movie date she had with me.

It was proof that we were passing the boundary of being just normal friends.

Due to a lack of relationship experience, she hasnt realized it yet, but soon after the school starts, she will know for sure.

Then Im gonna get going, Matsuda-kun.

Miyukis awkward good bye.

I smiled at her and spoke.

Alright, see you. Miura, you take care too.

I sent the two of them away and got back inside.

I was going to shower, but there was a vibration coming from my pocket.

I couldnt hide my smile after checking my phone.

It was because of the message Miyuki sent.

[I wont be late. Dont worry.]

She must have sent it in a hurry. I trusted you anyways

Our Miyuki has such a beautiful heart.



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