I Became a 6★ Gacha Character

Chapter 198: Temporary Companion and Development 3

Chapter 198: Temporary Companion and Development 3

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Even though the naga had turned pitch-black and seemed incredibly strong, it couldn't just effortlessly scout the 40th floor in a day.

After spending a whole day exploring the 40th floor and then heading to the meeting place by using Han Se-ah's minimap, the pitch-black naga just shook its head.

Well, it had taken a week just to uproot the trees below the 39th floor.

If we could find the actual boss monster in half a day after spending a week dealing with production bases below, it wouldn't make sense.

Perhaps that's why, instead of viewers complaining about boredom, more of them felt relieved that Han Se-ah hadn't yet found the boss.

Of course, there were even more viewers who found joy in teasing her.

"Hmm, if it's a big one, it should be easy to spot."

"Maybe it's not a tree, but something else."

"What else could it be?"

"...Maybe it's hiding underground, like roots?"

While looking around, I overheard the conversation between Katie and Han Se-ah.

Katie was looking up high, thinking that the 40th floor's boss monster might also be a giant tree, while Han Se-ah was timing the right moment to pave a path, examining the ground.

Roots, hidden underground roots...

Could it be?

In fiction, whenever there are undead or infected breeding grounds, they are often set in ant-hill-like places, churning out monsters.

This time, the breeding ground took the form of tree trunks and fruits, and the boss-grade production base might be deeply rooted underground.

-A monster factory underground like ant hills... A predictable development.

-Reminds me of the Huntahunta Chimera anthill from Ilgashi's novel.

-What is that, you otaku?

-As usual, you normies don't know because you're too busy doing normie things.

-Definitely seems possible to be underground, doesn't seem like it would be blatantly above ground.

It's common to imagine that sinister and dark beings prefer to hide in tunnels, caves, or gloomy secret bases rather than boldly roaming in broad daylight.

The source of contamination might well be hidden under the poison marsh.

We may need to enter an underground area, accessed through a tunnel concealed by tree roots.

With this line of thought, Han Se-ah spoke simultaneously to the viewers and Katie, prompting nods from Irene and Grace.

The tree that breeds trolls is already as tall as a building, and the one that breeds doppelgangers is almost the size of an apartment building.

To put it simply, these creatures are on the level of villas, apartment buildings, and even as tall as the 63 Building.

If there were trees taller than these, then the porters heading to the 43rd floor would have discovered them first.

If it's bigger than the 63 Building, then it would be on the level of the Lotte World Tower, which, as far as I know, can be seen from everywhere in Seoul unless it's obscured by mountains or buildings.

"The tree on the 35th floor was so massive that we saw it immediately."

"If there was such a gigantic tree on the 40th floor, that black Naga warrior would have found it right away. Even if it's not underground, it might be much smaller in size."

If it's so big that it can be seen even from Gyeonggi Province, then here, in this open area free of buildings and trees, it should be even more visible.

It's clear that it is not in the form of a towering tree.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is that there is a hidden space underground, as Han Se-ah mentioned.

It might be that I'm thinking too much based on games and web novels, but this world is, after all, within a virtual reality RPG called Heroes Chronicle.

A marsh ravaged by poison.

Undead moving slowly amidst purple neurotoxin and black paralyzing poison, doppelgangers imitating humans, and pale vine tentacle monsters hiding within them.

Add to this the tree that spawns monsters and an ant hill-like dungeon hidden under its roots, wouldn't that be perfect?

The likelihood of the source of evil being underground is even higher now.

If the land is entirely contaminated like this, it's more likely that the contamination started from underground."

It's dangerous when everyone starts advocating the same opinion in a discussion, something about needing a person to say NO in meetings...

I think I learned that in a university elective.

But with viewers included, we're talking about tens of thousands.

At this point, it must be alright.

I can't get rid of the thought that there might be a tunnel entwined in the roots of an ashen tree, all thanks to Han Se-ah.


Raei Translations


It's been three days since we first met the black Naga warrior.

Did you find a suspicious-looking tunnel?


Unlike our party, which couldn't find anything despite being guided by a scout specialized in lifeform detection, the Black Naga seems to have discovered something.

Specifically, the mysterious tunnel we were fervently discussing as a topic of conversation.

Naturally, this is inside the Tower, a floor modeled after a marshland.

Its strange to have tunnels only on the 40th floor when none were found from the 31st to the 39th floors.

The presence of a tunnel amidst a space filled only with poison ponds, paralyzing mud marshes, and ashen trees is over 1000% suspicious.

Obviously, zombies, skeletons, and bomb trolls dont dig tunnels, and doppelgangers are half-useless without the vine tentacles inside them.

As expected, they were hiding underground.

-Did you, expect this? Combining, wisdom and, bravery...

The thin-eyed Naga warrior seems surprised, probably because the secret place he spent three days searching for was anticipated by our party members.

Its actually thanks to Han Se-ah, familiar with games, manga, and novels.

Even if Heroes Chronicle is the world's first virtual reality RPG, how much of the story is fully unique?

The firsts are the virtual reality aspect, human-like NPCs, and NPCs like Roland, created through soul kidnapping, not the story part.

A streamer familiar with such things brings up the theory, and tens of thousands of viewers steeped in the same culture lend their support.

Simple opinions quickly become accepted truths.

While this can dangerously narrow thinking, sometimes the simplest thoughts are the most correct.

"So, where is it?"

-Follow, me. Ill, guide, you...

With an expression of admiration, yet seemingly dissatisfied, the Black Naga taps the dirt with its tail and responds.

Its large snake-like lower body smoothly moves over the dirt path, slithering across the paralyzing mud marsh.

It must be an upper-tier being capable of externalizing magic.

Considering its slithering over the mud marsh with a body weight at least twice that of a human, it's also skilled in techniques.

In this fantasy world, humans are so frail!

Even though I might win in a fight, I cant walk over the mud marsh.

Isnt this due to racial differences?

-Right there, that place...

Its quite, narrow, isnt it?

-Yes, its, too small, for me, to enter...

Lost in my own rationalization while following the Black Naga, Han Se-ah's earth path leads us to a tunnel.

As she mentioned, under the roots of an ashen tree that the temple hasn't yet eradicated, there's a dark pit.

In 21st century South Korea, this would be considered a small hole, maybe enough for a raccoon to live in.

No wonder the Black Naga seemed displeased.

Honestly, without Han Se-ah's Earth Control, even a human might struggle to enter this cramped tunnel.

The Black Naga, with its broad shoulders and large snake-like lower body, couldnt possibly dig through without a bulldozer.

-The wind, it flows, from inside the tunnel

Youre right. It doesnt seem like a hole formed by the mere collapse of dirt. There's air flowing periodically from inside, it's probably spacious in there and possibly other entrances as well.

Grace, having fully let down her guard around the Black Naga warrior after several encounters, naturally approaches the tunnel entrance and reaches her hand in.

As a 4 scout with a passive skill leaning towards detecting lifeforms, she surely wouldnt miss something right in front of her in a tunnel.

Sensitive to the flow of the wind like a true hunter, she nods in agreement with the Black Naga warriors observation, prompting Han Se-ah to confidently raise her staff.

Then lets open the entrance. We have enough food in our inventory, so we can start exploring right away. If it turns out to be too big for us to handle, we can call for the temple knights.

We bought plenty of food thinking this exploration might take a while.

-mage, can you, make the path, wider...?

Earth Control, usually used just to create paths or dig pits under the feet of doppelganger robbers, is actually a mid-tier magic capable of manipulating the earth's surface.

Naturally, it's possible to widen the narrow tunnel entrance into a cave large enough for people to walk through.

However, this would completely drain mana, leaving one unable to even participate in combat

But isnt that what a mage is for, making the impossible possible?

The Black Naga warrior's tail tapping stops as Han Se-ah declares her plan to open the path.

It humbly bows its head towards Han Se-ah's staff, puffing through its nose, looking rather desperate.

Im not sure how far well need to dig, so I plan to make it just wide enough for us to stoop through. That will be extremely uncomfortable for you Are you sure that's okay?

-For salvation, I'll endure, crawling on the, ground...

Han Se-ah, who had proposed creating a wide tunnel, falls silent at the sight of the Black Naga.

Lying flat on the ground, ready to crawl, the creature made her reconsider the risk of depleting her mana.

A warrior who had effortlessly moved over the mud, now slithers over it like a snake.

It presses its belly to the dirt, moving its human-like upper body in a snake-like manner.

Hearing Han Se-ah quietly murmur to the viewers, I almost nodded in agreement.

How desperate must a warrior be to lay on the ground and move like a snake?

Is it rude to think that the warrior, who had lived a life on the battlefield, looks almost like a dog expecting a treat as he lies in front of the tunnel, head thrust forward?

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