I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

As the light gradually dissipated, what appeared within the formation was a tall and slender goblin.

This goblin had a robust skeletal structure, with long limbs, and a pair of pale red eyes that stared intently at the ground.

Its lips curled up almost to the roots of its ears, revealing sharp teeth that gleamed with a cold light.

Master, this goblin mimicked Laurens way of addressing and knelt on the ground, prostrating itself at Lynns feet.

Lynn was momentarily taken aback, then a slight curve formed at the corner of his mouth as he looked down at the goblin on the ground.

From now on, your name shall be Redeyes, temporarily leading all the wanderers, Lynn declared.

Thank you for bestowing a name, Master. Redeyes is willing to devote everything to Master, Redeyes humbly replied.

It was evident that this goblin, now named Redeyes, was quite adept.

However, its only temporary. The capable rise, the weak fall. If you fail to perform adequately, you will be dismissed, Lynn stated casually.

Master, please rest assured! Redeyes raised its head, speaking with determination.

Hmm. Lynn emitted a sound of agreement from his nostrils.

It took quite some time to transform the remaining three goblins into goblin wanderers.

However, these goblin wanderers were not yet complete, as they lacked weapons and equipment.

Moreover, although they had learned magic, their proficiency was certainly not high, quite different from professional goblin wanderers.

Just like when Lynn first began mastering spells, there was a stark contrast between his spellcasting then and now.

Both the speed of spellcasting and accuracy, as well as the timing of spellcasting, had made significant progress.

Only through continuous training could the proficiency of spells continue to improve.

As Lynn looked at the four goblin wanderers, crouched on the ground with their toes curled, their eyeballs rolling around, he prepared to test their spellcasting abilities.

First, lets test your spellcasting abilities.

Lynn held the Goblin Wanderer Training Manual in his left hand, and the first spell being Trap Detection.

This test was impossible since there were no traps for them to detect.

Cast Shadow Stealth, Lynn ordered.

As the words fell, the four goblin wanderers walked to the nearby wall corner.

As they chanted the incantation, their bodies gradually faded.

Little by little, they disappeared into the shadows of the wall corner, making it impossible to distinguish them with the naked eye.

Lynn attempted to use his mental energy to scan, and under his mental scan, he noticed a dense shadow energy in the corner of the wall, much denser than the surrounding shadow energy.

Of course, this didnt necessarily mean anything. In fact, the concentrations of various energies in nature were not uniformly distributed.

Different regions naturally had different concentrations of various elemental energies.

For example, near a volcano, fire elemental energy would be abundant, while in the ocean, water elemental energy would be denser.

However, when Lynn carefully observed the four dense shadow energies with his mental energy, he noticed something unusual.

It was like planting a seed of suspicion in someones mind; no matter how they behaved, they would always seem suspicious.

Lynn found a very vague boundary within the shadow, forming a barrier with the surrounding shadow energy.

This barrier was very fuzzy and might be difficult for ordinary people to detect.

But for a powerful wizard with strong mental energy, it was observable.

However, ones subjective consciousness played a significant role. If one ignored their subjective consciousness, it would be easy to overlook this shadowy detail.

Next, the Sound Suppression spell was tested.

Lynn compared the distinctions between Sound Suppression when activated in Shadow Stealth state versus its operation when visible to the naked eye. 

Although theoretically the same, perhaps there was a visual deception effect caused by Shadow Stealth.

So, Lynn still felt that footsteps were lighter in the stealth state.

Shadow Stealth could last for a maximum of 30 minutes.

Sound Suppression did not completely eliminate all sound but formed a small soundproof membrane on the surface of the body.

This small soundproof membrane could limit the sound produced to some extent within the membrane.

For example, sounds like the friction of clothes, footsteps, heartbeat, and so on

The sound restriction of this spell was limited to 60 decibels.

The concept of 60 to 70 decibels was roughly equivalent to the sound of normal conversation.

In other words, as long as no sound exceeded the volume of normal conversation, there would be no sound transmitted.

This spell was quite reasonable; even if in stealth state, engaging in casual conversation with nearby companions would expose this spells limitations.

Following that was the final spell, Venom Extraction, which involves imbuing a weapon with a layer of poison or manually applying a certain poison to enhance its toxicity.

At the first stage, the extraordinary profession of goblin wanderer mastered only four spells.

Apart from the Trap Detection, which could be used five times daily, the other three spells could be used twice a day.

Then came the goblin wanderers own attributes: strength, agility, and stamina had all significantly increased compared to ordinary goblins.

This increase in strength noticeably boosted their combat capabilities.

Next up are the weapons for the goblin wanderers. Lynn has already handed over the weapon models to Bu, tasking him with trying to craft the weapons as quickly as possible.

While Lauren went ahead to teach these goblin wanderers the basics of their daily tasks, Lynn entered the Alchemy Laboratory.

It was time to see what was inside all those spatial items. Lynn first picked up the necklace.

He infused his mental energy into it.

Lynn perceives a faint and feeble mental imprint, belonging to the original owner.

However, with the owners demise, this mental imprint had grown even fainter.

After effortlessly erasing the mental imprint, Lynn infused his own mental imprint into it to examine the contents.

The space within the necklace wasnt large, roughly equivalent to a large storage box.

Most of the contents were miscellaneous items, with clothes being the most abundant.

Exquisite garments and accessories occupied nearly half of the space, followed by three exquisite small boxes placed in the corner.

Lynn summoned a goblin to help him open the boxes.

The first box revealed a soft red satin lining at the bottom, beneath which lay a partially broken magic stone, missing half a tooth.

Judging by how carefully it was stored, this half-broken magic stone had been cherished by its original owner.

The second box contained an intact medicinal material resembling tuber fleeceflower1.

Through his mental energy, Lynn sensed rich wood elemental energy within this medicinal material, indicating it was some kind of magical plant.

The third box held a metal emblem. After observing it for a while, Lynn found nothing unusual except for faint elemental energy fluctuations on the surface.

Lynn then proceeded to open the remaining two spatial items.

To his surprise, one of the spatial accessories contained a broken ax-shaped weapon.

Although it lacked a handle and half of the blade, the weight of the weapon suggested that after recasting, it could effortlessly produce several sets of weapons for the goblin wanderers.

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