I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 81: Plan to kill!

Chapter 81: Plan to kill!

Zhu Family Manor-

A middle-aged man was sitting on the seat, his eyes looking at the young man opposite him who had a white bandage wrapped around his head.

"He even beat the gang members easily?" Zhu Kim who is the leader of the Zhu family asked and Zhu Xian nodded his head "Yes, Father..."

Zhu Wan, Uncle of Zhu Xian spoke "As I said from the beginning, that guy seemed like a cultivator... even when he banged Xiao Xian's head on the car, he had such strength, That's why even I was scared back then and feigned along with him when the policewoman came."

With a steely gaze, Zhu Xian's eyes narrowed as he seethed with anger "Cultvator or what, I want to kill him... Father. he injured me like this."

Zhu Kim frowned his eyebrows "A dispute with a cultivator. Since he is a young man, he should be at Mystic or Nascent Astral Stage... I will ask-"

*tap* *tap* "Boss!" At this time a bodyguard wearing a black suit burst in, interrupting them. Zhu Kim looked at the scared bodyguard and raised an eyebrow "What happened?"

"T-There are two people outside, who look so scary and said wanted to meet y-*baam*" A punch landed on the bodyguard's face, sending him sprawling to the floor and he raised up clutching his face "Urghhh!".

It was another bodyguard. After punching him, the bodyguard spoke in a calm voice "Sorry Boss, he is new to the job. Master Lee and Master Master Teng have come to see you."

"M-Master Lee and Master Teng?" Zhu Kim hurriedly stood up from his seat and hurried to the front to welcome them.

As he rushed to the front, he saw an old man and a middle-aged man beside him. Seeing Zhu Kim rushing towards them, Lee Jing spoke in a cold voice "You are arrogant enough to make us wait, Kim?"

Hearing his icy tone, Zhu Kim's body shuddered and panic filled his heart. He quickly bowed in front of him "F-Forgive me, Master Lee... I didn't expect your sudden visit."

"Haha!" The old man Teng Zen laughed "Why are you intimidating him, Jing... see he is scared."

Zhu Wan and Zhu Xian also quickly came beside Zhu Kim and bowed their heads, greeting them. "Please enter Masters..." Zhu Kim greeted them and both of them entered the mansion.

As they went inside, Zhu Kim guided them to the luxurious hall and made them sit.Zhu Wan then left the room, asking the butler to bring them tea.

Zhu Kim sat opposite them on the couch and asked politely "I am surprised, Master Teng and Master Lee came to visit me suddenly."

Lee Jing squinted his eyes "Are we not welcome here?"

Again hearing his cold voice, Zhu Kim hurriedly shook his head "N-No, Master Lee... it's not like that."

Teng Zen just laughed it off "We were in the human world, but we suddenly got a message from our Sect to return back stating that it is urgent."

"So we came to meet you on our way!"

Zhu Kim smiled "Yeah, we are grateful for your sect's cooperation with us."

*tap* At this time two more people came and bowed in front of Lee Jing and Teng Zen "Master!" "Sect Elder!"

A small smile appeared on the old man's face "Are you guys doing your work properly?"

The two young men nodded their heads, "We have been protecting the Zhu family as we were told, Sect Edler." They are the bodyguards assigned to protect the Zhu family by their sect.

Lee Jing frowned "Hm? Then why is this brat's head injured?" he asked keeping his cold tone.

The young man glanced at Zhu Xian and spoke "He went out when I was not with him and got beaten by some cultivator."

Zhu Kim spoke with a sigh "I was just about to ask your disciples to find him and bring him to us."

Teng Zen frowned and took a pill bottle from his robe, tossing a pill at Zhu Xian. Zhu Kim was surprised and bowed his head "Thank you, Master Teng!"

Teng Zen waved his hand "You are allied with our Sect, so we have to take care of you... and about the cultivator, we will take care of him."

H-Huh? "Master Teng, you will personally take care of him?" Zhu Kim asked in shock and Teng Zen chuckled "We were quite bored anyway... and it's been a while since I killed humans. Before going back to the Sect, we will kill him."

Lee Jing nodded his head "Indeed, it had been quite some time. Do you have any information about him?"

Zhu Xian hurriedly nodded his head "Yes, Master Lee, through his vehicle number we found information about him. His name is Zhao Tian, a university student living with his family."


"Elayne... hmm. Seems peculiar, but I like this name." Zhao Ying spoke looking at the golden plate. Xia Shenyi who was standing beside her frowned looking at the plate.

"Maverick?" She squinted her eyes thinking "I don't remember any Dynasty or Families in any of the High Stars having a strange name like Maverick as their family name."

"And this metal which is engraved is definitely not from here, so we can be sure that Tian is not from this star. Somewhere in High stars..."

Zhao Ying giggled "But it is kinda cool. Now we don't know who our father is, and the mother who ran away... haha."

Xia Shenyi let out a wry chuckle as she glimpsed at Zhao Tian who was sitting cross-legged in front of a cauldron trying to refine a pill.

A hint of amusement played on Xia Shenyi's eyes seeing him "Damn, he is a genius... within a short period, he learned to control the fire element like that. If he can focus on other elements too, he can give the enemy a surprise attack and will also increase his strength."

"Well, as his teacher... I feel proud seeing his talent in Alchemy!"

Zhao Ying spoke "Not only Alchemy... you know he fought a woman levels above him and won." Xia Shenyi nodded her head "Only his cultivation is lagging behind in 1st level of Sovereign stage, but his combat prowess is nearly 9th level Sovereign stage."

Zhao Ying giggled "Yeah, when Sister Miya was talking about the fight, I was so excited... it's a shame that I couldn't see his fight."

"Talking about Sister Miya, see this Sister Shenyi..." Zhao Ying said and took her mobile phone showing the picture of Zhao Tian and Chi Miya kissing under the fireworks.

Xia Shenyi raised an eyebrow curiously looking at the photo "This mobile thing also works as an Envisage shard?"

"Envis-what?" Zhao Ying asked and Xia Shenyi spoke clearing her doubt "It is like a small artifact made from Astral stones, where it captures a moment and stores inside the gem. I can show it to you later."

Zhao Ying shook her head "Keeping that aside, Sister Miya called me as the first thing in the morning and bragged about how she got a cool shot of her kissing with Tian'er and she also kept it as her wallpaper." she spoke, her lips twitching in anger.

-_- "Well, if you want... you can ask Tian and take a cool shot like that."

"Hmph!" Zhao Ying snorted "That's what I have planned to do. I will make it look better than this..."

Seeing Zhao Ying pouting her lips, Xia Shenyi couldn't help but chuckle.


A while later, *pop* the cauldron opened revealing two green pills floating above the cauldron. Zhao Tian looked at the pill and frowned "Not bad for the first try I guess..." he just wanted to try this Alchemy because he was quite curious about it.

Xia Shenyi walked toward him with a smile and raised her hand as the pill floated to her palm. Holding the pill in her fingers, she nodded in satisfaction "Good job, my disciple..."

As she took another look at the pill. E-Eh? Huh? HUH? Her jaw dropped "What the?" she screamed in shock. Zhao Tian stood up and stretched his muscles. "Haah, what happened?"

"T-This pill has a 100 percent purity rate with no impurities." She spoke her mind confused by what's happening.

Zhao Tian frowned "Is it that big of a deal?"

"Of course it is. I have heard that only Empyrean flames can create a pill with 100 percent purity. This is the first time... Awesome." she spoke in awe looking at the pill.

"Well, I don't know about that. But I do know that my fire is potent," he said and raised his arm as the fire burned in his palm.

Xia Shenyi narrowed her eyes as she observed the flickering flame before her."It seems normal for me, but it can still make a pill of 100 percent purity, how?"

"Maybe because the fire was born from your physique?"

Zhao Tian just shrugged and Xia Shenyi spoke with a slight frown "If you refine the pills and give them to your women, it would be a lot helpful for them since there are no impurities."

"The Honoured One's physique is a cheat code!"

Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow upon hearing this. he just tried Alchemy for fun "Well, I'll refine pills for them to cultivate when I have time."

Reeling out of her shock, Xia Shenyi leaned on him a hint of curiosity in her voice "I wonder what secrets are still hidden in your body."

Zhao Tian just smiled, pulling her waist, and kissing her lips.

Retracting the kiss, a seductive smile appeared on Xia Shenyi's lips "Let's take a bath together."

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