How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 193: Heroes

Chapter 193: Heroes

"Please, come in."

The soft, formal words hung in the air as Riley Hell stepped into the room.

The gentle glow of fairy lights cast a warm yet surreal ambiance across the pristine, white walls, making the room feel more like a dream than a place of inquiry.

At the center of the vast space stood a massive circular table, around which the academy's most influential figures sat, their eyes trained on the young man who had just entered.

Riley, with his golden hair and piercing blue eyes, seemed unfazed as he scanned the room.

His gaze moved smoothly from one face to another, his expression calm, but there was a weight to his presence that couldn't be ignored.

This wasn't the first time the academic heads called in the students involved for questioning about the recent incident-the Veil of Darkness that had unfolded in the square-but this was different.

This time, all the academy heads themselves had convened.

He was no ordinary student objectively and subjectively in front of the academy's eyes, and everyone in the room knew it.

The silence that followed his entrance was heavy, thick with unsaid words and barely contained tension.

The high-ranking officials, normally poised and composed, wore disturbed, almost wary expressions.

Their discomfort was palpable, and their hidden emotions played out on their faces- nervousness, worry, and even a flicker of fear.

Though they were skilled at hiding their true feelings, it was impossible to mask them entirely under such scrutiny.

Riley's appearance only added to their unease.

He bore the physical signs of intense battle. Small bruises peppered his skin, and the faint traces of mana depletion clung to him like an invisible fog.

The dark bags under his eyes were clear evidence of the toll the recent events had taken, not just physically but mentally.

His once vibrant energy was now drained, leaving him looking worn out, almost fragile.

But the most striking feature of all was his eyes.

Those who looked into them couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had changed in the young man standing before them.

They were the eyes of someone who had seen things they were never meant to see-eyes that had stared directly into the abyss and survived.

They held the kind of depth and weariness that only came from experiencing death, not just witnessing it, but living through it, over and over again.

A murmur passed between the academy heads.

Some leaned in to whisper to one another, while others exchanged cautious glances.

It was clear that Riley's testimony was crucial, but the sight of him in such a state unnerved them.

It was clear that Riley wasn't directly or fatally harmed, but that was only the surface of the situation.

Beneath the composed expressions of the academy heads, one collective thought ran through their minds like a poison.

"They were all fucked...!'

Every official, each noble and high-ranking merchant with vested interests in the academy, shared that same grim realization.

They were supposed to maintain control, to handle things with subtlety and care, especially when it came to someone like Riley Hell.

But now, everything felt like it was slipping through their fingers.

Their concern wasn't just about the incident in the square or the recent attack, though those were monumental enough.

No, the real issue was Riley's connections.

Through him, they were directly tied to the Duke, which, in turn, connected them to the Emperor himself.

It was a fragile web of political alliances and powerful influences, and one wrong move could unravel it all.

The weight of that realization made cold sweat bead on the backs of even the most experienced administrators.

As they sat in silence, assessing the situation, the reality of what was to come settled in.

Explanations would need to be crafted-carefully worded and subtly spun to nobles, merchants, and those with interests far above their own.

But fixing this mess?

That was a different matter entirely.

How could they even begin to contain the potential fallout of an event tied so closely to someone like Riley?

Gradually, their gazes shifted.

One by one, their eyes turned toward the only person they felt they could trust in such a precarious situation.

It wasn't out of confidence or admiration that they looked to her, but out of necessity.

Pity even flickered in their glances as they knew the burden that would fall on her shoulders- the consequences, the political backlash, the sleepless nights that would follow.

Sitting at the head of the table, directly across from Riley, was Principal Leilah, the

headmistress of the academy.

Her presence was commanding, but today there was an unusual intensity in the room directed

toward her.

Leilah met their gazes with a quiet calm. Her eyes possessed the same concern, the same dread that the others felt deep down, but unlike them, she masked it perfectly.

There was no visible trace of worry.

"I've read the initial investigation files, as well as a few things I've heard and seen myself" Principal Leilah began, her voice steady but tinged with a subtle gravity. "It seems the recent incident put you into quite the unexpected ordeal. I know the night hasn't probably ended for you just yet, and you may need more rest than anyone here, but certain obligations must be fulfilled before we can offer you that opportunity. On behalf of the academy's security shortcomings, I apologize for the trouble caused."

Her words were carefully chosen, each syllable conveying both authority and a sense of responsibility.

"It's fine," Riley replied, his voice measured. "The incident wasn't something anyone could

have predicted."

Principal Leilah nodded, her calm gaze not wavering for a second.

"It's good that you understand the situation with an open mind. I've heard from one of your fellow students, as well as parts of the testimonies from random witnesses, that you played a significant role in ensuring the safety of the citizens caught up in the chaos."

Riley raised a brow, his curiosity piqued.

He had expected a round of standard questioning, perhaps a brief debriefing, much like what Lucas had described to him earlier.

But this conversation felt different, more deliberate, as if it was veering off course from the

usual protocol.

Under normal circumstances, Riley's presence in this room shouldn't have been approved, nor

even entertained.

After all, most of the information regarding the incident had already been covered by Rose Brilliance, the main student involved.

Her testimony, given directly to Principal Leilah after the black veil was broken, had laid bare

the truth of what had transpired.

They all knew that the catalyst for this chaos was none other than Dorothy Gale, the former

student council president.

But despite this, Riley was still here.

Principal Leilah herself had been the one to question Rose, and by all means, that should have

been the end of it.

The academy had gathered all the facts they needed to file the incident away.

Yet here they were, with Riley at the center of the conversation. His inclusion in this discussion wasn't about protocol-it was about survival, for both him and the academy. Leilah's own selfish desires, coupled with the growing unease among the academic staff, had led them to one conclusion: they needed to make sure where Riley stood in all of this.

His opinion might be the linchpin that could either stabilize the academy or send it spiraling

into chaos.

The very life of the academy was teetering on the edge of a cliff, and this incident, though seemingly contained, could very well push them over that edge.

No lives had been lost, but the damages?

The assurances that the academy was a place of safety?

Those were harder to repair.

The incident had already begun to spread, and they could feel the weight of it pressing down

on them by the seconds calls and questions needed answering.

Two semesters alone had brought more turmoil than the academy had seen in years, and this latest event threatened to undo everything they had worked to protect.

If Riley's testimony didn't align with theirs or worse, if he chose to reveal something they weren't prepared for-it could shatter what fragile peace remained.

The academy's reputation, already bruised from previous scandals, could not afford another

blow like this.

The delicate balance of power and prestige they had built over decades was now being held in the hands of a single student, and they knew it.

That was why a distraction was desperately needed-one that Principal Leilah, along with the

other academic staff, could use to shift the narrative from a disaster into something more


They needed to spin the failure into a success, to shine a light on the silver lining despite the

damage done.

If they could frame the incident in a way that focused on heroism and bravery, the academy's

tarnished reputation might just be salvaged.

Right now, they needed a 'HERO'.

Someone who could serve as a beacon, a symbol to redirect public attention away from the academy's shortcomings and toward a brighter narrative.

A figure who could mask the flaws and failures, presenting a story of triumph over adversity.

And Riley Hell, standing before them, was the perfect candidate to take that part... not only

did it provide distraction but it also improved whatever news was to spread towards the duke and the emperor through Riley.

Riley, Rose, Lucas, it was a shared reward among the three key players involved, as well as honorary mentions towards those who helped out greatly to ensure public safety.

...... Please take it positively child'

Principal Leilah knew this all too well.

She couldn't afford another scandal.


The academy itself couldn't afford another scandal.

The weight of their collective mistakes and the lingering scandals from past semesters had

left them vulnerable.

But with a stroke of luck-and a little manipulation-she could turn this situation around. or

at least somewhat lessen the burden they had to face.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

They just needed Riley to play his part.

"For everyone's bravery, especially the three key players who helped eliminate the threat and ensured the safety of the academy in their own unique ways, a reward is only right, no?" Leilah's voice was calm, measured, though Riley could sense the hidden urgency beneath her

words. "Riley Hell, how does the title of hero sound to you?" The question hung in the air, heavy with expectation. Everyone's eyes were on him, waiting for his response.

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