How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 197: Treasury...

Chapter 197: Treasury...

[Chronos Hall]

[Underground Section]


Deep within the bowels of the most prestigious building on campus, Chronos Hall, lies the academy's most coveted and well-guarded treasures.

This place, often referred to as the "Golden Gates" by those in the know, is no mere storage


It is the treasury of the academy, a vault housing centuries of priceless artifacts, relics, and masterpieces-each with a story, each holding immense power.

The items range from the extraordinarily rare and legendary to the more common and mundane.

But even the most unassuming artifact within this vault carries its own purpose, value, and potential.

Here, treasures aren't just physical wealth-they are the legacy of magical history, storing the knowledge and achievements of past prodigies who shaped the very core of the academy's influence.

Access to this hallowed chamber is incredibly restricted.

Only the president and vice president of the student council have permission to enter, and even then, it is under the direct consent of the principal.

Not even the academic heads or the deans of the various schools are granted entry, unless under exceptional circumstances.

In the game, this vault played a critical role in the story.

It was here that Lucas, the protagonist, acquired one of the most powerful weapons in existence-the legendary Sword of Light, an artifact said to only be wielded by heroes destined to shape the world's future.

This weapon was vital for the third act of the game, giving players the option to breeze through difficult challenges and bosses with ease.

Though it wasn't mandatory to obtain the Sword of Light early in the story, its significance grew as time progressed.

Eventually, when Lucas found himself in a dire situation against a particularly powerful demon boss, the sword would awaken on its own, responding to his need and coming into his possession.

It was one of those legendary moments where the protagonist's fate intertwined with the ancient powers, unlocking new potential and altering the course of the narrative.

In the game, it always felt like a bit of an asspull when Lucas suddenly got his hands on the Holy Sword in that crucial moment.

He was clearly on the verge of death, facing insurmountable odds, and then boom-there it was, shining in all its divine glory, ready to save the day.

But I guess that's just the perk of being the main protagonist, right?

Even with all the flaws in that scene, I can't deny how hyped I was at the time.

It was one of those classic moments: the hero, beaten down and about to fall, suddenly powers up at the last second. Who doesn't love that?

There were three legendary-ranked items in the game's treasury, each catering to different builds and playstyles.

Depending on how you designed your character, it was pretty much essential to go for the weapon that best suited your style if you wanted to maximize your efficiency.

[The Holy Sword of Light] [Rank: Legendary]

[Moonlit Spear] [Rank: Legendary]

[Gravule Axe] [Rank: Legendary]

Each weapon was insanely powerful in its own right.

The Holy Sword of Light was the most iconic, designed for those who leaned into a balanced offense with divine abilities, while the Moonlit Spear catered to high-speed attackers, and the Gravule Axe was a powerhouse for pure brute strength and surprisingly good for amplifying spell attacks as well.

But as tempting as those legendary weapons were, they weren't what I was here for.

"Sorry for being late..."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Snow and I had been staring at the grand door of the vault in awe when a hurried voice broke the silence.

Turning around, we saw Professor Amelia Grace approaching us, slightly out of breath.

She had clearly rushed to meet us, her eyes scanning the two of us with a hint of worry.

"Certain matters needed my attention, you see"

"It's alright, Professor Amelia. We just arrived as well"

Professor Amelia Grace, the principal's secretary and also her granddaughter, was a woman of importance.

Although I had met her before in passing, this was technically the first time I had gotten a good, long look at her.

She had an air of authority about her, tempered with elegance, which wasn't surprising considering her lineage.

Professor Amelia wasn't a major character in the grand narrative of the game, but she played a key role in the mechanics, particularly when it came to the treasures in the Chronos Hall.

She was like a walking encyclopedia, the kind of NPC designed to offer guidance on which legendary items to choose from the treasury.

Her vast knowledge about every relic housed within the vault made her an integral part of this



I didn't really need her advice.

After countless hours playing the game, I know almost every important item in there like the back of my hand.

I could have easily turned down the principal's request to have her guide us, but that would have made me look suspicious-better to play along for now.

After a brief exchange of words between Snow and Professor Amelia, she stepped forward, her hand resting on the intricate door to the treasury.


With a soft incantation, the massive door began to shift and unravel like the pieces of a giant, deconstructed Rubik's cube.

Mechanisms clicked and whirred as rails of bluish-white mana illuminated the edges of the entrance, casting an ethereal glow in the dim underground hallway.

Slowly, the door opened, and we were greeted by the golden brilliance beyond.

The entire room was overflowing with gold.

Every corner, every shelf gleamed with treasure-enough wealth to fund a small kingdom.

It surprised me; I had assumed the academy was facing some financial strain, especially with the ongoing reconstruction of the city square after the recent destruction.

Yet, here they were, hoarding wealth beyond belief.

Still, I knew this gold wouldn't last forever, especially with the academy's increasing


"Shall we go inside?" Professor Amelia said with a hint of pride in her voice, gesturing for us

to follow.

As we stepped past the threshold, I couldn't help but feel the weight of history and power in

the air.


"From the top corners to the right, to the lower ends on the left-everything here consists of every known metallic compound the great sage and alchemist Joseph ever created. Well, at least variations of them. While we do have the originals, the principal tends to use them for

As we continued walking deeper into the treasury, Professor Amelia couldn't stop explaining every little detail about the treasures and relics we passed.

She muttered tidbits of knowledge with each display, like she was reciting a well-rehearsed


While her constant chatter was starting to get a bit annoying, I couldn't deny that some of it

was interesting.

More importantly, it served as a reminder-refreshing my memory on the game's lore that I

had long since forgotten.

Most of the trivial stuff didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, but it added flavor to this


'This place is massive...'

We had been walking for almost 20 minutes, and yet we still hadn't reached the deepest section of the vault-the Weapons and Equipment Hall.

That was where the real prizes lay, where the legendary relics were stored, and what I was

here for.

As I glanced around the vast room, I noticed a few useful items on display: grappling hooks, mana sonars, mana bombs.

It was like a treasure trove for adventurers, stocked with tools that could aid in various quests.

Even the more mundane objects had an air of importance, and I could see how they could be helpful in different situations.

"This place... It reminds me of my own treasury back in the imperial palace," Snow mumbled casually, her voice soft yet carrying a hint of nostalgia.

I glanced at her, surprised. I knew she came from imperial royalty, but I hadn't realized just

how much wealth and power her family held.

'Just how personally rich is she?' Comparing the academy's treasury to her personal palace vault was... telling.

Still, I kept quiet, letting her walk in front of me as she absentmindedly ran her fingers along

the displays, her thoughts seemingly elsewhere.

"Riley, do you want something like this as well?" Snow asked, her tone playful as she gestured around the entire place.

"Huh? No, not exactly," I replied, not quite sure what she was implying.

"I see... Well, I guess something as small as this couldn't possibly suffice if we're going to

make a lot of chil-"

"Hoho- we're here, you two!" Professor Amelia cut off Snow's words with an enthusiastic voice, saving me from whatever embarrassing comment she was about to make. Amelia opened her arms wide, gesturing toward a collection of relics and treasures encased in glass boxes, each surrounded by a faint glow of protective magic. "Remember, you two can only take one item, okay? And anything of unique grade or above is restricted," Amelia added, her tone suddenly much more serious. "Your fellow hero student, Lucas, also came here for his reward yesterday, and... well, let's just say he made a few accidents. So, don't touch anything without my permission, got it? And especially don't open

or even come close to any item, even if it feels like the item is calling you."

Her words caught my attention.

It was clear that Lucas had already claimed his prize-the Holy Sword.

I could tell just from Amelia's frustrated expression that Lucas's visit hadn't exactly gone


The Holy Sword was destined to be his, sure, but it seemed like Lucas had made his claim a little more dramatically than necessary.

Based on what Amelia was saying, he must have accidentally awakened the sword or triggered

some sort of event.

'Typical Lucas.'

Even though the sword had chosen him, it would still take time before he could unlock its true


Until then, it was just another powerful weapon, waiting for the right moment to shine.

Snow, meanwhile, seemed to be lost in her own world, glancing at the relics with the casual interest of someone used to such grand displays.

"I'll keep your word in mind, Professor..." I said, while giving a polite nod as I glanced over at


Snow wasn't one of the three Heroes of Light, the academy's flashy poster children for public

goodwill and their 'chosen protectors,' so technically, she wasn't supposed to be taking

anything from this treasury either.

However, given the sheer amount of gold she personally sponsored to help rebuild the clock

tower, I guess the academy decided to bend the rules and give her a reward.

After all, not many students could single-handedly cover such massive expenses like she did. Rose, on the other hand, had been offered a similar reward, but she flat-out refused.

Being one of the designated three heroes, she could have taken any treasure she wanted, but all she asked for was to solidify our status as heroes, nothing more.

It made sense-Rose wasn't interested in wealth or power in the first place. "Then it's okay if that's the case. Now, let's hurry up and choose, shall we? Hehehe, everything here is top-grade, crafted by the world's most renowned master craftsmen. Did you know that-"

As Professor Amelia closed her eyes and launched into yet another explanation, this time

detailing the origins of the treasures, I only half-listened, letting her voice fade into the


Snow, too, seemed mildly disinterested, her eyes casually scanning the room. Amelia loved to talk, and while I usually didn't mind learning a bit of trivia, we were here for a

very specific purpose, and I didn't have time to be distracted.

There were hundreds-no, thousands of items encased in protective boxes, each one brimming with mana and ancient magic.

If you weren't careful, the overwhelming aura of this place could knock you off balance.

It was like walking through a vault that housed the history of every great civilization, each artifact with a story, a legacy, and immense power. But, as impressive as it all was, my focus was on one thing.

I scanned the rows of relics, passing by armor gleaming with centuries-old enchantments,

weapons that looked like they could split the sky, and trinkets that held forgotten magics.

Each item was alluring in its own way, calling out for attention, but none of them were what I

sought. My eyes drifted over objects that would make any other adventurer drool-legendary swords, mystical staffs, alchemical tools of unfathomable complexity-but I remained focused.

And then, I saw it.

Tucked away in the corner, almost hidden from view, was the item I'd come for.

Its unique appearance made it stand out, even among the most powerful relics in the treasury.

It wasn't large or flashy like some of the other items, but it didn't need to be.

I knew exactly what it was and what it could do.

Walking past Professor Amelia as she continued her endless chatter, I ignored most of her

detailed explanations, my focus elsewhere.

I had already set my sights on something specific, something tucked away in a corner that most people would overlook.

As I approached the glass box, it gleamed under the treasury's soft, magical lighting—a necklace suspended within, delicate yet emanating an ancient power that was palpable even from a distance.

"Professor," I called out, my voice calm but firm, "I want this item."

My words snapped her attention back to reality.

For a moment, she stood there, stunned, as though she hadn't expected me to decide so


She blinked, her surprise evident, before hurrying over to where I stood.

"You're done already?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and disbelief.

As her eyes settled on the necklace inside the glass, her expression shifted to one of genuine


"T-This... Are you sure about this? This item is-"

"I know exactly what it is," I interrupted, my gaze still fixed on the necklace. "It's alright if I

take it, right?"

Her eyes searched mine, clearly troubled, but after a brief hesitation, she nodded. "If you're

certain... Yes, it's allowed. But just so you know, this item isn't really that incredible you know it's more of a memento for the academy's founder that should be obvious from the design alone, right? Many would hesitate before choosing something like this, are you sure you want

this?" "Yes"

She fumbled for a moment with the lock on the glass, her fingers shaking slightly.

There was a hint of reluctance in her movements, like she wasn't sure if she should be unlocking this particular treasure.

Still, she pressed on, and with a soft click, the glass case slowly opened.

As it did, a faint pulse of energy filled the air, as if the item itself was reacting to being freed

from its containment.

The moment the glass lifted, I felt a deep resonance, a vibration that connected with the two

earrings I wore.

The energy of the necklace and the earrings intertwined, harmonizing in a way that sent a

subtle but undeniable thrill through me. This was no ordinary artifact. [Unique Item: Heart of Chronos]

A small smile played on my lips as I gazed at the necklace, its intricate design shimmering

with ancient magic.

The fact that it's spewing out ancient celestial magic texts that only I could see, feel and hear proved it's the real thing.

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