I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 619: Moonlight Tales: Demons II

Chapter 619: Moonlight Tales: Demons II

2:35 PM, Sunday, February 14th.

It was a different Sunday from the rest in the entirety of the Sakura Abode Country.

Each cemetery around the country was crowded with people visiting their loved ones. Visiting Day was a sad and a happy date.

But for some people, it was harder than the others.

Jonah walked in the streets like a robot, he didn't even register where his feet were taking him.

It was almost the time that his sister said that they would visit their mother, but he still wasn't heading to the cemetery.

It seemed like Jonah would miss visiting his mom for yet another year.

It was at that moment that he suddenly found himself in front of a bright coffee shop.

[BlueCloud Coffee Shop]

He looked at the cool sign numbly as he realized that he hadn't eaten anything yet that day, so without hesitation, he entered the shop.

That Sunday afternoon, the shop wasn't as crowded, so Jonah only had to face a short line to order what he wanted.

As Jonah waited for the four people in front of him to place their order, he just numbly looked at a random place.

At that moment, he was making such a big effort to contain and seal all the pain and guilt inside of him that he was more absent-minded than normal.

But it was at that moment, waiting in line to place his order, that the lyrics and sound from the music being played in the coffee shop entered his ears.

Ironically, it was the word 'hate' that attracted his attention to the music.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you

But I was just kidding myself..."

That's right!

Before You Go by Moonlight (Lewis Capaldi) was being played in the BlueCloud Shop.

Ever since Moonlight's debut, the managers of each BlueCloud shop observed that the clients loved hearing Moonlight's songs, so they didn't stop playing even after the first week of promotions.

At that moment, the lyrics of the song started to break the wall inside Jonah's mind which retained all of his pain and guilt.

"Our every moment, I start to replace

'Cause now that they're gone

All I hear are the words that I needed to say."

It seemed as if the singer was speaking directly to Jonah as he sang those words.

For the first time in 5 years, the mask that Jonah wore on his face to avoid his past broke as he listened to the song.

"When you hurt under the surface

Like troubled water running cold

Well, time can heal, but this won't..."

Jonah's face broke in tears as he felt all the pain and guilt rushing through his veins.

'Yes, this pain won't heal...' He said to himself as tears painted his cheeks.

"So, before you go

Was there something I could've said

To make your heart beat better?

If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather..."

As he heard that, he remembered all the times he was rude to his mother.

He wondered if he hadn't said such hurtful things would his mother still be with him?

"So, before you go

Was there something I could've said

To make it all stop hurting?

It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless

So, before you go

Was never the right time, whenever you called

Went little, by little, by little until there was nothing at all

Our every moment, I start to replay

But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face..."

Every word that Moonlight sang was like sharp knives being shot into Jonah's heart.

He couldn't stop thinking about the look of pain he left his mother with the last time they


'Mom, I want to see you again...' He suddenly thought.

'No, I'll see you again!' He suddenly shouted inside his mind in a moment of clarity.

It was as if after 5 long years of blindness, he suddenly could see the world again.

Still crying, he ran away from the store in the direction of the cemetery where his mother was


"Mum, I'm coming. Wait for me!" Jonah said beneath his breath as he ran with all the force he

could muster.

He couldn't stop running!

He had to see his mother!

He had to tell her what he really felt!

The people looked at his running figure in the street and wondered why a man could be running as if he was running from his demons.

In a sense, he was indeed doing that.

At that moment, Jonah was running away from the demons that tormented him for the past 5


His luck was that he wasn't far from the cemetery, but as he neared the place, he had to face the droves of people who also wanted to visit their loved ones.

"Please, I'm late. I have to see my mom."

He would only that sentence as he asked people to make way for him.

After much struggle, he managed to enter the cemetery a couple of minutes before 3 pm.

He didn't waste time as he headed to where his mother was resting, and on the way, he saw

people crying and laughing as they visited their loved ones.

Some people celebrated the date while others mourned.

As if written by the stars, Jonah saw his family when the clock hit 3 pm.

He felt even more pain when he saw them, but the desire to see his mom was even bigger!

So, he took a deep breath before walking up to them.

"Hmm, hey, guys." He said awkwardly.

Everyone turned their eyes and became shocked when they saw him.

But soon after, they shouted and surrounded him.

"Little Jonah!"

"Big brother!"

"We missed you so much!"

Just like that, he was hugged by all of his family members in a giant hug.

At that moment, Jonah was overwhelmed by their love and by his own guilt.

"I know everyone wants a few explanations, but I really need to speak to Mom." Jonah said with a painful voice and with tears coming from his eyes.

Everyone could see that he was desperate, so they held in the words they were about to say.

They opened a path, and Jonah finally was able to see his mother's tomb.

He slowly walked to it when suddenly he fell down to his knees, he bowed until his forehead

touched the ground.

His family was taken by surprise by his actions.

Why was he bowing so hard?

"Mom! I have so much to say to you."

"But first, please, please, forgive me for the words I said before you left!"

"Please, Mom, I don't know how to live with the guilt and pain to know that you left this

world after said such cruel things to you!"

Jonah wailed between cries.

"For the past 5 years, the pain inside only grew as I couldn't stop thinking about what I said to

you.." He cried.

"I'm so sorry, Mom, for being a bad son. I think I never said how much I love you. But Mom, I love you so much that it seems like a part of me died on that day..."

"The worst part is knowing that you left this world still hurt by my words. Please... I don't

know what to do with this pain..." Jonah cried painfully.

As the family heard his painful cries, they finally understood what had been going on with

Jonah for the past 5 years.

It seemed like Jonah said cruel things to his mother just before the accident.

Everyone couldn't imagine the amount of pain that Jonah felt for the past years.

By the way he was crying painfully, it was a miracle that his mind hadn't broken with so much


It was at that moment that Annie, Jonah's sister, kneeled beside him and said, "Brother, I'd like to play the voice message that Mom left me just before the accident."

Jonah was crying so much that he could only simply nod with his forehead still on the ground.

Annie nodded and pressed the button on her phone, "Hey, baby, I'm going to the grocery

store, do you want something from there?"

At that moment, Jonah heard the beautiful and gentle voice of his mother.

It seemed as if time had stopped as he paid all of his attention to it. "Text me the items you want me to bring. Oh, if you see your brother, talk to him. Try to convince him

that he should go to the police academy. We had a conversation about it and he was as rebellious as ever." Mrs. Bates giggled over the phone, "He said so bad things, but I know he didn't mean that. After all, mothers know when their children lie. I still remember the times when he was just a kid when he would come to my bed when he was afraid of the thunder." She laughed happily. "Anyways, tell him that I love him, and the only thing I want is for him to live a better life. Okay, I

gotta go now. Oh, and don't need to be jealous, pokie. I love you so much! I can't wait for our girl's night later!"

The voice message ended with that.

It seemed as if her voice was the sunlight that burned all of the pain and guilt from his heart.

"Mom, you're such a beautiful person. A much better person than I ever could be..." Jonah


"Thank you for forgiving such a bad person as me. I don't deserve to be your son."

"I miss you so much, mom." Jonah finally said with a smile of gratitude.

Annie held her brother as the two of them cried.

Just like that, the family visited Mrs. Bates as a unity after 5 years.

Everyone told Mrs. Bates the latest gossip and news, and Jonah told his mother what he had

achieved in the past 5 years.

"I became a cop, Mom! Can you believe it?" Jonah laughed.

It was in such a way that Moonlight's voice shone on Jonah's life to change everything.

His song changed his life.

And this was just one of many examples of such happening.

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