Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 557 124.4 - Fame (2)

Chapter  557 124.4 - Fame (2)

"A Newly Rising Star of Vanguard Haven? Who is Astron Natusalune?"

This time, the article was not focused on her but on Astron. Normally, she was used to being the center of attention in these gossip columns, with journalists speculating on her personal life, alliances, and family matters. But this… this was different.

The article delved into Astron's recent activities, detailing his involvement with the guild, Vanguard Haven, which had become the subject of increasing attention due to its successful dungeon clearings and high-profile missions. The fact that Astron was affiliated with them, despite being a first-year student at Arcadia Hunter Academy, seemed to be the trigger for this newfound scrutiny.

"Astron Natusalune, a promising young intern at Arcadia Hunter Academy, has recently made waves in Nexoira City's Hunter circles due to his affiliation with Vanguard Haven. This guild, known for taking on high-risk dungeons and its meteoric rise in rankings, has added a new dimension to the academy freshman's reputation."

The article highlighted his recent achievements, from his performance in the academy to his involvement with Vanguard Haven, painting him as a rising talent in the Hunter world. But it wasn't just praise—it was also filled with thinly veiled skepticism.

"Despite his low ranking within the academy, Astron Natusalune has caught the attention of several powerful figures. His meteoric rise within Vanguard Haven has sparked speculation about his abilities and connections, with many wondering if he's simply lucky—or if there's more to his story."

"Moreover, Astron's close association with Irina Emberheart, heiress of the powerful Emberheart family, has raised eyebrows. How has an orphan with no notable background found himself amidst some of the most influential circles of Nexoira? What is the nature of his relationship with the Emberheart family? Is there more behind his sudden rise in status?"

The tone was insidious, casting doubt on Astron's merits as if implying that his accomplishments were due to his connection with her rather than his own skills.

'They are trying to undermine him.'

It was evident that this article was written by a media organization that was rather hostile to him.

Irina had long since grown accustomed to seeing her name splashed across headlines, often twisted and manipulated to suit the narrative of whatever media outlet had decided to take aim at her. She had been forced to get used to it over the years—rumors, innuendos, and outright lies were the price one paid for being in the spotlight, especially when you belonged to a family like the Emberhearts. But seeing Astron caught in the crossfire of these media attacks was different.

Her fingers hovered over the screen, her irritation bubbling just beneath the surface as she scrolled through the article. 'They're trying to undermine him,' she thought again, this time with a sharper edge to her anger.

It was clear that whoever wrote this piece had an agenda, an attempt to frame Astron's recent successes as anything but his own doing. It was the same tactic they'd used on her in the past—paint them as entitled, unworthy, their accomplishments a product of their connections rather than their own skill.

But this wasn't about her. Astron was different. He didn't care about media or gossip. She had seen how rumors about him spread back at the academy, how people whispered about his strange abilities and his lack of connections, and he had never so much as flinched.

'He won't care about this,' Irina reminded herself. He had bigger things on his mind. But still, it bothered her. Not because she thought he'd be hurt by it, but because it was unfair. He worked harder than anyone she knew, and the idea that someone would try to tear him down just to sell a story made her blood boil.

But then her eyes caught the headline again: "A Newly Rising Star of Vanguard Haven?"

She paused, her curiosity piqued. Vanguard Haven—it wasn't a name she was familiar with. And that was odd, given her connections. The article had mentioned the guild's recent rise in popularity, but she hadn't heard much about it until now. That was unusual in and of itself. How had Astron become involved with them, and why hadn't she known about it sooner?

'What is this guild up to?' she wondered. If they were tied to Astron, they were worth investigating.

Irina leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping lightly on the armrest as she scrolled through the articles about Vanguard Haven. The guild's rise to prominence seemed steady, with numerous reports praising its accomplishments in clearing high-level dungeons and taking on increasingly difficult missions. It was impressive, no doubt, but in her mind, it was far from extraordinary. After all, she was an Emberheart, and her standards were… considerably higher.

'They've done well for a B-rank guild,' she thought. For most people, their rise would be something to marvel at, but for Irina, it barely scratched the surface of what true power meant. The Emberheart family, after all, was one of the most influential and formidable families in the Hunter world. Their reach extended far beyond that of a mid-tier guild like Vanguard Haven. In her world, the kind of success Vanguard Haven was experiencing was just the beginning.

As she continued reading, her curiosity about the guild's structure and leadership began to wane. Nothing particularly caught her attention until she stumbled upon a series of articles about Astron himself. At first, it was just a mention of his recent rise in popularity within the guild, but as she clicked further, the tone of the articles began to change.

A few clicks later, she found herself on social media, where the conversation had taken a sharp turn from the professional to the personal.

Photos of Astron began to surface—some real, some clearly edited—but all of them focused on his appearance. His chiseled features, his striking purple eyes, his enigmatic presence.

There were threads of girls—fangirls, really—fawning over him, posting everything from screenshots of his recent dungeon runs to blatantly photoshopped images that turned him into some sort of fantasy heartthrob.

One image showed him mid-battle, his eyes glowing as he fought. Another was an obviously edited picture of him shirtless, standing on a mountain peak, with comments like "Hunter of my dreams" and "Astron, marry me!" flooding the page.

Irina's eyes narrowed as she scrolled through the comments, her irritation rising again. "Seriously?" she muttered to herself.

Irina tossed the tablet onto her bed with an exasperated sigh, her irritation reaching a boiling point. The sheer amount of attention Astron was getting—fangirls fawning over him, those ridiculous photos, the countless comments—was more than just annoying; it was infuriating.

'Why is everyone so obsessed with him?' she thought, pacing back and forth in her room, her mind unable to let go of the frustration.

While she knew Astron wouldn't care about the attention, and would likely brush it off with his usual nonchalance, that didn't make it any easier for her to deal with. The thought of strangers turning him into some sort of heartthrob, fantasizing about him, commenting as if they had any right to, was enough to make her blood boil. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

'How is it that he—of all people—has managed to get this much attention?' she wondered. It wasn't just about the articles or the social media buzz. It was the idea that they—people who didn't even know him—were talking about him as if they had any understanding of who he really was.

She knew Astron, truly knew him. His strengths, his weaknesses, his motivations. They didn't. They only saw a façade, an image crafted by the media and their own fantasies.

'Bastard…' she thought with a frown. 'He's out there, doing who knows what, while I'm stuck here, dealing with all this nonsense.'

With her meal finished and her patience worn thin, Irina stood up, running her hands through her fiery red hair as she made her way toward the bathroom. She needed to calm down, and a hot bath was the perfect way to relax after the grueling day she'd had in the chamber. But even as she prepared to unwind, her thoughts kept circling back to him.

'Why am I getting so worked up over this?' she thought, slipping out of her clothes and stepping into the bath.

As the warm water enveloped her, she sank into its comforting embrace, hoping it would help soothe her mind. But even as the heat relaxed her muscles, her thoughts remained tangled in frustration.


And she couldn't resist the urge. The more she thought about it, the more curious she became. Even if it irritated her, she wanted to know more.

With a frustrated sigh, Irina reached for her smartwatch, pulling it over to her. Despite her annoyance at all the attention Astron was getting, a small part of her couldn't help but feel something else—an odd sense of satisfaction.

'He's finally starting to become a part of this world,' she thought, her finger hovering over the social media feed. 'He's always been so detached, so distant. And now, look at him. People are noticing him.'

She couldn't deny it: Astron becoming more well-known, more normal in the eyes of the public, was something she hadn't expected but welcomed nonetheless. Even if the attention annoyed her, it was also proof that he was beginning to connect with this world, with her world.

'Maybe it's not all bad,' she mused, scrolling through the pictures again. Despite the fangirls' over-the-top reactions and the ridiculous photos, there was something strangely comforting in seeing Astron garner this attention. It meant he wasn't as unreachable as he used to be.

Though he was still someone who kept himself distant, more reserved than others, these little things—these moments of recognition—were tethering him to reality. They were keeping him grounded in ways she hadn't been able to before.

'But damn, they're still annoying,' she thought, rolling her eyes at the comments. Yet, a small smile tugged at her lips. In some twisted way, this was progress.

As Irina continued scrolling, her eyes caught sight of a sudden notification on the screen—an announcement of a live broadcast. The headline immediately grabbed her attention.

[Astron Natusalune: A Rising Star Emerges from a Rank-6 Gate]

Without hesitation, Irina tapped the link, and the live feed opened. Her eyes widened as the scene played out before her. There was Astron, standing right in front of the gate, surrounded by the broadcast crew. His face, though slightly fatigued and marked with the wear of battle, was as stoic as ever.

His usual cold, detached demeanor was on full display, his sharp purple eyes locked on the camera with the same intensity he carried into battle. But what made Irina's breath hitch was hearing his voice through the feed.

"Irina Emberheart is a powerful figure, and I respect her abilities as a Hunter. Beyond that, I have nothing more to add."

Her eyebrow twitched.

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