I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 117: Covert Presidents Work Investigation

Chapter 117: Covert Presidents Work Investigation

I, Shijouin Tokimune, stood in front of the store with a serious expression.

Just a moment ago, I had stepped out of the company car at the scene, dressed in sunglasses, a polar hat, and a lightweight trench coat not my usual business suit attire.

In short, it was a simple disguise. For me, it was necessary preparation to conduct an inspection of this store, Book Cafe Rakunichi, which had become an issue in various ways.

Um, President Are you sure its okay for you to be alone? You dont need to go to such lengths to conduct an inspection undercover. You could have delegated the task to someone else timidly inquired the young employee who had driven me here in the company car.

Certainly, instructing subordinates to carry out the investigation of a new store would have sufficed. Its not common for a president to personally conduct an undercover operation alone like this.


No, this is something I need to do. While there are still many within the company who dont fully understand, the success of this store and other new ventures will significantly impact the future of our company In other words, our reputation is at stake.

This was my genuine sentiment.

While my company had grown to become a nationwide bookstore chain, the reality was that the industry was on a downward trend.

Survival required more than just continuing with traditional practices; venturing into new businesses like this store was a crucial step towards reform.

When it comes to on-site investigation, the person steering the companys direction must see the situation as it truly is. Thats why Im here, and thats why Im in disguise. Well, I cant deny that my appearance is somewhat comical.

Pr-President You really are passionate about this new venture. Understood. In that case, if you need anything, please let us know. Well come pick you up immediately so you can conduct your investigation in peace.

Saying that, the young employee closed the car window and drove back to the headquarters.

Now alone, I turned my attention back to the store in question.

(Yes, this is an authentic job of inspection Well, to be honest, its not a complete lie that I have other motives!)

While I had indeed explained the importance of the new venture earlier, I had initially planned to conduct an inspection of this store soon.

However, I had hastily moved up that plan due to a specific reason: my beloved daughter had started working at this store as a part-timer.


When my daughter mentioned wanting to work part-time, I had reflexively opposed the idea.

I was worried, after all the thought of my innocent Haruka working alongside adults was concerning.

However, Harukas response had exceeded my expectations.

Father, Im getting close to adulthood and will have to start supporting myself soon. When that time comes, Ill need to have some kind of job. Is it so wrong for me to get used to a workplace environment now? Or do you think I should just rely on the Shijouin familys money and live my life holed up in this house forever?

Her words were confident, backed by solid reasoning. They surprised even my wife, Akiko, and the maid, Touzen-kun, who were present.

Then, is it wrong for me to get used to a workplace environment now? Or do you think I should just rely on the Shijouin familys money and live my life holed up in this house forever?

In the face of her well-reasoned argument, I had no counter.

Besides, I had no intention of ever confining Haruka to this house forever by relying on the Shijouin familys wealth. Despite often being accused of being overprotective, I wanted my daughter to seize her own life outside of this house.

As a result, I eventually granted permission for her part-time job

(Haruka Oh, Haruka! Your growth makes me happy, but Im so worried! On the days you work, Im always so restless that I cant even eat)

Initially, I had intended to leverage my companys connection to assign her to a specific department and ensure that the store manager would keep an eye out without treating her any differently. But it seemed that my thoughts had been anticipated, as Haruka firmly requested something else.

Father, please dont use your influence to do anything like that at my workplace. Also, while I appreciate your concern, please dont come to the store to check on me. Its way too embarrassing! Even I have my limits!

And so, my actions were completely suppressed, leading to days of restless anticipation.

My daughters independence is remarkable. Over the past few months, she has grown rapidly.

However with Harukas beauty, troubles like unwanted advances are highly likely to occur.

While this could be an opportunity for her to develop skill in handling such situations, no matter how I reason, I cant help but worry excessively.

(I did promise not to come and check on her at work I promised, but this is a purely genuine inspection, Haruka! As the president, I had no choice but to thoroughly examine the store responsible for the new venture! Theres absolutely nothing shady about it!)

Observing my daughters expression as she returns from work, it seems shes managing well for now. But my worry has escalated to the point where my dramatic weight loss is concerning.

To alleviate that, Ive decided that the optimal solution is to confirm whether my daughter is working in good health, and simultaneously carry out the inspection as the president.

(Well then Lets go!)

With my purpose reaffirmed, I walk through the automatic doors of the store, a place with many things I need to confirm, and step inside.

(Hmm, the crowd seems better than I expected.)

Seeing the stores interior, a faint smile graces my lips.

The reports mentioned that keeping the numbers slightly below the target would be a challenge, but even considering its a Sunday, the foot traffic is quite substantial.

While the main customer base consists of the elderly and women in their twenties to forties, Ive heard that there are quite a number of young male customers. Thats particularly surprising.

(Hm, cant see Haruka anywhere. Shes supposed to be working today, though. Could she be in the bookstore section? Well, never mind. For now, Ill experience the stores services thoroughly as a customer.)

Approaching the counter, I order a coffee, and a young male staff member who appears to be a college student quickly serves me my order.

After observing for a while, its evident that the staff members behind the counter, despite being part-timers, seem to be performing their roles competently.

Afterward, I borrow a random business magazine from the bookstore section and take a seat.

Taking a moment to relax, I begin to carefully observe the stores interior.

(Hm, there dont seem to be any books left lying around on the tables, suggesting that good manners have been well established among the customers. And as expected, women are mostly going for dessert drinks and sweets, while men are opting for simple coffees. Hmm, the environment seems busier than I anticipated, but the part-timers are handling it well)

Checking the presented information, Im able to grasp the current situation quite well.

Of course, Ill need to investigate finer details later, but when it comes to the stores management, you can generally get a sense of it at a glance.

(Hm, Ive got a decent overview at first glance. Ill need to have a thorough talk with Vice Manager Mishima later, but for now, Ill experience this store as a customer and get a taste of it as it ishuh!?)

Continuing my observation of the store, I spot a familiar figure behind the counter.

Emerging from the back area, flipping her long and beautiful hair, theres no mistaking that its my daughter Haruka.

It seems that shes come to assist with the counter duties as the noon hour approaches. She handles the drip coffee machine with practiced movements.

(Oh, oh Haruka is really working competently at a genuine workplace)

Its clear that shes still not completely used to the part-time work, her movements not particularly skilled.

However, even wrapped in an apron, my daughter is diligently carrying out her tasks.

Her expression doesnt show any melancholy or excessive stress; instead, theres a sense of accomplishment. Shes interacting well with the senior part-timers, engaging in proper work-related conversations.

(Hehe Ive always thought of her as a child. Time passes so quickly)

Feeling a touch of sentiment, I take a sip of my coffee.

For now, it seems that Haruka isnt experiencing strong stress at her part-time job. Confirming the most important aspect, I let out a relieved sigh

(Huh? Hmmm?)

At that moment, I notice a high school-aged boy in a staff uniform talking to Haruka across the counter.

Then, shockingly, Harukas face lights up with joy. The expression is overly familiar and happy, markedly different from her interactions with the other staff.

And thenI distinctly recognize that young male part-timer.

(Nooo!? Niihama?! What, what are you doing here?!)

Witnessing the presence of arguably the most perilous entity suddenly appearing at my daughters workplace, I inwardly shout.

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