I am The Villain’s Dad

Chapter 50:

Chapter 50:

Despite their good time together, Su Yuyang still wasnt allowed to stay at Dong Shufens house. Even if he slept with Tiantian, she didnt agree.

Her mind was very firm. She doesnt want to be with Su Yuyang again without having assessed her feelings clearly.

In that way, she wouldnt act irresponsible to herself and toward Su Yuyang.

She was no longer a little girl in her twenties. Many things had changed.

Facing her determination, Su Yuyang didnt stay long and just turned his head and went to hug his parents-in-laws thighs.

(TNote: hugging someones thighs = brownnosing/ curry favor with.)

Although they were technically former father-in-law and former mother-in-law, in the past two years, the two elders had long been convinced by him, treating him as their son-in-law. This method was something Su Yuyang couldnt pass on to his son.

There was nothing he could do about it. His sons parents-in-law were engaged in criminal investigation all day, and they were too busy. He cant use it this way.

Over time, Dong Shufen finally came to a decision, and with support from Su Yuyang, she signed up for dance classes and decided to take the dance qualification test again.

Xiao Su, I think you are spoiling Shufen too much. She is already a mother, how can she go jump around and dance? It doesnt pay much either.

Father Dongs heart felt uncertain.

Its okay, Shufen has four apartments in her hands, and she can support herself and her son by collecting rent in the future.

Su Yuyang, however, was full of confidence.

Ah? When did Shufen buy so many apartments?

Mother Dong was stunned. She was always aware of how her daughter was doing. How did she suddenly get from just coping to owning several more apartments?

I bought them for her, but she didnt want them. I could only sneak in a few assets, and more would go to her personally.

Although Su Yuyang earned a lot of money, he also gave a lot to charity, with some of them donated to the government to combat traffickers.

With that said, his life these past few years has been propped up by his real estate investments.

Fortunately, in this era, real estate was cheap, but the price increased rapidly. He made a lot of money this way.

Even though he had enough money to retire, since his son was interested in martial arts, he also joined in and learned with him. Now, he works as a teacher in a martial arts school, earning a salary that way.

How embarrassing is this

The vestiges of Father Dongs past grievances toward Su Yuyang now dissipated.

Since Su Yuyang broke off relations with the Su family last year and drove the Su familys eldest son and Mother Su out, Father Dong and Mother Dong slowly let go of their bad feelings and began to persuade their daughter to accept Su Yuyang.

Wasnt their divorce because of the Su family?

Now, Su Yuyang could earn money, take care of his family, and had cut off relations with his relatives. There was nothing else for them to pick on anymore.

They dont understand why their daughter kept dragging it on like this.

When they didnt want her to marry so quickly the first time, she stubbornly married even if she needed to force it to death. Now, they wanted her to marry but she didnt want to.

On the other hand, this Su Yuyang, when their daughter was much better to him, he was dissatisfied with everything all day long. Now that their daughter was lukewarm to him, he was very enthusiastic.

He even secretly bought apartments behind their daughters back and put them under her name.

They have never seen such a person in all their years of life.

Its only something someone would do after being dead set on their daughter, right?

It is nothing to be ashamed of, Father. The money I earned was originally intended for Shufen and Tiantian anyways. If they dont spend it, whats the point of me earning it?

Aiya, this son-in-law. I would have married him already by now.

Father Dong couldnt say anything for a long time, and Mother Dong couldnt help but whisper as such to her old man after holding back for a long time.

What are you talking about? Such a waste of your age!

Father Dong glared at her and shouted.

But in his heart, he thought, Not to mention you, if I were a woman, I would also want to marry him.

Why cant their daughter understand? Isnt this a rare thing? A big diamond class bachelor. What would she do if he was snatched away?

Su Yuyang, however, was in no hurry. If there were no other reasons, other men around Dong Shufen were secretly scared away by him.

Regardless, no matter how bad it was, there was still a strong assist from his son.

Xiao Dong, can I take you home?

As Su Yuyang waited outside Dong Shufen school with flowers, he saw a man wearing a white shirt, black pants, leather shoes, black-framed glasses and a big hairdo, pushing the glasses on the bridge of his greasy nose and coming out after her.

Dad, there are flies again.

Su Yaotian sighed.

He cant help it. Who told him his mother to be so beautiful?

In the past 2 years, his mother grew younger and younger, and the clothes she wore were fashionable pieces that his father bought from Beijing and abroad. Even the skin care products he bought for her were all foreign brands from TV advertisements.

At first, he felt good, and his mother became beautiful. How nice

Such a beautiful mother was his mother, and no one elses.

Unfortunately, he soon became depressed. His mother became beautiful, and many people around him wanted to be his father. He already had a father, and he only wanted one father, and didnt want so many others.

He hated those people.

It doesnt matter, Su Yuyang commented.

He didnt care. He had confidence in himself and Dong Shufen.

No, Ill just go back by myself.

Sure enough, Dong Shufen turned down the glasses man.

Hehe, Mom really likes Dad after all.

Su Yaotian stole the fun.

After that, they saw a tall, elegant man, who oddly looked like a TV celebrity, approached Dong Shufen from behind, holding an umbrella and reaching over Dong Shufens head.

Sorry, Classmate Dong has an appointment with me.

Dad, what does he mean?

Su Yaotian jumped out of the car, looking like he was going to fight.

Dont worry. Your Mom wont go with him.

Humph, an adult man, who plays an umbrella in broad daylight. He was so cringey even his wife wouldnt like this one.

Then, the father and son saw Dong Shufen obediently and coquettishly answered the man. Then, she followed the man as they walked away and further away

Did I just misread it?

This was the first time in Su Yuyangs life that he had been slapped so hard.

No Dad Mom went with him!

Su Yaotian also had a pale white expression. After this, his mother will find him a new father?!

Chase them!

Su Yuyang couldnt think about anything else as he stuffed his flowers into the back seat and buckled his son into the car, and chased after them with the car.

However, the two also got on a ride, and since it was at the peak of commuting, they lost them after a while.

Call her! Call her now!

Su Yuyang handed the phone to Su Yaotian.

Hey, Mom!

Su Yaotian gestured to his father to calm down with his eyes. Such a grown man, really

Even he didnt panic when he saw Xiaomei being given lollipops by other boys.

Tiantian, whats wrong?

Dong Shufen picked up the phone quite strangely. She remembered that she told Su Yuyang today that she was going to class and asked him to pick up her son.

Was he busy with his work and forgot about Tiantian?

Mom, I want to eat your ribs dish tonight. When will you come home?

Su Yaotian used his greatest move.

Since Su Yuyang had taken care of their mother and son, Dong Shufen rarely had the opportunity to cook, and Su Yaotian was usually very sensible and didnt need her to cook.

As a result, as long as Su Yaotian opened his mouth and said what he wanted to eat, Dong Shufen would fulfill his wish.

But Mom is outside now, chatting with an uncle. Mom cant come back yet.

Dong Shufen explained.

I can wait for you Mom. You can come back and cook after youre done chatting.

Su Yaotian glanced at his poor father. Its over. The TV says that the first step in a womans change of heart is a change in her habits.

For example, her son wasnt as important as the wild man outside.

No, Mom will be late today. Can you ask Dad to cook it for you?

Dong Shufen hesitated, but refused.

But Dad doesnt cook it well.

Su Yaotian could only conscientiously stain Su Yuyangs reputation.

Su Yuyang wasnt unhappy at this time. Instead, he gave his son a big thumbs up. Yes, its just a small stain, stained to death.

Stop that Tiantian. Your Dads ribs are better than what I cook. When have you ever left anything on your plate after? Be good, and Mom will cook it for you tomorrow. You should go to bed early today.

Dong Shufen was very used to her sons spoiled behavior.

Just, whats in front of her was very important as well, and she really couldnt miss it.

Dad, its over

Su Yaotian hung up the phone. His whole person fell into despair.

Ah? What did your mother say?

Su Yuyangs nervous dialect popped out.

She wants you to make me ribs.

The point is not the ribs! When will she be back?

Mom said she would come back very late and told me to sleep first.

Its over. Its over

In Su Yuyangs mind, he imagined the scene; Dong Shufen brought the man over one day and smiled at him as she said, This is my husband now.

In Su Yaotians mind, he imagined the scene; Dong Shufen brought the man over one day and smiled at him as she said, Tiantian, come and call him Dad.

Wuwuwu I dont want your Mom to marry someone else!

Wuwuwu I dont want to call other people Dad!

The father and son wept bitterly.

Stop! We can still get Grandpa to come forward!

Su Yaotian thought of the big friendly forces at home.

Unfortunately, the friendly forces didnt work either. Father Dong also got a rejection for an answer.

He also brought a message for Su Yuyang.

Xiao Su. Even if we cant have a father-and-son-in-law relationship anymore in this life, I will treat you as a son. Dont be sad.

What to do? After listening to this sentence, Su Yuyang wanted to cry even more.

No, I have to find your Mom and get her back!

As soon as Su Yuyang got anxious, he started to mobilize his connections.

In the provincial capital, he was at least considered to be a person who could call the shots. How could it be hard to find someone?

Whats more, Dong Shufen was his ex-wife who he had always wanted to remarry. She was the object of his pursuit, which almost everyone in the whole city knew about.

He didnt believe he couldnt find these two.

An hour later, Su Yuyang finally found Dong Shufen and the man who left with her.

The two were eating in a high-end restaurant, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere looked very good. Su Yuyang could even see the admiration and love in Dong Shufens eyes for the other.

Those eyes were bright, like the stars in the sky. He had never seen Dong Shufen look at him with such eyes.

Its over. Its really over His wife was really going to be snatched away from him! The original owner, do you really have nothing better to do? Divorcing your wife when it was good, and chasing your wife after you are dead in the ground ah!

He has worked hard for 2 or 3 years, but in the end, his wife still didnt want him.

As the saying goes, a good horse doesnt come back to the same pasture. If he was abused by the original owner, he wouldnt want him either.

(TNote: a good horse doesnt come back to the same pasture = one should not go back to ones past experiences.)

But what is the use of his resentment anymore, he now had to steal his wife back.

Only, he has never been able to solve the problems between a husband and wife and then smoothly get his wifes forgiveness. He has neither dealt with this kind of rival in love nor did he know where to start from.

As he stood there absentmindedly, he saw Dong Shufen over there stand up and walk over to him.

What a coincidence

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