I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 92: Into the Treasure room?

Chapter 92: Into the Treasure room?

As they continued walking through the pathway, Zhao Tian noticed the pathway getting narrow and he frowned his brows.

After some minutes of walking, Zhao Tian and Ling Xin glanced at a grand door at the end of the pathway adorned with gold and black.

Ling Xin's eyes sparkled with delight "Seems like we found the treasure room..." she exclaimed in excitement.

*creek* At this time Zhao Tian heard a faint sound and his lips twitched in frustration "Fuck!" he quickly scooped Ling Xin in his arms and hung her over his shoulder like a potato sack.

Ling Xin was startled by his sudden movement "W-What are you doing! Let me down..."

"Keep quiet, woman!" Zhao Tian muttered and dashed towards the grand door at his full speed. Ehhhhhhhhhhh! Ling Xin felt her world become a blur due to the incredible speed at which Zhao Tian was moving.

*CREEEKK* As Zhao Tian hurled towards the door, the walls on both sides began to move towards him quickly. Till now the paths are not narrowing, it is the walls that have been moving closer to them.

*CREEK* Zhao Tian glimpsed at the grand door and a concerned frown appeared on his face as the walls inched even closer. He can escape by entering the artifact but when he comes out he will appear in the same place he disappeared, that's how the artifact works, so he would appear in between crushed walls.

*swiish* As he hurled closer to the door, Ling Xin also noticed the walls inching closer to them almost crushing then "Ahhhhh!!!" she screamed in horror.

As Zhao Tian stepped in front of the grand door, *fwish* it instantly opened and Zhao Tian jumped in, narrowly escaping it by an inch before getting smashed between the walls *BOOM*

*thud* With a loud thud, they both tumbled to the ground, and Zhao Tian caught her in his arms to guard her from any injuries, Ling Xin too hurriedly clutched his neck and closed her eyes tightly.

"Haah!" "Haah!" Ling Xin panted heavily her heart pounding in her heart in panic, her fingers gripped onto his neck in fear and desperation.

As she was hugging him tightly, Zhao Tian could feel her two big balloons hitting his chest, her arms trembling as they tightly clung to him.. With a sigh, he softly patted her head "It's okay!"

"H-Hn." She timidly nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. As she was the one hanging on his shoulder, she was looking back and she knew it was just a split second before the walls closed right in front of her face, centimeters close.

She slowly opened her eyes to look at his face and her heart was still racing "I am alive, right?" Zhao Tian gave a nod "Yes, you are... so get up."

Only then did Ling Xin realize that she was hugging him tightly "Ah!" she quickly let go and rose to her feet from the ground.

Zhao Tian stood up and Ling Xin calmed down her heart as she gave a sincere bow to him "Thank you for saving me twice... Because of me, you also almost died there, I was a hassle still the end."

Zhao Tian brushed off the dust from his body and spoke "Keep your thanks for later, first let's enter the treasure room."

"Uhm, okay!" Ling Xin responded as she looked at another door in front of them.

*creek* Pushing the door open, Ling Xin's eyes widened in utter shock looking at the lump of treasures in there. Cultivational techniques, some weapons, pill bottles.

And as if that wasn't enough, nestled amidst the collection was a cluster of High-grade Astral Stones, that seemed to beckon Ling Xin closer.

Ling Xin eagerly made her way towards the Astral stones with stars in her eyes. "Why do they seem more refined than the normal ones? Is this a Higher grade."

If this is really a Higher grade, then cultivating while absorbing this Astral stone would increase the rate of cultivation and this is what Ling Xin needed the most right now.

Zhao Tian also strolled around the treasure room searching for anything valuable but nothing caught his eye, all these things here, he has high grades of them in his artifact.

Ling Xin who was excitedly looking through the treasure suddenly realized something. Zhao Tian is the one who actually opened the barrier and even found this treasure. Then doesn't that mean it all belongs to him?

She looked at the treasures with a heavy heart and called him "Um, Mr.Tian, the treasure all here should belong to you... because you are the one who found these so..."

It was regretful, but it had to be done.

Zhao Tian shook his head and spoke "Take any treasures from here, if you want take all of them... They are all rubbish!"

Wha- Ling Xin's jaw dropped as she again glimpsed at the Earth-grade sword in her hand 'T-These are all rubbish to him?'

"T-Then you don't mind me taking all of them?"

Zhao Tian casually nodded "Yeah..."

Ling Xin asked again just to confirm "T-Then you won't come again at me and beat me for these treasures?"

"As I said, take whatever you want... I won't beat you later. But I want this thing." he muttered as he raised his head looking at the ceiling.

Ling Xin also lifted her head and saw a black scroll perched on the ceiling. "What is that?"

"Who knows? Just have to check that out..." Zhao Tian muttered and with a surge of astral energy the black scroll fell down from the ceiling and Zhao Tian caught that.

Ling Xin also quickly moved beside him to see what was in that which even intrigued Zhao Tian who said all the treasures here were rubbish.

Ling Xin eagerly looked at the scroll "Do you think it is a powerful cultivation technique."

With a slight smile playing on his lips, he slowly opened the scroll. *woosh* Suddenly, a dazzling burst of golden light appeared from the scroll blinding their eyes.

And as the olden light diminished, Zhao Tian and Ling Xin hurriedly looked at the scroll to see what was written there. And what actually there is... Eh?

Blank? -_- ?

'There is fucking nothing here.' Zhao Tian cursed under his breath looking at the plain scroll. Huh? Ling Xin was dumbfounded seeing the plain scroll. Is this really a treasure?

She again asked, "Are you sure you don't want those treasures?"

Zhao Tian shook his head "Nah! You take them..."

"Then I will take all of them, hehe..." With a mischievous smile, she began to collect the treasures which is useful for both her and her Sect too.

Zhao Tian's eyes darted around the room, scanning for any additional treasures that may have been hidden from view. And as he tried to use his Astral Sense, he can use it now.

Hm... He scanned around the whole treasure room and a frown appeared on his face "Under?"

"There is actually a room under the floor," he muttered and scanned around if there was any way to go down but there were no ways or doors.

"You wait here for a while, I'll be back!" Zhao Tian said and Ling Xin was confused, "W-Wait, where are you doing?"

*flick* Zhao Tian directly teleported to the lower floor. His Space ripple steps have the power of instantaneous teleportation to short distances and he just now used it to bypass through the floor tearing the space.

*thud* He landed on the floor and looked around curiously. This place is not as luxurious as the treasure room, it looks rather simple and built with stones.

As he looked around the room, his gaze eventually settled upon a large rectangular box made of stone at the center of the room.

He walked closer to it and saw a large lid made of stone on top too. *creek* he pushed the lid open to see what was actually inside.

Huh? He was surprised to find out what was inside there.

Inside it, there was an armor suit enclosed in thick ice and he could tell that it was made for a woman just looking at the chest. He frowned looking at the armor "Is that hair?"

*treik* But at this time, Zhao Tian felt small movements from the armor and he was surprised. Is this shit alive or something?

I might release 5 chapters tomorrow if I had time!

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