I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 137: Its Good to Have Mom and Kanako as Family

Chapter 137: Its Good to Have Mom and Kanako as Family

Welcome back, Shinichiro Wait, hold on, arent you completely drenched!?

Wow, seriously!? Hey, didnt you take an umbrella? Not very planner-like for our strategy expert big brother!

From head to toe, I was soaked, and my mother and Kanako looked astonished.

Either out of concern or to lift my spirits, these two have been coming to greet me at the front door every time I return from the Shijouin house.

Ah Actually, the umbrella got blown away by the wind on the way. I got pretty wet trying to chase after it to pick it up.

In reality, I got soaked when I vented my frustrations by slamming the umbrella on the ground and screaming at the rain, but saying that would only make them worry even more, so I casually brushed it off.

Wait a moment.

Saying this, my mother quickly returned with a towel from the bathroom.

I took it and began to vigorously dry my hair and body.

Goodness, once youre done drying, hurry up and change and come to the living room! Im already starving!

Uh Wait, does this mean you waited for me to come back for dinner?

Because my footsteps on the way back were heavy, it was already quite late in the afternoon. I thought that both of them would have eaten by now.

Goodness, isnt that obvious? Right now, Shinichiro, youre going through a really tough time. Its precisely in times like these that you need to have a meal with your family.

Yeah, yeah! If you eat alone when youre super down, youll definitely start thinking unnecessary things! Mom and I arent that heartless!

Thank you, Mom, Kanako

The warmth of home seeped into my freezing body. I held back tears threatening to spill from my eyes and sincerely thanked my precious family.

On the dining table, there were only dishes I loved.

Potato salad made with just onions and potatoes, hamburg smothered in plenty of demi-glace sauce, miso soup with shimeji mushrooms and tofu, and spinach ohitashi.

Lately, to cheer me up, my mother has been prioritizing my favorite dishes.

When I first tasted my mothers home-cooked meal, which I thought I would never eat again after leaping through time, I was so moved that I ended up bawling my eyes out. Even now, the kindness my mother put into her cooking makes my eyes brim with tears.

Yeah, its delicious Really delicious, Mom

Hehe, Im glad. Lately, youve been cooking for me a lot, so you need to see your mothers dignity properly.

With a mischievous touch, my mother said this, and both Kanako and I laughed in the warmth that surrounded us.

The ideal form of the Nihamas family that I had destroyed in my previous life. A lively mother and a little sister with whom I had repaired my relationship.

The scene I had desperately regained tightened my chest.

By the way, um Brother, is Haruka-chan okay today too?

Ah, shes still not doing well. She doesnt seem to respond to anything around her, just like before.

Asked hesitantly by Kanako, I answered as casually as possible.

At first, my mother and Kanako seemed to think it was better not to discuss Harukas condition in front of me, but I actually found it more comforting to be able to talk about it with my family.

Uhh? What are you talking about, big brother? How highly do you think of yourself?

The words of Kanako, spoken with puffed-up cheeks, were full of deep kindness.

Youre not some superhuman with nerves of steel, big brother! After all, you love Haruka-chan so, so much, right? Its normal to worry and feel down when shes not well! But apologizing means you think youre like some kind of super metal mental superhero, right!?

Uh No

With her cheeks puffed up in a huff, Kanakos words carried a profound kindness.

Youre not a superhuman, youre just a normal person, so when times get tough, its okay to rely on your family. You dont have to pretend to be strong thats what they were indirectly telling me.

Thats right, Shinichiro. Even though youve been doing housework every day since spring and getting more and more reliable youre still a child. You dont have to force yourself to be an adult.


With the mental fortitude of an adult, I unconsciously harbored the thought that I must be strong. It seems that these two, who probably understand this to some extent, were telling me that its okay to show my weaker side.

Its okay to grieve as things are tough. They allow me to be a child in both body and mind.

I think Im glad to be a part of Mom and Kanakos family.

Huh? Thats a bit too dramatic and kind of creepy, big brother. Youre being a bit too melodramatic, arent you?

I chuckled at Kanakos slightly repulsed words. Yeah, they were a bit cheesy for a high schooler to say.

But I had to say it firmly now.

If things go as I imagine, I dont know when it will happen. It could be tomorrow, the day after, a month from now, or a year.

But I could potentially never return here again.

In a room lit only by a faint night light, I gazed absentmindedly at the ceiling. It was already late at night, and Mom and Kanako should have been asleep.

And once again, just like always, I had changed into my usual pajamas and gone to bed.

Since that day I leaped back in time up until today, it had been the same routine every day.

Come to think of it This was where I woke up on the day I time-traveled

Since I was in my old room that should have long been dismantled, it was quite confusing.

Or rather, considering the staggering combo of facing supernatural phenomena after dying from overwork, I think its amazing I was able to adapt from that day. Maybe Im even tougher than I give myself credit for?

But since then, this room has changed significantly.

The cluttered light novels and games have been organized, and the desk has more reference books and university brochures. I even bought some clothes for going out, although just a few.

They say a room reflects ones state of mind, and this room, which was just the den of a run-of-the-mill introverted high schooler, seemed to have changed quite a bit, as if reflecting a change in me.

Not just this room, but my school life and family environment have also changed drastically from my previous life.

All the effort I put into realizing my ideals paid off, and my second life was becoming incredibly vivid.

In the end, its a testament to just how much I love Haruka, that the moment she became like that, everything else started to look sepia-toned

I chuckled at my own wry smile.

I felt my consciousness waver. Maybe it was because I walked in the rain today, or maybe I was just tired.

In the end, no matter how hard I try to make my life shine, I cant give up on Haruka. No matter how brilliant I make my own path with this second chance at life, I cant bear a life where Haruka stays like that. Thats how much Ive fallen in love with her.

So please

Give me one more miracle

As my consciousness faded, I fell into a pleasant slumber.

All the boundaries that defined me blurred, and I was released from everything.

In the midst of it all

I felt like I heard that old clocks sound once again.

TLN: Anddd were caught up. Thank you so much for the support, Lantern8!

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