I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 327: Third, Fifth, and Ninth Tier is exemplary

Chapter 327: Third, Fifth, and Ninth Tier is exemplary

Shu Pi was caught.

He held up the food, watching the five primitive women running towards him at full speed, his happy little tongue trembling.

He could experience that excellent taste again!

Smiling, he hung the food on the bodies of the primitive women.

Unexpectedly, after accepting his food, these primitive women didn't strip off their animal skins and lie down on the ground as usual but suddenly reached out and pinned him to the ground.

Shu Pi would run far away if time could turn back and never provoke these unfamiliar primitive women again.

As time passed, the people from this tribe should be returning soon. To Shu Pi's horror, these five women, whom he was familiar with, firmly held him down.

No matter how hard he struggled or pleaded, they refused to let go, holding him even tighter than when they sat on him in the small forest before.

In Shu Pi's extreme nervousness, the returning people from the tribe arrived...


Amidst the furious roar of the tribal leader and others, Shu Pi, covered in injuries, threw the rudimentary fish trap he had woven into the river.


Watching the fish leaping on the grass in front of them, everyone in the tribe was stunned.

The tribal leader picked up the rudimentary fish trap, holding it and loudly praising it...


With the vibration of the bowstring twisted from the inner fibers of the Shu Pi and the fluttering feathers of the wooden arrow, a bird with wings spread out, about a dozen meters away, squealed in protest and fell silent on the ground...


Once again, the surrounding onlookers exclaimed in amazement.

Shu Pi, holding his bow, looked somewhat smug.


The tribal leader snatched the bow from his hand, held it with awe and excitement, and examined it carefully.

Shu Pi didn't die. He lay on the hay and animal skins, looking at the cave above his head, blackened by smoke. One of his hands unconsciously stroked the soft chest of a primitive person lying beside him.

He had a tribe again, but the people in this tribe were not as numerous as those in his previous tribe.

They were far from the dreamlike Green Sparrow tribe.

However, no matter what, he had a tribe again, a cave to live in.

And he even had a spouse.

This spouse was the young primitive woman who had often taken food from him before she reached adulthood.

As he lay there, memories of everything he had seen in that tribe flashed.

He hadn't lived in the Green Sparrow tribe for long, but everything there was most vivid in his memory.

In the past, he had merely reminisced about the dreamlike life there, but now, his memories had acquired some other purposes.

The fish trap and bow and arrow he learned from that tribe saved his life and helped him establish himself here. This made him, who had tasted success, feel eager.

To die and still be able to produce that precious pottery... Wouldn't my status in the tribe be even higher?

When the time comes, not only can I sleep with the woman who became my spouse, but I can also give to more...

The people of the Green Sparrow tribe, where all this happened, were unaware. If it weren't for being occasionally used as negative examples in propaganda, they probably would have forgotten about the person named Shu Pi long ago.

They had their affairs to attend to, without much time to think about the person who had been exiled from the tribe and likely eaten by wild beasts long ago.

For the people of the Green Sparrow tribe, today was a day worth celebrating because the new houses they began constructing this year could finally be officially occupied.

Living in the newly constructed houses, the people of the original Bone tribe appeared particularly joyful.

They felt more comfortable living in houses they had built with their own hands.

In the newly built houses, not only the people of the original Bone tribe would live. Han Cheng naturally wouldn't overlook such a glaring loophole.

The integration of the tribes wasn't achieved overnight; it required starting from small matters and considering every aspect.

After the new houses were built, Han Cheng gathered the people of the tribe and, for very official reasons, reassigned the housing.

The old hands of the Green Sparrow tribe and the people of the original Bone tribe were mixed.

The ratio between old hands and newcomers was roughly two to one in each house.

Issues concerning the residents of the entire house being only from the original Bone tribe wouldn't arise.

It wasn't just housing; Han Cheng deliberately mixed the two groups even in daily labor.

The results were very significant. By now, there wasn't much difference between the two tribes anymore.

Whether it was lifestyle habits or clothing.

Of course, the people of the original Bone tribe weren't fluent in Mandarin.

Han Cheng believed that what appeared to be very crude stone sickles were popular in the tribe and received unanimous praise from all the settlers.

Now, the Green Sparrow tribe had a total of thirty-one stone sickles.

There were only five bone spades.

The scarcity was because these bone spades, which were used for weeding and loosening soil, were now unnecessary.

They would be useful once the new season's millet was planted next year, but there was no hurry to make them now.

Han Cheng stood on the tall wall, looking towards the west of the tribe. A group of people was digging there, almost reaching the edge of the western forest, two or three miles away from the tribe.

From the wall to the forest's edge, such a large area, less than a tenth of the land remained undeveloped!

Han Cheng led a group of people with disabilities yesterday and roughly measured it. The land for planting rapeseed and millet was included. The cultivated land of the Green Sparrow tribe now exceeds two hundred mu (133,333 square meters)!

It's only the beginning of July in the lunar calendar. Based on this progress, it's not a problem for the Green Sparrow tribe to have six hundred mu (400,000 square meters) of cultivated land before winter.

The potential and energy of people are enormous. Once their enthusiasm is mobilized, they can achieve astonishing feats.

Leaving aside other matters, just reclaiming land is enough to marvel at.

During the reclamation of Nanni Bay, some people from the Three-Five-Nine Battalion could reclaim ten mu (6666.666 square meters) of land in a single day, which is over five thousand square meters!

Such speed is naturally beyond the capabilities of the Green Sparrow tribe, which only has bone spades and stone sickles. However, on average, each person can reclaim about three mu (2,000 square meters) of land daily, which is still quite effortless.

The Green Sparrow tribe currently has eighty-five adults (thirty-one from the Bone tribe minus the Bone tribe leader and Shu Pi, plus two from the Qinghua and Qingcao tribes).

Excluding those engaged in other tasks, allocating thirty people for land reclamation is not a problem.

Now that the newly built houses are finished, many hands can be freed up for land reclamation, making the process even faster.

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