I am a Big Villain

Chapter 144: The Abnormal Self-Salvation 3

Chapter 144: The Abnormal Self-Salvation 3

I'm sorry for disapper for a long time, I just recovered my health, but will fall ill again soon since I must travel while still unwell hiks hiks

Part 1 of the chapter for now

"Teacher Yan plays the piano really well."

Xu Duo's desk mate held her chubby face in both hands and looked admiringly at the man sitting in front of the piano playing.

Not to mention that children of this age were too young. In fact, at this age, children already have their own aesthetic vision. From head to toe, Yan Chu was in line with the little girl's imagination of Prince Charming. Above all, other teachers had no affinity with them, making many children consciously become his little fans.

Of course, the most important thing was that Teacher Yan could always bring out delicious candies, which was the most crucial thing for greedy children.

Xu Duo also found the pieces played by Yan Chu pleasant. He was currently playing the ending song of a popular cartoon. With his play, many children hummed along, and Xu Duo was no exception. The book that had previously covered her face was also slowly put down.

The time of this class was very short. Every time the children had the piano class, everyone hoped time could go slower.

"You are a bad child. You are not allowed to like Teacher Yan."

Just now, she quarreled with Xu Duo and sat at the same table. When Xu Duo also stared at Teacher Yan with big eyes, she pushed her with a pout, not wanting a bad child to like her favorite teacher.

"Hmph, what's so good about him? He's just a mute, and you idiots like him."

Xu Duo's temperament was like a hedgehog. When her deskmate said this, she immediately angrily retorted. However, as soon as she said this, she also regretted it. She did not truly want to scold this seemingly friendly teacher for being mute.

"Xu Duo, you are so mean! You are not allowed to curse Teacher Yan. You are a bad child, and I won't be your deskmate anymore."

Xu Duo's deskmate stood up angrily. This time, she pushed harder. If it was not for the fact that the children had no strength, Xu Duo might have been pushed down with a chair.

"Xu Duo is a bad kid, a bad kid."

Some students nearby also heard what Xu Duo said about Teacher Yan being mute and scolding them for being idiots. They did not like this student who had just transferred from another school, but now they disliked her even more. The children in front, back, left, and right are all stiff-faced, expressing their thoughts of not wanting to sit with her.

"I don't want to be your classmate."

Xu Duo, who got attacked by everyone, spoke stubbornly. But her red eyes showed that her current mood was not as indifferent as she had said.

Thinking that her deskmate had just pushed her, Xu Duo hesitated for a beat, picked up the thick book on the table, and threw it at her, just like her father hitting her mother at home.

The weight and edges of the book made it very painful if it really hit the child. And if it hurt the eyes or other sensitive parts, it would be even more troublesome. No one expected Xu Duo to explode abruptly, including the little girl who quarreled with her.


Before the book hit her, the little girl had already opened her voice and was about to cry. However, the next second she closed her eyes, she did not feel any pain. Instead, she threw into a warm embrace, which was sweet-smelling, with a hint of bamboo leaves and mint.

The little girl quietly opened one eye and realized that Teacher Yan was hugging her, and Teacher Yan blocked the book that Xu Duo had thrown at her.

"Teacher, she is very mean. She beats people."

The little girl felt she had found support and pointed to Xu Duo with her chest up to complain, "She even cursed Teacher as mute and us all idiots. We should drive her away, right? Let's not be friends with bad kids."

The children's world was either black or white. If they did not like something, they did not like it. They would not hide their thoughts.

"That's right. We don't want to be friends with her."

Some students felt that Xu Duo was too annoying to say this sentence from the heart, while others merely followed suit and thought it was fun to learn how to speak.

Xu Duo's fists clenched tightly, her mouth pursed into a line, and the corners of her mouth were drooping down, staring fiercely at all the classmates who scolded her.

"But Teacher saw it just now. It was Tiantian who pushed Duoduo first."

Yan Chu did not follow the child's wishes. He took out the tablet he always carried, typed a line of words, and then the voice played it.

Xu Duo initially thought this teacher would scold her indiscriminately, just like her father. It was better than the previous teachers, where she always got blamed for not being social and not playing with other children when she just wanted to be alone and peaceful. Whenever the teachers complained to her father and returned home, he would scold and beat her.

But she did not expect that this new teacher would honestly help her speak.

"That, that's because Xu Duo is a bad kid. I don't want bad kids to like Teacher, and she called Teacher mute and us idiots, so I pushed her."

The chubby girl pouted and looked at Yan Chu's penetrating eyes. She lowered her head guiltily, her voice becoming quieter as she spoke.

"But Teacher is mute. It is not a curse word, and Duoduo also is a very adorable little girl. Why do you say she is a bad child? Pretty little girls don't swear."

Yan Chu touched the two little knots on the chubby girl's head. After getting praised by the teacher she liked for being pretty, the anger she had just felt disappeared immediately. Although she still thought Xu Duo was a bad kid, that classmate named Tiantian generously apologized to Xu Duo, then looked at Teacher Yan eagerly, hoping he could praise her a few more words.

"Duoduo, look at Tiantian apologizing to you. Shouldn't you also say sorry for calling them idiots?"

Yan Chu took Xu Duo's hand and maintained the squatting posture with a warm smile.

"And if the book you threw hit Tiantian, Tiantian will be injured, just like Tiantian pushed you. If she pushed you to the ground, you would also be injured, right?"

The teacher's smile seemed to have magical power. Xu Duo was stubborn and refused to admit her mistake, but she could not help but apologize under Yan Chu's gaze. After apologizing, she was a bit puzzled why she said sorry.

"Alright, everyone said sorry. The two cute and beautiful little princesses will be good friends from now on."

Yan Chu seemed to be performing magic. He closed his hands, and a handful of candies was inside when he opened it again. The students in the class had seen the teacher's magic several times, but they still could not help being amazed. The classroom suddenly became lively.

The children in the school had good family conditions, and even the most expensive candies were not rare. However, this magical way of appearing made them taste better than other candies in their mouths.

And it was Xu Duo's the first to see such a scene, her eyes shining brightly, and she could not move away from the candy. She wanted to ask the teacher how he made the candy but could not.

More than twenty students in the class were given candy by Yan Chu, and Tiantian and Xu Duo were given an extra one.

"Teacher Yan asked me to be good friends with you, so let's be good friends from now on."

The chubby girl had candy in her mouth and muttered, "So in the future, you can't call me an idiot anymore, you know? Also, Teacher Yan likes me the most. You can't compete with me for Teacher Yan."

The little girl said clearly.

"Hmph, you can't call me a meanie then."

Xu Duo was impatient to make friends with this deskmate. Who would let her eat someone else's food and have to obey their order? Looking at the candy she solemnly placed on the table and reluctant to eat, she snorted and spoke.

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