I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 113: Hired on the Spot Within 5 Seconds of Meeting

Chapter 113: Hired on the Spot Within 5 Seconds of Meeting

I, Haruka Shijouin, absentmindedly gazed at the figure of Shinichirou-kun working.

Even in his apron-clad attire as a staff member, he appeared quite busy, but precisely because of that, his diligent efforts were easily noticeable, and I found myself unconsciously following him with my eyes.

Here you go, please be careful as the waffle is hot!

Register paper? Theyre neatly stacked at the bottom right of the counter!

Senpai, could you handle this situation for a moment? It seems there was a mix-up with the products!

Shinichirou-kun was evidently relied upon at his workplace, promptly addressing and resolving various issues that arose at the cash register and in the dining area.

His demeanor was extremely smooth, even to an outsider like me, it appeared he skillfully handled a wide range of tasks.

Wow, thats amazing

Unintentionally, words of admiration escaped my lips.

Yet, my current impression could be summed up with just that single word.

(Ive always thought he seemed very mature but Shinichirou-kun is truly capable of handling things like a full-fledged adult)

Among university students and adult staff members, Shinichirou-kuns behavior stood out distinctly. His actions lacked any clumsiness, and his confident conduct was apparent even to someone like me who was an outsider.

His demeanor is dazzlingly radiant to me, who remains unsure about my future path and who feels strongly like a child.

Um Haruka? You seem to be staring a bit too much, you know?

At Mitsuki-sans voice, I suddenly snapped back to reality.

Considering how awkward it would be if he were to be continuously observed by his classmates, I had inadvertently been blatantly watching him.

Uh, sorry. I just

Come on, I get that youre interested in Shinichirou-kun, but dont forget about us, Haruka. Youve been staring without a break for a while now, you know?

Y-You mean Ive been staring that intently?

Haha, absolutely. It was like you were sending laser beams or something.

Without realizing, the scalding hot coffee had grown lukewarm, and the parfait I had been eating was now more than half gone. It seemed like I had completely lost track of time, similar to when Im engrossed in reading a light novel.

And now, both Mitsuki-san and Mai-san were wearing oddly gleeful expressions, making comments like, Wow, its so passionate here, or Yeah, seriously, it still feels like summer hasnt ended.

Well, its true that its interesting to watch a friend while theyre working. Shinichirou-kun is completely different here compared to when hes in class.

Yes, indeed thats true.

I took a sip of my lukewarm coffee and agreed with Mitsuki-san.

Shinichirou-kun, working as a staff member, was clearly a different person.

In this place of duty and responsibility, he worked diligently, and his expression conveyed the weight of trust placed upon him by the adults.

It was only natural for him to be different from when hes in the classroom, protected by teachers and parents and thats probably why his demeanor appeared so fresh to me.

(My intuition tells me that Shinichirou-kun could probably function just fine in society even if he were to join it immediately)

Although he should be the same grade as us, I couldnt fathom how he had developed such skills

(Thats really something to envy Despite being part of a family like mine, I should be striving not to rely on my parents money, and aim to stand on my own as a fully independent individual.)

Truthfully, the way Shinichirou-kun efficiently handled work in the real world was the embodiment of my ideal.

I want to become like that too. To be able to navigate the world beyond school on my own merits, and to walk the path of a responsible adult.

But seriously, Shinichirou-kun is moving around quite a bit Despite being a high school part-timer, he seems to be really overworked.

Yeah, hes been dashing around doing all sorts of things since earlier. Well, maybe theyre just short on staff? Ive heard from a friend who does part-time work for a club that restaurants always seem to be short-handed.

Listening to Mitsuki-san and Mai-sans conversation, I spotted a job advertisement posted on the wall. It boldly read, No experience required! Flexible working hours! Interviews accepted anytime!

I see, so this place is really understaffed.

But this

could be a great idea!


What is it?

Well, you see, something just crossed my mind

Responding to the puzzled expressions of Mitsuki-san and Mai-san, I began explaining my idea, which I had just come up with.

This idea was somewhat nerve-wracking and a bit scary. However, I had already learned from Shinichirou-kun that its not good to be stagnant due to fear or lack of knowledge.

Though a bit surprised at how easily I had come up with this new challenge, I couldnt help but have a certain level of excitement and expectation about the potential new insights I might gain from it.

I, Yko Mishima, serving as the acting manager of the book caf Rakunichi, was once again groaning under the weight of my responsibilities.

Hmm its not the worst, but the sales still arent picking up

Gazing at the ledgers in the managers office, I sighed at the cafs sales.

The main issues were related to our planning and promotional efforts.

While something might be novel at first, various cafes popped up one after another, and customers were always fickle. Hence, it was only natural to regularly introduce new menus and campaigns to keep the users engaged

(The manager we brought in as a caf consultant got hospitalized, and all those plans came to a halt As temporary staff from the bookstore, we lack expertise in the caf business, and were struggling just to follow the manual.)

Bringing in a new consultant or launching a major advertising campaign would likely solve the problem if the Main Cast Bookstore headquarters put their full support behind it. However, it seemed they were grappling with a fervent opposition (mainly from the older generation) that vehemently opposed venturing into unfamiliar territory.

(Well, I was taken aback too when I was suddenly asked to work as a caf employee I mean, sticking to just the bookstore business as the specialists might not be the best idea.)

In this era where internet services were rapidly advancing, the presidents words about establishing a new form of bookstore were mostly endorsed by the younger generation. However, resistance to anything new is a constant theme in any era.

(In that sense, the success of this caf might potentially influence our companys future Ugh, the responsibility is indeed substantial.)

Holding onto my aching stomach, I leaned back in my chair.

Ah, I really want a drink.

I want to pair braised beef tendons with hot sake.

I want to savor crunchy garlic shrimp and wash it down with a beer.

The combination of shrimp mayo and highball is making my mouth water.

But until this caf improves a bit more, I probably wont be able to enjoy a drink wholeheartedly.

(Oh well, I wonder if theres some way to increase customer traffic without investing much effort or capital. Like having an idol-level beauty handle customer service Haha, thats probably a discussion about how much it would cost for their appearance fee)

Lost in pointless thoughts, I was snapped back to reality by the ringing of the phone on my desk. Slowly, I picked up the receiver.

Ah, Mishima-san. The interviewee for today has arrived, so Ill transfer the call to you.

Ah, yes. Its already that time, huh?

I hadnt forgotten that I needed to interview the high school student who applied for a part-time job.

She seems to be a girl, but the more candidates, the better.

Lately, many high schoolers have quit soon after starting, so Ive been somewhat prejudiced against their age group. However, that bias has been fading a bit since Shinichirou-kun, who is definitely an extraordinary high schooler, joined.

Well, thats because hes quite an exceptional case and might not be a reference for a typical high school student

However, that job applicant the moment I saw her, I was really surprised. I mean, her level of beauty was just too high.

Huh? Whats that? Was she like one of those heavily tanned ganguro girls?

No, its not like that well, youll understand once you meet her.

Leaving those words behind, the younger female staff member on the phone chuckled lightly before hanging up.

I dont know why, but Im oddly curious about it.

Whats going on?

As I raised an eyebrow in confusion, a soft knock sounded on the door of the managers office.

Ah, please come in, I called out, prompting the person outside to enter.

And then she walked in.

Just as I was told on the phone, the girl with a breathtaking appearance courteously bowed to me.

Her natural gesture stole my attention completely.

Um, thank you for taking the time for the interview today! My name is

Unlike the not-so-childlike Shinichirou-kun I encountered recently, this girl greeted me with a nervous expression.

However, only half of what she said registered in my ears.

Her beauty was so overwhelming that my mind was blank.

Silky-smooth, long, beautiful hair.

Dazzling beauty that could put any idol to shame.

A delicate, slender waist that exuded a traditional Japanese beauty, along with an ample bosom.

Encountering the most exquisite beauty in my life, my consciousness seemed to have a gap.

S-So, I also want to try working here



In response to the girls astonishment at my initial words as the interviewer, it was only natural for her to be surprised. However, given the stroke of luck that such an incredibly talented candidate had rolled in, I was quite excited.

Obviously, youre hired! I mean, thank you so much for coming! We wholeheartedly welcome you, so lets arrange your shifts right away! Okay?


Ignoring her growing confusion, I quickly overwhelmed her with my enthusiasm.

With such an extraordinary beauty waltzing in for an interview, theres no way Id let her slip away.

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