How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 209: 1st year End

Chapter 209: 1st year End

"To all the students within the academy, I can't express how immensely proud I am to see all of you here today. Although today marks the end of a year for your time here, please-"

The principal's voice echoed through the gymnasium, his words full of pride and encouragement, but I wasn't exactly paying attention.

It was early morning, the academy grounds blanketed in a fresh layer of snow, signaling that the semester was truly coming to a close.

I let the principal's speech drift past my ears, my thoughts wandering as I glanced at the students around me.

Some were visibly emotional, wiping away tears as if this was one of their final moment of their lives here.

A soft sigh escaped me.

'They're being way too dramatic...'

The school year had just ended.

It wasn't even graduation yet....

The chances of graduation are slim to begin with.

Since the vacation ceremonies were held separately for each year, there weren't any seniors present—it was just the first-year students gathered in the vast gymnasium.

The sheer number of people packed into one space still managed to surprise me, despite knowing how large the academy was.

Students from all departments, specializations, and unique disciplines stood together, a sea of faces all dressed in the academy's winter uniform.

It felt like we were part of a massive battalion, trained and primed for some great, magical endeavor. In a way, that wasn't too far off.

The ceremony wasn't all that different from the one held at the end of the semester break or even the grand opening, with all the students gathered and listening to the principal's speech. But this time, something caught my attention-something I hadn't fully noticed before. 'Elves, dwarves, beastmen...'

I had completely forgotten that other races were also studying at the academy.

It's easy to lose sight of that fact when you're mainly surrounded by humans in combat-based and specialized courses.

The departments I was a part of hardly ever had students from other races, so their presence wasn't always obvious.

Sure, I'd seen a few beastmen and even an elf or two in passing, particularly in the magic department classrooms, but they were mostly seniors.

It wasn't that their absence in other courses was due to any kind of discrimination-far from


The reality was that these races had natural talents that made them gravitate toward specific areas of study.

Elves, for instance, were naturally gifted with nature magic, their connection to the elements nearly unmatched.

Dwarves excelled in craftsmanship, their hands capable of creating intricate magical tools and weapons with ease.

Beastmen, on the other hand, possessed raw, unfiltered strength, capable of feats of brute force that put many humans to shame.

Because of these natural advantages, unique classes were designed specifically for them, courses that catered to their racial strengths and honed their abilities even further.

It was why I rarely saw them in the general combat courses-they had their own specialized training, something more tailored to their innate gifts.

As I glanced around the gymnasium, my eyes settled on one of the few elves in the crowd.

Just by looking at him, I could sense the immense amount of mana swirling around him, even though he wasn't doing anything.

It was effortless, natural.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The way he carried himself made it clear that if he ever decided to challenge someone like Clara, she'd have a real fight on her hands.

'And to to think that there ever beloved princess would soon join us next semester....'

The main reason I rarely saw them around was probably because they didn't care much for human customs.

Things like ranks, prestige, honor, and glory likely held a very different meaning for them. What humans prized in terms of status and achievement didn't seem to resonate with them at all.

It's probably why they always turned down invitations to the grand festival, even though it's one of the academy's most celebrated events.

They simply couldn't be bothered.

Even the battle-loving beastmen had little interest in public duels and competitions that existed solely to climb the academy ranks.

For them, fighting wasn't some spectacle to boost one's status-it was sacred.

They only fought to prove themselves in fair combat, and usually, it was only ever to someone they deeply respected or loved.

The idea of fighting for an audience or some kind of trivial recognition went against their core beliefs.

They viewed combat as something far more personal and meaningful.

As my gaze shifted to the podium, I couldn't help but notice the top students from each department, lined up to receive recognition for their achievements.

Seo stood out, of course, representing the Knight department.

Snow, with her ever diligent status as the new student council president as well her 1st rank in the magic department was as popular as ever as well.

Next to them was another representative from the unique classes—a cute-looking female dwarf whose presence surprised me a little.

Dwarves were rare around here, and seeing one rise to the top was a reminder of just how diverse and skilled the academy's student body really was.

They all wore similar-looking shawls, adorned with brooches that glowed with rainbow-like


The shimmering colors signified something important: their time at the academy had blossomed.

They'd reached a milestone no we all reached it, and when we returned, we would no longer

be first years.

Once the principal finally wrapped up her speech, she immediately called upon Snow, the student council president, to give one last address.

The moment Snow rose from her seat, applause erupted from the crowd.

People were captivated, and some were smitten by her beauty all over again.

If Snow weren't a princess, and if this hadn't been a formal event, I'm pretty sure some of these guys would be shouting "I love you, Snow!" or "Please marry me!" like die-hard fans. The murmurs of admiration and praise for her beauty filled the air, almost drowning out the sound of the clapping.

As she made her way to the podium, her eyes briefly met mine, and for just a moment, she averted her gaze, the faintest blush coloring her cheeks.

Yet, despite that small, vulnerable moment, she maintained her confident, poised demeanor.

Her poker face was flawless as she addressed the entire assembly with the same grace and assurance she always exuded.

Ever since that day, my relationship with Snow had grown more complicated—and yet, strangely, more simple at the same time.

There was an unspoken understanding between us now.

Although it could've spiraled into something messier, I was relieved that Snow herself

suggested we take things slowly and avoid making our relationship public just yet.

It was a level of restraint I hadn't expected, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

It saved us both from unnecessary drama-for now.

Still, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt. Although I had no deep feelings for Liyana, being

engaged to her while secretly growing closer to Snow felt like a betrayal.

It was as though I was cheating on Liyana, especially since our engagement was still very

much in effect.

Snow, on the other hand, seemed to think everything would work out just fine.

After all, polygamy was legal within the empire, and she seemed to assume that Liyana would

be open to the idea.

But knowing Liyana, things wouldn't go as smoothly as Snow imagined.

The moment Liyana finds out about our relationship, all hell would break loose.


Once all the grand speeches were finally over, the closing of the vacation ceremony concluded,

and students scattered in all directions.

Some were already carrying their suitcases, eager to leave the academy immediately.

The atmosphere was a mix of excitement and relief, with many already planning their trips

home or to other destinations.

Although the academy would remain fully open during the vacation period, allowing students

to stay and train if they wished, I couldn't afford to linger.

There were too many responsibilities waiting for me back home.

Still, part of me envied those who could stay behind to hone their skills without the weight of external obligations.

Lucas, much like Janica, would probably stay at the academy this time.

If events followed the original scenario of the game, he was poised to clear around seven A-

rank dungeons with Janica during this period.

Doing so would further boost his already impressive specs, pushing him even closer to his

overpowered potential.

And if he did decide to go home, he'd have to face his first S-class dungeon on the way, accompanied by a traveling group of mercenaries.

Both options would only serve to strengthen him, whether through combat experience or

sheer luck.

Honestly, part of me wanted to join in on the action, especially considering the valuable opportunities Lucas would have.

The hotspots of monsters breaking loose in the dungeons he would face were prime training grounds, and any of those dungeons could hold valuable rewards.

That being said, it wasn't like I couldn't train back home either.

With the Duke's permission, I could request access to a few dungeons under his jurisdiction, dungeons that could offer their own challenges and rewards.

And if I needed more personalized guidance, I could always ask for training from one of the

Duke's elite instructors.

Or even the duke himself, the resources available to me at home were just as valuable-maybe

even more.

[Status Info:]

[Riley Hell]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 87]

[Strength: B [0/80]] [Agility: C [0/60]]

[Endurance: C [0/60]]

[Luck: o] [????]] [Power: C [0/60]] [Available Status Points: 9]

'I must increase my status before the the next semester comes....'


Seo's voice called out to me from a distance, and before I could even fully register it, she was already right beside me.

With a single step, she had closed the gap between us, her speed no longer something that

surprised me.

By now, I had grown used to her swift movements; watching her blitz forward like that was just part of who she was.

"Let's go now... you wanted to train before going home right?"

"Are you done with your interview?"

I asked, glancing toward the principal's office where the other top students were still


She nodded in response, but something in her expression made me raise an eyebrow.

In the academy, it was mandatory for the top students to return at the end of the year and provide feedback on their experiences-sort of like a personal debriefing.

Yet, looking behind me, I could see the other top students were still in the middle of their

interviews, speaking with the principal herself.

It was rare for her to handle these interviews directly, so it struck me as odd that Seo had

finished so quickly.

"We should hurry up before they notice,"

So, she really did escape.

Chuckling to myself, I followed along as she led the way out of the gymnasium.

We walked side by side through the academy grounds, and I couldn't help but take in the

sights one last time.

The snow still blanketed the walkways and courtyards, giving everything a calm, serene atmosphere. Despite the cold, the familiar warmth of the academy remained—its towering spires, its expansive training fields, the faint sound of students' chatter in the distance.

For a brief moment, I allowed myself to reflect on the past year.

All the trials, the lessons, the moments of tension and joy.

It was strange to think that my first year at the academy had already come to an end.

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