I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 73: Just in one hit?

Chapter 73: Just in one hit?

*fwish* Xia Yin disappeared from the ground and instantly appeared in front of Zhao Tian, *slick* many tentacles sprouted from her back attacking Zhao Tian.

The dagger danced on Zhao Tian's hand, effortlessly cutting through the tentacles attacking him. Xia Yin still kept her smirk "Now my power is equal to a 9th level Sovereign Astral Stage and you are only at ist level of Sovereign Astral Stage, how are you gonna beat me?"

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes as it was really a bit of trouble because even though he is slicing the tentacles it was regenerating quickly and he couldn't get near to her.

He took a deep breath and a smile appeared on his face as he again dashed at Xia Yin. *fweeessshh* *flick* he passed through her and Xia Yin was shocked as she watched her left arm flying in the air. "H-How?"

"I won't miss next time..." Zhao Tian spoke but in the next instant, the tentacles were barraged at him as it swiftly entangled his arms.

"Now, I have caught you..." Xia Yin grinned. *thrisssh* But Zhao Tian's body suddenly became engulfed in blazing vibrant red flames, causing the tentacles that had trapped him to disintegrate instantaneously.

"Oh, you have fire elemental? And it seems potent...." Xia Yin muttered and emerged in front of Zhao Tian "Then let's get physical." she said and punched Zhao Tian.

But he deftly dodged the punch and counterattacked with an uppercut in her face "Urgh!" she groaned in pain as the impact caused her to turn her head and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"That was a nice one." Xia Yin said and raised her legs to kick, but Zhao Tian moved dodging her attack. As Xia Yin raised her leg to kick, her black pussy was visible to Zhao Tian.

"Ah!" Xia Yin hurriedly hid her pussy with her hand and smirked teasingly "Bad boy... where are you looking? Bad boys deserve punishment..." she raised her hand as the dark fire again appeared on her fist.

Zhao Tian looked at her nonchalantly and as she punched him with the fire fist, Zhao Tian also punched at her, ice energy concentrating on her fist.

*Boom* Their fists clashed in the air creating a resounding boom as ripples of shockwave spread across the air and both of them retreated two steps.

Xia Yin narrowed her eyes "You have two elements...?" she muttered and the arm which was slowly healing, finally restored to its full form.

*fwish* *boom* *thrisssh* *boom* *baam* *swish* Both Zhao Tian and Xia Yin exchanged blows in the air and Xia Yin was confused 'Why I couldn't land a single blow on him.'

The intensity of the fight only grew as they continued to clash, their movements a blur of speed and skill. Zhao Tian's mastery of the dagger was evident, as he effortlessly parried each of Xia Yin's attacks with precision and grace.

*baam* Zhao Tian delivered a powerful punch to her cleavage, sending her flying through the air for what felt like an endless distance. As she landed, she clutched her chest in agony, the pain radiating through her entire body. "Urghhhh!"

*swish* Zhao Tian swiftly moved slicing at her and reacting just in the nick of time, Xia Yin instinctively took a step back, narrowly avoiding the impending strike.

*splash* However, despite her quick reflexes, she couldn't evade the attack completely, as the sharp edge of Zhao Tian's dagger grazed her, leaving a shallow cut on the black nipples of her both boobs causing black blood to seep out and trickle down her chest.

In response, she instinctively took a few steps back, a mix of shock and confusion etched on her face.

"Just what is his body made of, it is so powerful and he has quick reflexes for my attacks. Tch, how annoying... seems like I got no other choice."

*swing* The tentacles on her back stretched and they pierced through the dead bodies of the disciples and the disciples who were also alive.

The tentacles began to suck on their energy. Seeing this, Zhao Tian acted swiftly and approached her *kichik* stabbing the dagger right at her forehead as the tip came through the other side.

"Urghhh!" Xia Yin was shocked and closed her eyes but a smile crept up on her lips "You are late!" *SWWIIIIISSSHHHH* Suddenly, an immense surge of dark Astral energy erupted from within her and Zhao Tian quickly retreated back into the air.

"What the fuck is she doing?"

"Arghhhhh!" Xia Yin screamed in utter pain as she felt the dark energy rip through her body, leaving her feeling as though she was being torn apart by the dark energy that had engulfed her.

But she endured it and slowly her body became large in the air and it changed shapes in mid-air. Zhao Tian frowned seeing her body constantly increasing in size and changing grotesque shapes.

"GRAARGH!" A ear-piercing scream was heard and Zhao Tian was astonished looking at the creature in front of him "What kind of shit is this?"

The creature is fully black and it seems to have a wolf head with two bat-like wings behind its back, its eyes green in color. *ROAAAARR* It let out a guttural roar showing its large teeth.

"Its power has already crossed the Sovereign Stage, now it should be in Emperor Stage and it's so fucking big... What an annoyance."

A sigh left his lips "Let's give it a trial punch..." *swoosh* With a swift motion, he lunged towards the creature's face, throwing a punch directly at it.

Because of his punch, the creature's face disoriented a little and it turned its eyes to Zhao Tian and roared fiercely. "ROOAAARRR!"

"No damage?" Zhao Tian took a step back and raised an eyebrow "Well, that's expected." *fwish* A great sword appeared in his hand.

"I have been curious to use this since I saw it in the warehouse..." he carried the heavy sword on his shoulder and dashed at the creature once again.

This time he went for the leg and with his full force, he swung the great sword. *slishhh* With his raw strength and the power of the great sword, the sword cleaved through the air and sliced through the creature's leg.

"GUAAARGHHHHH!!!" The creature cried in pain at the top of its lungs and launched its paw toward Zhao Tian. But Zhao Tian swiftly dodged the paw.

A smile appeared on his face looking at the great sword "As expected of a Mystic grade sword."

And as Zhao Tian was about to do his next attack he felt a sudden presence and he narrowed his eyes. 'What is this powerful aura?'

*clank* A sharp sound echoed through the air and in the next instant the creature was obliterated to pieces and evaporated into dark energy leaving no trace behind *swish*

'Only one hit.'

Zhao Tian muttered as his eyes glanced at the breathtaking woman hovering in the air, her light-blonde hair gracefully flowing in the wind, her blonde eyes sharp as a sword seemed to pierce through everything, her body draped in armor for battle, a long red sword in her hand.

'Who is she?'

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