I Am Doing Daily Tasks in the Wizarding World

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

Thats none of your concern, Harin replied, his gaze fixed on the mirror without turning back, his lips curling slightly in a cold arc.

Suddenly, Harin remembered something. His brows furrowed imperceptibly, and after a moment of contemplation, he took out a demon-shaped emblem from his pocket and held it in his palm. After a while, a crimson light illuminated the eyes of the demon emblem in Harins hand.

I heard that the Mechanist City this time seems to be related to their plan with their artificial alchemy gods, Diasterdan remarked.

It has nothing to do with us, Harin said casually, returning the emblem to his pocket. This matter is not something we can participate in. Its something the Mechanist City has been planning since the beginning of the seventh wizard era, involving numerous great wizards and legendary wizards. Its best for us to stick to invading other planes honestly.

You make a valid point. The idea of mass-producing artificial alchemy gods is utterly mad, Diasterdan exclaimed.

Wizard Harin, may I have a word? a voice came from behind.

Harin turned around to see an unfamiliar wizard.

I am from the Poplar Forest Wizard Tower. My name is Flott.

Whats the matter?

I have a nephew who has long admired the Abyss Wizard Academy but has never had the opportunity to join, Flott said humbly.

And then?

That person is my nephew. Would you mind evaluating his performance? Flott pointed to one of the images in the mirror.

Harin glanced at it briefly before retracting his gaze to continue observing Lynn. This is the Abyss Wizard Academy, not a rubbish dump. If he meets the standards, I will naturally accept him.

Flotts complexion turned pale, but he managed to force a smile. Okay, thank you for your time.

Some other wizards who had been prepared to approach for a conversation halted their steps upon witnessing this scene.

Watching Flotts retreating figure, Diasterdan couldnt help but chuckle softly. You really dont mince your words.

Hes just a first-level wizard, and if he truly has talent and strength, he doesnt need to take this shortcut, Harin said indifferently.

The Abyss Wizard Academy itself was a wizarding academy open to the public for enrollment. He welcomed all talented and ambitious wizards, as long as they met the criteria.

Wanting to take a shortcut meant that one didnt meet the criteria, and if they werent relatives or close associates, why would he take the risk of recruiting a student who didnt meet the criteria?

Diasterdan shook his head. He didnt approve of Harins way of doing things. While it might be straightforward, it also easily offends people. If it were him, even if he disagreed, he wouldnt refuse so blatantly.

After counting the corpses and loot on the ground and resting in place for a while, Lynn continued to explore forward with a group of goblins.

The path ahead gradually became shrouded in thick fog, and visibility gradually decreased. They should have reached the sea of clouds, and the journey ahead should be quick, Lynn estimated.

The dense fog around had a certain barrier effect on mental energy, making Lynn even more cautious.

By nightfall, Lynn found a recently cleared monster lair to rest in. The terrain of the monster lair was conducive to camping at night, as they only needed to guard the sole entrance.

Taking out the Magical Delicacy House, Lynn wondered why the wizard who had made this alchemical creation had chosen such a strange name.

This was a structure used to make food, requiring only mental energy and resources to operate.

Whether it was plant matter or the flesh of some kind of animal, or even soil, could be used to make food.

The food produced could be consumed directly, including food made from soil, but this kind of food generally had one issue.

That was, it lacked nutrition. It could turn most things into edible food to fill ones stomach, but it couldnt provide nutrients.

Here, nutrition refers to whether the raw materials used in cooking contain abundant energy or beneficial substances for the body.

Inside the Magical Delicacy House, which was about the size of a thatched hut, some goblins were working together to pour yellow clay into a container resembling a pot, then closing the lid.

Then Lynn infused mental energy into it. After injecting about 5 standard points of mental strength, the container started to operate.

This yellow clay could produce a kind of food that was yellow all over, like a pancake. It had a slightly bitter taste with a hint of sweetness. Lynn had tried a biscuit with a coffee flavor made from it before, which was the best way to fill the goblins hunger.

The goblins squatted in front of the Magical Delicacy House, waiting for the food to be made. Meanwhile, Lynn entered the Alchemy Laboratory to tally up the days harvest.

Taking out two pieces of magic armor accessories, Lynn also took out the remaining ores, extracted the ore powder, and modified the appearance of the magic armor.

After bustling for nearly half an hour, the work was finally done.

Lynn looked at the finished product with great satisfaction. Indeed, having a few extra skills came in handy at crucial moments.

Daily task completed: Experiment (1), Conduct a simple alchemy experiment.

Completion: Qualified.

Reward: 10 general experience points, 1% progress in alchemical studies.

This earring isnt bad. Lynn changed the color of the earring from its original to black, while also altering its shape into a hexagonal star.

Lynn didnt mind wearing the earring. After all, the structure of this magic armor was designed as an earring, and the magic matrix engraved inside had roughly fixed its structure. Changing the structure was beyond Lynns current alchemical abilities.

The earring was inscribed with a one-ring spell called Protective Shield.

The Protective Shield could form a shield to resist damage when the wearer was subjected to spells or physical attacks. Once the damage reached its limit, the shield would break. Additionally, the Protective Shield could only block damage from one direction.

The other magic armor was a necklace inscribed with a spell called Starlight Protection Net. The defense provided by the Starlight Protection Net was more comprehensive than the Protective Shield. Even among one-ring defense spells, this spell had outstanding defensive capabilities.

Moreover, this magic armor had an additional function. When its energy was depleted, the necklace could automatically absorb starlight from the sky to restore its energy, essentially allowing for self-repair.

Lynn dyed the necklace a different color, changing it from silver-white to black.

Heirlooms should retain the same color after all.

After examining their rings, Lynn found that apart from some miscellaneous items, most of them didnt contain anything valuable.

Whatever valuable items they had were likely already used. The only unused item was the magic scroll that Andina failed to use earlier.

Lynn examined it but couldnt discern the spell inscribed on it. Unfurling the scroll, he found the incredibly intricate patterns on it to be headache-inducing.

This was beyond his field of knowledge. Neither alchemical, nor mutation, nor undead studies had anything to do with this magic scroll.

But judging from Andinas previous reaction, what was sealed inside should be a damage-type spell. Lynn decided to keep the magic scroll. If the need arose, he could simply find a goblin wanderer and let it tear open the scroll behind the enemy when the time came.

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