I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 417: 263: Feng Zheng and the Devouring Gate’s Defeat

Chapter 417: 263: Feng Zheng and the Devouring Gate’s Defeat

Translator: 549690339

Devouring Gate.

Another member sect in the Martial Arts Association.

Compared to Power Sect or Yihe Gate, this sect, joining later, is not very noticeable within the Martial Arts Association.

Its Sect Leader, named Gourmand, met Li Wuji ten years ago and joined the Martial Arts Association at his invitation, establishing the Devouring Gate ever since.

Though their strength is mediocre and they have few disciples.

For Li Wuji, Gourmand respects him a lot.

Upon learning of the conspiracy between the Respected Elder and Xiang Li, he firmly stood by Li Wuji’s side.

On normal days, the two most impolite towards Xiang Li in the Martial Arts Association were Sun Yihe and Gourmand.

They would trip up the Power Sect behind the scenes while acting sarcastically in front of them, and the two had become quite skilled at it.

Xiang Li was not one to hide his anger.

Previously, he held back only because he had a plan and didn’t want a big fight.


He naturally would not let the Devouring Gate off so easily.

At this moment.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, the mountain range.


Footstep in contact with the ground.

A slight footstep sounds.

Although the sound is small.

In the quiet mountain gate, it seems particularly abrupt.

The visitor looks at the stone pillar not far away.

On the surface of the stone pillar is a word etched in a twisted way.

Devouring Gate.

The etching is very rough, as if dug out by someone’s finger.

It is quite consistent with the style of Gourmand, the Devouring Gate Master.

Behind the stone pillar is a winding and rugged mountain road.

Looking up, one can vaguely see the buildings on the top of the mountain.

After one glance,

the visitor retracts his gaze.

“Let’s go.”

Time is pressing.

He doesn’t plan on delaying too much.

Footsteps sound again.

A total of four people.

Just like that, they swaggered into the mountain gate of the Devouring Gate.

The visitors,

are those of Power Sect who were responsible for dealing with the Devouring Gate.

Power Sect’s Second Elder, Feng Zheng.

Behind him are their three disciples.

Just a few people alone,

They would not dare challenge the mountain gate of Devouring Gate in the past.

But today is different.


The sound of breaking air cuts through the dark night.

The four people turn into shadows without any hesitation, rushing towards the top of the mountain.

On their way,

There is no trace of human activity.

The scene is nothing like a thriving sect’s should be.

But, about what was seen,

Second Elder Feng Zheng seemed unsurprised.

He just continues to climb up expressionlessly.

In a short time,

As they get closer and closer to the summit,

Faint wails penetrate their ears and gradually get clearer.

Hearing this sound,

The corners of Feng Zheng’s mouth curl slightly up.


They soon reach the summit successfully.

The vast and spacious square comes into view glaringly, no longer obstructed by the mountain road and trees.

The first wail they heard originates from this square.

A massive flesh mountain stands in the center of the square.

By his side.

There are piles of small and large flesh mountains.

Some have fallen unconscious, losing consciousness.

Some are still conscious, but their injuries are too severe to move.

These flesh mountains are all Devouring Gate disciples.


There are also some Holy Sect personnel wearing animal masks.


Compared to the Devouring Gate disciples,

These Holy Sect personnel’s fate is much more tragic.

There are almost no unharmed bodies.

Large numbers of severed limbs and arms are scattered around the square.

The fresh blood that flows hasn’t dried yet, staining the originally grayish-green bricks blood-red.

The perimeter of the square is filled with a strong smell of blood.

It has not dissipated for a long time.

“You’re here?”

“I’ve been waiting for you bunch of two-faced dogs for a long time.”

At this moment.

The immense flesh mountain in the center of the square speaks.

His voice like thunder,

The eardrums of everyone present tremble a bit.

While speaking,

It seems Gourmand is stuffing something into his mouth with his hands.

On that face full of piled-up fat, one could faintly see traces of blood.

Then they glance at the Holy Sect personnel around, all of them in broken shapes.

Behind Feng Zheng,

Hearing the three direct disciples exchanging glances,

Their hearts become cold.

The Devouring Gate Master seems to be eating…

This matter,

Even in Power Sect, it was absolutely taboo.

The huge flesh mountain is Gourmand, the Devouring Gate Master.

By daily routine, he appears as a sluggish, obese guy

No one would fear him a bit.

But today,

Just standing in front of him,

The three people feel like facing a ferocious beast.

The fierce aura coming head-on makes their hearts tremble.

At this moment,

Feng Zheng snorts coldly.

An aura of strength bursts forth from him.

The atmosphere clashes,

In the silent night,

The chill spreads.

“Gourmand Sect Master, you’re quite confident.”

“Looking at the injuries of your disciples and elders, it seems they’re all caused by you.”

“Do you plan to deal with us four by yourself?”

“Why not?”

When faced with Feng Zheng’s question,

Gourmand laughs softly.

“You bunch of dogs,”

“I alone am enough.”

The voice has just risen, not yet fallen,

A sudden thunder booms next to the ears.


That massive flesh mountain, which had always been squatting in the center of the square, suddenly explodes at an astonishing speed at this instant.

His figure instantly turns into a shadow, aiming straight for Feng Zheng.

Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey,

A gust of blood-stench wind blows right towards Feng Zheng’s face.

“Master, be careful!”

The disciples behind him reveal horror, exclaiming in alarm.

But Feng Zheng remains calm,

Just standing quietly in place, his eyes always fixed on Gourmand.

During the charge,

Gourmand’s figure changes rapidly.

His originally obese figure quickly condenses in the blink of an eye.

It does not shrink,

but turns the excess fat into muscle.


By the time Gourmand closes in on Feng Zheng,

He no longer looks as bloated as before.

Now, with muscles like boulders twisted around every part of his body

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