I (30), Who Works for a Black Company and Died While Regretting My Gloomy Life, Started Over From High School!

Chapter 78: Midnight Tea Party

Chapter 78: Midnight Tea Party

When I sat next to her, the figure of Shijouin-san, which had been blurred in the dim light until a moment ago, became clear.

The pajamas she was wearing were a gift from Kanako, and she said, I guess its understandable that it would be tight for Haruka-chan to wear our size!, with a strangely delighted expression as she rummaged through my drawer.

Well, the choice itself was perfectly appropriate as sleepwear. It consisted of a plain white T-shirt and navy blue shorts, a casual outfit that gave off a different lively atmosphere than her usual skirt look and suited her very well.

(But this proximity feels a bit dangerous Even though the air conditioner is on, my head feels dizzy from the heat)

A sweet and pleasant fragrance typical of girls wafts directly from Shijouin-san, and even her seemingly unsexy shorts reveal slender, long white legs that are unabashedly exposed, with not even socks covering her perfectly bare feet.

Well then, here I go.

And Shijouin-san, seemingly unaware of my turmoil, takes the mug in her hand, gently blows on it, and sips the tea.

Ahh Its delicious. Its very calming.

I see. Thats good.

In an attempt to calm down the desires of adolescence brought about by the youthful teenage body, I also take a sip of tea. Its just ordinary Darjeeling, but perhaps due to the situation of being alone together in the late night, it tastes much more delicious and brings a soothing feeling to my heart.

By the way Today was fun. Your mother is a very kind person, and Kanako-chan is so cute

If you say that, its a relief. Especially Kanako, She got really close to you, so sorry for her overly-familiar behavior.

No, not at all! Kanako-chan is so adorable that I actually envied you!

Is that so?

While it may be true that she is cute, I was worried if I was becoming a nuisance to Shijouin-san with my overly familiar attitude

Yes, really! Besides, its my first time staying overnight at a friends house, so I had so much fun I cant sleep because Im not really tired, but I think its also because Im still feeling excited.

At that moment, Shijouin-san turns her face towards me, who is sitting next to her.

Our eyes meet at an almost zero distance, and my heart starts pounding.

Thats why I feel a little reluctant. I wish this time could continue a little longer.

With a warm cup of tea in her hand and a slightly reddened face, Shijouin-san smiles. She is saying that she enjoyed the day spent in this house, including my family.

Actually, I feel the same way.


I didnt expect that I would spend time with Shijouin-san at my own house Cooking together, talking a lot It was a day full of excitement and happiness.

Due to the unusual situation of having Shijouin-san right next to me in the late night, the words from my heart come out of my mouth without hesitation. Perhaps its the season of summer that is making me speak so casually.

Thats why I feel a little lonely that Shijouin-sans overnight stay is coming to an end.

As I mutter those words, Shijouin-san widens her eyes.

And then, I also realize the meaning of my own words.

When Shijouin-san said she felt reluctant, it was a word directed at my entire family, including the Niihamas, but my lonely only means that I want to spend more time with Shijouin-san.

Uh, um, well Thank you

Oh, no, um

Shijouin-sans cheeks flush a little more, and she stammers in response. I also give an equally unremarkable reply in the same state. The situation has become unsettled for a different reason than before, and in an attempt to calm my restless heart, I take a large sip of the still hot tea. Its surprisingly sweet even without sugar.

The rain still hasnt stopped.

Yes, according to the weather forecast, it should stop by morning

Strangely enough, our conversation falls silent for a while.

In this room, which has become slightly extraordinary due to the rain still pouring outside in the late night, the sound of raindrops hitting the asphalt creating a rhythm that continues unabated.

Neither of us is at a loss for conversation when we are together, talking with bright Shijouin-san for as long as possible, but now its as if we are silently savoring the atmosphere.

(But it doesnt feel awkward at all When Im alone with my boss or senpai at work, the atmosphere doesnt last, and I panic, thinking that I have to say something)

After a while, while Im vaguely thinking, I wish Shijouin-san could stay at this house tomorrow and the day after, I remember someone who would never allow such a thing.

Ah In our case, even if we feel reluctant, we have to go home. Im sure Tokimune-san is extremely worried

Thats Hehe, youre right. My father has always been excessively worried when I go somewhere alone, so hes likely to call me first thing tomorrow.

Its possible that the president himself will come to pick her up in his car and say something like, I wont allow you to do anything inappropriate, you bastard!

Should I keep quiet about the incident with Shijouin-san being in her underwear and the aahn moment?

Well When you praised my family earlier, but your houses Akiko-san and Tokimune-san are really good parents I can feel that they truly love their daughter every time.

In dramas and novels, its a template that wealthy families of prestigious backgrounds are often portrayed as having unkind personalities, but those two were genuinely good people, considering they are Shijouin-sans parents. Well, I think I should refrain from being too much of a doting parent regarding Tokimune-san

Hehe, if you say that, it makes me happy. Ive always looked up to my parents as role models

Is that so?

Since I was a child, Ive always loved my parents, and my father and mother showed me an example of happiness. Thats why I want to try working as well but ultimately, I just want to build a happy family.

I see?

It was a bit surprising to me.

Even though Shijouin-san possesses an unmatched charm, she doesnt seem to be particularly conscious of romance in her daily life.

However, when it comes to building a future family, it seems that she has a deep attachment to that dream.

Yes, just like many girls wish for, I simply want to become an ordinary wife, have children, and make meals for my child and husband I desire that kind of happiness.

The girl who possesses a prestigious background, wealth, and beauty expresses her modest and gentle dream with a warm smile.

Its not something extraordinary; she simply desires the connection of a familya wish that may seem commonplace, but it is a beautiful sentiment, pure and sacred above all else.

But I know.

In my previous life, that dream was mercilessly shattered.

What?! N-Niihama-kun, why are you crying!?

N-No I just drank some hot tea

I desperately hold back the tears that threaten to spill over and try to cover it up.

Even though Im using all my adult rationality, the overwhelming and painful emotions within me refuse to calm down.

(Thats right Its just an ordinary dream, nothing special With Shijouin-sans charm and kindness, she could have definitely built a happy family)

That modest dream of an ordinary girl was destroyed by the despicable malice lurking in society. When she was tormented and fell into despair, turning into a doll-like existence, I can only imagine how much Akiko-san and Tokimune-san grieved

(Why did it have to turn out this way for both Shijouin-san and me)

We were just working earnestly.

In my case, I admit that there were problems with my choices and the weakness of my heart, which I couldnt change, but I was still desperately trying to live my life.

However, in the end, our lives were cut short by the wretched people.

The dreams that were supposed to come true, the envisioned futureeverything was crushed.

(In this life, I will never let that happen I am here not only to reclaim my own life, but also to protect Shijouin-san! I, and no one else, have made that decision!)

Shijouin-san You will definitely become a wonderful mother. I guarantee it.


Everyone is captivated by your cuteness, your warm and kind nature. Moreover, your cooking skills surpass those of any ordinary housewife. You possess everything that is important as a person. If you cant be happy with all of that, then the world must be wrong!

Ah, whawhat!?

In my enumeration of her good qualities while looking at the face of the person I admire, Shijouin-san blushes and becomes flustered.

In hindsight, at that moment, I wasnt in my right mind.

I was overwhelmed with emotions, thinking about the pitiful Shijouin-san from my previous life. It was a mixture of anger towards the injustice and a rebellious spirit against fate, and my mind was bursting.

Thats why, please rest assured. I will protect that dream and your happiness. I will definitely make Shijouin-san happy!


With a firm declaration, Shiratori-sans eyes widen, and her cheeks gradually turn crimson. She seems to be quite confused.


And then, I finally realize the weight of my words.

Although I usually think about love matters, the words I just uttered stemmed from a pure sense of duty to protect Shijouin-san from certain doom.

But only I understand that, and if you were to take the words at face value, they would simply sound like I want you.

N-No, umm! Anyway, what I wanted to say is that I will support that dream and your happiness with all my might!

Y-Yes Thats right. It just surprised me because it sounded like lines I heard in a drama

To cool down our flushed faces, we avoid looking at each other and speak. Although Shijouin-san usually shows a dull response to romantic words, it feels like her usual airheadedness has disappeared, perhaps due to the magic of this summer night.

But Im really going to miss this I love these moments.

Her words, reminiscent of bidding farewell to a festival, are incredibly touching, filling my chest with joy. And its clear to see what I want as well.

That Ill text you and call you again. And

It required a bit of courage to say this.

But I had no hesitation. I cant let the fear of angering Tokimune-san prevent me from pursuing love.

I know this visit to my house was spontaneous due to Kana-chans help, but next time, Ill invite you properly.


The one disappointing thing about Shijouin-sans visit to my house was that it wasnt a deliberate invitation on my part. Since I had already been invited to the Shijouin household, it wouldnt have been an issue to extend the invitation in return. However, due to my virginity and being fixated on the idea of inviting her to my house after were officially dating, I didnt consider it.

Well, of course, spending the night together in this situation would be inappropriate, and even a regular invitation would face the greatest obstacle of obtaining approval from the doting President.

So Please come to my house and visit again. My family would be happy too.


In response to my heartfelt words, Shijouin-sans face brightens even more than I expected.

That is what I must protect. Her smile is as radiant and dazzling as a sunflower blooming under the summer sun.


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